User:Technical 13/SandBox/ACCHelp.js/Special:Userlogin.js

Nowadays, User:Technical 13/SandBox/ACCHelp.js/Special:Userlogin.js has become a topic of great relevance and interest in different areas. Its impact is not limited to a single sector, but covers a wide range of areas, from technology to health, culture and politics. The User:Technical 13/SandBox/ACCHelp.js/Special:Userlogin.js phenomenon has captured the attention of millions of people around the world, generating debates, reflections and actions around its meaning, implications and potential consequences. In this article, we will explore various perspectives on User:Technical 13/SandBox/ACCHelp.js/Special:Userlogin.js, analyzing its evolution, its relevance in the current context and its possible impact in the future.
var api = new mw.Api();// leave on top
api.get( {// Check to see if page is watched
	    action: 'query',
	    prop: 'info',
	    inprop: 'watched',
	    titles: mw.config.get('wgPageName')
	} ).done( function ( data ) {
		var pid = $.map(data.query.pages, function (v, k) {return k;});
		if(typeof(data.query.pages.watched) === undefined){
			var isPageWatched = false;
		} else {
			var isPageWatched = true;
$( '#ca-nstab-user:first("a")').on('click', function (e) { 
	 if(isPageWatched === false){
		/// If page is not watched, watch it mw.config.get('wgPageName') ).done( function (){
			$( '#ca-nstab-user:first("a")').text('watched');
		isPageWatched = true;
	} else {
		/// Otherwise, unwatch it
		api.unwatch( mw.config.get('wgPageName') ).done( function (){
			$( '#ca-nstab-user:first("a")').text('unwatched');
		isPageWatched = false;
/* Notes:
// Notable configuration settings on successful creation
mw.config.set({"wgCanonicalNamespace":"Special","wgCanonicalSpecialPageName":"Userlogin","wgNamespaceNumber":-1,"wgPageName":"Special:UserLogin","wgTitle":"UserLogin","wgCurRevisionId":0,"wgRevisionId":0,"wgArticleId":0,"wgIsArticle":false,"wgIsRedirect":false,"wgAction":"view","wgUserName":"Technical 13","wgUserGroups":,"wgCategories":, ...

// API call to get a list of user created by me (will need a continue if over 500)

// Section to change on successful creation
<div id="mw-content-text"><p>A randomly generated password for <a href="/w/index.php?title=User_talk:RON_J&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User talk:RON J (page does not exist)">RON J</a> has been sent to [email protected]. It can be changed on the <i><a href="" title="Special:ChangePassword">change password</a></i> page upon logging in.
</p><p id="mw-returnto">Return to <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org" title="Main Page">Main Page</a>.</p>

if(mw.config.get( 'wgCanonicalSpecialPageName' ) === "Userlogin"){
	// Get new user's username
	var userNameCreated = $("div#mw-content-text").find("a:first").text();
	// Get watchlist token
	var watchtoken = mw.user.tokens.get( 'watchToken' );
	watchtoken = "&token=" + watchtoken.substr(0, watchtoken.length -2) + "%2B%5C";
	// define destination for "watch" link (to do it the old fashioned way until I figure out ajax method)
	var hrefURL = '' + userNameCreated + '&action=watch' + watchtoken;
	/// Function to warn that tb-override or spoof-overide boxes are checked
	function warnSpoofTB(){
		var tbChecked = $("#wpIgnoreTitleBlacklist").is(":checked");
		var spoofChecked = $("#wpIgnoreAntiSpoof").is(":checked");
		var buttonWarnTB = "";
		var buttonWarnSpoof = "";
		var buttonWarn = "";
		if(tbChecked === true){
			$("#wpIgnoreTitleBlacklist").parent("label").css({"background-color": "#FAA", "font-weight": "bold"});
			buttonWarnTB = "\nIgnoring blacklist!"
			buttonWarn = "Create another account\n\nWarning:" + buttonWarnTB + buttonWarnSpoof;
		} else {
			$("#wpIgnoreTitleBlacklist").parent("label").css({"background-color": "", "font-weight": ""});
			buttonWarnTB = ""
			buttonWarn = "Create another account\n\nWarning:" + buttonWarnTB + buttonWarnSpoof;
		if(spoofChecked === true){
			$("#wpIgnoreAntiSpoof").parent("label").css({"background-color": "#FAA", "font-weight": "bold"});
			buttonWarnSpoof = "\nIgnoring spoofing checks!";
			buttonWarn = "Create another account\n\nWarning:" + buttonWarnTB + buttonWarnSpoof;
		} else {
			$("#wpIgnoreAntiSpoof").parent("label").css({"background-color": "", "font-weight": ""});
			buttonWarnSpoof = "";
			buttonWarn = "Create another account\n\nWarning:" + buttonWarnTB + buttonWarnSpoof;
		if(tbChecked === true || spoofChecked === true){
			$("#wpCreateaccount").css("background-image", "linear-gradient(rgb(255, 100, 100) 0px, rgb(105, 50, 50) 100%)");
		} else {
			$("#wpCreateaccount").css("background-image", "");
			$("#wpCreateaccount").val("Create another account")
	/// onload, do all these things
	$("#wpReason").replaceWith("<textarea class=\"" + $("#wpReason").attr("class") + "\" id=\"wpReason\" tabindex=\"" + $("#wpReason").attr("tabindex") + "\" rows=\"3\" placeholder=\"Why you are creating another account\" name=\"wpReason\">" + $("#wpReason").attr("value") + "</textarea>");
	$("#wpIgnoreTitleBlacklist").attr("onClick", "warnSpoofTB();");
	$("#wpIgnoreAntiSpoof").attr("onClick", "warnSpoofTB();");
	// Create initial links after account created
	//	$("div#mw-content-text").find("a:first").after('( <span id="nu-tb"></span> )');
	//	$("#nu-tb").html("<a id=\"watchLink\" href=\"" + hrefURL + "\">watch</a>");