- Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: "Psychics" – Dave Saretsky, August Yuson, John Harrison, Dante Pagano, Jake Hoover, and Phil Salanto (HBO)‡
- The Big Bang Theory: "The Stockholm Syndrome" – John D. O'Brien, John Pierre Dechene, Richard G. Price, James L. Hitchcock, Brian Wayne Armstrong, and John E. Goforth (CBS)
- Conan: "Episode 1232" – Iqbal S. Hans, John Palacio Jr., Seth Saint Vincent, Nicholas Kober, Ken Dahlquist, James Palczewski, and Ted Ashton (TBS)
- The Late Late Show with James Corden: "Post AFC Championship Show with Chris Pratt and Russell Wilson" – Oleg Sekulovski, Taylor Campanian, Joel Binger, Scott Daniels, Peter Hutchinson, Michael Jarocki, Adam Margolis, Mark McIntire, Jimmy Verlande, and John Perry (CBS)
- Saturday Night Live: "Host: Adam Sandler" – Steven Cimino, Frank Grisanti, Susan Noll, John Pinto, Paul Cangialosi, Len Wechsler, Dave Driscoll, and Eric A. Eisenstein (NBC)
- The Voice: "Live Finale, Part 2" – Allan Wells, Terrance Ho, Diane Biederbeck, Danny Bonilla, Manny Bonilla, Robert Burnette, Suzanne Ebner, Guido Frenzel, Nick Gomez, Alex Hernandez, Marc Hunter, Scott Hylton, Katherine Iacofano, Scott Kaye, Steve Martyniuk, Jofre Rosero, and Steve Simmons (NBC)
- The Late Late Show Carpool Karaoke Primetime Special 2019 – Oleg Sekulovski, Taylor Campanian, Joel Binger, Jim Velarde, Edward Nelson, Mark McIntire, Adam Margolis, Jorge Ferris, Mike Jarocki, Peter Hutchison, Charlie Wupperman, Joshua Gitersonke, Ian McGlocklin, Doug Longwill, Joshua Greenrock, Trace Dantzig, William O'Donnell, Max Kerby, and Scott Acosta (CBS)‡
- The Kennedy Center Honors – Eric Becker, J.M. Hurley, Susan Noll, Rob Balton, David Eastwood, Patrick Gleason, Danny Bonilla, Charlie Huntley, Helene Haviland, Steven R. Martyniuk, Jay Kulick, Freddy Frederick, Jimmy O'Donnell, Lyn Noland, Mark Whitman, and Easter Xua (CBS)
- The Oscars – Kenneth Shapiro, Eric Becker, John Pritchett, Terrence Ho, Guy Jones, Keith Winikoff, Ralph Bolton, David Carline, Bob Del Russo, David Eastwood, Suzanne Ebner, Freddy Frederick, Shaun Harkins, Garrett Hurt, Jay Kulick, Tore Livia, Allen Merriweather, Lyn Noland, George Prince, Dan Webb, Rob Palmer, David Plakos, Easter Xua, Rob Balton, and Danny Bonilla (ABC)
- RENT – Eric Becker, Charles Ciup, Emelie Scaminaci, Chris Hill, Bert Atkinson, Nat Havholm, Ron Lehman, David Levisohn, Tore Livia, Adam Margolis, Rob Palmer, Brian Reason, Dylan Sanford, Damien Tuffereau, and Andrew Waruszewski (Fox)
- 72nd Annual Tony Awards – Eric Becker, Mike Anderson, J.M. Hurley, Ka-Lai Wong, Rob Balton, Bob Del Russo, Charlie Huntley, Jay Kulick, John Kosmaczewski, Tore Livia, James Scurti, Lyn Noland, Jimmy O'Donnell, Jim Tufaro, Mark Whitman, and David Smith (CBS)