User:Emijrp/Good and evil list.css

Today, we want to delve into the fascinating world of User:Emijrp/Good and evil list.css. Whether you are a history buff, a technology enthusiast, or simply someone curious to discover new perspectives, we are sure that this article will captivate you from the beginning. Immerse yourself with us on a journey that will span from the origins of User:Emijrp/Good and evil list.css to its impact on modern society, exploring its cultural, scientific and emotional implications. Join us as we explore the different aspects of User:Emijrp/Good and evil list.css, unraveling its importance and relevance in today's world.

# Hi. The correct way to add new regular expressions is:
# regexp;;points;;class;;#comment 
# Regexp: The regular expression
# Points: good things are positive (1, 2, 3,...) (plus (+) sign is not required)
#         vandalism is negative (-1, -2, -3,...)
#         It's better to put small numbers
# Class: vandalism (v), test edit (t), nice stuff (g)

1987.{1,3}What The Fuck Is Going On;;10;;g;;#album
recognition of gay;;10;;g;;# see ]
national (gay|lesbian);;10;;g;;# see ]
singapore gay;;10;;g;;# see ]
international (gay|lesbian);;10;;g;;# see ]
the gay;;10;;g;;#see ]
william gay;;10;;g;;#see ]
lesbians?( \&| and|,) gays?;;10;;g;;# ]
gays?( \&| and|,) lesbians?;;10;;g;;# see ]
list of (gays?|lesbians?|bisexuals?|homosexuals?)?;;10;;g;;# see ] and many more
(7|Siete|Seven) (mujeres|women)+(1|un|one) homosexual+(y|and) carlos;;10;;g;;# see ]
gay games;;10;;g;;# see ] ect
gaylussac;;10;;g;;#surname, law
sex rehab;;5;;g;;#
\[\[ *category *\:;;5;;g;;#categories are very good
\{\{ *defaultsort *\:;;5;;g;;#{{defaultsort:}}
references */;;5;;g;;#<references/>
\{\{ *reflist *;;5;;g;;#{{reflist}} template is good
(19|20)\d\d;;2;;g;;#current years are good
\"*?I (l(o|u)ve?|h(ate|8)|li+|want)*?\";;3;;g;;# false positive fix
\(+?\);;1;;g;;#brackets are good
cite *web;;1;;g;;#cite web templates are good
\=\=(?! *Headline text *)\=\=;;3;;g;;#sections are good, except if it is a test edit
\'{3}(?! *Bold text *)\'{3};;2;;g;;#bold text is good, except if it is a test edit
\'{2}(?! *Italic text *)\'{2};;2;;g;;#italic text is good, except if it is a test edit
\'{3} *Bold text *\'{3};;-1;;t;;
\'{2} *Italic text *\'{2};;-1;;t;;
.*?asdf.*?;;-2;;v;; #common jibberish
\!{4,};;-2;;v;;#shout (!!! is a band)
\&lt\;nowiki\&gt\;Insert non\-formatted text here\&lt\;/nowiki\&gt;;-1;;t;;
\&lt\;math\&gt;Insert formula here\&lt;/math\&gt;.;;-1;;t;;
\"+?\";;2;;g;; #quotes are good
(a |his |the ) wangs?;;-1;;v;; # a wang, his wang, the wang, becareful
()\1{10,};;-1;;t;;#repeating characters
()\1{20,};;-2;;t;;#even longer string of repeating characters, more probably vandalism
{40,};;-1;;v;;#Very few words are 30 characters long, see
(a+s{2,}|s+h+i+t+|c+r+a+p|b+u+(tt+|m+)|d+i+c*k+)?h+o+w*l+e+s+;;-2;;v;; #assholes, asshowles, buthowles, bumholllesss ect
(a+ss+|b+u+(tt+|m+))*(r+a+p+(i+s+t+|e+(d+|r+|i+n+g+|s+)?)|c+r+a+c*k+*|l+i+c*k+e+r+*|f+u++(e*d+|e*r*s+|i+n+g+)?|s+e+x+);;-10;;v;; # will revert without exception (assrape, bumrape, asscrack, butttcrack, asslicker ect)
ass(es)?;;-2;;v;; #ass, ect (needs to be spaced to avoid assessment and such)
a+w+e+s+o+m+e+*;;-1;;v;; #awesome, aawwweesssommmee, awesomez, ect
(b+a+l{2,}|n+u+t+)?s+a+c+k+(e+d+|s+|i+n+g+)?;;-3;;v;; #ballsack ect
b+a+s+t+(a|u)+r+d+*;;-2;;v;; #bastard, basturd, bastardz, bbbassstarrrd, ect
b+i+t+c+h+(e+s+)?;;-2;;v;; #bitch, bitches, bittttcchhhess, ect
b+o{2,}g+e+r+*;;-2;;v;; #boogers
(b+u+ll+|d+o+g+|c+o+w+|d+u+m+b+)??s+(?)h+\2?i+\2?t+\2?((t+\2?)e+\2?(d|r)+\2?|s+\2?|z+\2?|t*\2?(y+|(i|y)+(\2?e+\2?s+\2?t+|l+\2?y+|e+\2?r+))\2?)?;;-3;;v;; #shit, shhhiiiit, s*h*i*t*, buuullllshhhiiiittt, shittiest, but NOT hi's hit. ect
c+u+m+(?!\-)e*d*;;-1;;v;; #cum or cummed or cummmmmmmeeeedd, but not cum- because that could be cum-lade ect
\]\] \d{2}\:\d{2}, \d+ (January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December) \d{4} \(UTC\);;-1;;t;; # a signature, and does not belong in the article-space
+(?)(o+\1?c+\1?|a+\1?w+\1?c*\1?)k+\1?*\1?;;-2;;v;; #, cock, kawk, ect.
d+(?)i+\1?c*\1?k+\1?(e*\1?(|d)+\1?|i+\1?n+\1?g+\1?);;-1;;v;; #dick dicked, d*i*k*z
(d+i+c*k+|c+o+c+k+|p+e+n+i+s+)?s+u+c*k+e+r+(+|i+n+g+|e*d+)?;;-20;;v;; #dick-sucker, ect.
(d+u+m+b+|s+t++p+i+d|b+a+d+|k+i+c*k+)?a+s+s+(e+(s|d)+)?;;-2;;v #dumbass, badass, bbaadddaassseeed
d+u+m+b*y*;;-1;;v;; #dumy dumby, ect
(e+a+t+|l+i+c*k+|b+i+t+e+|s+u+c*k+) m+(e|y)+;;-2;;v;; #that's not nice (bite me/my)
f+(?)a+\1?g+\1?(g+\1)?((o|i)+\1?t+\1?)?*\1?;;-2;;v;; #fags, faggots, f.a.g.g.o.t, ect
f+(?)u+\1?(c+\1?k+|k+\1?c*)\1? *\1?((y+\1?o+\1?)?u+\1?|u+\1?s+\1?|h+\1?(e+\1?r+\1?|i+\1?m+\1?)|t+\1?h+\1?(e+\1?m+|i+\1?s+|a+\1?t+\1?)\1?|m+\1?e+\1?|o+\1?f\1?f+1\?);;-3;;v;; #personal attack( fuck you, fukc me, f.u.c.k. us, fuk this, ect)
f+(?)u+\1?(c+\1?k+|k+\1?c*)\1?(e+\1?r+\1?*\1?|s+\1?|(i|e)+\1?n+\1?(g+\1?)?|e+\1?d+\1?)?;;-2;;v;; #fuck, f*u*c*k, fukc, fukin, fuk, ect
f+a+r+t+(+|(e|i)+d+)?;;-2;;v;; #farts, fartid, fartz
ff+uuuu+;;-1;;v;; #wierd internet joke 'ffffuuuuuuu'
g+(?)a+\1?y+\1?(e+\1?(r+\1?|s+\1?t+\1?)|s+\1?)?;;-2;;v;; #gay, gayz, ggggaaaayyyy, g*a*y*, ect
g+o+ \w+ (y+o+)u+r+s+e+l+(f+|v+e++);;-2;;v;; # go (blank) yourself/yourselves/urself ect.
h+()+h* ?h+\1+h* ?h+\1+h* ?;;-2;;v;;#e.g. 'hahaha', hohoho, hehehe, heh heh heh, hah hah hah, ect
homosexual lifestyle;;2;;g;;
\=+ Headline text \=+;;-1;;t;; #standard test edit
\://;;1;;g;; #html-links are good (ftp:// http:// https://
I (l(o|u)ve?|h(ate|8)|li+|want);;-1;;v;; #I like/love/want/hate is never good in an article
i+ l+i+k+e+* p+i+e+;;-5;;v;;
\{2,3}(\-{2,3})? *\:;;2;;g;; #interwiki
in (t+|da) (a+s+s+|p+o{2,}p+e+r+|b+u+t{2,}|b+u+m+)(?w*h+o+w*l+e*)?;;-5;;v;; #'in the ass' is never good for anywhere
s?he (i|wa)s t+ (u+g+l+i+|h+o+t+|m+e+a+n+|d+u+m+b+|c+r+a+p+i+|g+a+y+|n+i+c+|c+oo+l+|f+u+nn++)e+s+t+;;-2;;v;; # keep adding adjectives please, eg he is the coolest, she is teh meanest, ect
l+(?)o\1?o+\1?s+\1?e+\1?r+\1?*\1?;;-1;;v;; #looser, looooooser, l*o*o*s*e*r, ect
(l+i+c+k+|l+i+e+k+|l+i+k+e+|l+o+v+e+)* *(p+e+n+i+s+e*|c+o+c+k+|d+i+c*k+)*;;-10;;v;; #never good: (blank) like penis, (blank) loves cock, ect.
l(o|aw|u)l(|ed|l?ing)?;;-2;;v;;#e.g. 'lol' or 'lawled' and lolling
\&lt; *ref;;2;;g;; #ref tags are good, < symbol in HTML TAG <ref> <ref name=
m+i+e+r+d+a+s*;;-2;;v;; #spanish for shit
n+(?)i+\1?g+\1?g*\1?(e+\1?r+\1?|a+\1?)*\1?;;-2;;v;; #no thank you (niggers, niggggaz, n.i.g.g.e.r.z, ect)
n(o{2,}|ew)b(|ed)?;;-3;;v;; #noobs, newbs, noobed, ect
O+H+ +S+H+I+\-;;-1;;v;; #internet joke i guess
o?(heya?|ha?i);;-1;;t;; #hai, ohai, heya, ect
o+m+f*g+;;-1;;v;; #omg, ect
p+(?)+\1?(a+\1?n+\1?u+\1?|n+\1?+\1?)s+\1?(e+\1?s+\1?)?;;-1;;v;; #penis, peanus, p3n1s, p.e.n.i.s.e.s ect
p+(o|0)*w+n+(*d*|a*g*e*)?;;-1;;v;; #pwned, p0wned, pwn3ed, ect
p+oo+p*(e+d+|e+r+|s+)?;;-5;;v;; #poop, poos, pooper
p+r+e+g+(o+|e+r++);;-1;;v;; #pregerz, prego
pubes?;;-1;;v;; #pube or pubes
p+u+ss+(i|y)+e**;;-2;;v;; #pussy, pussies
p+u+t++*;;-2;;v;; #spanish for slut
r+a+p+(e|i)+(d+|s+t*|i+n+g+)?;;-1;;v;; #rape
\#REDIRECT \\];;-1;;t;;
r+e+t+a+r+d+(*|e*d*);;-1;;v;; #retard, reeeetard, retarded, ect
(rotf)?lmf?(h|a)o;;-2;;v;; #rotflmfao, lmao, lmfao, ect
s+(?)e+\1?x+\1?(e+\1?d+\1?|y+\1?|i*\1?e+\1?(s|r)+\1?(t\1?)?)?;;-1;;v;;#sexy, sex, sexed, sexiest, s.e.x, seeeexx, ect
s+(?)u+\1?c+\1?k+\1?(?! up)(e+\1?d+\1?|i+\1?n+\1?g\1?|s+\1?|z+\1?)(?! up);;-2;;v;; #suck, sucked, sucks, s*u*c*k*s, ect.
s(c?h)longs?;;-2;;v;; #schlong
s+h+u+t+( ?(t+h+e+|d+a+) \w+)? ?u+p+;;-1;;v;; #shut up, shutup, shut the (blank) up, ect.
s+l+u+t+*;;-3;;v;; # ssslllluuut, slut, sluts, ect
stiff(y|ie)s?;;-1;;v;; #stiffy, stiffies, ect
s+t+i+n+k+(i*e*s+|y+);;-1;;v;; #stinks/stinky/stinkies/ssttiinnkkiiees/ect
s+u+c*k+(+|i+n+g+|e*d+)??(d+i+c*k+|c+o+c+k+|p+e+n+i+s(e+s)?)*;;-20;;v;; #same as above, tramposed
t+h+a+t\'*+s w+(h+a+|u+)t+ s*h+e+ s+a+i+d+;;-2;;v;; #thats what she said
(t+i+t+|b+o{2,}b+)(i+e+s+|y+|+)?;;-2;;v;; #titties, boobies, tits, boobs
t+u+r+d+*;;-1;;v;; #turds, turdz, turd, ect
\w+ i (c|k)+(e+w+|oo+)l+;;-1;;v;; #(blank) is cool/kewl/ect
(\]+?\]\]|\{\{+?\}\});;2;;g;;#transclusions and wikilinks are good
(\w{3,})\1{5,};;-2;;t;;#matches any 4 character string, or longer,  (spaces included) being repeated 6 or more times in a row, example: HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY
w+a+n+a+b+e+*;;-1;;v;; #wannabes, wannabe
w+a+n+k+(e+r+*|e+d+);;-2;;v #wanker, wanked, wankers, wwwaaaannnnkkkk, ect
w+a+s+ h+e+r+e+;;-1;;v;;
w+(e+i+|i+e+)+n+e+r+;;-1;;v;; #wieners
w+h+a+t+ t+h+e+ (h+e+c+k+|h+e+l+l+|f+u+c*k+);;-2;;v #what the hell/fuck/heck
wha(t\'??|)\s?u+p+;;-1;;v;; #what's up?
w+i+e+r+d+o*s*;;-1;;v;; # I cant think of a time when this would be appropriate.
((y+o+)?u+r+|y+o+) m+(o+(t+h+e+r+|o+m+(y+)?)|a+m+a+)*;;-3;;v;; #your mom, yo mamma, ur mother, ect
((y+o+)?u+|s*h+e+|w+e+( a+l+l+)?|t+h+(e+y+|i+s+|a+t+)|i+) s+u+c+k+s*;;-5;;v;; #personalattack (you suck, she sucks, he sucks, I suck)
gay (pride|parade);;10;;g;;#
(homosexual|gay|lesbian|samesex) marriage;;10;;g;;#
homosexual agenda;;10;;g;;#
gay dad;;5;;g;;#