The Future Film Festival (FFF) is an international film festival dedicated to animation and special effects, held annually since 1999 in Bologna, Emilia-Romagna.
The press center, media accreditation office, round tables, and relaxation area are grouped in the "Future Village", located in the Palazzo Re Enzo on Piazza Nettuno. Giulietta Fara[1] has been the director of the Future Film Festival since 1999.
It's a film festival - open to professionals, enthusiasts, and the simply curious - whose aim is to discover and promote animation and new technologies applied to cinema, particularly among young audiences and artists from different cultures and nations.[2]
The competition features a selection of feature films and a selection of shorts, screened in one or more downtown cinemas. Prizes are awarded for the best use of new digital technologies, and the "Grand Prix Platinium[3]" is awarded to the best film in the competition.[4]
The fourteenth edition occurred from March 27 to April 1, 2012 and The 22rd edition occurred from 21 September to 2 October 2022.[5]