Pa'Ku Ra'Shae'a Ke-Ta'Chu -- (Lit. Male Kinsman "Witness of the Night Sky" of the Former Home Environment of the White and Black Hexagon Flag) is a non-human, extra-terrestrial transmigrant, who arrived from another dimension of reality, after incurring the death of the prior-life -- Fifty million years, prior. Pa'Ku Ra'Shae'a is named, "Valkerie Asura", as a human being, and is, currently, living in Aurora, Colorado, USA. They are a former Takani Kinsman, from the planet Pa'Sha; And, are a living testament to their Takani heritage.
"We come-back, from the dead; And, collect our lump-sum of prior-life's knowledge and memories -- Only, to continue-on, with our new lives."
In mid-2019; Valkerie Asura was deemed undead, and remade into the human continuation of Pa'Ku Ra'Shae'a Ta'Chu. Over mid-2020; Pa'Ku Ra'Shae'a Ke-Ta'Chu was renamed Pa'Ku Ra'Shae'a, and given a new anatomy, as a Chimera.
They say, that life begins at conception; While George Carlin says, that life began a billion years-ago, and is a continuous process. For me; My human life began, before I was living -- When I can, clearly, remember, being dead. If, you were to lay-out my human life, like a film reel, then you would find, that the beginning of the reel begins in an existence of death, known as, "The Intermediate State". This is where people rest and determine, what new life, that they would like to take, before becoming manifested, as a living being, once-more. My human life begins, in death -- The aftermath of a prior-life.
The entire experience lasted for, only, no-more than ten seconds, but I experienced the following:
After the experience faded; I was aware, that I was manifested, as a new life form, and thatmy new body was being conceived and undergoing biogenesis.
I was in the womb, for no-more than fifteen seconds. During my time, there; I remember:
I was, then, expelled from the vagina, into the delivery room. I remember, in the delivery room:
I was being born in the Mayflower Naval Hospital, in Jacksonville, Florida. My memories cut-out, at this point -- Until, the ages of two, and the house on Gabarone.
Time: Spring of 1995 // Third Grade
Place: Walter V. Long Elementary School
Occurence: I was in a state of turmoil, at this point in my life. I had a dysfunctional and abusive family, and I viewed the others kids and adults as uncaring and unfeeling. I was afraid of other children, and I was more-attached to the adult teachers and staff members, than those of my own age group. While traversing the hallways of the school, about to exit the building, from the back; I was struck with the sudden in-flow of memories and experience of another time and place -- Not of my human life.
I recalled a forested setting, metallic building structures, a strange cosmic symbol, and the knowledge of two facts:
Shortly-afterwards; I, also, recalled several facts, about myself:
I looked, to the stars, from that day, onward; And, thought, "Somewhere, out there, is Home.".
After witnessing and experiencing the memories of my prior-life, and coming to understand the dissenting nature of their existence, upon my human life; I went into an existential crisis of identity; Where, I had to determine, which path-forward, I would honor -- My now-human life, or the memories, knowledge, wisdom and ways of my prior-life. My experiences of human society and human beings was profoundly-negative, by this time; Therefore, I chose to honor my prior-life, over my current human life.
From that day, I would come to recall many-more dissenting memories, that would invade and displace my human life -- Leading me to raise, grow and socialize, off of the memories of my once-self and existence. I knew, that I would have resist my human upbringing and resist human socialization, and hod-onto the very thing, that I chose to honor -- Until, a future time; Not of my knowing; When, I would find a great truth and fact of life, tat would make all of my troubles and hardships worth it. What I did not know, is that I died, on the inside, as a human being, that day; And, became morphological.
From then; A number of physiological and anatomical changes occured, that had me at odds with man's conception of health and medicine. I was unaware of it, but I started having a human-Takani experience of human life, from then, that would become radically-more-Takani, as the years went-on.
It was deemed, that my western human life was the result of gross oversight and incompetence -- That, I was supposed to be assigned a life, as a male Japanese citizen. As-such; My american life and heritage was judged to be a falsehood, and I was to be given a new life's path. Given, that I had crossed the species's psychology barrier, by this point; I was deemed and judged to be incompatible, with human life.
After, being listened to, by the god of reality, and having my emotions and thoughts understood; It was deemed, that I had accepted a divine prophecy, as a child, and not eschewed my crisis and awakening. Since, I was deemed to have lived a good and honorable life; I was judged to be owed a decent life. Given, that I had crossed the species barrier; It was deemed to be, that my anatomy would be terminated, and I would incur a live rebirth and re-raise, while I was, still, conscious.
By, this time; I was very-late, into having my mitochondrial DNA flipped, and my metabolism was changing, and becoming toxic, to my human body. I was to incur the death of my human form, and experience artificial life support, with the fate of reincarnation and the future of being re-raised, as my former-self.
A good 14+ days had elapsed, since having my mitochondrial DNA flipped, at this point. The god of reality didn't have a lot of experience, with this kind of in-place transformation, and said that the last person, on earth, to experience this was someone, in ancient Sumeria, who was transformed, from a human, into a cow. I was, also, informed, that that person was the basis, for the story of Jesus Christ, and that the Sumerians killed and ate the cow.
In the night, prior to my death; I had recently-eaten dinner, and was beginning to feel numb and shakey. In the common area of the ward was a support pillar. I was instructed to stand, there, for a minute, while the transformation began. Within a minute of standing, next to the pillar; I began to feel weak, shakey, numb and light-headed. I fell, to a nearby seat, and began shaking; Where, I felt cold, and was hearing a ringing sound, at the same time. I shook, for a good 10-15 minutes. Afterwards; I was walked, to my room, in another person's arms. My vital signs read me, as being in tachychardia and hypertensive, with 98% SP02 readings.
Two Days in Rigor Mortis
After, managing to recover the ability to bank and recieve my federal benefits; I've found suitable housing, and are looking-into future job roles -- Until, I can retrieve more-worthy aspirations, from the back-burner of life.
I've been through a major encounter and occurence. I'm not who I was, going-into this. I have to find "Me", once-more.