Nowadays, Vladikavkaz is a topic that has captured the attention of people from all over the world. With its impact on society, economy and culture, Vladikavkaz has generated growing interest in its study and analysis. From its historical origins to its relevance in the modern world, Vladikavkaz has left a lasting mark on different aspects of everyday life. In this article, we will further explore the importance and influence of Vladikavkaz, as well as its implications for the future.
Terek River view, Bai Gora in Kosta Khetagurov Park, Musical theatre, Dzaugu Búgulov statue, Sunni mosque at night, Lutheran church, Symbol of Vladikavkaz, Train station, Corner of Prospekt Mir and Gogol, Monument to Nart Soslan on Prospekt Mira, Learning Campus
Vladikavkaz,[b] formerly known as Ordzhonikidze (Орджоники́дзе) or Dzaudzhikau (Дзауджикау), is the capital city of North Ossetia-Alania, Russia. It is located in the southeast of the republic at the foothills of the Caucasus, situated on the Terek River. The city's population was 295,830 as of the 2021 Census. As a result, Vladikavkaz is one of the most populous cities in the North Caucasus region.
The name Vladikavkaz, derived from the Russian language, literally means "ruler of the Caucasus".
The Ossetian name Dzæwdžyqæw/Dzæwægighæw literally means "Dzaug's [ru] settlement".[14][15][16]
In 1911, Dmitry Rakovich [ru] wrote that the Ossetians prove that fortress was founded on the site of the Ingush village Zaur by the name of Vladikavkaz in the Ossetian language:[17]
" their name of Vladikavkaz Dzaudzhi-Kau, the Ossetians confirm this opinion, since Dzauag is a proper name Zaur, and Kau means a village; otherwise - the village of Zaur."
In 1931, at the suggestion of the Ingush Regional Executive Committee, the city of Vladikavkaz was renamed Ordzhonikidze in honor of the Soviet political and military leader Sergo Ordzhonikidze, who during the Civil War established Soviet power in the region.
In 1944, after the deportation of the Chechens and Ingush, the city of Ordzhonikidze was renamed the city of Dzaudzhikau, and in 1954 again Ordzhonikidze.[18] In 1990, the city acquired a double name, Vladikavkaz in Russian and Dzaudzhikau in Ossetian.
The second part of the name Dzaudzhikau, i.e Kau (village), is a cognate of the word āguv (village) in the Eastern Iranian language of Khotanese Saka and the Avestangava (district)[19]
The city was founded in 1784 as a Russian fortress at the entrance to the Darial Gorge near to the Ingush village Zaur,[20][21][22] which had the purpose of serving as an outpost for the routes of communication between Russia and Georgia.[23] But according to a lot of other sources, Vladikavkaz was founded on the site of the Ossetian village of Kapkai.[24][25][26][27]
The Georgian Military Highway, crossing the mountains, was constructed in 1799 to link the city with Georgia to the south, and in 1875 a railway was built to connect it to Rostov-on-Don and Baku in Azerbaijan. Vladikavkaz has become an important industrial centre for the region, with smelting, refining, chemicals and manufacturing industries. During the Russian Empire, the settlement was the administrative capital of the Vladikavkazsky Okrug of the Terek Oblast.
Vladikavkaz was fought over in both the Russian Civil War and World War II. In February 1919, the anti-Communist Volunteer Army under General Anton Denikin seized the city, before being expelled by the Red Army in March 1920. In early November 1942, the forces of Nazi Germany tried unsuccessfully to seize the city but were repelled by the Soviet army. The Nazis left North Ossetia in January 1943.
On 26 November 2008, Vitaly Karayev, the mayor of Vladikavkaz was assassinated by an unidentified gunman.[28] On 31 December 2008, his successor, Kazbek Pagiyev, was also assassinated by unidentified gunmen.[citation needed]
Vladikavkaz is home to one of the World's most prestigious Freestyle Wrestling academies, opened in February 2016:[31] The Wrestling Academy of Aslan Khadartsev - the biggest wrestling academy in the South of Russia.[32] It provides access to a number of facilities including a swimming pool, sauna, gym, personal dietitians, dorm rooms (which include a TV, comfortable beds, wardrobes, en-suite bathroom and showers),[33] for 45 athletes and the main training hall, consisting of six mats- this academy is capable of hosting 250 wrestlers at one time. There have been many Olympic, World and European champions training at the academy: Soslan Ramonov, Zaurbek Sidakov, Artur Naifonov, Chermen Valiev, Khetag Tsabolov are just some of the successful athletes in recent times to train and represent the academy. This academy is also home to the Freestyle team of North Ossetia, to ensure a high-level of preparation and coaching is given to aid success in international and domestic tournaments.
Notable structures
The Mukhtarov Mosque, built in 1906, dominates the city.
In Vladikavkaz, there is a guyed TV mast, 198 meters (650 ft) tall, built in 1961, which has six crossbars with gangways in two levels running from the mast structure to the guys.
The city's primary religion is Eastern Orthodox Christianity, which is followed by the majority of Ossetians, Russians and Georgians. The rest of the Ossetian population adheres to the next largest religion, Sunni Islam, and to Uatsdin, an Ossetian folk religion, which is followed by 29% of the population nationwide. The remainder follow Protestantism, Armenian Orthodoxy and other beliefs.
Alexander Kemurdzhian (1921–2003), Soviet mechanical engineer, best known for designing Lunokhod 1, the first ever planetary rover for space exploration[37]
"Сегодня мы празднуемъ 50-летіе города Владикавказа. Раньше, на томъ мѣстѣ, гдѣ нынѣ расположенъ г. Владикавказъ, существовалъ ингушскій аулъ Зауръ, но въ 1784 г., по распоряженію князя Потемкина, на мѣстѣ, гдѣ существовалъ этотъ аулъ, для охраненія Военно-Грузинской дороги, служившей единственнымъ удобнымъ путемъ для соединенія съ Закавказьемъ, была устроена крѣпость Владикавказъ, а въ 1785 г. по указу Императрицы Екатерины II, отъ 9 мая, въ крѣпости была выстроена первая православная церковь. Какъ только была устроена эта крѣпость, часть осетинской народности спустилась съ горъ и поселилась у стѣнъ этой крѣпости, подъ защитою мѣстныхъ войскъ. Образовавшійся осетинскій аулъ сталъ называться «Капкай», что въ переводѣ на русскій языкъ означаетъ «Горные ворота»."
"...на том месте, где стояло селение Зауръ, была воздвигнута русскими сильная Владикавказская крепость... В некоторых печатных источниках говорится, что Владикавказская крепость была построена на месте осетинского селения Капъ-Кой. Это не так. Правый берег Терека принадлежал, какъ это мы видили ингушамъ и кистамъ; не могли осетины на чужой земле враждебных имъ племен иметь свой аулъ; наконец своим наименованіем Владикавказа Дзауджи-Кау, осетины подтверждаютъ это мненіе, т. к. Дзауагъ — есть имя собственное Зауръ, а Кау — значитъ селеніе; иначе — селеніе Заура."
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Верховный Совет Республики Северная Осетия. 12 ноября 1994 г. «Республика Северная Осетия-Алания. Конституция.», в ред. Конституционного Закона №5-РКЗ от 4 декабря 2013 г. «О внесении изменений в Конституцию Республики Северная Осетия–Алания». Вступил в силу 7 декабря 1994 г. Опубликован: брошюрой "Конституция Республики Северная Осетия–Алания". (Supreme Council of the Republic of North Ossetia. November 12, 1994 Republic of North Ossetia–Alania. Constitution., as amended by the Constitutional Law #5-RKZ of December 4, 2013 On Amending the Constitution of the Republic of North Ossetia–Alania. Effective as of December 7, 1994.).
Закон №34-РЗ от 9 июля 2007 г. «Об административно-территориальном устройстве Республики Северная Осетия-Алания», в ред. Закона №44-РЗ от 12 ноября 2013 г. «О внесении изменений в Приложение к Закону Республики Северная Осетия–Алания "Об административно-территориальном устройстве Республики Северная Осетия–Алания" и Закон Республики Северная Осетия–Алания "Об установлении границ муниципального образования Алагирский район, наделении его статусом муниципального района, образовании в его составе муниципальных образований — городского и сельских поселений"». Вступил в силу со дня официального опубликования. Опубликован: "Северная Осетия", №148(24949), 16 августа 2007 г. (Law #34-RZ of July 9, 2007 On the Administrative-Territorial Structure of the Republic of North Ossetia–Alania, as amended by the Law #44-RZ of November 12, 2013 On Amending the Appendix to the Law of the Republic of North Ossetia–Alania "On the Administrative-Territorial Structure of the Republic of North Ossetia–Alania" and the Law of the Republic of North Ossetia–Alania "On Establishing the Borders of the Municipal Formation of Alagirsky District, Granting It the Status of a Municipal District, Establishing Municipal Formations—Urban and Rural Settlements—Within Its Structure". Effective as of the official publication date.).
Закон №10-РЗ от 5 марта 2005 г. «Об установлении границ муниципального образования город Владикавказ, наделении его статусом городского округа», в ред. Закона №34-РЗ от 19 июля 2006 г «О внесении изменений в Закон Республики Северная Осетия-Алания "Об установлении границ муниципального образования город Владикавказ, наделении его статусом городского округа"». Вступил в силу 1 марта 2005 г. Опубликован: "Северная Осетия", №43 (24344), 15 марта 2005 г. (Law #10-RZ of March 5, 2005 On Establishing the Borders of the Municipal Formation of the City of Vladikavkaz and On Granting It Urban Okrug Status, as amended by the Law #34-RZ of July 19, 2006 On Amending the Law of the Republic of North Ossetia–Alania "On Establishing the Borders of the Municipal Formation of the City of Vladikavkaz and On Granting It Urban Okrug Status". Effective as of March 1, 2005.).