
In today's article we will explore the fascinating history of User:Cacycle/wikEd.js, a topic that has captured the attention of people of all ages and has been the subject of debate and study over the years. From its origins to its influence on modern society, User:Cacycle/wikEd.js has left an indelible mark on history. Through detailed and in-depth analysis, we will seek to understand the importance and impact of User:Cacycle/wikEd.js in different areas of life, as well as its continued relevance today. We will discover how User:Cacycle/wikEd.js has shaped our beliefs, our values ​​and our interactions with the world around us, and how it continues to be a topic of relevance and meaning today. Join us on this journey of discovery and reflection about User:Cacycle/wikEd.js, a figure or topic that continues to arouse interest and curiosity.
// <syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript">

// JSHint options
/* jshint -W004, -W100, newcap: false, browser: true, jquery: true, sub: true, bitwise: true, curly: true, evil: true, forin: true, freeze: true, globalstrict: true, immed: true, latedef: true, loopfunc: true, quotmark: single, strict: true, undef: true */
/* global GM_getValue, GM_setValue, GM_xmlhttpRequest, console */

// turn on ECMAScript 5 strict mode
'use strict';

// We will not log errors for users using this script due to volume of bugs.
mw.loader.using('').then(function () { 'client-error-opt-out', '1' );

// define global object
var wikEd; if (wikEd === undefined) { wikEd = {}; }

// default to null (all checks are against null so make sure it starts as null)
if (wikEd.paste === undefined) {
	wikEd.paste = null;

wikEd.Meta = function () {/*
// ==UserScript==
// @name        wikEd
// @version     0.9.155
// @date        November 5, 2017
// @namespace   https://en.wikipedia.org
// @description A full-featured in-browser editor for Wikipedia and other MediaWikis
// @include     *
// @homepage    https://en.wikipedia.org
// @source      https://en.wikipedia.org
// @author      Cacycle (https://en.wikipedia.org
// @license     Released into the public domain
// @grant       GM_getValue
// @grant       GM_xmlhttpRequest
// ==/UserScript==

wikEd is a full-featured edit page text editor for regular to advanced users on Wikipedia and other MediaWikis.
wikEd features syntax highlighting, reference, template, and code folding,
on-page Show preview and Show changes, and advanced search and replace functions.
wikEd works under all web browsers except Internet Explorer.
This code has to be saved as UTF-8 in your editor to preserve Unicode characters like ♥ (heart symbol).


// define global objects
var wikEdConfig;
var wikEdText;
var WED;
var WikEdDiff;

// start of user configurable variables

// wikEd.InitGlobalsConfigs: initialize user configurable variables

wikEd.InitGlobalConfigs = function () {

	// user readable texts, copy changes to https://en.wikipedia.org, also defined in wikEdDiff.js
	if (wikEd.config.text === undefined) { wikEd.config.text = {}; }

	// wikEd.InitText: define built-in user interface texts
	wikEd.InitText = function () {
		wikEd.InitObject(wikEd.config.text, {

			// logo
			'wikEdLogo alt':               'wikEd',
			'wikEdLogo title':             'wikEd {wikEdProgramVersion} ({wikEdProgramDate}) Click to disable',
			'wikEdLogo error alt':         'wikEd error',
			'wikEdLogo error title':       'Loading error - wikEd {wikEdProgramVersion} ({wikEdProgramDate}) Click to disable',
			'wikEdLogo browser alt':       '(wikEd)',
			'wikEdLogo browser title':     'Browser not supported - wikEd {wikEdProgramVersion} ({wikEdProgramDate})',
			'wikEdLogo incompatible alt':  '(wikEd)',
			'wikEdLogo incompatible title': 'Incompatible script, gadget, or add-on: {wikEdParameter} - wikEd {wikEdProgramVersion} ({wikEdProgramDate})',
			'wikEdLogo disabled alt':      '(wikEd)',
			'wikEdLogo disabled title':    'Disabled - wikEd {wikEdProgramVersion} ({wikEdProgramDate}) Click to enable',
			'wikEdLogo testVersion alt':   'wikEd_dev',
			'wikEdLogo testVersion title': 'wikEd_dev (unstable test version) {wikEdProgramVersion} ({wikEdProgramDate}) Click to disable',

			// top jumper
			'wikEdScrollToEdit4 alt':      'Scroll to edit',
			'wikEdScrollToEdit4 title':    'Scroll to edit field',

			// button bar grip titles
			'wikEdGripFormat title':       'Formatting buttons (click to hide or show)',
			'wikEdGripTextify title':      'Textify and wikify buttons (click to hide or show)',
			'wikEdGripCustom1 title':      'Custom buttons (click to hide or show)',
			'wikEdGripFind title':         'Find buttons (click to hide or show)',
			'wikEdGripFix title':          'Fixing buttons (click to hide or show)',
			'wikEdGripCustom2 title':      'Custom buttons (click to hide or show)',
			'wikEdGripControl title':      'wikEd control buttons (click to hide or show)',

			// button bar background titles
			'wikEdBarFormat title':        '',
			'wikEdBarTextify title':       '',
			'wikEdBarCustom1 title':       '',
			'wikEdBarFind title':          '',
			'wikEdBarFix title':           '',
			'wikEdBarCustom2 title':       '',
			'wikEdBarControl title':       'wikEd {wikEdProgramVersion} ({wikEdProgramDate})',
			'wikEdBarPreview title':       '',
			'wikEdBarPreview2 title':      '',
			'wikEdBarJump title':          '',
			'wikEdBarPasted title':        '',

			// formatting buttons, top row
			'wikEdUndo alt':               'Undo',
			'wikEdUndo title':             'Undo',
			'wikEdRedo alt':               'Redo',
			'wikEdRedo title':             'Redo',
			'wikEdBold alt':               'Bold',
			'wikEdBold title':             'Bold text',
			'wikEdItalic alt':             'Italic',
			'wikEdItalic title':           'Italic text',
			'wikEdUnderline alt':          'Underline',
			'wikEdUnderline title':        'Underline text',
			'wikEdStrikethrough alt':      'Strikethrough',
			'wikEdStrikethrough title':    'Strikethrough text',
			'wikEdNowiki alt':             'Nowiki',
			'wikEdNowiki title':           'Nowiki markup text',
			'wikEdSuperscript alt':        'Superscript',
			'wikEdSuperscript title':      'Superscript text',
			'wikEdSubscript alt':          'Subscript',
			'wikEdSubscript title':        'Subscript text',
			'wikEdRef alt':                'Ref',
			'wikEdRef title':              'In-text reference (shift-click: named tag)',
			'wikEdCase alt':               'Case',
			'wikEdCase title':             'Toggle between lowercase, uppercase first, and uppercase',
			'wikEdSort alt':               'Sort',
			'wikEdSort title':             'Sort alphabetically',
			'wikEdRedirect alt':           'Redirect',
			'wikEdRedirect title':         'Create redirect, deletes whole text',
			'wikEdUndoAll alt':            'Undo all',
			'wikEdUndoAll title':          'Undo all changes',
			'wikEdRedoAll alt':            'Redo all',
			'wikEdRedoAll title':          'Redo all changes',

			// formatting buttons, bottom row
			'wikEdWikiLink alt':           'Link',
			'wikEdWikiLink title':         'Wiki link',
			'wikEdWebLink alt':            'Weblink',
			'wikEdWebLink title':          'External weblink',
			'wikEdHeading alt':            'Heading',
			'wikEdHeading title':          'Increase heading levels (shift-click: decrease)',
			'wikEdBulletList alt':         'Bullet list',
			'wikEdBulletList title':       'Increase bulleted list level (shift-click: decrease)',
			'wikEdNumberList alt':         'Number list',
			'wikEdNumberList title':       'Increase numbered list level (shift-click: decrease)',
			'wikEdIndentList alt':         'Indent list',
			'wikEdIndentList title':       'Increase indention (shift-click: decrease)',
			'wikEdDefinitionList alt':     'Def list',
			'wikEdDefinitionList title':   'Definition list',
			'wikEdImage alt':              'Image',
			'wikEdImage title':            'Image',
			'wikEdTable alt':              'Table',
			'wikEdTable title':            'Table',
			'wikEdReferences alt':         'References',
			'wikEdReferences title':       'References location (shift-click: references section)',
			'wikEdSign alt':               'Signature',
			'wikEdSign title':             'Signature ~~~~ (shift-click: name only ~~~)',

			// textify buttons
			'wikEdWikify alt':             'Wikify',
			'wikEdWikify title':           'Convert pasted content to wiki code, update highlighting',
			'wikEdTextify alt':            'Textify',
			'wikEdTextify title':          'Convert pasted content to plain text, update highlighting (shift-click: forced highlighting)',
			'wikEdPastedWikify alt':       'Wikify pasted',
			'wikEdPastedWikify title':     'Convert pasted content to wiki code',
			'wikEdPastedTextify alt':      'Textify pasted',
			'wikEdPastedTextify title':    'Convert pasted content to plain text',
			'wikEdPastedClose alt':        'x',
			'wikEdPastedClose title':      'Close',

			// find and replace buttons, top row
			'wikEdFindAll alt':            'Find all',
			'wikEdFindAll title':          'Find all matches',
			'wikEdFindPrev alt':           'Find prev',
			'wikEdFindPrev title':         'Find previous match',
			'wikEdFindSelect title':       'Select a previous search or jump to a heading',
			'wikEdFindNext alt':           'Find next',
			'wikEdFindNext title':         'Find next match (shift-click: get selection)',
			'wikEdJumpPrev alt':           'Selected prev',
			'wikEdJumpPrev title':         'Find the selected text backwards',
			'wikEdJumpNext alt':           'Selected next',
			'wikEdJumpNext title':         'Find the selected text forwards',

			// find and replace buttons, bottom row
			'wikEdReplaceAll alt':         'Replace all',
			'wikEdReplaceAll title':       'Replace all matches in whole text or selection',
			'wikEdReplacePrev alt':        'Replace prev',
			'wikEdReplacePrev title':      'Replace previous match',
			'wikEdReplaceSelect title':    'Select a previous replacement',
			'wikEdReplaceNext alt':        'Replace next (shift-click: get selection)',
			'wikEdReplaceNext title':      'Replace next match',
			'wikEdCaseSensitive alt':      'Case sensitive',
			'wikEdCaseSensitive title':    'Search is case sensitive',
			'wikEdRegExp alt':             'RegExp',
			'wikEdRegExp title':           'Search field is a regular expression',
			'wikEdFindAhead alt':          'Find ahead',
			'wikEdFindAhead title':        'Find ahead as you type (case-insensitive non-regexp search)',

			// fix buttons, top row
			'wikEdFixBasic alt':           'Fix basic',
			'wikEdFixBasic title':         'Fix blanks and empty lines, also done by other fixing functions',
			'wikEdFixHtml alt':            'Fix html',
			'wikEdFixHtml title':          'Fix html to wikicode',
			'wikEdFixCaps alt':            'Fix caps',
			'wikEdFixCaps title':          'Fix caps in headers and lists',
			'wikEdFixUnicode alt':         'Fix Unicode',
			'wikEdFixUnicode title':       'Fix Unicode character representations',
			'wikEdFixAll alt':             'Fix all',
			'wikEdFixAll title':           'Fix basic, html, capitalization, and Unicode',
			'wikEdFixRedirect alt':        'Fix redirects',
			'wikEdFixRedirect title':      'Fix redirects',

			// fix buttons, bottom row
			'wikEdFixDashes alt':          'Fix dashes',
			'wikEdFixDashes title':        'Fix dashes',
			'wikEdFixPunct alt':           'Fix punctuation',
			'wikEdFixPunct title':         'Fix spaces before punctuation',
			'wikEdFixMath alt':            'Fix math',
			'wikEdFixMath title':          'Fix math',
			'wikEdFixChem alt':            'Fix chem',
			'wikEdFixChem title':          'Fix chemical formulas',
			'wikEdFixUnits alt':           'Fix units',
			'wikEdFixUnits title':         'Fix units',
			'wikEdFixRegExTypo alt':       'Fix typos',
			'wikEdFixRegExTypo title':     'Fix typos using the AutoWikiBrowser RegExTypoFixer rules',

			// wikEd control buttons, top row
			'wikEdRefHide alt':            '',
			'wikEdRefHide title':          'Simple view: hide refs, templates, and table code',
			'wikEdRefButtonTooltip':       'Click to display hidden reference',
			'wikEdTemplButtonTooltip':     'Click to display hidden template',
			'wikEdCharEntityButtonTooltip': 'Click to display hidden character entity',
			'wikEdTableButtonTooltip':     'Click to display hidden table code',
			'wikEdRefButtonShowTooltip':   'Click to hide reference',
			'wikEdTemplButtonShowTooltip': 'Click to hide template',
			'wikEdCharEntityButtonShowTooltip': 'Click to hide character entity',
			'wikEdTableButtonShowTooltip': 'Click to hide table code',
			'wikEdTextZoom alt':           'Text zoom',
			'wikEdTextZoom title':         'Text zoom cycling (shift-click: reverse)',
			'wikEdClearHistory alt':       'Clear history',
			'wikEdClearHistory title':     'Clear the find, replace, and summary history',
			'wikEdScrollToPreview alt':    'Scroll to preview',
			'wikEdScrollToPreview title':  'Scroll to preview field',
			'wikEdScrollToEdit alt':       'Scroll to edit',
			'wikEdScrollToEdit title':     'Scroll to edit field',

			// wikEd control buttons, bottom row
			'wikEdUseWikEd alt':           'Use wikEd',
			'wikEdUseWikEd title':         'Use wikEd instead of classic text area',
			'wikEdHighlightSyntax alt':    'Syntax',
			'wikEdHighlightSyntax title':  'Syntax highlighting',
			'wikEdSource alt':             'Source',
			'wikEdCloseToolbar title':     'Close the standard non-wikEd toolbar',
			'wikEdCloseToolbar alt':       'Close toolbar',
			'wikEdSource title':           'Show the source code for testing',
			'wikEdUsing alt':              'Using',
			'wikEdUsing title':            'Automatically add \'\'…using wikEd\'\' to summaries',
			'wikEdFullScreen alt':         'Fullscreen',
			'wikEdFullScreen title':       'Fullscreen mode',
			'wikEdTableMode alt':          'Table as tables',
			'wikEdTableMode title':        'Edit tables as tables',

			// summary buttons
			'wikEdClearSummary alt':       'Clear summary',
			'wikEdClearSummary title':     'Clear the summary field',
			'wikEdSummarySelect title':    'Select a previous summary',
			'wikEdPresetSummary': [
				'/*  */ ', 'copyedit', 'reply', 'article created', 'intro rewrite',
				'linkfix', 'fixing typos', 'removing linkspam', 'reverting test',
				'reverting vandalism', 'formatting source text', '{wikEdUsing}'
			'wikEdSummaryUsing':           '…using ]',

			// toolbar
			'wikEdCodeEditorButtonDisabled': ' (disabled by wikEd)',

			// button title acceskey
			'alt-shift':                   'alt-shift-',

			// submit buttons
			'wikEdLocalPreviewImg alt':    'Preview below',
			'wikEdLocalPreview title':     'Show preview below',
			'wikEdLocalDiffImg alt':       'Changes below',
			'wikEdLocalDiff title':        'Show current changes below',
			'wikEdHelpPageLink':           ' | <a href="{wikEdHomeBaseUrl}wiki/User:Cacycle/wikEd_help" target="helpwindow">wikEd help</a>', // use full link without {wikEdHomeBaseUrl} if the page is not on the English Wikipedia

			// preview and changes buttons, top
			'wikEdClose alt':              'Close',
			'wikEdClose title':            'Close preview box',
			'wikEdClose2 alt':             'Close',
			'wikEdClose2 title':           'Close preview box',
			'wikEdScrollToPreview2 alt':   'Scroll to preview',
			'wikEdScrollToPreview2 title': 'Scroll to preview field',
			'wikEdScrollToEdit2 alt':      'Scroll to edit',
			'wikEdScrollToEdit2 title':    'Scroll to edit field',

			// preview and changes buttons, bottom
			'wikEdScrollToPreview3 alt':   'Scroll to preview',
			'wikEdScrollToPreview3 title': 'Scroll to preview field',
			'wikEdScrollToEdit3 alt':      'Scroll to edit',
			'wikEdScrollToEdit3 title':    'Scroll to edit field',

			// preview field
			'wikEdPreviewLoading':         '...',
			'diffNotLoaded':               'Error: Local diff script not installed.',

			// formatting functions
			'image filename':              'filename',
			'image width':                 'width',
			'table caption':               'caption',
			'table heading':               'heading',
			'table cell':                  'cell',
			'redirect article link':       'article link',

			// fixing functions
			'External links':              'External links',
			'See also':                    'See also',
			'References':                  'References',

			// language specific wiki code
			'wikicode Image':              'Image',
			'wikicode File':               'File',
			'wikicode Media':              'Media',
			'wikicode Category':           'Category',
			'wikicode Template':           'Template',
			'wikEdReferencesSection':      '\n== References ==\n\n<references />\n',
			'talk page':                   'talk',
			'history page':                'history',
			'talk namespace':              'Talk',
			'talk namespace suffix':       '$1_talk', // '$1_talk', '_talk', or 'talk_'

			// hiding buttons, type
			'hideRef':                     'REF',
			'hideTempl':                   'TEMPL',
			'hideTable':                   '',

			// hiding buttons, details
			'hideTableStart':              'Table',
			'hideTableEnd':                'Table end',
			'hideTableCaption':            'Caption',
			'hideTableRow':                'Row',
			'hideTableHeader':             'Header',
			'hideTableCell':               'Cell',

			// shortened button texts
			'shortenedPreview':            'Preview',
			'shortenedChanges':            'Changes',

			// link popup
			'followLink':                  '(ctrl-click)',
			'followLinkMac':               '(cmd-click)',
			'redirect':                    ', redirect to:',
			'redlink':                     ' (page does not exist)',

			// auto updating
			'wikEdGreasemonkeyAutoUpdate': 'wikEd Update:\n\nA new version of the Greasemonkey script "wikEd" is available.\n\n\nIt will be installed from:\n\n{updateURL}',
			'wikEdGreasemonkeyAutoUpdateBugfix': 'Important wikEd Bugfix:\n\nA bugfix for the Greasemonkey script "wikEd" is available.\n\n\nIt will be installed from:\n\n{updateURL}',

			// highlighting popups
			'hyphenDash':                  'Standard hyphen',
			'figureDash':                  'Figure dash',
			'enDash':                      'En dash',
			'emDash':                      'Em dash',
			'barDash':                     'Horizontal bar',
			'minusDash':                   'Minus sign',
			'softHyphen':                  'Soft hyphen',
			'tab':                         'Tab',
			'enSpace':                     'En space',
			'emSpace':                     'Em space',
			'thinSpace':                   'Thin space',
			'ideographicSpace':            'Ideographic space',

			// highlighting
			'wikEdSignature3':             'Sign with username only',
			'wikEdSignature4':             'Sign with user name and date',
			'wikEdSignature5':             'Sign with date only',

			// highlighting errors
			'wikEdErrorHtmlUnknown':       'Unsupported HTML tag',
			'wikEdErrorBoldItalic':        'Invalid bold / italic',
			'wikEdErrorWrongClose':        'Close tag does not match',
			'wikEdErrorNoOpen':            'Close tag has no match',
			'wikEdErrorNoHandler':         'No handler',
			'wikEdErrorNoClose':           'Open tag has no match',
			'wikEdErrorNewline':           'Open tag closed by new line',
			'wikEdErrorTemplHeading':      'Headings in templates are ignored',
			'wikEdErrorTemplParam':        'Template/parameter tags do not match',
			'wikEdErrorTemplParamAmbig':   'Template/parameter tags are ambiguous',
			'wikEdErrorCodeInLinkName':    'Wikicode in link name',
			'wikEdErrorCodeInTemplName':   'Wikicode in template name',
			'wikEdErrorCodeInParamName':   'Wikicode in template parameter name',

			// highlighting image preview
			'wikEdFilePreview':            'Image preview',

			// location search string functions
			'iconPage':                    'All icons and images used by wikEd. Save page as <i>web page, complete</i> to download all files into one folder.<br><br>',

			// duplicated message
			'clonedWarningsNote':          'Duplicated edit warnings (wikEd):'

		}, wikEd.config.showMissingTranslations);

	// define built-in user interface texts

	// use local copies of images for testing (set to true in local copy of edit page), also defined in wikEdDiff.js
	if (wikEd.config.useLocalImages === undefined) { wikEd.config.useLocalImages = false; }

	// path to local wikEd images for testing, also defined in wikEdDiff.js
	if (wikEd.config.imagePathLocal === undefined) { wikEd.config.imagePathLocal = 'file:///D:/wikEd/images/'; }

	// path to wikEd images, also defined in wikEdDiff.js
	if (wikEd.config.imagePath === undefined) { wikEd.config.imagePath = '//'; }

	// wikEd image filenames, also defined in wikEdDiff.js
	if (wikEd.config.image === undefined) { wikEd.config.image = {}; }

	// wikEd.InitImages: define built-in image URLs
	wikEd.InitImages = function () {

		wikEd.InitImage(wikEd.config.image, {
			'barDash':             '5/52/WikEd_bar_dash.png',
			'bold':                '5/59/WikEd_bold.png',
			'browser':             '0/07/WikEd_disabled.png',
			'bulletList':          '6/62/WikEd_bullet_list.png',
			'case':                'a/aa/WikEd_case.png',
			'caseSensitive':       '0/0d/WikEd_case_sensitive.png',
			'clearHistory':        'c/c8/WikEd_clear_history.png',
			'clearSummary':        '2/2c/WikEd_clear_summary.png',
			'close':               '9/97/WikEd_close.png',
			'closePasted':         'b/bc/WikEd_close_pasted.png',
			'closeToolbar':        '1/1d/WikEd_close_toolbar.png',
			'ctrl':                '1/10/WikEd_ctrl.png',
			'definitionList':      'f/f5/WikEd_definition_list.png',
			'diff':                'd/db/WikEd_diff.png',
			'disabled':            '0/07/WikEd_disabled.png',
			'dummy':               'c/c5/WikEd_dummy.png',
			'emDash':              '5/58/WikEd_em_dash.png',
			'emSpace':             '3/3a/WikEd_em_space.png',
			'enDash':              'f/fc/WikEd_en_dash.png',
			'enSpace':             '0/04/WikEd_en_space.png',
			'error':               '3/3e/WikEd_error.png',
			'figureDash':          '2/25/WikEd_figure_dash.png',
			'findAhead':           '3/34/WikEd_find_ahead.png',
			'findAll':             '7/75/WikEd_find_all.png',
			'findNext':            'a/ad/WikEd_find_next.png',
			'findPrev':            'f/f5/WikEd_find_prev.png',
			'fixAll':              '8/86/WikEd_fix_all.png',
			'fixBasic':            '3/30/WikEd_fix_basic.png',
			'fixCaps':             '0/00/WikEd_fix_caps.png',
			'fixUnicode':          'd/d4/WikEd_fix_unicode.png',
			'fixRedirect':         'f/f8/WikEd_fix_redirect.png',
			'fixChem':             'e/e7/WikEd_fix_chem.png',
			'fixDash':             'e/e5/WikEd_fix_dash.png',
			'fixHtml':             '0/05/WikEd_fix_html.png',
			'fixMath':             '3/3f/WikEd_fix_math.png',
			'fixPunct':            'd/db/WikEd_fix_punct.png',
			'fixRegExTypo':        '9/94/WikEd_fix_reg-ex-typo.png',
			'fixUnits':            '6/69/WikEd_fix_units.png',
			'textZoom':            '7/71/WikEd_font_size.png',
			'fullScreen':          'd/d3/WikEd_fullscreen.png',
			'getFind':             '9/96/WikEd_get_selection.png',
			'grip':                'a/ad/WikEd_grip.png',
			'gripHidden':          'a/a8/WikEd_grip_hidden.png',
			'heading':             '0/07/WikEd_heading.png',
			'highlightSyntax':     '6/67/WikEd_syntax.png',
			'ideographicSpace':    'c/c6/WikEd_ideographic_space.png',
			'image':               '3/37/WikEd_image.png',
			'incompatible':        '3/3e/WikEd_error.png',
			'indentList':          '7/7a/WikEd_indent_list.png',
			'italic':              'd/d4/WikEd_italic.png',
			'jumpNext':            '5/54/WikEd_jump_next.png',
			'logo':                '6/67/WikEd_logo.png',
			'minusDash':           'b/ba/WikEd_minus_dash.png',
			'noFile':              '8/88/WikEd_no_file.png',
			'nowiki':              '5/5a/WikEd_nowiki.png',
			'numberList':          '3/3b/WikEd_number_list.png',
			'jumpPrev':            'c/c7/WikEd_jump_prev.png',
			'preview':             '3/31/WikEd_preview.png',
			'redirect':            'f/fa/WikEd_redirect.png',
			'redo':                'd/d7/WikEd_redo.png',
			'ref':                 'b/ba/WikEd_ref.png',
			'refHide':             '0/0b/WikEd_ref_hide.png',
			'references':          '6/66/WikEd_references.png',
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			'.wikEdButtonsJump':           'border: 1px solid; border-color: #e0e0e0 #808080 #808080 #e0e0e0; background: #d4d0cc;',

			// wikEd buttons (!important for devmo skin)
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			'.wikEdButton:active':         'background: #e4e0dc; border: 1px inset !important;  cursor: pointer;',
			'.wikEdButtonSolo':            'display: block; font-size: small; text-decoration: underline; padding: 0.2em; background: #d4d0cc; border: 1px #d4d0cc solid !important; cursor: pointer;',
			'.wikEdButtonSolo:hover':      'background: #e4e0dc; border: 1px outset !important; cursor: pointer;',
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			'input#wpDiff, input#wpPreview': 'margin-right: 0;', // monobook fix
			'.wikEdButtonDummy':           'vertical-align: text-top; margin: 1px 2px; padding: 1px; background: #d4d0cc;',

			// preview box
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			'.wikEdPreviewDiff':           'margin: 0.75em 0 0.5em;',
			'.wikEdPreviewRefs':           'margin-top: 1.5em; padding-top: 1em; border-top: 1px solid #a0a0a0;',
			'.wikEdPreviewDiffError':      'padding: 0.5em; font-weight: bold; color: red; text-align: center;',

			// find and replace fields
			'.wikEdFindComboInput, .wikEdReplaceComboInput': 'position: relative; margin: 0 5px; top: -1px; white-space: nowrap; vertical-align: bottom; padding: 0; line-height: 20px; font-size: 13px;',
			'#wikEdFindText, #wikEdReplaceText': 'padding: 0; font-family: monospace; margin: 0; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 2; vertical-align: bottom; width: 170px; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; height: 18px;',
			'#wikEdFindSelect, #wikEdReplaceSelect': 'font-family: monospace; margin: 0; position: relative; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1; vertical-align: bottom; width: 190px; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; height: 18px;',

			// summary field
			'.wikEdSummaryComboInput':     'position: relative; margin: 0 0 0 2px; top: 0; white-space: nowrap; padding: 0; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 13px;',
			'.wikEdSummaryText':           'padding: 0 2px !important; margin: 0; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 2; vertical-align: bottom; width: auto; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; height: 21px;',
			'.wikEdSummarySelect':         'padding: 0; margin: 0; position: relative; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1; vertical-align: text-top; width: auto; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; height: 21px;',

			// space around submit buttons
			'.editButtons':                '',

			// frame (frame container border will be removed if textarea has none; frame must not have a border)
			'.wikEdFrameOuter':            'float: left; width: auto; border: 1px solid; border-color: #808080 #d0d0d0 #d0d0d0 #808080; position: relative;',
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			'.wikEdFrame':                 'float: left; width: 100%; border: 0;',

			// summary
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			'.wikEdConsoleTopWrapper':     'clear: both; background: #f0f0f0; border: 1px solid #c0c0c0; position: relative; padding: 0 0 0.6em; margin: 0 0 0.5em;',
			'#wpSummaryLabel':             'margin: 0;',
			'.editOptions':                'padding: 0; border: none; margin: 0 0.75em; float: left',
			'.wikEdClearSummaryForm':      'display: inline;',
			'.wikEdClearSummary':          'vertical-align: middle; margin: 0 0 0 0.5em; padding: 1px; height: 19px; width: 18px; ',
			'#wikEdClearSummaryImg':       'vertical-align: 10%; ',

			// input wrapper
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			'.wikEdFullscreen .wikEdInputWrapper ': 'position: fixed; margin-top: 0; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; background: #f0f0f0;',
			'body.wikEdFullscreen':        'overflow: hidden;',
			'.wikEdFullscreen .portlet ':  'z-index: 0 !important;', // for monobook

			// other wrappers
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			'.wikEdButtonsWrapper':        '',
			'.wikEdButtonsWrapperFull':    'float: left; clear: both; width: 100%;',
			'.wikEdSummaryInputWrapper':   'display: inline; white-space: nowrap;',
			'.wikEdSubmitWrapper':         '',
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			'.wikEdEditOptionsWrapper':    'float: left; margin: 0.4em 0.75em 0;',
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			'.wikEdFullscreen .wikEdInsertWrapper p': 'display: inline; margin: 0;',
			'.wikEdLocalPrevWrapper':      'float: left; width: 100%;',

			// various
			'.editCheckboxes':             'margin-bottom: 0;',
			'.wikEdEditOptions':           'display: inline-block; white-space: nowrap; vertical-align: text-top;',
			'.wikEdEditOptions label':     'vertical-align: text-bottom;',
			'#editpage-copywarn':          '',
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			'.editButtons input:first-child': 'margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0.33em;',
			'fieldset#templatesandbox-editform': 'margin: 0 0 0.5em 0; float: left;',
			'#templatesandbox-editform legend': 'padding-top: 0;',

	// buttons
	if (wikEd.config.button === undefined) { wikEd.config.button = {}; }

	// wikEd.InitButton: define built-in buttons
	wikEd.InitButton = function () {
		wikEd.InitObject(wikEd.config.button, {

			// button number: 

			// format top
			1:  ,             wikEd.config.image,                '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,             'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			2:  ,             wikEd.config.image,                '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,             'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			3:  ,             wikEd.config.image,                '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,             'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			4:  ,           wikEd.config.image,              '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,           'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			5:  ,        wikEd.config.image,           '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,        'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			6:  ,    wikEd.config.image,       '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,    'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			7:  ,           wikEd.config.image,              '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,           'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			8:  ,      wikEd.config.image,         '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,      'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			9:  ,        wikEd.config.image,           '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,        'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			10: ,              wikEd.config.image,                 '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,              'if (!event.shiftKey) { wikEd.EditButton(obj, \'wikEdRef\'); } else { wikEd.EditButton(obj, \'wikEdRefNamed\'); }' ],
			12: ,             wikEd.config.image,                '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,             'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			80: ,             wikEd.config.image,                '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,             'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			25: ,         wikEd.config.image,            '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,         'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			13: ,          wikEd.config.image,             '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,          'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			14: ,          wikEd.config.image,             '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,          'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],

			// format bottom
			15: ,         wikEd.config.image,            '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,         'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			16: ,          wikEd.config.image,             '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,          'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			17: ,          wikEd.config.image,             '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,          'if (!event.shiftKey) { wikEd.EditButton(obj, \'wikEdIncreaseHeading\'); } else { wikEd.EditButton(obj, \'wikEdDecreaseHeading\'); }' ],
			19: ,       wikEd.config.image,          '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,       'if (!event.shiftKey) { wikEd.EditButton(obj, \'wikEdIncreaseBulletList\'); } else { wikEd.EditButton(obj, \'wikEdDecreaseBulletList\'); }' ],
			20: ,       wikEd.config.image,          '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,       'if (!event.shiftKey) { wikEd.EditButton(obj, \'wikEdIncreaseNumberList\'); } else { wikEd.EditButton(obj, \'wikEdDecreaseNumberList\'); }' ],
			21: ,       wikEd.config.image,          '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,       'if (!event.shiftKey) { wikEd.EditButton(obj, \'wikEdIncreaseIndentList\'); } else { wikEd.EditButton(obj, \'wikEdDecreaseIndentList\'); }' ],
			22: ,   wikEd.config.image,      '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,   'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			23: ,            wikEd.config.image,               '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,            'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			24: ,            wikEd.config.image,               '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,            'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			11: ,       wikEd.config.image,          '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,       'if (!event.shiftKey) { wikEd.EditButton(obj,; } else { wikEd.EditButton(obj, \'wikEdReferencesSection\'); }' ],
			84: ,             wikEd.config.image,                '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,             'if (!event.shiftKey) { wikEd.EditButton(obj,; } else { wikEd.EditButton(obj, \'wikEdSignName\'); }' ],

			// wikify, textify
			26: ,           wikEd.config.image,              '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,           'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			27: ,          wikEd.config.image,             '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,          'if (event.shiftKey) { wikEd.EditButton(obj,, \'shift\'); } else { wikEd.EditButton(obj,; }' ],

			// control top
			77: ,          wikEd.config.image,             '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,          'wikEd.Button(obj,, true);' ],
			29: ,         wikEd.config.image,            '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,         'if (!event.shiftKey) { wikEd.Button(obj, \'wikEdTextZoomDown\'); } else { wikEd.Button(obj, \'wikEdTextZoomUp\'); }' ],
			30: ,     wikEd.config.image,        '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,     'wikEd.Button(obj,;' ],
			31: ,  wikEd.config.image, '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,  'wikEd.Button(obj,;' ],
			32: ,     wikEd.config.image,    '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,     'wikEd.Button(obj,;' ],

			// control bottom
			33: ,         wikEd.config.image,            '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,         'if (!event.ctrlKey) { wikEd.Button(obj,, true); } else { wikEd.DebugInfo(event); }' ],
			34: ,  wikEd.config.image,     '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,  'wikEd.Button(obj,, true);' ],
			35: ,           wikEd.config.image,              '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,           'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			75: ,     wikEd.config.image,        '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,     'wikEd.Button(obj,, true);' ],
			36: ,            wikEd.config.image,               '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,            'wikEd.Button(obj,, true);' ],
			37: ,       wikEd.config.image,          '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,       'wikEd.Button(obj,, true);' ],
			79: ,        wikEd.config.image,           '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,        'wikEd.Button(obj,, true);' ],

			// find top
			39: ,          wikEd.config.image,             '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,          'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			40: ,         wikEd.config.image,            '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,         'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			41: ,         wikEd.config.image,            '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,         'if (event.shiftKey) { wikEd.EditButton(obj,, \'shift\'); } else { wikEd.EditButton(obj,; }' ],
			43: ,         wikEd.config.image,            '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,         'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			44: ,         wikEd.config.image,            '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,         'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],

			// find bottom
			46: ,       wikEd.config.image,          '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,       'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			47: ,      wikEd.config.image,         '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,      'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			48: ,      wikEd.config.image,         '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,      'if (event.shiftKey) { wikEd.EditButton(obj,, \'shift\'); } else { wikEd.EditButton(obj,; }' ],
			49: ,    wikEd.config.image,       '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,    'wikEd.Button(obj,, true);' ],
			50: ,           wikEd.config.image,              '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,           'wikEd.Button(obj,, true);' ],
			51: ,        wikEd.config.image,           '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,        'wikEd.Button(obj,, true);' ],

			// fix top
			52: ,         wikEd.config.image,            '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,         'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			53: ,          wikEd.config.image,             '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,          'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			54: ,          wikEd.config.image,             '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,          'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			55: ,       wikEd.config.image,          '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,       'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			81: ,      wikEd.config.image,         '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,      'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			56: ,           wikEd.config.image,              '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,           'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			57: ,     wikEd.config.image,        '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,     'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],

			// fix bottom
			58: ,        wikEd.config.image,             '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,        'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			59: ,         wikEd.config.image,            '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,         'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			60: ,          wikEd.config.image,             '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,          'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			61: ,          wikEd.config.image,             '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,          'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			62: ,         wikEd.config.image,            '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,         'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],

			// preview top
			65: ,            wikEd.config.image,               '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,            'wikEd.Button(obj,;' ],
			66: , wikEd.config.image, '16', '16', wikEd.config.text, 'wikEd.Button(obj,;' ],
			67: ,    wikEd.config.image,        '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,    'wikEd.Button(obj,;' ],

			// preview bottom
			70: ,           wikEd.config.image,               '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,           'wikEd.Button(obj,;' ],
			71: , wikEd.config.image,     '16', '16', wikEd.config.text, 'wikEd.Button(obj,;' ],
			72: ,    wikEd.config.image,        '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,    'wikEd.Button(obj,;' ],

			// jump
			74: ,    wikEd.config.image,    '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,    'wikEd.Button(obj,;' ],

			// dummy (empty placeholder)
			76: ,               '16', '16', '',                                             '' ],

			// wikEd.InitButton: define built-in buttons (id, class, popup title, image src, width, height, alt text, click handler code were obj is the button element)
			82: ,     wikEd.config.image,             '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,  'wikEd.Button(obj,;' ],
			83: ,        wikEd.config.image,                '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,     'wikEd.Button(obj,;' ],

			// pasted
			85: ,    wikEd.config.image,             '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,    'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			86: ,     wikEd.config.image,              '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,     'wikEd.EditButton(obj,;' ],
			87: ,      wikEd.config.image,         '16', '16', wikEd.config.text,      'wikEd.PastedClose();' ]

	// button access keys
	if (wikEd.config.buttonKey === undefined) { wikEd.config.buttonKey = {}; }

	// wikEd.InitButtonKey: define accesskeys for edit buttons
	wikEd.InitButtonKey = function () {
		wikEd.InitObject(wikEd.config.buttonKey, {

			// wikEd button number: 
			26: , // wikify
			27: , // textify
			67: , // scrolltoedit2
			72: , // scrolltoedit3
			74: , // scrolltoedit4
			32:   // scrolltoedit, overwrites previous wikEd buttons for same key

	// button bars (id, class, button numbers)
	if (wikEd.config.buttonBar === undefined) { wikEd.config.buttonBar = {}; }

	// wikEd.InitButtonBar: define built-in button bars
	wikEd.InitButtonBar = function () {
		wikEd.InitObject(wikEd.config.buttonBar, {

			// button name: [id outer, class outer, id inner, class inner, height, grip title, button numbers, bar title
			'format':   ,  , wikEd.config.text ],
			'textify':  , , wikEd.config.text ],
			'custom1':  , , wikEd.config.text ],
			'find':     ,    , wikEd.config.text ],
			'fix':      ,     , wikEd.config.text ],
			'custom2':  , , wikEd.config.text ],
			'control':  , , wikEd.config.text ],
			'preview':  , wikEd.config.text ],
			'preview2': , wikEd.config.text ],
			'jump':     ,       wikEd.config.text ],
			'pasted':   , wikEd.config.text ]

	// history length for find, replace, and summary fields
	if (wikEd.config.historyLength === undefined) { wikEd.config.historyLength = {}; }
	wikEd.InitHistoryLength = function () {
		wikEd.InitObject(wikEd.config.historyLength, {
			'find': 10,
			'replace': 10,
			'summary': 10

	// presets for combo input fields dropdown options, {wikEdUsing} appends a link to this script
	if (wikEd.config.comboPresetOptions === undefined) { wikEd.config.comboPresetOptions = {}; }
	if (wikEd.config.comboPresetOptions.summary === undefined) { wikEd.config.comboPresetOptions.summary = wikEd.config.text.wikEdPresetSummary; }

	// text for summary link to this script
	if (wikEd.config.summaryUsing === undefined) { wikEd.config.summaryUsing = wikEd.config.text.wikEdSummaryUsing; }

	// expiration time span for permanent cookies in seconds, also defined in wikEdDiff.js
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// user configurable variables needed during start up

// init config
if (wikEd.config === undefined) { wikEd.config = {}; }

// wikEd code home base URL, also defined in wikEdDiff.js
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// diff library URL, also defined in wikEdDiff.js
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// wikEd.InitMediaWikiSkinIds: define Mediawiki page and skin detection, logo placement
//   format: skin name: , enable local preview / diff ],
wikEd.InitMediaWikiSkinIds = function () {
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// end of user configurable variables

// wikEd.InitGlobals: initialize non-configurable variables

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	wikEd.lDiffButton = null;
	wikEd.diffPreviewButton = null;
	wikEd.summaryLabel = null;

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	wikEd.textareaHeight = '';
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	wikEd.textareaBorderHeight = 0;
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	wikEd.frameBorderWidth = 0;
	wikEd.textareaOffsetHeightInitial = 0;
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	wikEd.fullscreen = false;

	wikEd.addNewSection = null;
	wikEd.browserNotSupported = false;
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	wikEd.textareaUpdated = true;
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	wikEd.clonedWarnings = false;
	wikEd.syntaxHighlightTagCSS = ;
	wikEd.loader = false;
	wikEd.wikibase = {};
	wikEd.keepSelRange = null;

	// override site javascript functions
	wikEd.InsertTagsOriginal = null;
	wikEd.insertAtCursorOriginal = null;

	// wikEd settings
	wikEd.refHide = false;
	wikEd.using = false;
	wikEd.closeToolbar = false;
	wikEd.highlightSyntax = false;
	wikEd.noSpellcheck = false;
	wikEd.diff = false;
	wikEd.tableMode = false;
	wikEd.cleanNodes = false;
	wikEd.readOnly = false;

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	wikEd.reservedChars = null;
	wikEd.specialChars = null;
	wikEd.problemChars = null;

	wikEd.charEntitiesByName = {};

	wikEd.controlCharHighlighting = null;
	wikEd.controlCharHighlightingStr = '';
	wikEd.charHighlighting = null;
	wikEd.charHighlightingStr = '';

	wikEd.letters = '';

	// linkification and hiding
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	wikEd.referenceArray = ;
	wikEd.templateArray = ;
	wikEd.charEntityArray = ;
	wikEd.tableArray = ;
	wikEd.scheduledUnhide = null;

	// RegExtypoFix rules
	wikEd.typoRulesFind = ;
	wikEd.typoRulesReplace = ;

	// store link infos (normalizations, redirects, redlinks)
	wikEd.linkInfo = {};
	wikEd.externalLinkInfo = {};

	// article preview: named reference definitions
	wikEd.namedRefs = {};

	// file preview
	wikEd.filePreviewCache = {};
	wikEd.filePreviewRequest = '';
	wikEd.filePreviewNo = 0;
	wikEd.filePreviewIds = ;

	// debugging time measurement, usage: wikEd.debugTimer.push(); wikEd.DebugTimer();
	wikEd.debugTimer = ;

	// syntax highlighting
	wikEd.parseObj = {};

	// MediaWiki file paths for use in regexps
	wikEd.server = '';
	wikEd.articlePath = '';
	wikEd.script = '';
	wikEd.scriptPath = '';
	wikEd.scriptName = '';
	wikEd.scriptURL = '';
	wikEd.useExternalApi = false;

	// pasting object
	wikEd.paste = null;

	// magic words and parser functions, see https://www.mediawiki.org

	// template, parser function, and parser variable modifiers {{modifier:...}}
	// see https://meta.wikimedia.org
	wikEd.templModifier = 'int|msg|msgnw|raw|subst';

	// parser variables {{variable}}

	// parser variables {{variable:R}}

	// parser functions {{FUNCTION:parameter|R}}

	// parser functions {{function:param|param}}
	wikEd.parserFunctions = 'localurl|localurle|fullurl|filepath|fullurle|urlencode|urldecode|anchorencode|ns|lc|lcfirst|uc|ucfirst|formatnum|padleft|padright|padright|plural|grammar|gender|int|noexternallanglinks';

	// parser functions {{#function:param|param}}
	wikEd.parserFunctionsHash = 'language|special|tag|tag|expr|if|ifeq|ifexist|ifexpr|switch|time|timel|rel2abs|titleparts|iferror|iferror|special|tag|categorytree|formatdate|property|invoke';

	// define leaf elements for wikEd.GetInnerHTML
	wikEd.leafElements = {
		'IMG':   true,
		'HR':    true,
		'BR':    true,
		'INPUT': true


// variables needed during startup, might be called multiple times

// hash of loaded scripts, also defined in wikEdDiff.js
if (wikEd.externalScripts === undefined) { wikEd.externalScripts = null; }
if (wikEd.externalScriptsString === undefined) { wikEd.externalScriptsString = ''; }
if (wikEd.pageLoaded === undefined) { wikEd.pageLoaded = false; }
if (wikEd.programVersion === undefined) { wikEd.programVersion = ''; }
if (wikEd.programDate === undefined) { wikEd.programDate = ''; }

// browser and os identificationr
if (wikEd.browserName === undefined) { wikEd.browserName = ''; }
if (wikEd.browserFlavor === undefined) { wikEd.browserFlavor = ''; }
if (wikEd.browserVersion === undefined) { wikEd.browserVersion = 0; }
if (wikEd.browserVersionStr === undefined) { wikEd.browserVersionStr = ''; }
if (wikEd.msie === undefined) { wikEd.msie = false; }
if (wikEd.mozilla === undefined) { wikEd.mozilla = false; }
if (wikEd.opera === undefined) { wikEd.opera = false; }
if (wikEd.safari === undefined) { wikEd.safari = false; }
if (wikEd.webkit === undefined) { wikEd.webkit = false; }
if ( === undefined) { = false; }
if (wikEd.greasemonkey === undefined) { wikEd.greasemonkey = false; }
if (wikEd.testVersion === undefined) { wikEd.testVersion = false; }
if (wikEd.platform === undefined) { wikEd.platform = null; }
if (wikEd.installationType === undefined) { wikEd.installationType = ''; }

// global variables for Greasemonkey
if (wikEd.wikiGlobals === undefined) { wikEd.wikiGlobals = {}; }
if (wikEd.text === undefined) { wikEd.text = {}; }

// skins
if (wikEd.logoContainerId === undefined) { wikEd.logoContainerId = ''; }
if (wikEd.rearrange === undefined) { wikEd.rearrange = false; }
if (wikEd.logoToList === undefined) { wikEd.logoToList = false; }
if (wikEd.enableLocalPreview === undefined) { wikEd.enableLocalPreview = false; }
if ( === undefined) { = ''; }

// various
if (wikEd.gotGlobalsHook === undefined) { wikEd.gotGlobalsHook = ; }
if (wikEd.getGlobalsCounter === undefined) { wikEd.getGlobalsCounter = 0; }
if (wikEd.loadingTranslation === undefined) { wikEd.loadingTranslation = false; }
if (wikEd.webStorage === undefined) { wikEd.webStorage = null; }

// customization
if (wikEd.useWikEd === undefined) { wikEd.useWikEd = false; }
if (wikEd.wikEdTextAdded === undefined) { wikEd.wikEdTextAdded = false; }
if (wikEd.wikEdConfigAdded === undefined) { wikEd.wikEdConfigAdded = false; }

// global dom elements, also defined in wikEdDiff.js
if (wikEd.pageOrigin === undefined) { wikEd.pageOrigin = ''; }
if (wikEd.head === undefined) { wikEd.head = null; }

// also defined in wikEdDiff.js
if (wikEd.pageName === undefined) { wikEd.pageName = null; }

// wikEd.InitObject: initialize object, keep pre-defined values (code copied to wikEdDiff.js)

wikEd.InitObject = function (target, source, showMissing) {

	if (typeof target == 'object') {
		for (var key in source) {
			if (typeof target == 'undefined') {
				target = source;

				// show missing array entries
				if (showMissing === true)  {
					if (typeof target == 'string') {
						wikEd.config.debugStartUp += '\t\t\t\'' + key + '\': \'' + target.replace(/\n/g, '\\n') + '\',\n';

// wikEd.AddToObject: add or replace properties, replace existing values (code copied to wikEdDiff.js)

wikEd.AddToObject = function (target, source, priority) {

	if (priority === undefined) {
		priority = {};
	if (typeof target == 'object') {
		for (var key in source) {
			if (priority !== undefined) {
				target = priority;
			else {
				target = source;

// wikEd.InitImage: initialize images, keep pre-defined values (code copied to wikEdDiff.js)

wikEd.InitImage = function (target, source) {

	var server = window.location.href.replace(/^(\w+:\/\/.*?)\/.*/, '$1');
	var protocol = server.replace(/^(\w+:)\/\/.*/, '$1');

	for (var key in source) {
		if (typeof target == 'undefined') {

			// remove MediaWiki path prefixes and add local path
			if (wikEd.config.useLocalImages === true) {
				target = wikEd.config.imagePathLocal + source.replace(/^+\/+\/()/, '');

			// add path
			else {
				target = wikEd.config.imagePath + source;

			// Chrome 33.0.1750.146 m bug, not displaying frame html background image without complete URL
			if (/^\/\//.test(target) === true) {
				target = protocol + target;
			else if (/^\//.test(target) === true) {
				target = server + target;

// wikEd.Startup: wikEd startup code, called during page load

wikEd.Startup = function () {

	// redirect WED shortcut to wikEd.Debug(objectName, object, popup)
	window.WED = wikEd.Debug;

	// extract version info from wikEd.Meta()
	var meta = wikEd.Meta.toString();
	var regExpMatchVersion =	/@version\s+(.*?)*\n/.exec(meta);
	if ( (regExpMatchVersion !== null) && (regExpMatchVersion !== null) ) {
		wikEd.programVersion = regExpMatchVersion;
	var regExpMatchDate = /@date\s+(.*?)*\n/.exec(meta);
	if ( (regExpMatchDate !== null) && (regExpMatchDate !== null) ) {
		wikEd.programDate = regExpMatchDate;

	// MediaWiki pages always have their title set, filter out Greasemonkey running on created iframes
	if (document.title === '') {

	// check if wikEd has already started up
	if (document.getElementsByName('wikEdStartupFlag') !== undefined) {

	// define current window head
	wikEd.head = document.getElementsByTagName('head') || null;

	// set startup flag
	var flag = document.createElement('meta');
	flag.setAttribute('name', 'wikEdStartupFlag');

	// get site of origin (window.location.href is about:blank if Firefox during page load)
	var origin = wikEd.head.baseURI;
	if (origin === undefined) {
		origin = window.location.toString();
	wikEd.pageOrigin = origin.replace(/^((https?|file):\/\/*)?.*$/, '$1');

	// check browser and version
	var regExpMatchAgent = window.navigator.userAgent.match(/\b(Firefox|Netscape|SeaMonkey|IceWeasel|IceCat|Fennec|Minefield|BonEcho|GranParadiso|Shiretoko|Namoroka)\W+(\d+\.\d+)/i);
	if (regExpMatchAgent !== null) {
		wikEd.browserName = 'Mozilla';
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		wikEd.browserVersion = parseFloat(regExpMatchAgent);
		wikEd.mozilla = true;

	// check for MSIE
	else {
		regExpMatchAgent = window.navigator.userAgent.match(/(MSIE)\W+(\d+\.\d+)/i);
		if (regExpMatchAgent !== null) {
			wikEd.browserName = 'MSIE';
			wikEd.browserVersion = parseFloat(regExpMatchAgent);
			wikEd.msie = true;

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		else {
			regExpMatchAgent = window.navigator.userAgent.match(/\b(Opera)\W+(\d+\.\d+)/i);
			if (regExpMatchAgent !== null) {
				wikEd.browserName = 'Opera';
				wikEd.browserVersion = parseFloat(regExpMatchAgent);
				if (wikEd.browserVersion == 9.80) {
					var versionMatch = window.navigator.userAgent.match(/(Version)\W+(\d+\.\d+)/i);
					if (versionMatch !== null) {
						wikEd.browserVersion = parseFloat(regExpMatchAgent);
				wikEd.opera = true;

			// check for Opera >= version 15 (Mozilla/5.0 (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/28.0.1500.52 Safari/537.36 OPR/15.0.1147.100)
			else {
				regExpMatchAgent = window.navigator.userAgent.match(/\b(OPR)\W+(\d+\.\d+)/i);
				if (regExpMatchAgent !== null) {
					wikEd.browserName = 'Opera';
					wikEd.browserVersion = parseFloat(regExpMatchAgent);
					wikEd.opera = true;

				// check for Google Chrome (AppleWebKit/525.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/525.13)
				else {
					regExpMatchAgent = window.navigator.userAgent.match(/\b(Chrome)\W+(\d+\.\d+)(\S+)/i);
					if (regExpMatchAgent !== null) {
						wikEd.browserName = 'Chrome';
						wikEd.browserVersion = parseFloat(regExpMatchAgent);
						wikEd.browserVersionStr = regExpMatchAgent + regExpMatchAgent; = true;

					// check for Safari
					else {
						regExpMatchAgent = window.navigator.userAgent.match(/\b(Safari)\W+(\d+\.\d+)/i);
						if (regExpMatchAgent !== null) {
							wikEd.browserName = 'Safari';
							wikEd.browserVersion = parseFloat(regExpMatchAgent);
							wikEd.safari = true;

						// check for other WebKit
						else {
							regExpMatchAgent = window.navigator.userAgent.match(/\b(WebKit)(GTK\+)?\W+(\d+\.\d+)/i);
							if (regExpMatchAgent !== null) {
								wikEd.browserName = 'WebKit';
								wikEd.browserVersion = parseFloat(regExpMatchAgent);
								wikEd.webkit = true;

	// check OS
	var regExpMatchOS = window.navigator.platform.match(/^(win|mac|unix|linux)/i);
	if (regExpMatchOS !== null) {
		wikEd.platform = regExpMatchOS.toLowerCase();

	// import customization (try now again after page load for user/skin.js)
	if ( (wikEdConfig !== undefined) && (wikEd.wikEdConfigAdded === false) ) {
		wikEd.AddToObject(wikEd.config, wikEdConfig);
		wikEd.wikEdConfigAdded = true;
	if ( (wikEdText !== undefined) && (wikEd.wikEdTextAdded === false) ) {
		wikEd.AddToObject(wikEd.text, wikEdText, wikEd.config.text);
		wikEd.wikEdTextAdded = true;

	// compatibility fixes for older customizations and wikEd-compatibilizations in other scripts
	window.wikEdUseWikEd = wikEd.useWikEd;
	window.WikEdUpdateTextarea = wikEd.UpdateTextarea;
	window.WikEdUpdateFrame = wikEd.UpdateFrame;
	window.WikEdGetText = wikEd.GetText;
	window.WikEdEditButton = wikEd.EditButton;

	// check if this runs under Greasemonkey
	if (typeof GM_info == 'object') {
		wikEd.greasemonkey = true;

	// parse global-context (MediaWiki) variables into hash (for Greasemonkey)
	var globalNames = ;
	if (wikEd.greasemonkey === true) {
		globalNames.push('wikEdConfig', 'wikEdText');

	// copy custom config settings and text after values have arrived
	var gotGlobalsHook = [
		function() {
			if ( (typeof wikEd.wikiGlobals.wikEdConfig == 'object') && (wikEd.wikEdConfigAdded === false) ) {
				wikEd.AddToObject(wikEd.config, wikEd.wikiGlobals.wikEdConfig);
				wikEd.wikEdConfigAdded = true;
			if ( (typeof wikEd.wikiGlobals.wikEdText == 'object') && (wikEd.wikEdTextAdded === false) ) {
				wikEd.AddToObject(wikEd.text, wikEd.wikiGlobals.wikEdText, wikEd.config.text);
				wikEd.wikEdTextAdded = true;

	// and load translations when done
	if ( (wikEd.config.loadTranslation === true) && (wikEd.loadingTranslation === false) ) {

	// set listener for GetGlobals messaging
	window.addEventListener('message', wikEd.GetGlobalsReceiver, false);

	// parse globals (asynchronous)
	wikEd.GetGlobals(globalNames, gotGlobalsHook);

	// schedule the setup routine; readyState interactive gives GM security error
	if (document.readyState == 'complete') {

	// with DOMContentLoaded event wikEd does not load for first (uncached) section edit
	else {
		window.addEventListener('load', wikEd.Setup, false);


// wikEd.LoadTranslations: load external wikEd translation and language settings

wikEd.LoadTranslations = function () {

	if ( (wikEd.config.loadTranslation === true) && (wikEd.loadingTranslation === false) ) {
		var contentLang = wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgContentLanguage || '';
		var userLang = wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgUserLanguage || '';
		if ( (wikEd.config.languageDefault !== '') || (userLang !== '') || (contentLang !== '') ) {

			// simplified Chinese
			if (contentLang == 'zh') {
				contentLang = 'zh-hans';
			if ( (userLang == 'zh') || (userLang == 'zh-cn') || (userLang == 'zh-sg') ) {
				userLang = 'zh-hans';

			// traditional Chinese
			else if ( (userLang == 'zh-hk') || (userLang == 'zh-tw') ) {
				userLang = 'zh-hant';

			var scriptUrl = wikEd.config.translations || '';
			if (scriptUrl === '') {
				scriptUrl = wikEd.config.translations || '';
				if (scriptUrl === '') {
					scriptUrl = wikEd.config.translations || '';
			if (scriptUrl !== '') {
				wikEd.AppendScript(scriptUrl, function () {

					// copy custom text after values have arrived
					var gotGlobalsHook = function () {
						wikEd.AddToObject(wikEd.text, wikEd.wikiGlobals.wikEdText, wikEd.config.text);

					// parse globals (asynchronous)
					wikEd.GetGlobals(, );
					wikEd.loadingTranslation = true;

// wikEd.Setup: basic setup routine, scheduled after DOM or page load

wikEd.Setup = function () {

	document.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', wikEd.Setup, false);

	window.removeEventListener('load', wikEd.Setup, false);

	// check if wikEd has already set up
	if (document.getElementsByName('wikEdSetupFlag') !== undefined) {

	// set setup flag
	var flag = document.createElement('meta');
	flag.setAttribute('name', 'wikEdSetupFlag');

	// import customization (try later again after page load for user/skin.js)
	if ( (typeof wikEdConfig == 'object') && (wikEd.wikEdConfigAdded === false) ) {
		wikEd.AddToObject(wikEd.config, wikEdConfig);
		wikEd.wikEdConfigAdded = true;
	if ( (typeof wikEdText == 'object') && (wikEd.wikEdTextAdded === false) ) {
		wikEd.AddToObject(wikEd.text, wikEdText, wikEd.config.text);
		wikEd.wikEdTextAdded = true;

	// detect already loaded external scripts
	if (wikEd.externalScripts === null) {
		wikEd.externalScripts = ;
		var pageScripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
		for (var i = 0; i < pageScripts.length; i ++) {
			var scriptSrc = pageScripts.src;
			var regExpMatchName = scriptSrc.match(/\btitle=(*)/);
			if (regExpMatchName === null) {
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			if (regExpMatchName !== null) {
				var scriptName = regExpMatchName || '';
				if (scriptName !== '') {

					// ignore other diff.js scripts
					if ( (scriptName == 'diff.js') && (scriptSrc != wikEd.config.diffScriptSrc) ) {

					// ignore resource loader
					if (scriptName == 'load.php') {

					wikEd.externalScripts = pageScripts;
					wikEd.externalScriptsString += scriptName + '\n';

	// detect developer version
	if (wikEd.externalScripts !== undefined) {
		wikEd.testVersion = true;

	// exit if executed as Greasemonkey script if wiki user script is available
	if (typeof GM_getValue == 'function') {
		if (wikEd.externalScripts !== undefined) {
			wikEd.greasemonkey = false;
		else {
			wikEd.greasemonkey = true;

	// detect wikEd running as a gadget
	if (wikEd.config.gadget === null) {
		if (wikEd.externalScripts !== undefined) {
			wikEd.config.gadget = true;

	// set installation type
	if (wikEd.config.gadget === true) {
		wikEd.installationType += ' G';
	else if (wikEd.greasemonkey === true) {
		wikEd.installationType += ' GM';

	// detect MediaWiki page and its skin
	for (var skin in wikEd.config.mediaWikiSkinIds) {
		if (, skin) === true) {
			var logoContainerId = wikEd.config.mediaWikiSkinIds;
			var logoToList = wikEd.config.mediaWikiSkinIds;
			var rearrange = wikEd.config.mediaWikiSkinIds;
			var skinIds = wikEd.config.mediaWikiSkinIds;
			var enableLocalPreview = wikEd.config.mediaWikiSkinIds;
			for (var i = 0; i < skinIds.length; i ++) {
				if (document.getElementById(skinIds) === null) {
			if (i == skinIds.length) {
				wikEd.logoContainerId = logoContainerId; = skin;
				wikEd.rearrange = rearrange;
				wikEd.logoToList = logoToList;
				wikEd.enableLocalPreview = enableLocalPreview;

	// not a MediaWiki page
	if ( === '') {

	// initialize user configurable variables

	// import custom text and translations
	wikEd.AddToObject(wikEd.config.text, wikEd.text);

	// do not rearrange page elements
	if (wikEd.config.noRearrange !== false) {
		wikEd.rearrange = false;

	// initialize non-configurable variables

	// check for updates

	// initialize images (needed here for logo)

	// load css for edit and non-edit pages

	// add stylesheet definitions
	wikEd.ApplyCSS(document, wikEd.config.mainCSS);

	// add image path to image filename
	if (wikEd.logo === null) {

		// create logo
		wikEd.logo = document.createElement('img'); = 'wikEdLogoImg';

		// insert logo into page
		var logoContainer;
		if (wikEd.logoContainerId !== '') {
			logoContainer = document.getElementById(wikEd.logoContainerId);
		if (logoContainer !== null) {

			// logo as last element of specified list (e.g. monobook, simple, myskin, gumax)
			if (wikEd.logoToList === true) {
				wikEd.logoList = document.createElement('li'); = 'wikEdLogoList';
				wikEd.logoList.className = 'wikEdLogoList';
				var list;
				if (logoContainer.tagName == 'UL') {
					list = logoContainer;
				else {
					list = logoContainer.getElementsByTagName('ul');
				if (list !== undefined) {
					wikEd.logo.className = 'wikEdLogo';

			// logo as last child of specified element
			else {
				wikEd.logo.className = 'wikEdLogo';

		// logo as first page element, fallback for undetected skin
		if (wikEd.logo.className === '') {
			document.body.insertBefore(wikEd.logo, document.body.firstChild);
			wikEd.logo.className = 'wikEdLogoFallBack';

		// add event listeners to logo
		wikEd.logo.addEventListener('click', wikEd.MainSwitch, true);
		wikEd.logo.addEventListener('click', wikEd.DebugInfo, true);

	// page loaded flag for dynamically loaded scripts
	wikEd.pageLoaded = true;

	// load the external wikEd diff library script if not already done
	if ( (wikEd.config.loadDiffScript === true) && (wikEd.externalScripts === undefined) ) {
		if (WikEdDiff === undefined) {
			var sep = '&';
			if (wikEd.config.diffScriptSrc.indexOf('?') == -1) {
				sep = '?';
			wikEd.externalScripts = wikEd.AppendScript(wikEd.config.diffScriptSrc + sep + wikEd.programVersion);

	// load the external wikEdDiff script if not already done
	if ( (wikEd.config.loadDiff === true) && (wikEd.externalScripts === undefined) ) {
		if (wikEd.Diff === undefined) {
			var sep = '&';
			if (wikEd.config.diffSrc.indexOf('?') == -1) {
				sep = '?';
			wikEd.externalScripts = wikEd.AppendScript(wikEd.config.diffSrc + sep + wikEd.programVersion);

	// init syntax highlighting regExp object

	// check if disabled
	wikEd.disabled = wikEd.GetSavedSetting('wikEdDisabled', wikEd.config.disabledPreset);
	if (wikEd.disabled === true) {
		wikEd.useWikEd = false;
		window.wikEdUseWikEd = wikEd.useWikEd;

	// location search string function: put all used images and icons on an empty page
	if (/(\?|&)wikEd=iconPage\b/i.test( === true) {
		var str = wikEd.config.text.iconPage;
		for (var imageKey in wikEd.config.image) {
			if (, imageKey) === true) {
				var imageAddress = wikEd.config.image;
				if (typeof imageAddress == 'string') {
					str += '<img src="' + imageAddress + '"> ';
		document.body.innerHTML = str;

	// continue setup


// wikEd.TurnOn: continue setup, can be called repeatedly

wikEd.TurnOn = function (scrollToEditFocus) {

	// check if setup was already run
	if (wikEd.turnedOn === true) {

	// set error logo

	// check for active code editor and .js or .css page

	// no id, no wikEd
	if (window.navigator.appName === null) {
		wikEd.browserNotSupported = true;

	// check browser versions
	switch (wikEd.browserName) {

		// check Mozilla version
		case 'Mozilla':
			if (
				(wikEd.browserFlavor == 'Firefox') && (wikEd.browserVersion < 1.5) ||
				(wikEd.browserFlavor == 'Netscape') && (wikEd.browserVersion < 8.0) ||
				(wikEd.browserFlavor == 'SeaMonkey') && (wikEd.browserVersion < 1.0)
			) {
				wikEd.browserNotSupported = true;

		// check MSIE version
		case 'MSIE':
			wikEd.browserNotSupported = true;

		// check Opera version
		case 'Opera':
			if (wikEd.browserVersion < 15) {

				// too buggy (inserthtml, parentNode...)
				wikEd.browserNotSupported = true;

		// check Google Chrome version
		case 'Chrome':
			if (wikEd.browserVersion < 0.2) {
				wikEd.browserNotSupported = true;

			// Chrome bug, version 45.0.2454.85 - 45.0.2454.93
			else if (wikEd.browserVersion == 45) {
				var regExpMatch = /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/.exec( wikEd.browserVersionStr );
				if ( ( regExpMatch !== null ) && ( regExpMatch == 2454 ) && ( regExpMatch >= 85 ) && ( regExpMatch < 93 ) ) {
					wikEd.browserNotSupported = true;

		// check Safari version
		case 'Safari':
			if (wikEd.browserVersion < 500) {
				wikEd.browserNotSupported = true;

	// browser or version not supported, set error message and exit
	if ( (wikEd.browserNotSupported === true) && (wikEd.config.skipBrowserTest === false) ) {
		wikEd.disabled = true;

	// get form elements
	var array;
	array = document.getElementsByName('wpEdittime');
	if (array !== undefined) {
		wikEd.edittime = array.value;
	array = document.getElementsByName('wpStarttime');
	if (array !== undefined) {
		wikEd.starttime = array.value;
	array = document.getElementsByName('wpAutoSummary');
	if (array !== undefined) {
		wikEd.autoSummary = array.value;
	array = document.getElementsByName('wpEditToken');
	if (array !== undefined) {
		wikEd.editToken = array.value;

	// page type detection

	// detect custom edit page
	if (wikEd.config.customEditFormId !== '') {
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	if (wikEd.config.customTextAreaId !== '') {
		wikEd.textarea = document.getElementById(wikEd.config.customTextAreaId);
	if (wikEd.config.customSaveButtonId !== '') {
		wikEd.saveButton = document.getElementById(wikEd.customwikEdSaveButtonId);

	// detect standard edit page
	if (wikEd.textarea === null) {

		// HotCat injects this textarea into non-edit pages
		var textarea = document.getElementsByName('wpTextbox1');
		if ( (textarea !== undefined) && (textarea.type != 'hidden') ) {
			wikEd.textarea = textarea;
	if (wikEd.editForm === null) {
		wikEd.editForm = document.getElementById('editform');
	if (wikEd.saveButton === null) {
		wikEd.saveButton = document.getElementById('wpSave');
	wikEd.diffPreviewButton = document.getElementById('wpDiff');
	wikEd.previewButton = document.getElementById('wpPreview');
	wikEd.editArticle = true;

	// detect read-only edit page
	if ( (wikEd.textarea !== null) && (wikEd.editForm === null) && (wikEd.saveButton === null) ) {
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		wikEd.editArticle = false;
		wikEd.readOnly = true;

	// detect semantic forms extension
	else if (wikEd.textarea === null) {
		wikEd.editForm = document.getElementById('sfForm');
		wikEd.textarea = document.getElementById('sf_free_text');
		if ( (wikEd.editForm !== null) && (wikEd.textarea !== null) ) {
			wikEd.editArticle = false;
			wikEd.editSemanticForm = true;

		// detect edit raw watchlist page
		else {
			wikEd.textarea = document.getElementById('mw-input-wpTitles');

			// old version
			if (wikEd.textarea === null) {
				wikEd.textarea = document.getElementById('titles');
			if (wikEd.textarea !== null) {
				wikEd.editArticle = false;
				wikEd.editWatchlist = true;

				// get watchlist edit form
				var node = wikEd.textarea;
				while (node !== null) {
					node = node.parentNode;
					if (node.tagName == 'FORM') {
				wikEd.editForm = node;

				// get watchlist submit button
				var saveButton = document.getElementsByClassName('mw-htmlform-submit');
				if ( (saveButton === undefined) && (wikEd.editForm !== null) ) {
					wikEd.saveButton = saveButton;
					var submits = wikEd.editForm.getElementsByTagName('input');
					for (var i = 0; i < submits.length; i ++) {
						if (submits.type == 'submit') {
							wikEd.saveButton = submits;

		// detect upload page
		if ( (wikEd.textarea === null) || (wikEd.editForm === null) || (wikEd.saveButton === null) ) {
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			var editForm = document.getElementById('mw-upload-form');
			var saveButton = document.getElementsByName('wpUpload');
			if ( (textarea !== undefined) && (editForm !== null) && (saveButton !== undefined) ) {
				wikEd.textarea = textarea;
				wikEd.editForm = editForm;
				wikEd.saveButton = saveButton;
				wikEd.editArticle = false;
				wikEd.editUpload = true;
				wikEd.rearrange = false;

		// detect view and restore deleted pages (no id on textarea)
		if ( (wikEd.textarea === null) || (wikEd.editForm === null) || (wikEd.saveButton === null) ) {
			var forms = document.getElementsByTagName('form');
			var i = 0;
			var form;
			while ( (form = forms) !== undefined) {
				if (/\btitle=Special:Undelete\b/i.test(form.action) === true) {
					var textareas = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea');
					var j = 0;
					var textarea;
					while ( (textarea = textareas) !== undefined) {
						if (textarea.readOnly === true) {
							wikEd.textarea = textarea;
							wikEd.previewButton = document.getElementsByName('preview') || null;
							wikEd.editArticle = false;
							wikEd.viewDeleted = true;
							wikEd.rearrange = true;

	// set page detection error indicator
	if (wikEd.textarea === null) {

	// do not turn on when code editor is active
	if ( ( wikEd.useCodeEditor === true) || ( wikEd.useCodeMirror === true ) ) {
		wikEd.disabled = true;
		wikEd.SetLogo('incompatible', 'Code Editor');

	// check if the textarea is read-only
	if (wikEd.config.skipReadOnlyTest === false) {
		if ( (wikEd.textarea.getAttribute('readonly') !== null) || (wikEd.saveButton === null) ) {
			wikEd.readOnly = true;

	// check for section edits
	var section = document.getElementsByName('wpSection');
	if (
		section !== null &&
		section.length > 0 &&
		/^\d+$/.test(section.value) === true
	) {
		wikEd.editSection = section.value;

	// get missing wg variables from footer link (code copied to wikEdDiff.js)
	if (wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgArticlePath === undefined) {
		var printfooter = document.body.getElementsByClassName('printfooter');
		if (printfooter !== undefined) {
			var articleLink = printfooter.getElementsByTagName('a');
			if (articleLink !== undefined) {
				var regExpMatch = /^(https?:\/\/*)(\/(*\/)*)(*)$/.exec(articleLink.href);
				if (regExpMatch !== null) {
					wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgServer = regExpMatch;
					wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgArticlePath = regExpMatch + regExpMatch + '$1';
					wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgPageName = regExpMatch || '';
					wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgTitle = decodeURIComponent( regExpMatch.replace(/_/g, ' ') );

	// get missing wg variables from form action url
	if (wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgScript === undefined) {
		var form = wikEd.editForm;
		if ( form !== null && form.action.indexOf( '/Special:EditWatchlist' ) !== -1 ) {
			form = document.getElementById( 'searchform' );
		if ( form !== null && form.action.indexOf( '/index.php' ) !== -1 ) {
			wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgScript = form.action.replace(/^https?:\/\/*|\?.*$/g, '');
			wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgScriptPath = wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgScript.replace(/\/index\.php/, '');

	// get current page name
	wikEd.pageName = wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgPageName;

	// get current namespace
	if (wikEd.pageName !== null) {
		var colonPos = wikEd.pageName.indexOf(':');
		if (colonPos == -1) {
			wikEd.pageNamespace = '';
		else {
			wikEd.pageNamespace = wikEd.pageName.substr(0, colonPos);

	// get MediaWiki file paths

	// check if we can call external API for redlink detection
	var regExpDomains = new RegExp('//(.*?\\.)?(' + wikEd.config.externalApiDomains.replace(/\s*,\s*/g, '|').replace(/\./g, '\\.') + '$)', 'g');
	wikEd.useExternalApi = regExpDomains.test(window.location.origin);

	// get page elements
	wikEd.catLinks = document.getElementById('catlinks');

	// check if mw.loader is available
	if ( ( !== undefined) && ( !== undefined) && ( !== undefined) ) {
		wikEd.loader = true;

	// get wikibase defaults for linkification
	wikEd.wikibase.currentSite = {};
	wikEd.wikibase.currentSite.globalSiteId = wikEd.config.wbGlobalSiteId;
	wikEd.wikibase.repoUrl = wikEd.config.wbRepoUrl;
	wikEd.wikibase.repoArticlePath = wikEd.config.wbRepoArticlePath;

	// get wikibase infos
	if (wikEd.loader === true) {

		// prevent error if module is not installed
		try {'wikibase.client.currentSite', function () {
				wikEd.wikibase.currentSite ='wbCurrentSite');
		catch (exception) {

		try {'wikibase.repoAccess', function () {
				wikEd.wikibase.repoUrl ='wbRepoUrl');
				wikEd.wikibase.repoArticlePath ='wbRepoArticlePath');
		catch (exception) {

	// initialize frame css, main css, buttons, and button bars

	// check for incompatible scripts
	var incompatible = '';
	if (wikEd.config.skipScriptTest === false) {
		for (var key in wikEd.config.incompatibleScripts) {
			if (, key) === true) {
				var regExp = new RegExp(wikEd.config.incompatibleScripts.replace(/\.js$/g, ''), 'gim');
				if (regExp.test(wikEd.externalScriptsString) === true) {
					if (incompatible !== '') {
						incompatible += ', ';
					incompatible += key;

	// detect incompatible add-ons
	if (wikEd.config.skipAddonTest === false) {

		// Ginger add-on breaks undo history, corrupts text (<tag><!-- -->)
		if (document.body.getAttribute('ginger_software_stylesheet') !== null) {
			if (incompatible !== '') {
				incompatible += ', ';
			incompatible += 'Ginger';

	// incompatible script or add-on error
	if (incompatible !== '') {
		wikEd.disabled = true;
		wikEd.SetLogo('incompatible', incompatible);

	// define Unicode characters for fixing function

	// detect if we add a new section (+ tab)
	if (/(\?|&)section=new\b/.test( === true) {
		wikEd.addNewSection = true;
	else {
		var section = document.getElementsByName('wpSection');
		if ( (section !== undefined) && (section.value == 'new') ) {
			wikEd.addNewSection = true;

	// get initial textarea dimensions
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	else {
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	wikEd.textareaOffsetHeightInitial = wikEd.textarea.offsetHeight;
	wikEd.textareaHeight = (wikEd.textarea.offsetHeight - wikEd.textareaBorderHeight) + 'px';
	wikEd.textareaWidth = '100%';

	// setup the undo buffers and save the original text for local changes view
	wikEd.origVersion = wikEd.textarea.value;

	// add stylesheet definitions
	wikEd.ApplyCSS(document, wikEd.config.mainEditCSS);

	// get button settings from saved settings
	wikEd.using = wikEd.GetSavedSetting('wikEdSummaryUsing', wikEd.config.usingPreset);
	wikEd.useWikEd = ! wikEd.GetSavedSetting('wikEdUseClassic', ! wikEd.config.useWikEdPreset);
	wikEd.highlightSyntax = ! wikEd.GetSavedSetting('wikEdSyntaxOff', ! wikEd.config.highlightSyntaxPreset);
	wikEd.fullScreenMode = wikEd.GetSavedSetting('wikEdFullscreen', wikEd.config.fullScreenModePreset);
	wikEd.closeToolbar = wikEd.GetSavedSetting('wikEdCloseToolbar', wikEd.config.closeToolbarPreset);
	wikEd.refHide = wikEd.GetSavedSetting('wikEdRefHide', wikEd.config.refHidePreset);
	window.wikEdUseWikEd = wikEd.useWikEd;
	if (wikEd.config.tableMode === true) {
		wikEd.tableMode = wikEd.refHide;
	else {
		wikEd.tableMode = false;

	// detect preview page
	if (/(\?|&)action=submit\b/.test( === true) {
		wikEd.previewPage = true;

	// disable wikEd for Lupin's autoedit scripts
	if (/(\?|&)autoedit=/.test( === true) {
		wikEd.useWikEd = false;
		window.wikEdUseWikEd = wikEd.useWikEd;

	// disable wikEd for .js and .css pages
	if ( (wikEd.jsPage === true) || (wikEd.cssPage === true) ) {
		wikEd.noSpellcheck = true;
		if (wikEd.origVersion.length > 20000) {
			wikEd.useWikEd = false;
			window.wikEdUseWikEd = wikEd.useWikEd;
		else {
			wikEd.highlightSyntax = false;

	// disable highlighting for module namespace (Scribunto/Lua templates)
	if (wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgCanonicalNamespace == 'Module') {
		wikEd.noSpellcheck = true;
		wikEd.highlightSyntax = false;

	// no spellcheck for watchlist editing
	if (wikEd.editWatchlist === true) {
		wikEd.noSpellcheck = true;

	// disable spellchecker for textarea
	if (wikEd.noSpellcheck === true) {
		wikEd.textarea.setAttribute('spellcheck', false);

	// preset frame related styles to avoid browser crashes
	var styleFrameWrapperPosition;
	var styleFrameWrapperVisibility;
	var styleTextareaWrapperPosition;
	var styleTextareaWrapperVisibility;
	if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {
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		styleTextareaWrapperPosition = 'absolute';
		styleTextareaWrapperVisibility = 'hidden';
	else {
		styleFrameWrapperPosition = 'absolute';
		styleFrameWrapperVisibility = 'hidden';
		styleTextareaWrapperPosition = 'static';
		styleTextareaWrapperVisibility = 'visible';

	// find proper insertion point of input wrapper

	// inside the wikiEditor interface
	var wikiEditor = document.body.getElementsByClassName('wikiEditor-ui');
	if (wikiEditor !== undefined) {
		wikEd.wikiEditor = wikiEditor;
		wikEd.wikiEditorFrame = wikEd.wikiEditor.getElementsByTagName('IFRAME') || null;
		wikEd.wikiEditorTop = document.body.getElementsByClassName('wikiEditor-ui-top') || null;
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		wikEd.wikiEditorBar = document.body.getElementsByClassName('wikiEditor-ui-toolbar') || null;
		wikEd.wikiEditorBottom = document.body.getElementsByClassName('wikiEditor-ui-bottom') || null;
		wikEd.wikiEditorText = document.body.getElementsByClassName('wikiEditor-ui-text') || null;
		wikEd.textareaContainer = wikEd.wikiEditor;
		if (wikEd.wikiEditorBar === null) {
			wikEd.SetLogo('incompatible', 'WikiEditor (delayed)');

	// before original textarea container (multiple nested containers for semantic forms)
	else {
		var node = wikEd.textarea;
		var parent = node.parentNode;
		while (wikEd.GetFirstChildNode(parent) == wikEd.GetLastChildNode(parent) ) {
			if (/^(SPAN|DIV|P)$/.test(parent.nodeName) === false) {
			node = parent;
			parent = node.parentNode;
		wikEd.textareaContainer = node;

	// create input wrapper, contains the whole wikEd and wikiEditor user interface, is the fullscreen container
	wikEd.inputWrapper = document.createElement('div'); = 'wikEdInputWrapper';
	wikEd.inputWrapper.className = 'wikEdInputWrapper';
	if (wikEd.wikiEditor !== null) {
		wikEd.inputWrapper = wikEd.wikiEditor.parentNode.insertBefore(wikEd.inputWrapper, wikEd.wikiEditor);
	else {
		wikEd.textareaContainer.parentNode.insertBefore(wikEd.inputWrapper, wikEd.textareaContainer);

	// create editor wrapper, contains captcha, toolbar, debug, buttons bar, textarea, toc, but not the summary
	wikEd.editorWrapper = document.createElement('div'); = 'wikEdEditorWrapper';
	wikEd.editorWrapper.className = 'wikEdEditorWrapper';
	if (wikEd.wikiEditor !== null) {
		wikEd.wikiEditor.parentNode.insertBefore(wikEd.editorWrapper, wikEd.wikiEditor);
	else {

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	wikEd.buttonsWrapper = document.createElement('div'); = 'wikEdButtonsWrapper';
	wikEd.buttonsWrapper.className = 'wikEdButtonsWrapper';
	if (wikEd.wikiEditor !== null) {
		wikEd.wikiEditorBar.parentNode.insertBefore(wikEd.buttonsWrapper, wikEd.wikiEditorBar);
	else {

	// create toolbar wrapper
	wikEd.toolbarWrapper = document.createElement('div'); = 'wikEdToolbarWrapper';
	wikEd.toolbarWrapper.className = 'wikEdToolbarWrapper';

	// fill toolbar wrapper
	wikEd.toolbar = document.getElementById('toolbar');
	if (wikEd.toolbar !== null) {
	if (wikEd.wikiEditorBar !== null) {

	// create debug textarea wrapper
	wikEd.debugWrapper = document.createElement('div'); = 'wikEdDebugWrapper';
	wikEd.debugWrapper.className = 'wikEdDebugWrapper'; = 'none';
	wikEd.editorWrapper.insertBefore(wikEd.debugWrapper, wikEd.editorWrapper.firstChild);

	// create captcha wrapper
	if ( (wikEd.rearrange === true) && (wikEd.readOnly === false) ) {
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		wikEd.captchaWrapper.className = 'wikEdCaptchaWrapper';
		wikEd.editorWrapper.insertBefore(wikEd.captchaWrapper, wikEd.editorWrapper.firstChild);

	// create editor wrapper, contains toolbar, textarea, toc, but not the summary
	wikEd.editWrapper = document.createElement('div'); = 'wikEdEditWrapper';
	wikEd.editWrapper.className = 'wikEdEditWrapper';
	if (wikEd.wikiEditor !== null) {
	else {

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	wikEd.textareaWrapper = document.createElement('div'); = 'wikEdTextareaWrapper';
	wikEd.textareaWrapper.className = 'wikEdTextareaWrapper'; = styleTextareaWrapperPosition; = styleTextareaWrapperVisibility;

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	wikEd.frameWrapper = document.createElement('div'); = 'wikEdFrameWrapper';
	wikEd.frameWrapper.className = 'wikEdFrameWrapper'; = styleFrameWrapperPosition; = styleFrameWrapperVisibility;

	// create console wrapper for buttons, summary, and submit
	if (wikEd.rearrange === true) {
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		wikEd.consoleWrapper.className = 'wikEdConsoleWrapper';

	// create button bar wrapper
	wikEd.buttonBarWrapper = document.createElement('div'); = 'wikEdButtonBarWrapper';
	wikEd.buttonBarWrapper.className = 'wikEdButtonBarWrapper';

	// create summary wrapper for summary, minor edit, and watch this page
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		// add summary above the edit field if we add a new section (+ tab)
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			wikEd.consoleTopWrapper.className = 'wikEdConsoleTopWrapper';
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		else {

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		wikEd.editOptionsWrapper.className = 'wikEdEditOptionsWrapper';

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		wikEd.submitWrapper.className = 'wikEdSubmitWrapper';

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	// create preview wrapper for preview and diff box
	if (wikEd.enableLocalPreview !== false) {
		wikEd.localPrevWrapper = document.createElement('div'); = 'wikEdLocalPrevWrapper';
		wikEd.localPrevWrapper.className = 'wikEdLocalPrevWrapper'; = 'none';
		if (wikEd.rearrange === true) {
		else if (wikEd.saveButton !== null) {
		else if (wikEd.previewButton !== null) {
		else if (wikEd.diffPreviewButton !== null) {

	// create insert wrapper for insert special chars links
	if (wikEd.rearrange === true) {
		wikEd.insertWrapper = document.createElement('div'); = 'wikEdInsertWrapper';
		wikEd.insertWrapper.className = 'wikEdInsertWrapper';

	// fill the wrappers

	// create debug textarea and add to debug wrapper
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	wikEd.debug.className = 'wikEdDebugTextarea';
	wikEd.debug.rows = 20;
	wikEd.debug.setAttribute('spellcheck', false);

	// display startup error messages
	if (wikEd.config.debugStartUp !== '') {

	// wikEdDiff enhanced ajax diff
	if (typeof wikEd.diffTable == 'object') {
		if ( (wikEd.diffTable !== null) && (wikEd.diff === true) ) {
			if (wikEd.Diff !== undefined) {

	// hide toolbar wrapper
	if (wikEd.closeToolbar === true) { = 'none';
	else { = 'block';

	// call wikibits:mwSetupToolbar() now because it would terminate with an error after setting textarea to display: none
	if (wikEd.toolbar !== null) {
		if (wikEd.toolbar.getElementsByTagName('IMG').length === 0) {
			if (window.mwSetupToolbar !== undefined) {
				window.removeEventListener('load', window.mwSetupToolbar, false);

	// dropdowns from toolbar should go over wikEd toolbar
	if (wikEd.wikiEditorBar !== null) { = '5';

	// move editpage-copywarn out of summary wrapper
	// needs to be done before appending editOptions to summary wrapper otherwise a linebreak stays (Mozilla bug)
	if (wikEd.rearrange === true) {
		var copywarn = document.getElementById('editpage-copywarn');
		if (copywarn !== null) {
			wikEd.inputWrapper.parentNode.insertBefore(copywarn, wikEd.inputWrapper.nextSibling); = 'both';

	// add a link to the wikEd help page
	var editHelp = document.getElementsByClassName('editHelp');
	if (editHelp !== undefined) {
		if (typeof wikEd.config.helpPageLink == 'string') {
			wikEd.editHelp = document.createElement('span'); = 'wikEdEditHelp';
			wikEd.editHelp.className = 'wikEdEditHelp';
			wikEd.editHelp.innerHTML = wikEd.config.helpPageLink.replace(/\{wikEdHomeBaseUrl\}/g, wikEd.config.homeBaseUrl);
			editHelp.parentNode.insertBefore(wikEd.editHelp, editHelp.nextSibling);

	// add submit buttons to submit wrapper, leaving only checkboxes in editOptions
	if (wikEd.rearrange === true) {
		var editButtons = document.getElementsByClassName('editButtons');
		if (editButtons === undefined) {
			if (wikEd.saveButton !== null) {

				// edit watchlist, semantic forms
				if (wikEd.editWatchlist === true) {
					editButtons = wikEd.saveButton;

				// semantic forms
				else {
					editButtons = wikEd.saveButton.parentNode;
			else if (wikEd.previewButton !== null) {

				// edit watchlist
				if (wikEd.editWatchlist === true) {
					editButtons = wikEd.previewButton;
				else {
					editButtons = wikEd.previewButton.parentNode;
			else if (wikEd.diffPreviewButton !== null) {
				editButtons = wikEd.diffPreviewButton.parentNode;
		if ( (editButtons !== undefined) && (editButtons !== null) ) {

	// get edit checkboxes
	var editCheckboxes;
	if (wikEd.editForm !== null) {
		editCheckboxes = wikEd.editForm.getElementsByClassName('editCheckboxes');

	// non-standard page (old, semantic forms...)
	if (editCheckboxes === undefined) {
		var checkbox = document.getElementById('wpMinoredit');
		if (checkbox === null) {
			checkbox = document.getElementById('wpWatchthis');
		var summary = document.getElementsByName('wpSummary');
		if ( (summary !== undefined) && (checkbox !== null) ) {

			// get checkbox container, e.g. semantic forms <p>
			if ( (summary.nextSibling == checkbox.parentNode) || (summary.parentNode.nextSibling == checkbox.parentNode) ) {
				editCheckboxes = checkbox.parentNode;
				editCheckboxes.className = 'wikEdEditCheckboxes';

			// old MediaWiki versions: create edit options container
			else {
				editCheckboxes = document.createElement('div'); = 'wikEdEditCheckboxes';
				editCheckboxes.className = 'wikEdEditCheckboxes';
				if (summary.nextSibling == checkbox) {
					var node = checkbox;
					while (node !== null) {
						var nextNode = node.nextSibling;
						node = nextNode;

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	if (wikEd.rearrange === true) {
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		if (wikEd.summaryLabel !== null) {
		wikEd.summaryText = document.getElementsByName('wpSummary') || null;
		if (wikEd.summaryText !== null) {

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		if (wikEd.editOptionsWrapper !== null) {
			if (editCheckboxes !== undefined) {

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				var node = editCheckboxes.firstChild;
				while (node !== null) {
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					node = node.nextSibling;

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	if (wikEd.consoleWrapper !== null) {
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		if (editOptions !== undefined) {

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	if (wikEd.textBoxTable !== null) {
	else {

	// fill captcha wrapper with elements between form and textarea (table)
	if (wikEd.captchaWrapper !== null) {
		if ( (wikEd.editUpload === false) && (wikEd.editWatchlist === false) ) {
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			while (node !== null) {
				if ( (node == wikEd.inputWrapper) || (node == wikEd.wikiEditor) || (node == wikEd.captchaWrapper)  ) {
				var nextNode = node.nextSibling;
				if (node.tagName != 'INPUT') {
				node = nextNode;

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	// form wrapper added against summary input submit defaulting to this button
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	wikEd.buttonBarControl = wikEd.MakeButtonBar(wikEd.config.buttonBar.control);

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	wikEd.buttonBarFind = wikEd.MakeButtonBar(wikEd.config.buttonBar.find);

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	if (wikEd.readOnly === true) {
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	if (wikEd.config.buttonBar.custom2.length > 0) {
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	var br = document.createElement('br'); = 'both';
	wikEd.caseSensitive = document.getElementById('wikEdCaseSensitive');
	wikEd.regExp = document.getElementById('wikEdRegExp');
	wikEd.findAhead = document.getElementById('wikEdFindAhead');
	wikEd.findText = document.getElementById('wikEdFindText');
	wikEd.replaceText = document.getElementById('wikEdReplaceText');

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	if (wikEd.localPrevWrapper !== null) {

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		wikEd.previewArticle.display = 'none';

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		wikEd.previewDiff.display = 'none';

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	wikEd.wikiPreview = document.getElementById('wikiPreview');
	if (wikEd.wikiPreview !== null) {
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			wikEd.buttonBarJump = wikEd.MakeButtonBar(wikEd.config.buttonBar.jump);
			wikEd.wikiPreview.insertBefore(wikEd.buttonBarJump, wikEd.wikiPreview.firstChild);

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	if (wikEd.insertWrapper !== null) {
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		if (insert === null) {
			insert = document.getElementById('editpage-specialchars');
		if (insert !== null) {

	// wrappers filled

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	if (wikEd.enableLocalPreview !== false) {
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		else {
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			else if (previewSpan !== null) {
				previewSpan.parentNode.insertBefore(diffSpan, previewSpan.nextSibling);
			else if (wikEd.previewButton !== null) {
				wikEd.previewButton.parentNode.insertBefore(diffSpan, wikEd.previewButton.nextSibling);

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	wikEd.frame.tabIndex = wikEd.textarea.tabIndex;

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	wikEd.Button(document.getElementById('wikEdHighlightSyntax'), 'wikEdHighlightSyntax', null, wikEd.highlightSyntax);
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	wikEd.Button(document.getElementById('wikEdFindAhead'),       'wikEdFindAhead', null, wikEd.config.findAheadSelected);
	wikEd.Button(document.getElementById('wikEdClose'),           'wikEdClose', null, false, 'wikEdButton');
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	if ( (wikEd.editArticle === false) || (wikEd.useWikEd === false) ) {
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	// grey out close toolbar button
	if (wikEd.rearrange === false) {
		document.getElementById('wikEdCloseToolbar').className = 'wikEdButtonInactive';

	// hide typo fix button until typo fix rules are loaded and parsed
	wikEd.fixRegExTypo = document.getElementById('wikEdFixRegExTypo');
	if (wikEd.fixRegExTypo !== null) { = 'none';

	// add a clear summary button left to the summary input field
	if (wikEd.summaryText !== null) {
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		wikEd.clearSummaryImg.alt = 'Clear summary';

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		wikEd.summaryText = wikEd.summaryText.parentNode.removeChild(wikEd.summaryText);
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			wikEd.summaryTextWidth = 150;
		} = wikEd.summaryTextWidth + 'px';

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		wikEd.summarySelect.className = 'wikEdSummarySelect';


		// repair summary combo css (e.g. Wikisource MediaWiki:Common.css/Tweaks.css)'position', 'absolute', 'important');

	// shorten submit button texts
	if (wikEd.previewButton !== null) {
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	if (wikEd.diffPreviewButton !== null) {
		wikEd.diffPreviewButton.value = wikEd.config.text.shortenedChanges;

	// set up combo input boxes with history
	wikEd.fieldHist  = ;
	wikEd.savedName.find = 'wikEdFindHistory';
	wikEd.inputElement.find = new Object(wikEd.findText);
	wikEd.selectElement.find = new Object(document.getElementById('wikEdFindSelect'));
	wikEd.selectElement.find.title = wikEd.config.text;

	wikEd.fieldHist  = ;
	wikEd.savedName.replace = 'wikEdReplaceHistory';
	wikEd.inputElement.replace = new Object(wikEd.replaceText);
	wikEd.selectElement.replace = new Object(document.getElementById('wikEdReplaceSelect'));
	wikEd.selectElement.replace.title = wikEd.config.text;

	if (wikEd.summaryInputWrapper !== null) {
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		wikEd.savedName.summary = 'wikEdSummaryHistory';
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		wikEd.selectElement.summary = new Object(document.getElementById('wikEdSummarySelect'));
		wikEd.selectElement.summary.title = wikEd.config.text;

	// adjust the select field widths to that of the text input fields
	if (wikEd.summaryText !== null) {

	// hide the button bars per saved setting
	if (wikEd.buttonBarFormat !== null) {
	if (wikEd.buttonBarTextify !== null) {
	if (wikEd.buttonBarControl !== null) {
	if (wikEd.buttonBarCustom1 !== null) {
	if (wikEd.buttonBarFind !== null) {
	if (wikEd.buttonBarFix !== null) {
	if (wikEd.buttonBarCustom2 !== null) {

	// copy page warnings above edit window
	if ( (wikEd.config.doCloneWarnings === true) && (wikEd.editForm !== null) ) {
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			var divs = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
			var divWarnings = ;
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			for (var i = 0; i < divs.length; i ++) {
				var div = divs;
				if (/editnotice/.test( === true) {
					if (editnoticeArea === false) {
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				else if (/mw-.*?warning/.test(div.className) === true) {

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				var cloneNote = document.createElement('div'); = 'wikEdClonedWarningsNote';
				cloneNote.innerHTML = wikEd.config.text;
				for (var i = 0; i < divWarnings.length; i ++) {
					var clone = divWarnings.cloneNode(true);

					// ignore redlink-only edit warnings
					var html = clone.innerHTML;
					html = html.replace(/<a\b.*?\bclass="new"*>(.|\n)*?<\/a>/g, '');
					html = html.replace(/<(.|\n)*?>/g, '');
					html = html.replace(/\s*/g, '');
					if (html === '') {

					wikEd.clonedWarnings = true;
				if (wikEd.clonedWarnings === true) {
					wikEd.inputWrapper.parentNode.insertBefore(cloneWrapper, wikEd.inputWrapper);

	// init and resize frame after buttons and summary are in place, wait until iframe has been loaded
	if (wikEd.frameLoaded === false) {
		wikEd.frame.addEventListener('load', wikEd.InitializeFrame, false);
	else {

	// scroll to edit window and focus if not preview page or Semantic Form
	if ( (scrollToEditFocus === true) && (wikEd.previewPage === false) && (wikEd.editSemanticForm === false) ) {

		// focus the input field
		if ( (wikEd.config.focusEdit === true) && (wikEd.useWikEd === false) ) {
			wikEd.textarea.setSelectionRange(0, 0);

		// scroll
		if ( (wikEd.fullScreenMode === false) && (wikEd.config.scrollToEdit === true) ) {
			window.scroll(0, wikEd.GetOffsetTop(wikEd.inputWrapper) - 2);

	// register edit button click events
	for (var buttonId in wikEd.editButtonHandler) {
		if (, buttonId) === true) {
			var buttonObj = document.getElementById(buttonId);
			if (buttonObj !== null) {
				buttonObj.addEventListener('click', wikEd.EditButtonHandler, true);

	// register summary shrinking event after loading the 'Clear summary' image handler
	if (wikEd.clearSummaryImg !== null) {
		wikEd.clearSummaryImg.addEventListener('load', wikEd.ShrinkSummaryHandler, true);

	// register summary resize event for window resizing
	window.addEventListener('resize', wikEd.ResizeWindowHandler, true);

	// register document events
	document.addEventListener('keydown', wikEd.KeyHandler, true);

	// dblclick on wrapper events
	wikEd.debugWrapper.addEventListener('dblclick', wikEd.DebugHandler, true);
	wikEd.localPrevWrapper.addEventListener('dblclick', wikEd.PrevWrapperHandler, true);

	// register find ahead events
	wikEd.findText.addEventListener('keyup', wikEd.FindAhead, true);

	// register submit button events
	if (wikEd.saveButton !== null) {
		wikEd.saveButton.addEventListener('click', wikEd.SaveButtonHandler, true);
	if (wikEd.previewButton !== null) {
		wikEd.previewButton.addEventListener('click', wikEd.PreviewButtonHandler, true);
	if (wikEd.diffPreviewButton !== null) {
		wikEd.diffPreviewButton.addEventListener('click', wikEd.DiffPreviewButtonHandler, true);

	// set button bar grip area events
	if (wikEd.buttonBarFormat !== null) {
		wikEd.buttonBarFormat.firstChild.firstChild.addEventListener('click', wikEd.ButtonBarGripHandler, false);
	if (wikEd.buttonBarTextify !== null) {
		wikEd.buttonBarTextify.firstChild.firstChild.addEventListener('click', wikEd.ButtonBarGripHandler, false);
	if (wikEd.buttonBarControl !== null) {
		wikEd.buttonBarControl.firstChild.firstChild.addEventListener('click', wikEd.ButtonBarGripHandler, false);
	if (wikEd.buttonBarCustom1 !== null) {
		if (wikEd.buttonBarCustom1.firstChild.firstChild !== null) {
			wikEd.buttonBarCustom1.firstChild.firstChild.addEventListener('click', wikEd.ButtonBarGripHandler, false);
	if (wikEd.buttonBarFind !== null) {
		wikEd.buttonBarFind.firstChild.firstChild.addEventListener('click', wikEd.ButtonBarGripHandler, false);
	if (wikEd.buttonBarFix !== null) {
		wikEd.buttonBarFix.firstChild.firstChild.addEventListener('click', wikEd.ButtonBarGripHandler, false);
	if (wikEd.buttonBarCustom2 !== null) {
		if (wikEd.buttonBarCustom2.firstChild.firstChild !== null) {
			wikEd.buttonBarCustom2.firstChild.firstChild.addEventListener('click', wikEd.ButtonBarGripHandler, false);

	// register combo box events
	if (wikEd.summarySelect !== null) {
		wikEd.summarySelect.addEventListener('change', function () { wikEd.ChangeComboInput('summary'); }, false);
		wikEd.summarySelect.addEventListener('focus', function () { wikEd.SetComboOptions('summary'); }, false);
	if (wikEd.selectElement.find !== null) {
		wikEd.selectElement.find.addEventListener('change', function () { wikEd.ChangeComboInput('find'); }, false);
		wikEd.selectElement.find.addEventListener('focus', function () { wikEd.SetComboOptions('find'); }, false);
	if (wikEd.selectElement.replace !== null) {
		wikEd.selectElement.replace.addEventListener('change', function () { wikEd.ChangeComboInput('replace'); }, false);
		wikEd.selectElement.replace.addEventListener('focus', function () { wikEd.SetComboOptions('replace'); }, false);

	// register the clear summary click handler
	if (wikEd.clearSummary !== null) {
		wikEd.clearSummary.addEventListener('click', wikEd.ClearSummaryHandler, false);

	// register double click handler on wiki preview area
	if (wikEd.wikiPreview !== null) {
		wikEd.wikiPreview.addEventListener('dblclick', wikEd.WikiPreviewHandler, false);

	// register special char insert select handler for fullscreen resizing
	if (wikEd.insertWrapper !== null) {
		var select = wikEd.insertWrapper.getElementsByTagName('select');
		if (select !== undefined) {
			select.addEventListener('change', wikEd.InsertChangeHandler, true);

	// select the text on focus for find and replace fields, tab/shift-tab between find and replace fields
	if (wikEd.findText !== null) {
		wikEd.findText.addEventListener('focus', wikEd.FindReplaceHandler, true);
		wikEd.findText.addEventListener('keydown', wikEd.FindReplaceHandler, true);
	if (wikEd.replaceText !== null) {
		wikEd.replaceText.addEventListener('focus', wikEd.FindReplaceHandler, true);
		wikEd.replaceText.addEventListener('keydown', wikEd.FindReplaceHandler, true);

	// check if dynamically inserted addon tags have to be removed: Web of Trust (WOT)
	if (document.getElementById('wot-logo') !== null) {
		wikEd.cleanNodes = true;

	// override insertTags function used by standard button toolbar and editpage special chars with wikEd replacement

	if ( ( !== undefined) && ( !== undefined) && (typeof === 'function') ) {
		if (wikEd.InsertTagsOriginal === null) {
			wikEd.InsertTagsOriginal =;
		} = wikEd.InsertTags;

	// deprecated insertTags function in wikibits.js
	else if (typeof window.insertTags == 'function') {
		if (wikEd.InsertTagsOriginal === null) {
			wikEd.InsertTagsOriginal = window.insertTags;
		window.insertTags = wikEd.InsertTags;

	if (typeof jQuery == 'function') {
		// hook wikEd into the enhanced new edit toolbar, not Greasemonkey compatible
		jQuery('#wpTextbox1').bind('encapsulateSelection', function (e, before, inside, after) {
			if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {
				wikEd.InsertTags(before, after, inside);

		// allow other code to cause us to update the textarea via textSelection( 'getContents' )
		try {
			$( '#wpTextbox1' ).textSelection(
					getContents: function () {
						if ( wikEd && wikEd.useWikEd ) {
						return $( this ).val();
		} catch ( e ) {
			//  catch `Error: Another textSelection API was already registered`
			// When something else is registered should it unregister the existing one?
			// Or should it detect this earlier and not run at all?

	// update textarea before using UI LivePreview function, not Greasemonkey compatible
	if ( (typeof jQuery == 'function') && (typeof == 'object') ) {
		jQuery('LivePreviewPrepare', function (event) {
			if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {

	// override insertAtCursor function in MediaWiki:Functions.js, not Greasemonkey compatible
	if (typeof window.insertAtCursor == 'function') {
		if (wikEd.InsertAtCursorOriginal === null) {
			wikEd.InsertAtCursorOriginal = window.insertAtCursor;
		window.insertAtCursor = wikEd.InsertAtCursor;

	// reset error indicator
	wikEd.turnedOn = true;

	// get frame resize grip image dimensions
	var resizeGripImage = document.createElement('img'); = 'wikEdResizeGrip';
	resizeGripImage.addEventListener('load', wikEd.ResizeGripLoadHandler, true);
	resizeGripImage.src = wikEd.config.image;

	// remove accesskeys that are defined in wikEd from page elements

	// disable CodeEditor button when wikEd is active

	// run scheduled custom functions

	// load and parse RegExTypoFix rules if the button is enabled

	// done with setup and turn-on

// wikEd.GetPaths: get MediaWiki file paths from wikiGlobals if possible

wikEd.GetPaths = function () {

	// init MediaWiki file paths for use in regexps
	if (wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgServer !== undefined) {
		wikEd.server = wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgServer;
	if (wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgArticlePath !== undefined) {
		wikEd.articlePath = wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgArticlePath;
	if (wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgScriptPath !== undefined) {
		wikEd.scriptPath = wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgScriptPath;
	if (wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgScript !== undefined) {
		wikEd.script = wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgScript;

	wikEd.articlePath = wikEd.articlePath.replace(wikEd.server, '');
	wikEd.scriptPath = wikEd.scriptPath.replace(wikEd.server, '');
	wikEd.articlePath = wikEd.articlePath.replace(/\$1$/, '');
	wikEd.scriptPath = wikEd.scriptPath.replace(/\/?$/, '/');
	wikEd.scriptName = wikEd.script.replace(wikEd.scriptPath, '');
	wikEd.scriptURL = wikEd.server + wikEd.scriptPath;

	// prepare for use in regexps
	wikEd.server = wikEd.server.replace(/(\W)/g, '\\$1');
	wikEd.articlePath = wikEd.articlePath.replace(/(\W)/g, '\\$1');
	wikEd.script = wikEd.script.replace(/(\W)/g, '\\$1');
	wikEd.scriptPath = wikEd.scriptPath.replace(/(\W)/g, '\\$1');
	wikEd.scriptName = wikEd.scriptName.replace(/(\W)/g, '\\$1');


// wikEd.FrameLoadHandler: load handler for iframe
//   Chrome fires iframe load event immediately after element creation, Firefox fires much later and then deletes already added content

wikEd.FrameLoadHandler = function (event) {

	// remove event listener
	wikEd.frame.removeEventListener('load', wikEd.FrameLoadHandler, false);

	// set frame loaded flag
	wikEd.frameLoaded = true;


// wikEd.InitializeFrame: initialize editing iframe after loading

wikEd.InitializeFrame = function () {

	// remove event listener
	wikEd.frame.removeEventListener('load', wikEd.InitializeFrame, false);

	// get object shortcuts
	wikEd.frameWindow = wikEd.frame.contentWindow;
	wikEd.frameDocument = wikEd.frameWindow.document;
	wikEd.frameHtml = wikEd.frameDocument.documentElement;
	wikEd.frameBody = wikEd.frameDocument.body;
	if (!wikEd.frameBody) {

	// set frame body properties
	if (wikEd.highlightSyntax === true) {
		if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
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			wikEd.frameBody.className = 'wikEdFrameBodySyntax';
	else {
		wikEd.frameBody.className = 'wikEdFrameBodyPlain';
	wikEd.frameBody.contentEditable = 'true';
	if (wikEd.noSpellcheck === true) {
		wikEd.frameBody.spellcheck = 'false';

	// disable table resizing controls in Firefox
	try {
		wikEd.frameDocument.execCommand('enableObjectResizing', false, 'false');
		wikEd.frameDocument.execCommand('enableInlineTableEditing', false, 'false');
	catch (exception) {

	// display iframe, hide textarea, set fullscreen
	wikEd.SetEditArea(wikEd.useWikEd, true);

	// add frame stylesheets
	wikEd.frameHtml.className = 'wikEdFrameHtml';
	wikEd.direction = wikEd.GetStyle(document.body, 'direction'); = wikEd.direction;
	wikEd.ApplyCSS(wikEd.frameDocument, wikEd.config.frameCSS);
	wikEd.HighlightNamedHideButtonsStylesheet = new wikEd.StyleSheet(wikEd.frameDocument);

	// copy textarea background style
	wikEd.textareaBackgroundColor = wikEd.GetStyle(wikEd.textarea, 'backgroundColor');
	if (wikEd.config.frameBackgroundColor === true) {'background-color', wikEd.textareaBackgroundColor);

	// adjust font size (px)
	wikEd.textSizeInit = parseFloat(wikEd.GetStyle(wikEd.textarea, 'fontSize')) * wikEd.config.textSizeAdjust / 100;
	wikEd.textSize = wikEd.textSizeInit; = wikEd.textSize + 'px';

	// copy textarea content into iframe and focus
	if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {
		if ( (wikEd.config.focusEdit === true) && (wikEd.previewPage === false) && (wikEd.editSemanticForm === false) ) {

	// make read only
	if (wikEd.readOnly === true) {
		wikEd.frameBody.contentEditable = 'false';

	// register frame events
	wikEd.frameDocument.addEventListener('keydown', wikEd.KeyFrameHandler, true);
	wikEd.frameDocument.addEventListener('keyup', wikEd.KeyFrameHandler, true);
	wikEd.frameDocument.addEventListener('keypress', wikEd.KeyFrameHandler, true);
	wikEd.frameDocument.addEventListener('click', wikEd.KeyFrameHandler, true);

	wikEd.frameDocument.addEventListener('keydown', wikEd.KeyHandler, true);
	wikEd.frameDocument.addEventListener('mousemove', wikEd.ResizeGripHandler, true);
	wikEd.frameDocument.addEventListener('dblclick', wikEd.ResizeFrameResetHandler, true);

	// register paste events
	wikEd.frameDocument.addEventListener('paste', wikEd.PasteFrameHandler, true);
	wikEd.frameDocument.addEventListener('drop', wikEd.PasteFrameHandler, true);
	wikEd.frameDocument.addEventListener('paste', wikEd.KeyFrameHandler, true);

	// fullscreen mode
	if (wikEd.fullScreenMode === true) {
		wikEd.FullScreen(true, true);

	// needed for upload and edit raw watchlist
	else {

	// unload (leaving page) events
	window.addEventListener('pagehide', wikEd.UnloadHandler, false);


// wikEd.CodeEditorCheck: check for active code editor and .js or .css page

wikEd.CodeEditorCheck = function () {

	wikEd.jsPage = false;
	wikEd.cssPage = false;
	wikEd.useCodeEditor = false;

	// check if .js or .css page
	if ( (wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgCanonicalNamespace == 'MediaWiki') || ( (wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgCanonicalNamespace == 'User') && (wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgTitle.indexOf('/') >= 0) ) ) {
		if (/\.js$/.test(wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgTitle) === true) {
			wikEd.jsPage = true;

		else if (/\.css$/.test(wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgTitle) === true) {
			wikEd.cssPage = true;

	// check for code editor cookies
	if ( ( wikEd.jsPage === true ) || ( wikEd.cssPage === true ) ) {
		if ( wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgPageContentModel === undefined ) {
			if ( wikEd.GetCookie( 'wikiEditor-0-codeEditor-enabled' ) == 1 ) {
				wikEd.useCodeEditor = true;
		else if ( wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgPageContentModel != 'wikitext' ) {
			if ( wikEd.GetCookie( 'wikiEditor-0-codeEditor-enabled' ) == 1 ) {
				wikEd.useCodeEditor = true;

	// this can't work 100 %, because async...
	// not a problem for gadget, as it ensures this dependency is loaded
	if (
		( !== undefined ) &&
		( !== undefined ) &&
		( !== undefined )
	) { 'user.options' ).then(
			function() {
				if (
					( ( wikEd.jsPage === true ) || ( wikEd.cssPage === true) ) &&
					( 'usebetatoolbar' ) == 1 )
				) {
					wikEd.useBetaToolbar = true;
					if ('usecodeeditor') == 1 ) {
						wikEd.useCodeEditor = true;

				// CodeMirror extension for syntax highlighting
				if ('codemirror-syntax-highlight') == 1 ) {
					wikEd.useCodeMirror = true;

// wikEd.DisableCodeEditorButton: disable CodeEditor button when wikEd is active

wikEd.DisableCodeEditorButton = function () {

	if ( (wikEd.config.disableCodeEditorButton === true) && ( (wikEd.useBetaToolbar === true) || (wikEd.wikiEditorBar !== null) ) ) {
		var buttons = document.body.getElementsByClassName('tool-button');
		var disabled = false;
		for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i ++) {
			var rel = buttons.getAttribute('rel');
			var title = buttons.getAttribute('title');
			if (rel == 'codeEditor') {
				var buttonClone = buttons.cloneNode(true);
				buttonClone.setAttribute('rel', rel + '_disabled_by_wikEd');
				buttonClone.setAttribute('title', title + wikEd.config.text); = 'none';
				buttons.parentNode.insertBefore(buttonClone, buttons);
				disabled = true;

		// poll between 0.1 and 12 s
		if ( (disabled === false) && (wikEd.codeEditorButtonPollCount < 15) ) {
			var delay = 100 + wikEd.codeEditorButtonPollCount * 100;
			wikEd.codeEditorButtonPollCount ++;
			window.setTimeout(wikEd.DisableCodeEditorButton, delay);

// wikEd.DeleteAccesskeys: remove accesskeys that are defined in wikEd from page elements

wikEd.DeleteAccesskeys = function () {

	var accesskeyTags = ;
	for (var i = 0; i < accesskeyTags.length; i ++) {
		var accesskeyElements = document.getElementsByTagName(accesskeyTags);
		for (var j = 0; j < accesskeyElements.length; j ++) {
			var attribute = accesskeyElements.getAttribute('accesskey');
			if (attribute !== null) {
				if (wikEd.buttonKeyCode !== undefined) {
					accesskeyElements.setAttribute('accesskey', null);

// wikEd.AutoUpdate: check for the latest version and force-reload to update

wikEd.AutoUpdate = function () {

	// check only on non-interaction pages
	if (/(\?|&)action=/.test( === true) {

	// check if autoupdate is enabled
	if (wikEd.config.autoUpdate !== true) {

	// install bugfix (fix script duplication after @namespace change in version 0.9.127)
	if (wikEd.greasemonkey === true) {
		var currentVersion = wikEd.VersionToNumber(wikEd.programVersion);
		if (currentVersion < 9127000) {
			var updatePopup = wikEd.config.text.wikEdGreasemonkeyAutoUpdateBugfix;
			var updateURL = wikEd.config.autoUpdateScriptUrlBugfix;
			var protocol = document.location.href.replace(/\/\/.*/, '');
			updateURL = updateURL.replace(/^(?=\/\/)/, protocol);
			updatePopup = updatePopup.replace(/\{updateURL\}/g, updateURL);
			window.location.href = updateURL;

	// check for forced update check
	var forcedUpdate = false;
	if (wikEd.config.forcedUpdate !== '') {

		// get version numbers from strings
		var currentVersion = wikEd.VersionToNumber(wikEd.programVersion);
		var forcedVersion = wikEd.VersionToNumber(wikEd.config.forcedUpdate);

		// schedule forced update check
		if ( (currentVersion !== '') && (forcedVersion !== '') ) {
			if (forcedVersion > currentVersion) {
				forcedUpdate = true;

	// check for regular update
	var regularUpdate = false;
	var currentDate = new Date();
	if (forcedUpdate === false) {

		// get date of last update check
		var lastCheckStr = wikEd.GetPersistent('wikEdAutoUpdate');
		var lastCheckDate = new Date(lastCheckStr);

		// fix missing or corrupt saved setting
		if (isNaN(lastCheckDate.valueOf()) === true) {
			wikEd.SetPersistent('wikEdAutoUpdate', 'January 1, 1970', 0, '/');

		// get the hours since last update check
		var diffHours = (currentDate - lastCheckDate) / 1000 / 60 / 60;
		if (wikEd.greasemonkey === true) {
			if (diffHours > wikEd.config.autoUpdateHoursGM) {
				regularUpdate = true;
		else if (diffHours > wikEd.config.autoUpdateHours) {
			regularUpdate = true;

	// perform AJAX request to get latest version number
	if ( (forcedUpdate === true) || (regularUpdate === true) ) {

		// save current update check date
		wikEd.SetPersistent('wikEdAutoUpdate', currentDate.toUTCString(), 0, '/');

		// make the ajax request
		wikEd.AjaxRequest('GET', wikEd.config.autoUpdateUrl, null, 'text/plain', function (ajax) {

			// get response
			var html = ajax.responseText;

			// get version numbers from strings
			var currentVersion = wikEd.VersionToNumber(wikEd.programVersion);
			var newVersion = wikEd.VersionToNumber(html);

			// check if downloaded version is newer and perform update
			if ( (currentVersion !== '') && (newVersion !== '') ) {
				if (newVersion > currentVersion) {

// wikEd.VersionToNumber: parse version string (1.22.333a) into number 122333097

wikEd.VersionToNumber = function (versionStr) {

	var regExpMatchVer = versionStr.match(/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(\w?)/);
	if (regExpMatchVer === null) {
		return '';
	var versionNumber = Number(regExpMatchVer) * 100000000 + Number(regExpMatchVer) * 1000000 + Number(regExpMatchVer) * 1000 + (regExpMatchVer + '0').charCodeAt(0);
	return versionNumber;

// wikEd.DoUpdate: actually perform update

wikEd.DoUpdate = function () {

	// update Greasemonkey script by navigating to the script code page
	if (wikEd.greasemonkey === true) {
		var updatePopup = wikEd.config.text.wikEdGreasemonkeyAutoUpdate;
		updatePopup = updatePopup.replace(/\{updateURL\}/g, wikEd.config.autoUpdateUrl);
		window.location.href = wikEd.config.autoUpdateScriptUrl;

	// update wikEd by reloading the page with cache bypassing (equivalent to Shift-Reload or Shift-F5)
	else {

// wikEd.LoadTypoFixRules: load and parse RegExTypoFix rules if the button is enabled

wikEd.LoadTypoFixRules = function () {

	// load RegExTypoFix rules per Ajax if enabled
	if ( (wikEd.config.regExTypoFix === false) || (wikEd.readOnly === true) || (wikEd.typoRulesFind.length > 0) ) {

	// make the ajax request
	var sep = '&';
	if (wikEd.config.regExTypoFixURL.indexOf('?') == -1) {
		sep = '?';

	wikEd.AjaxRequest('GET', wikEd.config.regExTypoFixURL + sep + wikEd.programVersion, null, 'text/plain', function (ajax) {

		// get response
		var rulesTxt = ajax.responseText;

		// parse regexp rules
		var regExp = /<(?:Typo)?\s+(?:word="(.*?)"\s+)?find="(.*?)"\s+replace="(.*?)"\s*\/?>/g;
		var regExpMatch;
		while ( (regExpMatch = regExp.exec(rulesTxt)) !== null) {

			// check if this is a valid regexp
			var regExpFind;
			try {
				regExpFind = new RegExp(regExpMatch, 'gm');
			catch (exception) {
				var msg = 'Invalid RegExTypoFix rule:\nfind=' + regExpMatch + '\nreplace=' + regExpMatch;

			// save regexp and replace

		// display typo fix button
		if (wikEd.typoRulesFind.length > 0) {
			if (wikEd.fixRegExTypo !== null) { = 'inline';

// wikEd.EditButtonHandler: handler for clicks on edit buttons

wikEd.EditButtonHandler = function (event) {

	// execute the button click handler code, obj required in eval context
	var obj = event.currentTarget;

// wikEd.ShrinkSummaryHandler: shrink the summary after loading the 'Clear summary' image

wikEd.ShrinkSummaryHandler = function (event) {

	var diffWidth = wikEd.clearSummary.offsetWidth - wikEd.clearSummaryWidth; = (wikEd.inputElement.summary.offsetWidth - diffWidth) + 'px'; = (wikEd.selectElement.summary.offsetWidth - diffWidth) + 'px';
	wikEd.clearSummaryWidth = wikEd.clearSummary.offsetWidth;

// wikEd.InsertChangeHandler: resize fullscreen after changing insert special char selection

wikEd.InsertChangeHandler = function (event) {
	if (wikEd.fullscreen === true) {

// wikEd.ResizeWindowHandler: adjust fullscreen frame and summary width after resizing the window
//   browser's dynamic table resizing interferes if wikEd is inserted in table (Special:Upload)

wikEd.ResizeWindowHandler = function (event) {

	// fullscreen resizing
	if (wikEd.fullscreen === true) {
		var captchaHeight = wikEd.captchaWrapper.offsetHeight;
		var debugHeight = wikEd.debugWrapper.offsetHeight;
		var buttonsHeight = wikEd.buttonsWrapper.offsetHeight;

		var consoleTopHeight = 0;
		if (wikEd.consoleTopWrapper !== null) {
			consoleTopHeight = wikEd.consoleTopWrapper.offsetHeight;

		var consoleHeight = wikEd.consoleWrapper.offsetHeight;

		var insertHeight = 0;
		if (wikEd.insertWrapper !== null) {
			insertHeight = wikEd.insertWrapper.offsetHeight;

		var windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
		var frameHeight = windowHeight - captchaHeight - debugHeight - buttonsHeight - consoleTopHeight - consoleHeight - insertHeight - wikEd.frameBorderHeight;
		if (frameHeight < 100) {
			frameHeight = 100;
		} = frameHeight + 'px'; = (wikEd.frameWrapper.clientWidth - wikEd.frameBorderWidth) + 'px';

	// adjust frame size
	else {
		wikEd.frameWidth = (wikEd.frameWrapper.clientWidth - wikEd.frameBorderWidth) + 'px'; = wikEd.frameHeight; = wikEd.frameWidth;

// wikEd.WikiPreviewHandler: event handler for wiki preview: scroll to edit field on double click

wikEd.WikiPreviewHandler = function (event) {

	// filter out selecting double clicks on text
	var sel = window.getSelection();

	// explicitOriginalTarget (Firefox)
	var textTarget = event.explicitOriginalTarget;
	if (textTarget !== undefined) {
		if (textTarget.nodeName == '#text') {

	// ignore for non-blank selection
	else if ( (sel !== null) && (/^\s*$/.test(sel.toString()) === false) ) {

	window.scroll(0, wikEd.GetOffsetTop(wikEd.inputWrapper));

// wikEd.UnloadHandler: save editing frame to cached textarea

wikEd.UnloadHandler = function (event) {

	// update textarea if not already done in submit handlers
	if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {
		if (wikEd.textareaUpdated === false) {

// wikEd.SaveButtonHandler: 'Save page' onsubmit click handler for submit button

wikEd.SaveButtonHandler = function (event) {

	wikEd.saveButton.removeEventListener('click', wikEd.SaveButtonHandler, true);

	// update textarea
	if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {
		wikEd.textareaUpdated = true;

	// check for interfering scripts or gadgets: mwEmbed for file uploads
	if ( (wikEd.editUpload === true) && (window.MW_EMBED_VERSION !== undefined) ) {
		wikEd.saveButton.addEventListener('click', wikEd.SaveButtonHandler, true);

	// add "using wikEd" to summary, not for adding a new section (+ tab)
	if (wikEd.summaryText !== null) {
		var text = wikEd.summaryText.value;
		text = text.replace(/^+/, '');
		text = text.replace(/+$/, '');

		if ( (wikEd.using === true) && (text !== '') ) {
			if (text.lastIndexOf(wikEd.config.summaryUsing) < 0) {
				if (wikEd.addNewSection !== true) {
					text += ' ' + wikEd.config.summaryUsing;
		wikEd.summaryText.value = text;

	// submit;

	// reinstate handler in case the browser back button will be used
	wikEd.saveButton.addEventListener('click', wikEd.SaveButtonHandler, true);


// wikEd.PreviewButtonHandler: 'Show preview' click handler

wikEd.PreviewButtonHandler = function (event) {

	if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {
		wikEd.textareaUpdated = true;

// wikEd.DiffPreviewButtonHandler: 'Show changes' click handler

wikEd.DiffPreviewButtonHandler = function (event) {

	// interrupt fullscreen mode
	if (wikEd.fullscreen === true) {

	if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {
		wikEd.textareaUpdated = true;

// wikEd.LinkifyHandler: open innermost highlighted link in new window/tab on ctrl/meta-click

wikEd.LinkifyHandler = function (event) {

	if ( (event.shiftKey === false) && ( (event.ctrlKey === true) || (event.metaKey === true) ) && (event.altKey === false) ) {
		var node =;
		while (node !== null) {
			var id =;
			if ( (id !== null) && (id.indexOf('wikEdWikiLink') === 0) ) {
				if (, id) === true) {
					var linkUrl = wikEd.wikiLinks.url;
			node = node.parentNode;

// wikEd.ButtonBarGripHandler: click, mouseover handler, see also wikEd.ButtonBarInit()

wikEd.ButtonBarGripHandler = function (event) {


	var grip =;
	var gripWrapper = grip.parentNode;
	var buttonsWrapper = gripWrapper.nextSibling;
	var barInnerWrapper = gripWrapper.parentNode;
	var bar = barInnerWrapper.parentNode;
	if (event.type == 'click') { = 'static';

		// hide the buttons bar
		if (buttonsWrapper.className != 'wikEdButtonBarButtonsWrapperHidden') {
			buttonsWrapper.className = 'wikEdButtonBarButtonsWrapperHidden';
			barInnerWrapper.className = 'wikEdButtonBarInnerWrapperHidden';
			gripWrapper.className = 'wikEdButtonBarGripWrapperHidden';
			wikEd.buttonsWrapperWidth = buttonsWrapper.offsetWidth; = 'none';
			grip.addEventListener('mouseover', wikEd.ButtonBarGripHandler, false);
			wikEd.SetPersistent( + 'Hidden', '1', 0, '/');

		// unhide the buttons bar
		else {
			buttonsWrapper.className = 'wikEdButtonBarButtonsWrapperVisible';
			barInnerWrapper.className = 'wikEdButtonBarInnerWrapperVisible';
			gripWrapper.className = 'wikEdButtonBarGripWrapperVisible'; = 'block';
			grip.removeEventListener('mouseover', wikEd.ButtonBarGripHandler, false);
			wikEd.SetPersistent( + 'Hidden', '0', 0, '/');

	// show the buttons bar on mouseover
	else if (event.type == 'mouseover') {
		if (buttonsWrapper.className == 'wikEdButtonBarButtonsWrapperHidden') {
			bar.addEventListener('mouseout', wikEd.ButtonBarHandler, false);

			// browsers sometimes give offsetTop/offsetLeft - 1, + 0.5 seems to help

			// show buttons to the right
			if (bar.offsetParent.clientWidth > grip.offsetLeft + grip.offsetWidth + wikEd.buttonsWrapperWidth + 0.5) { = (grip.offsetLeft + grip.offsetWidth + 0.5) + 'px';

			// show buttons to the left
			else { = (gripWrapper.offsetLeft - wikEd.buttonsWrapperWidth + 0.5) + 'px';
			} = (gripWrapper.offsetTop + 0.5) + 'px'; = 'absolute'; = 'block';

// wikEd.ButtonBarHandler: mouseout handler

wikEd.ButtonBarHandler = function (event) {

	var bar = event.currentTarget;
	var barInnerWrapper = bar.firstChild;
	var gripWrapper = barInnerWrapper.firstChild;
	var grip = gripWrapper.firstChild;
	var buttonsWrapper = gripWrapper.nextSibling;
	var buttons = buttonsWrapper.firstChild;

	// hide the buttons
	if (event.type == 'mouseout') {
		if (buttonsWrapper.className == 'wikEdButtonBarButtonsWrapperHidden') {

			// filter the events for mouseouts actually leaving the bar
			if (
					( ( == grip) || ( == gripWrapper) ) &&
					(event.relatedTarget != gripWrapper) && (event.relatedTarget != buttonsWrapper) && (event.relatedTarget != buttons) && (event.relatedTarget.parentNode != buttons)
				) ||
					( ( == buttons) || ( == buttons) || ( == buttons) || ( == buttonsWrapper) ) &&
					(event.relatedTarget.parentNode.parentNode != buttons) && (event.relatedTarget.parentNode != buttons) && (event.relatedTarget != buttons) && (event.relatedTarget != buttonsWrapper) && (event.relatedTarget != gripWrapper) && (event.relatedTarget != grip)
			) {
				bar.removeEventListener('mouseout', wikEd.ButtonBarHandler, false); = 'none'; = 'static';

// clear the summary click handler

wikEd.ClearSummaryHandler = function (event) {


	// clear the summary if it is only a paragraph name
	if ( /^\/\* .*? \*\/ *$/.test(wikEd.summaryText.value) === true) {
		wikEd.summaryText.value = '';

	// clear the summary but leave paragraph names
	else {
		wikEd.summaryText.value = wikEd.summaryText.value.replace(/^((\/\* .*? \*\/ *)?).*()/,
			function(p, p1, p2, p3) {
				if (p1.length > 0) {
					p1 = p1 + ' ';
				return p1;

// wikEd.FindReplaceHandler: find and replace: tab and shift-tab between fields, select on focus

wikEd.FindReplaceHandler = function (event) {

	// tab / shift-tab between fields
	if (event.type == 'keydown') {
		if (event.keyCode == 9) {
			if ( == wikEd.findText) {
				wikEd.replaceText.removeEventListener('focus', wikEd.FindReplaceHandler, true);
				wikEd.replaceText.addEventListener('focus', wikEd.FindReplaceHandler, true);
			else if ( == wikEd.replaceText) {
				wikEd.findText.removeEventListener('focus', wikEd.FindReplaceHandler, true);
				wikEd.findText.addEventListener('focus', wikEd.FindReplaceHandler, true);

	// select on focus
	else if (event.type == 'focus') {, this.textLength);

// wikEd.KeyFrameHandler: event handler for key and mouse events in the frame

wikEd.KeyFrameHandler = function (event) {

	if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {

		// textarea no longer up to date
		if ( event.type == 'paste' ) {
			wikEd.textareaUpdated = false;

		// invalidate wikify/textify of recently pasted text and textarea status for printable char key presses
		else if ( (event.type == 'keydown') || (event.type == 'keypress') ) {
			switch (event.keyCode) {

				// keys that do not change text
				case 16: // shift
				case 17: // ctrl
				case 18: // alt
				case 19: // pause/break
				case 20: // caps lock
				case 33: // page up
				case 34: // page down
				case 35: // end
				case 36: // home
				case 37: // left
				case 38: // up
				case 39: // right
				case 40: // down
				case 45: // insert
				case 91: // windows left
				case 91: // windows right
				case 93: // select
				case 112: // F1
				case 113: // F2
				case 114: // F3
				case 115: // F4
				case 116: // F5
				case 117: // F6
				case 118: // F7
				case 119: // F8
				case 120: // F9
				case 121: // F10
				case 122: // F11
				case 123: // F12
				case 144: // num lock
				case 145: // scroll lock
				case 182: // my computer
				case 183: // my calculator
				case 224: // apple

				// escape ends wikify/textify, all others change text

					// textarea no longer up to date
					if (event.keyCode !== 27) { // escape
						wikEd.textareaUpdated = false;

					// invalidate wikify/textify

		switch (event.type) {

			// keydown event
			case 'keydown':
				switch (event.keyCode) {

					// tab key, switch between form elements instead of adding multiple spaces
					case 9:
						if ( (event.shiftKey === false) && (event.ctrlKey === false) && (event.altKey === false) && (event.metaKey === false) ) {

							// focus the next form element
							if (wikEd.addNewSection === true) {
							else {

							// scroll to text input top
							if (wikEd.fullscreen === false) {
								window.scroll(0, wikEd.GetOffsetTop(wikEd.inputWrapper));

			// after cursor movements set cursor position into closest highest text node so that highlighting does not bleed out
			case 'keyup':
				switch (event.keyCode) {
					case 17: // ctrl-v
					case 46: // del
					case 37: // left
					case 38: // up
					case 33: // page up
					case  8: // backspace
						wikEd.AntiHighlightBleeding({}, null, 'left');
					case 39: // right
					case 40: // down
					case 34: // page down
						wikEd.AntiHighlightBleeding({}, null, 'right');
			case 'click':

				// invalidate wikify/textify of recently pasted text after selecting text
				if ( (wikEd.paste !== null) && (wikEd.paste.polling === false) ) {
					var sel = wikEd.GetSelection();
					if (sel.isCollapsed === false) {

						// check if clicking into selected pasted text
						var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
						if (range != wikEd.keepSelRange) {
				// run through, no break

			case 'keypress':
			case 'paste':

				// grey out inactive buttons

// wikEd.PasteFrameHandler: event handler for paste and drop events in the edit frame

wikEd.PasteFrameHandler = function (event) {

	if (wikEd.useWikEd !== true) {
		wikEd.paste = null;

	var sel = wikEd.GetSelection();
	var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);

	// ignore if still processing previous event
	if ( (wikEd.paste !== null) && (wikEd.paste.polling === false) ) {
	wikEd.paste = {
		eventType:        event.type,
		atStart:          false,
		polling:          true,
		blockStart:       false,
		blockEnd:         false,
		pasteAtEndOfLine: false,
		offset:           null,
		prevNode:         null,
		prevUp:           null,
		parent:           null,
		prevNodeIndex:    null,
		rangeStartNode:   null,
		rangeStartOffset: null,
		rangeStartAfter:  null,
		last:             '',
		dropHtml:         null,
		sel:              sel,
		range:            range

	// get position info before event is performed
	var startNode = range.startContainer;
	var startOffset = range.startOffset;
	var endNode = range.endContainer;
	var endOffset = range.endOffset;
	switch (event.type) {

	// drop
		case 'drop':
			if (event.dataTransfer === undefined) {
			wikEd.paste.dropHtml = event.dataTransfer.getData('text/html');

		// paste
		case 'paste':

			// find first previous node up as anchor to recover start node after insertion

	// needed to check if pasted content has been added to frame
	wikEd.paste.startNode = startNode;
	wikEd.paste.startOffset = startOffset;
	wikEd.paste.endNode = endNode;
	wikEd.paste.endOffset = endOffset;

	wikEd.paste.startNodePreviousSibling = startNode.previousSibling;
	wikEd.paste.startNodeNextSibling = startNode.nextSibling;
	wikEd.paste.endNodePreviousSibling = endNode.previousSibling;
	wikEd.paste.endNodeNextSibling = endNode.nextSibling;

	// detect and process pasted content in edit frame by polling
	wikEd.paste.pollCount = 1;
	window.setTimeout(wikEd.PastePoll, 1);


// wikEd.PasteFindPreviousNode: find first previous node up relative to selection as an anchor to recover start node after insertion

wikEd.PasteFindPreviousNode = function () {

	var sel = wikEd.paste.sel;
	var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
	var node = range.startContainer;
	var offset = range.startOffset;
	var prevNode = node.previousSibling;

	// correct startNode into leaf node
	if ( (node.nodeName != '#text') && (offset > 0) ) {
		var childs = node.childNodes;
		if ( (childs.length > 0) && (offset < childs.length) ) {
			node = childs.item(offset);
			offset = 0;
			prevNode = node.previousSibling;

	// test for paste at end of line after br
	if ( (node.nodeName == '#text') && (offset == node.textContent.length) ) {
		if ( (node.nextSibling !== null) && (node.nextSibling.nodeName == 'BR') ) {
			wikEd.paste.pasteAtEndOfLine = true;
	else if (node.nodeName == 'BR') {

		// not in empty line
		if ( (node.previousSibling === null) || (node.previousSibling.nodeName != 'BR') ) {
			wikEd.paste.pasteAtEndOfLine = true;

	// correct <br> into previous text node
	if ( (node.nodeName == 'BR') && (prevNode !== null) && (prevNode.nodeName == '#text') ) {
		node = prevNode;
		offset = node.textContent.length;
		prevNode = node.previousSibling;

	// ascend to first node with a previous sibling
	var prevUp = 0;
	while ( (node != wikEd.frameBody) && (prevNode === null) ) {
		node = node.parentNode;
		prevUp ++;
		prevNode = node.previousSibling;

	// save paste location reference to drop object
	if ( (node == wikEd.frameBody) && (offset === 0) ) {
		wikEd.paste.atStart = true;
	else {
		wikEd.paste.offset = offset;
		wikEd.paste.prevNode = prevNode;
		wikEd.paste.prevUp = prevUp;

		// find prevNode index
		wikEd.paste.parent = prevNode.parentNode;
		wikEd.paste.prevNodeIndex = null;
		var parentNodes = wikEd.paste.parent.childNodes;
		for (var i = 0; i < parentNodes.length; i ++) {
			if (prevNode === parentNodes.item(i)) {
				wikEd.paste.prevNodeIndex = i;

// wikEd.PastePoll: detect and process pasted content in edit frame by polling

wikEd.PastePoll = function () {

	if (!wikEd.paste) {

	if (wikEd.paste.pollCount > 100) {
		wikEd.paste = null;

	var sel = wikEd.paste.sel;
	var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
	var startNode = range.startContainer;
	var startOffset = range.startOffset;
	var endNode = range.endContainer;
	var endOffset = range.endOffset;

	// check if pasted content has already been added to frame
	if (
		(startNode === wikEd.paste.startNode) &&
		(startOffset === wikEd.paste.startOffset) &&
		(endNode === wikEd.paste.endNode) &&
		(endOffset === wikEd.paste.endOffset) &&

		(startNode.previousSibling === wikEd.paste.startNodePreviousSibling) &&
		(startNode.nextSibling === wikEd.paste.startNodeNextSibling) &&
		(endNode.previousSibling === wikEd.paste.endNodePreviousSibling) &&
		(endNode.nextSibling === wikEd.paste.endNodeNextSibling)
	) {

	// schedule next poll, typically requires only one or two polls
		wikEd.paste.pollCount ++;
		window.setTimeout(wikEd.PastePoll, 1);
	wikEd.paste.polling = false;

	// select dropped or pasted text; Chrome selects pasted text automatically
	if (range.collapsed === true) {
		switch (wikEd.paste.eventType) {

			// drop
			case 'drop':
				if (wikEd.paste.dropHtml !== null) {

					// plainTextify dropHtml
					var div = document.createElement('div');
					div.innerHTML = wikEd.paste.dropHtml;
					var obj = {};
					wikEd.GetInnerHTML(obj, div);
					var plainText = obj.plain;
					plainText = plainText.replace(/&lt;/g, '<');
					plainText = plainText.replace(/&gt;/g, '>');
					plainText = plainText.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');

					// select using backwards built-in find
					if ( (typeof wikEd.frameWindow.find == 'function') && (plainText.length > 0) ) {

						// Chrome (but keeps selection in first place)
						var found = wikEd.Find(obj, plainText, true, true, false, false);

						// Firefox (removes \n)
						if (found === false) {
							var plainTextCrop = plainText.replace(/\n+/g, '');
							found = wikEd.Find(obj, plainTextCrop, true, true, false, false);
							if (found === true) {

								// extend selection into removed \n
								range = sel.getRangeAt(0);

								// extend left
								var regExpMatchStart = /^\n+/.exec(plainText);
								if (regExpMatchStart !== null) {
									var newlines = regExpMatchStart.length;
									var node = range.startContainer;
									var offset = range.startOffset;

									if ( (node.nodeName == '#text') && (offset === 0) ) {
										for (var i = 0; i < newlines; i ++) {
											var nextNode = node.previousSibling;
											if ( (nextNode === null) || (nextNode.nodeName != 'BR') ) {
											node = nextNode;
										if (node.nodeName == 'BR') {

								// extend right
								var regExpMatchEnd = /\n+$/.exec(plainText);
								if (regExpMatchEnd !== null) {
									var newlines = regExpMatchEnd.length;
									var node = range.endContainer;
									var offset = range.endOffset;
									if ( (node.nodeName == '#text') && (offset == node.textContent.length) ) {
										for (var i = 0; i < newlines; i ++) {
											var nextNode = node.nextSibling;
											if ( (nextNode === null) || (nextNode.nodeName != 'BR') ) {
											node = nextNode;
										if (node.nodeName == 'BR') {

			// paste
			case 'paste':
	range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
	wikEd.paste.range = range.cloneRange();
	wikEd.EditButton(null, 'wikEdPasting');
	if (wikEd.paste === null) {

	// display floating pasted toolbar
	if (range.getClientRects === undefined) { = '1px'; = '1px';

	// get cursor rectangle position
	else {
		var barWidth = wikEd.buttonBarPasted.offsetWidth;
		var barHeight = wikEd.buttonBarPasted.offsetHeight;

		// extend collapsed caret range to start, get last line coords
		range.setStart(wikEd.frameBody, 0);
		var rectList = range.getClientRects();
		var rect = rectList;

		// vertical pos
		if (rect && rect.bottom + barHeight <= parseInt(wikEd.frameHeight)) { = rect.bottom + 'px';
		else { = '1px';

		// horizontal pos
		if (rect.right + barWidth <= parseInt(wikEd.frameWidth)) { = rect.right + 'px';
		else { = '1px';

	// remove selection


// wikEd.SelectPasted: select pasted text
//   does not work good for Chromium that normalizes ranges into text nodes, see

wikEd.SelectPasted = function () {

	var sel = wikEd.paste.sel;
	var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);

	// insert at start
	if (wikEd.paste.atStart === true) {
		range.setStart(wikEd.frameBody, 0);

	// recover start node from saved previous node
	else {
		var offset = wikEd.paste.offset;

		// reverse navigate back down to start node, start at prevNode, then descend prevUp levels
		var preStartNode = null;
		var prevNode = wikEd.paste.prevNode;

		// node has been replaced
		if (prevNode.parentNode === null) {
			prevNode = wikEd.paste.parent.childNodes.item(wikEd.paste.prevNodeIndex);
			wikEd.paste.pasteAtEndOfLine = false;

		var node = prevNode;
		var up = wikEd.paste.prevUp;
		if (node.nextSibling !== null) {
			node = node.nextSibling;
			for (var i = 0; i < up; i ++) {
				var child = node.firstChild;
				if (child === null) {
					wikEd.paste = null;
				node = child;
			preStartNode = node;

		// move up to first next node when element has been inserted at top level
		else {
			while ( (node.nextSibling === null) && (node.nodeName != 'BODY') ) {
				node = node.parentNode;
			if (node.nodeName != 'BODY') {
				preStartNode = node.nextSibling;

		// set range start
		if (preStartNode.nodeName == '#text') {
			range.setStart(preStartNode, offset);

		// start after prevNode
		else {

		// needed for Chrome

		// check if range starts with a block
		var node = range.startContainer;
		var offset = range.startOffset;

		// before or after text in textnode
		if (node.nodeName == '#text') {

			// get first insert parent with left sibling, from inside the insert up
			if (offset === 0) {
				while ( (node.previousSibling === null) && (node.nodeName != 'BODY') ) {
					node = node.parentNode;

			// find first insert sibling to right, from ouside into insert
			else if (offset == node.textContent.length) {
				while ( (node.nextSibling === null) && (node.nodeName != 'BODY') ) {
					node = node.parentNode;
				if (node.nodeName != 'BODY') {
					node = node.nextSibling;
		if (wikEd.paste.pasteAtEndOfLine === true) {
			node = node.nextSibling;

		// check if block element
		if ( (node !== null) &&  (node.nodeName != 'BODY') && (node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE) ) {
			if (wikEd.frameWindow.getComputedStyle(node).getPropertyValue('display') == 'block') {
				wikEd.paste.blockStart = true;

		// check if range ends with a block
		var node = range.endContainer;
		var offset = range.endOffset;

		// before or after text in textnode
		if (node.nodeName == '#text') {

			// get first insert parent with right sibling, from inside the insert up
			if (offset == node.textContent.length) {
				while ( (node.nextSibling === null) && (node.nodeName != 'BODY') ) {
					node = node.parentNode;

			// find first insert sibling to left, from ouside into insert
			else if (offset === 0) {
				while ( (node.previousSibling === null) && (node.nodeName != 'BODY') ) {
					node = node.parentNode;
				if (node.nodeName != 'BODY') {
					node = node.previousSibling;

		// check if block element
		if ( (node.nodeName != 'BODY') && (node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE) ) {
			if (wikEd.GetStyle(node, 'display') == 'block') {
				wikEd.paste.blockEnd = true;

	// return if no content is selected
	if (range.collapsed === true) {
		wikEd.paste = null;


// wikEd.PastedSwitch: set wikify/textify indicator after pasting wikified text

wikEd.PastedSwitch = function () {

	if ( (wikEd.paste === null) || (wikEd.paste.polling === true) ) {
	else {
		if (wikEd.paste.last == 'wikify') {
			document.getElementById('wikEdPastedTextify').className = 'wikEdButton';
			document.getElementById('wikEdPastedWikify').className = 'wikEdButtonInactive';
		else if (wikEd.paste.last == 'textify') {
			document.getElementById('wikEdPastedTextify').className = 'wikEdButtonInactive';
			document.getElementById('wikEdPastedWikify').className = 'wikEdButton';
		document.getElementById('wikEdPastedTextify').style.cursor = '';
		document.getElementById('wikEdPastedWikify').style.cursor = ''; = 'visible';

		// show text selection when mouse hovers over bar
		wikEd.buttonBarPasted.addEventListener('mouseenter', wikEd.ButtonBarPastedHandler, true);

// wikEd.PastedOff: invalidate wikify/textify of recently pasted wikified text

wikEd.PastedOff = function () {

	wikEd.buttonBarPasted.removeEventListener('mouseenter', wikEd.ButtonBarPastedHandler, false);
	wikEd.buttonBarPasted.removeEventListener('mouseleave', wikEd.ButtonBarPastedHandler, false);
	wikEd.paste = null; = 'hidden';

// wikEd.PastedClose: handler for pastedClose button on floating paste button bar

wikEd.PastedClose = function () {

	var sel = wikEd.GetSelection();

// wikEd.ButtonBarPastedHandler: show text selection when mouse hovers over floating paste button bar

wikEd.ButtonBarPastedHandler = function (event) {

	if ( == wikEd.buttonBarPasted) {

		// add selection
		if (event.type == 'mouseenter') {
			wikEd.buttonBarPasted.removeEventListener('mouseenter', wikEd.ButtonBarPastedHandler, false);
			if ( (wikEd.paste !== null) && (wikEd.paste.sel !== null) && (wikEd.paste.range !== null) ) {
			wikEd.buttonBarPasted.addEventListener('mouseleave', wikEd.ButtonBarPastedHandler, false);

		// remove selection
		else if (event.type == 'mouseleave') {
			wikEd.buttonBarPasted.removeEventListener('mouseleave', wikEd.ButtonBarPastedHandler, false);
			if ( (wikEd.paste !== null) && (wikEd.paste.sel !== null) ) {
			wikEd.buttonBarPasted.addEventListener('mouseenter', wikEd.ButtonBarPastedHandler, false);

// wikEd.AntiHighlightBleeding: set cursor position into closest highest text node so that highlighting does not bleed out
//   does not work under Google Chrome that forces the cursor into the previous node

wikEd.AntiHighlightBleeding = function (obj, editButtonInsert, direction) {

	// check if disabled
	if (wikEd.config.antiHighlightBleeding !== true) {

	// get selection object
	if (obj.sel === undefined) {
		obj.sel = wikEd.GetSelection();

	// only if no text is selected
	var range = obj.sel.getRangeAt(0);
	if ( (obj.sel.isCollapsed !== true) || (range.collapsed !== true) ) {

	// get focus node
	var focusNode = obj.sel.focusNode;
	var focusOffset = obj.sel.focusOffset;
	if (focusNode === null) {

	// correct focusNode into leaf node
	if ( (focusNode.childNodes !== null) && (focusNode.childNodes.length > 0) ) {
		if (focusOffset < focusNode.childNodes.length) {
			focusNode = focusNode.childNodes.item(focusOffset);
			focusOffset = 0;

		// pasting behind "<br>: " (list)
		else {
			focusNode = focusNode.childNodes.item(focusOffset - 1);
			focusOffset = focusNode.childNodes.length;
		if (focusNode.tagName != 'BR') {
			range.setStart(focusNode, focusOffset);
			range.setEnd(focusNode, focusOffset);

	// do not further correct if focus is linebreak if key but not if edit button
	if ( (focusNode.tagName == 'BR') && (editButtonInsert !== true) ) {

	// do not leave opened hide box (refs, templates, charents, and table code)
	var node = focusNode;
	var hidden = false;
	while (node !== null) {
		if (/^wikEd(Ref|Templ|CharEntity|Table)Show$/.test(node.className) === true) {

		// detect hidden node
		if (
			( (wikEd.refHide === true) && (/^((wikEd(Ref|Templ|CharEntity|Table))|(wikEdTableBR))$/.test(node.className) === true) ) ||
			(/^(wikEdScroll(Before|After))$/.test(node.className) === true)
		) {
			focusNode = node;
			hidden = true;
		node = node.parentNode;

	// detect start of text
	var startOfText = false;
	if (focusOffset === 0) {
		startOfText = true;
		var node = focusNode;
		while ( (node !== null) && (node != wikEd.frameBody) ) {
			if (node.previousSibling !== null) {
				startOfText = false;
			node = node.parentNode;
	if (startOfText === true) {

	// get next text-like node to the left if we are not in the middle of a text node
	var leftNode = focusNode;
	var leftLevel = 0;
	if ( (focusNode.nodeName != '#text') || (focusOffset === 0) || (hidden === true) ) {
		var objLeft = {
			'backwards': true
		wikEd.GetNextTextNode(objLeft, focusNode, 0);
		if (objLeft.foundNode !== undefined) {
			leftNode = objLeft.foundNode;
			leftLevel = objLeft.foundLevel;

	// get next text-like node to the right if we are not in the middle of a text node
	var rightNode = focusNode;
	var rightLevel = 0;
	if ( (focusNode.nodeName != '#text') || (focusOffset == focusNode.textContent.length) || (hidden === true) ) {
		var objRight = {
			'backwards': false
		wikEd.GetNextTextNode(objRight, focusNode, 0);
		if (objRight.foundNode !== undefined) {
			rightNode = objRight.foundNode;
			rightLevel = objRight.foundLevel;

	// check if we need to correct the focus node to higher level text-like node
	var correctTo = '';
	if (leftNode != rightNode) {

		// get out of hidden element
		if (hidden === true) {

			// direction
			if ( (direction == 'right') && (rightNode !== null) ) {
				correctTo = 'right';
			else if ( (direction == 'left') && (leftNode !== null) ) {
				correctTo = 'left';

			// right, left
			else if (rightNode !== null) {
				correctTo = 'right';
			else if (leftNode !== null) {
				correctTo = 'left';

		// BR
		else if ( (focusNode.tagName == 'BR') && (editButtonInsert === true) ) {
			correctTo = 'left';

		// correct into heighest neighboring node
		else if ( (leftNode !== null) && (leftLevel > rightLevel) && (leftNode != focusNode) )  {
			correctTo = 'left';
		else if ( (rightNode !== null) && (leftLevel < rightLevel) && (rightNode != focusNode) ) {
			correctTo = 'right';

		// same level, set focus outside tag markups: [ [[ | || <
		else if ( (leftNode !== null) && (rightNode !== null) && (leftLevel == rightLevel) ) {

			// get class names
			var leftClass = '';
			if (leftNode.nodeName == '#text') {
				leftClass = leftNode.parentNode.className;
			else {
				leftClass = leftNode.className;

			var rightClass = '';
			if (rightNode.nodeName == '#text') {
				rightClass = rightNode.parentNode.className;
			else {
				rightClass = rightNode.className;

			// class names contains 'Tag'
			if ( (/wikEd.*?Tag/.test(leftClass) !== true) && (/wikEd.*?Tag/.test(rightClass) === true) && (leftNode != focusNode) ) {
				correctTo = 'left';
			else if ( (/wikEd.*?Tag/.test(leftClass) === true) && (/wikEd.*?Tag/.test(rightClass) !== true) && (rightNode != focusNode) ) {
				correctTo = 'right';

	// set focus to the next left node
	if (correctTo == 'left') {
		var node;

		// insert new text node after linebreak and focus
		if (leftNode.tagName == 'BR') {
			node = wikEd.frameDocument.createTextNode('');
			leftNode.parentNode.insertBefore(node, leftNode.nextSibling);
			range.setStart(node, 0);
			range.setEnd(node, 0);
		else {
			node = leftNode;
			if (node.nodeName == '#text') {
				range.setStart(node, node.textContent.length);
				range.setEnd(node, node.textContent.length);
			else {

	// set focus to the next right node
	else if (correctTo == 'right') {
		var node;

		// insert new text node before linebreak
		if (rightNode.tagName == 'BR') {
			var node = wikEd.frameDocument.createTextNode('');
			rightNode.parentNode.insertBefore(node, rightNode);
			range.setStart(node, 0);
			range.setEnd(node, 0);
		else {
			node = rightNode;
			if (node.nodeName == '#text') {
				range.setStart(node, 0);
				range.setEnd(node, 0);
			else {

// wikEd.ResizeGripLoadHandler: event handler to determine grip background image size

wikEd.ResizeGripLoadHandler = function (event) {

	wikEd.resizeGripWidth = event.currentTarget.width;
	wikEd.resizeGripHeight = event.currentTarget.height;


// wikEd.ResizeGripHandler: event handler for mouse over resize grip background image

wikEd.ResizeGripHandler = function (event) {

	// Firefox bug during startup ("wikEd is not defined")
	if (wikEd === undefined) {

	if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {
		if (event.type == 'mousemove') {
			if ( (event.shiftKey === false) && (event.ctrlKey === false) && (event.altKey === false) && (event.metaKey === false) ) {

				// move into grip
				if (wikEd.resizeFrameMouseOverGrip === false) {
					if (event.clientY >= wikEd.frameBody.clientHeight - wikEd.resizeGripHeight) {
						if (event.clientX >= wikEd.frameBody.clientWidth - wikEd.resizeGripWidth) {
							if ( (event.clientY < wikEd.frameBody.clientHeight) && (event.clientX < wikEd.frameBody.clientWidth) ) {
								wikEd.resizeFrameMouseOverGrip = true;
								if (wikEd.fullscreen === true) { = 'alias';
								else {
									wikEd.frameDocument.addEventListener('mousedown', wikEd.ResizeStartHandler, true); = 'move';

				// move out of grip
				else if (wikEd.resizeFrameActive === false) {
					if (
						(event.clientY < wikEd.frameBody.clientHeight - wikEd.resizeGripHeight) ||
						(event.clientX < wikEd.frameBody.clientWidth - wikEd.resizeGripWidth)
					) {
						wikEd.resizeFrameMouseOverGrip = false;
						wikEd.frameDocument.removeEventListener('mousedown', wikEd.ResizeStartHandler, true); = 'auto';

// wikEd.ResizeStartHandler: event handler to start the resizing of the editing frame

wikEd.ResizeStartHandler = function (event) {

	if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {
		if ( (event.type == 'mousedown') && (event.button === 0) ) {
			if ( (event.shiftKey === false) && (event.ctrlKey === false) && (event.altKey === false) && (event.metaKey === false) ) {
				if (event.clientY >= wikEd.frameBody.clientHeight - wikEd.resizeGripHeight) {
					if (event.clientX >= wikEd.frameBody.clientWidth - wikEd.resizeGripWidth) {
						if ( (event.clientY < wikEd.frameBody.clientHeight) && (event.clientX < wikEd.frameBody.clientWidth) ) {
							wikEd.resizeFrameActive = true;

							wikEd.resizeFramePageYStart = event.pageY;
							wikEd.resizeFramePageXStart = event.pageX;

							wikEd.resizeFrameOffsetHeight = wikEd.frame.offsetHeight;
							wikEd.resizeFrameOffsetWidth = wikEd.frame.offsetWidth;
							wikEd.frameDocument.addEventListener('mouseup', wikEd.ResizeStopHandler, true);
							document.addEventListener('mouseup', wikEd.ResizeStopHandler, true);
							wikEd.frameDocument.addEventListener('mousemove', wikEd.ResizeDragHandlerFrame, true);
							document.addEventListener('mousemove', wikEd.ResizeDragHandlerDocument, true);

// wikEd.ResizeStopHandler: event handler to stop the resizing of the editing frame

wikEd.ResizeStopHandler = function (event) {

	if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {
		if ( (event === undefined) || (event.type == 'mouseup') ) {
			wikEd.frameDocument.removeEventListener('mouseup', wikEd.ResizeStopHandler, true);
			document.removeEventListener('mouseup', wikEd.ResizeStopHandler, true);
			wikEd.frameDocument.removeEventListener('mousemove', wikEd.ResizeDragHandlerFrame, true);
			document.removeEventListener('mousemove', wikEd.ResizeDragHandlerDocument, true);

			if (
				(event === undefined) ||
				(event.clientY < wikEd.frameBody.clientHeight - wikEd.resizeGripHeight) ||
				(event.clientX < wikEd.frameBody.clientWidth - wikEd.resizeGripWidth)
			) {
				wikEd.resizeFrameMouseOverGrip = false;
				wikEd.frameDocument.removeEventListener('mousedown', wikEd.ResizeStartHandler, true); = 'auto';
		wikEd.resizeFrameActive = false;

// wikEd.ResizeDragHandlerFrame: event handler for editing frame resizing by mouse dragging (frame event)

wikEd.ResizeDragHandlerFrame = function (event) {

	if (event.type == 'mousemove') {
		var diffY = event.pageY - wikEd.resizeFramePageYStart;
		var diffX = event.pageX - wikEd.resizeFramePageXStart;

		var frameHeightNew = wikEd.resizeFrameOffsetHeight + diffY;
		var frameWidthNew = wikEd.resizeFrameOffsetWidth + diffX;

		if (frameHeightNew >=  100) {
			wikEd.frameHeight = frameHeightNew + 'px'; = wikEd.frameHeight;
		if (frameWidthNew >=  100) {
			wikEd.frameWidth = frameWidthNew + 'px'; = wikEd.frameWidth;

// wikEd.ResizeDragHandlerDocument: event handler for editing frame resizing by mouse dragging (document event)

wikEd.ResizeDragHandlerDocument = function (event) {

	if (event.type == 'mousemove') {
		var diffY = event.pageY - wikEd.resizeFramePageYStart - wikEd.GetOffsetTop(wikEd.frame);
		var diffX = event.pageX - wikEd.resizeFramePageXStart - wikEd.GetOffsetLeft(wikEd.frame);

		var frameHeightNew = wikEd.resizeFrameOffsetHeight + diffY;
		var frameWidthNew = wikEd.resizeFrameOffsetWidth + diffX;

		if (frameHeightNew >=  100) {
			wikEd.frameHeight = frameHeightNew + 'px'; = wikEd.frameHeight;
		if (frameWidthNew >=  100) {
			wikEd.frameWidth = frameWidthNew + 'px'; = wikEd.frameWidth;

// wikEd.ResizeFrameResetHandler: event handler to reset the editing frame size

wikEd.ResizeFrameResetHandler = function (event) {

	if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {
		if (event.type == 'dblclick') {
			if ( (event.shiftKey === false) && (event.ctrlKey === false) && (event.altKey === false) && (event.metaKey === false) ) {
				if (event.clientY > wikEd.frameBody.clientHeight - wikEd.resizeGripHeight) {
					if (event.clientX > wikEd.frameBody.clientWidth - wikEd.resizeGripWidth) {
						if ( (event.clientY < wikEd.frameBody.clientHeight) && (event.clientX < wikEd.frameBody.clientWidth) ) {

							// end fullscreen mode
							if (wikEd.fullscreen === true) {
								wikEd.FullScreen(false, true);

							// reset size to default
							wikEd.frameHeight = (wikEd.textareaOffsetHeightInitial - wikEd.frameBorderHeight) + 'px';
							wikEd.frameWidth = (wikEd.editorWrapper.clientWidth - wikEd.frameBorderWidth) + 'px'; = wikEd.frameHeight; = wikEd.frameWidth;

							// end resizing

// wikEd.DebugHandler: event handler for debug textarea: clear (double click) or hide (shift/ctrl/alt-double click)

wikEd.DebugHandler = function (event) {

	if ( (event.shiftKey === true) || (event.ctrlKey === true) || (event.altKey === true) || (event.metaKey === true) ) { = 'none';
		wikEd.debugOpen = false;

		// resize fullscreen frame
		if (wikEd.fullScreenMode === true) {
	else {
		wikEd.debug.value = '';

// wikEd.PrevWrapperHandler: event handler for preview box: scroll to edit field (double click) or close (shift/ctrl/alt-double click)

wikEd.PrevWrapperHandler = function (event) {

	// close (shift/ctrl/alt-double click)
	if ( (event.shiftKey === true) || (event.ctrlKey === true) || (event.altKey === true) || (event.metaKey === true) ) { = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'auto';

		// reinstate interrupted fullscreen mode
		if (wikEd.fullScreenMode === true) {

	// scroll to edit field (double click)
	else {

		// filter out selecting double clicks on text
		var sel = window.getSelection();

		// explicitOriginalTarget (Firefox)
		var textTarget = event.explicitOriginalTarget;
		if (textTarget !== undefined) {
			if (textTarget.nodeName == '#text') {

		// ignore for non-blank selection
		else if ( (sel !== null) && (/^\s*$/.test(sel.toString()) === false) ) {

		// scroll to edit field
		window.scroll(0, wikEd.GetOffsetTop(wikEd.inputWrapper));

// wikEd.SetLogo: set the logo on top of the page

wikEd.SetLogo = function (state, parameter) {

	var src = '';
	var alt = '';
	var title = '';
	if (state == 'error') {
		src = wikEd.config.image;
		alt = wikEd.config.text;
		title = wikEd.config.text;
	else if (state == 'browser') {
		src = wikEd.config.image;
		alt = wikEd.config.text;
		title = wikEd.config.text;
	else if (state == 'incompatible') {
		src = wikEd.config.image;
		alt = wikEd.config.text;
		title = wikEd.config.text;
	else {
		if (wikEd.disabled === true) {
			src = wikEd.config.image;
			alt = wikEd.config.text;
			title = wikEd.config.text;
		else if (wikEd.testVersion === true) {
			src = wikEd.config.image;
			alt = wikEd.config.text;
			title = wikEd.config.text;
		else {
			src = wikEd.config.image;
			alt = wikEd.config.text;
			title = wikEd.config.text;
	if (parameter !== undefined) {
		title = title.replace(/\{wikEdParameter\}/g, parameter);
	title = title.replace(/\{wikEdProgramVersion\}/g, wikEd.programVersion + wikEd.installationType);
	title = title.replace(/\{wikEdProgramDate\}/g, wikEd.programDate);
	wikEd.logo.src = src;
	wikEd.logo.alt = alt;
	wikEd.logo.title = title;

// wikEd.MakeButtonBar: generate button bar div element

wikEd.MakeButtonBar = function (bar) {

	// id outer, class outer, id inner, class inner, alt, button numbers
	var barId = bar;
	var barClass = bar;
	var buttonsId = bar;
	var buttonsClass = bar;
	var barHeight = bar;
	var gripTitle = bar;
	var buttonNumbers = bar;
	var barTitle = bar;

	// collect the buttons
	var buttons = '';
	for (var i = 0; i < buttonNumbers.length; i ++) {
		var buttonNo = buttonNumbers;
		switch (buttonNo) {
			case 'br':
				buttons += '<br>';
			case 'find':
				buttons += '<span class="wikEdFindComboInput" id="wikEdFindComboInput">';
				buttons += '<input class="wikEdCombo" id="wikEdFindText" type="text" value="">';
				buttons += '<select class="wikEdCombo" id="wikEdFindSelect">';
				buttons += '</select>';
				buttons += '</span>';
			case 'replace':
				buttons += '<span class="wikEdReplaceComboInput" id="wikEdReplaceComboInput">';
				buttons += '<input class="wikEdCombo" id="wikEdReplaceText" type="text" value="">';
				buttons += '<select class="wikEdCombo" id="wikEdReplaceSelect">';
				buttons += '</select>';
				buttons += '</span>';
				var currButton = wikEd.config.button;
				if (typeof currButton != 'object') {
					window.alert('Loading error: The button "' + buttonNumbers + '" is not defined.');
				if ( (currButton == 'wikEdSource') && (wikEd.config.showSourceButton !== true) && (wikEd.config.debug !== true) ) {
				else if ( (currButton == 'wikEdUsing') && (wikEd.config.showUsingButton !== true) ) {
				else if ( (currButton == 'wikEdTableMode') && (wikEd.config.showTableModeButton !== true) ) {

				// add button html code
				buttons += wikEd.MakeButtonCode(buttonNo);

	// create the button bar div
	var div = document.createElement('div'); = barId;
	div.className = barClass;
	if ( (barTitle !== undefined) && (barTitle !== '') ) {
		barTitle = barTitle.replace(/\{wikEdProgramVersion\}/g, wikEd.programVersion + wikEd.installationType);
		barTitle = barTitle.replace(/\{wikEdProgramDate\}/g, wikEd.programDate);
		div.title = barTitle;
	var buttonsStyle = '';
	if (barHeight > 0) {
		buttonsStyle = ' style="height: ' + barHeight + 'px;"';

	// make a grip bar
	var html = '';
	if (gripTitle !== null) {
		var gripStyle = 'width: ' + wikEd.config.buttonBarGripWidth + 'px; ';
		if (barHeight > 0) {
			gripStyle += 'height: ' + barHeight + 'px; ';
		if (gripStyle.length > 0){
			gripStyle = ' style="' + gripStyle + '"';

		html += '<div class="wikEdButtonBarInnerWrapperVisible" style="height: ' + barHeight + 'px;">';

		html += '<div class="wikEdButtonBarGripWrapperVisible">';
		html += '<div class="wikEdButtonBarGrip"' + gripStyle + ' title="' + gripTitle + '">';
		html += '&nbsp;';
		html += '</div>';
		html += '</div>';

		html += '<div class="wikEdButtonBarButtonsWrapperVisible"' + buttonsStyle + '>';
		html += '<div id="' + buttonsId + '" class="' + buttonsClass + '" style="">';
		html += buttons;
		html += '</div>';
		html += '</div>';

		html += '</div>';

	// make a standard no-grip bar
	else {
		html += '<div id="' + buttonsId + '" class="' + buttonsClass + '"' + buttonsStyle + '>';
		html += buttons;
		html += '</div>';
	div.innerHTML = html;
	return div;

// wikEd.MakeButtonCode: create button code and register

wikEd.MakeButtonCode = function (buttonNo, type) {

	var currButton = wikEd.config.button;

	// add accesskey information to button title
	var accessKey = '';
	if (wikEd.config.buttonKey !== undefined) {
		accessKey = '  + wikEd.config.buttonKey + ']';

		// initialize wikEd.buttonKeyCode = id
		wikEd.buttonKeyCode) ] = currButton;

	// add button html code
	var html;
	if (type == 'button') {
		html = '<button type="button" id="' + currButton + '" class="' + currButton + '" title="' + currButton + accessKey +'"><img src="' + currButton + '" width="' + currButton + '" height="' + currButton + '" alt="' + currButton + '"></button>';
	else {
		html = '<img id="' + currButton + '" class="' + currButton + '" title="' + currButton + accessKey +'" src="' + currButton + '" width="' + currButton + '" height="' + currButton + '" alt="' + currButton + '">';

	// collect click event info
	wikEd.editButtonHandler ] = currButton;

	return html;

// wikEd.ButtonBarInit: hide buttons bar, see also wikEd.ButtonBarGripHandler()

wikEd.ButtonBarInit = function (bar) {

	if (wikEd.GetSavedSetting( + 'Hidden') === true) {
		var barInnerWrapper = bar.firstChild;
		var gripWrapper = barInnerWrapper.firstChild;
		var grip = gripWrapper.firstChild;
		var buttonsWrapper = gripWrapper.nextSibling;

		barInnerWrapper.className = 'wikEdButtonBarInnerWrapperHidden';
		gripWrapper.className = 'wikEdButtonBarGripWrapperHidden';
		buttonsWrapper.className = 'wikEdButtonBarButtonsWrapperHidden';
		wikEd.buttonsWrapperWidth = buttonsWrapper.offsetWidth; = 'none';
		grip.addEventListener('mouseover', wikEd.ButtonBarGripHandler, true);

// wikEd.SetEditArea: apply css changes to switch between classic textarea and rich text frame

wikEd.SetEditArea = function (useFrame, notFrame) {

	var scrollRatio = null;

	// turn rich text frame on
	if (useFrame === true) {
		scrollRatio = wikEd.textarea.scrollTop / wikEd.textarea.scrollHeight;

		// remember resized textarea dimensions
		wikEd.textareaHeight = (wikEd.textarea.offsetHeight - wikEd.textareaBorderHeight) + 'px';
		wikEd.textareaWidth = '100%'; = 'absolute'; = 'hidden'; = 'none';

		if (notFrame !== true) { = 'static'; = 'visible'; = 'block';

		// set visibility of native toolbar
		if (wikEd.closeToolbar === true) { = 'none';
		else { = 'block';

		if (wikEd.buttonBarFormat !== null) { = 'block';
		if (wikEd.buttonBarTextify !== null) { = 'block';
		if (wikEd.buttonBarCustom1 !== null) { = 'block';
		if (wikEd.buttonBarFind !== null) { = 'block';
		if (wikEd.buttonBarFix !== null) { = 'block';
		if (wikEd.buttonBarCustom2 !== null) { = 'block';
		if (wikEd.buttonBarControl !== null) { = 'block';
		wikEd.frameBody.scrollTop = scrollRatio * wikEd.frameBody.scrollHeight;

	// turn classic textarea on
	else {
		scrollRatio = wikEd.frameBody.scrollTop / wikEd.frameBody.scrollHeight;
		if (notFrame !== true) {

			// get resized frame dimensions for textarea
			if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {
				wikEd.textareaHeight = wikEd.frameHeight;
				wikEd.textareaWidth = '100%';
			} = 'absolute'; = 'hidden';
			// Mozilla or wikEd bug: <br> insertion before text a while after setting display to 'none', test with setTimeout('alert(wikEd.frameBody.innerHTML)', 1000);
			// = 'none';
		} = 'static'; = 'visible'; = wikEd.textareaHeight; = wikEd.textareaWidth; = 'block';

		// force visibility of native toolbar
		if (wikEd.toolbarWrapper !== null) { = 'block';
		if (wikEd.buttonBarFormat !== null) { = 'none';
		if (wikEd.buttonBarTextify !== null) { = 'none';
		if (wikEd.buttonBarCustom1 !== null) { = 'none';
		if (wikEd.buttonBarFind !== null) { = 'none';
		if (wikEd.buttonBarFix !== null) { = 'none';
		if (wikEd.buttonBarCustom2 !== null) { = 'none';
		if (wikEd.buttonBarControl !== null) { = 'block';
		wikEd.textarea.scrollTop = scrollRatio * wikEd.textarea.scrollHeight;

// wikEd.Button: toggle or set button checked state
//   used for buttons that do not require nor change the text. Faster than wikEd.EditButton()

wikEd.Button = function (buttonObj, buttonId, toggleButton, setButton, classButton, doButton) {
	if (buttonObj !== null) {

		// check if the button is disabled
		if (buttonObj.className == 'wikEdButtonInactive') {

		// set button to pressed, set cursor to hourglass = 'wait';

		// init the button
		if (setButton === false) {
			buttonObj.setAttribute('checked', false);
			if (classButton === undefined) {
				buttonObj.className = 'wikEdButtonUnchecked';
		else if (setButton === true) {
			buttonObj.setAttribute('checked', true);
			if (classButton === undefined) {
				buttonObj.className = 'wikEdButtonChecked';
		else if (typeof classButton == 'string') {
			buttonObj.className = classButton;
		else {
			doButton = true;

		// toggle the button
		if (toggleButton === true) {
			if (buttonObj.getAttribute('checked') === 'true') {
				buttonObj.setAttribute('checked', false);
				buttonObj.className = 'wikEdButtonUnchecked';
			else {
				buttonObj.setAttribute('checked', true);
				buttonObj.className = 'wikEdButtonChecked';

	// perform specific actions
	var focusFrame = false;
	if (doButton === true) {

		// textarea no longer up to date
		wikEd.textareaUpdated = false;

		// remove active content

		switch (buttonId) {

			// switch between syntax highlighting and plain text
			case 'wikEdHighlightSyntax':
				if (buttonObj.getAttribute('checked') == 'true') {
					wikEd.highlightSyntax = true;
					wikEd.SetPersistent('wikEdSyntaxOff', '0', 0, '/');
					if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
						wikEd.frameBody.className = 'wikEdFrameBodyNewbie';
					else {
						wikEd.frameBody.className = 'wikEdFrameBodySyntax';
				else {
					wikEd.highlightSyntax = false;
					wikEd.SetPersistent('wikEdSyntaxOff', '1', 0, '/');
					wikEd.frameBody.className = 'wikEdFrameBodyPlain';

				// do not keep whole text selected
				wikEd.EditButton( null, 'wikEdUpdateAll', {'keepSel': false} );

			// table mode button
			case 'wikEdTableMode':
				if (buttonObj.getAttribute('checked') != 'true') {
					wikEd.tableMode = false;
					wikEd.EditButton( null, 'wikEdUpdateAll', {'keepSel': false} );
				else {
					wikEd.tableMode = true;
					wikEd.EditButton( null, 'wikEdUpdateAll', {'keepSel': false} );

			// align textbox with display top
			case 'wikEdScrollToPreview':
			case 'wikEdScrollToPreview2':
			case 'wikEdScrollToPreview3':
				window.scroll(0, wikEd.GetOffsetTop(wikEd.submitWrapper));
				focusFrame = true;

			// align edit buttons with display top
			case 'wikEdScrollToEdit':
			case 'wikEdScrollToEdit2':
			case 'wikEdScrollToEdit3':
			case 'wikEdScrollToEdit4':
				window.scroll(0, wikEd.GetOffsetTop(wikEd.inputWrapper));
				focusFrame = true;

			// cycle through different font sizes
			case 'wikEdTextZoomDown':
				wikEd.textSize = wikEd.textSize / 1.2;
				if (wikEd.textSize < wikEd.textSizeInit / 1.2 / 1.2) {
					wikEd.textSize = wikEd.textSizeInit * 1.2 * 1.2;
				} = wikEd.textSize + 'px';
				focusFrame = true;

			// cycle through different font sizes
			case 'wikEdTextZoomUp':
				wikEd.textSize = wikEd.textSize * 1.2;
				if (wikEd.textSize > wikEd.textSizeInit * 1.2 * 1.2) {
					wikEd.textSize = wikEd.textSizeInit / 1.2 / 1.2;
				} = wikEd.textSize + 'px';
				focusFrame = true;

			// display local preview box
			case 'wikEdLocalPreview':
				focusFrame = true;

			// display local diff box
			case 'wikEdLocalDiff':
				if (WikEdDiff === undefined) {
					wikEd.previewDiff.innerHTML = '<div class="wikEdPreviewDiffError">' + wikEd.config.text.diffNotLoaded + '</div>'; = 'none'; = 'block'; = 'block';

				// interrupt fullscreen mode
				if (wikEd.fullscreen === true) {

				// display diff, keep wrapper height to prevent scrolling
				var previewHeight = wikEd.localPrevWrapper.offsetHeight;
				if ( ( (wikEd.previewArticle.innerHTML !== '') || (wikEd.previewDiff.innerHTML !== '') ) && (previewHeight > 0) ) { = previewHeight + 'px';
				if (wikEd.previewDiff.innerHTML === '') {
					wikEd.previewDiff.innerHTML = wikEd.config.text.wikEdPreviewLoading;
				} = 'block'; = 'none'; = 'block';

				if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {

				// add trailing newline
				var currentVersion = wikEd.textarea.value;

				// call external diff program
				wikEd.previewDiff.innerHTML = wikEd.DiffResponse(wikEd.origVersion, currentVersion);

				// scroll to button, textarea, or preview field

				// run scheduled custom functions

			// close the preview and diff boxes
			case 'wikEdClose':
			case 'wikEdClose2':
				window.scroll(0, wikEd.GetOffsetTop(wikEd.inputWrapper)); = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'auto';
				focusFrame = true;

			// switch between textarea and frame display
			//   switching an iframe in design mode immediately after initialization between absolute/static may crash mozilla
			case 'wikEdUseWikEd':

				// enble wikEd
				if (buttonObj.getAttribute('checked') == 'true') {
					wikEd.useWikEd = true;
					window.wikEdUseWikEd = wikEd.useWikEd;
					wikEd.SetPersistent('wikEdUseClassic', '0', 0, '/');

					// update frame content

					// display rich text frame

					// run scheduled custom functions

				// turn classic textarea on, disable wikEd
				else {

					// update frame content

					// display on textarea

					wikEd.useWikEd = false;
					window.wikEdUseWikEd = wikEd.useWikEd;
					wikEd.SetPersistent('wikEdUseClassic', '1', 0, '/');

					// run scheduled custom functions

				// update fullscreen
				wikEd.FullScreen(wikEd.fullScreenMode, true);


			// add "using wikEd" to summaries
			case 'wikEdUsing':
				if (buttonObj.getAttribute('checked') == 'true') {
					wikEd.using = true;
					wikEd.SetPersistent('wikEdSummaryUsing', '1', 0, '/');
				else {
					wikEd.using = false;
					wikEd.SetPersistent('wikEdSummaryUsing', '0', 0, '/');

			// hide ref tags
			case 'wikEdRefHide':
				if (buttonObj.getAttribute('checked') == 'true') {
					wikEd.refHide = true;
					wikEd.SetPersistent('wikEdRefHide', '1', 0, '/');
				else {
					wikEd.refHide = false;
					wikEd.SetPersistent('wikEdRefHide', '0', 0, '/');

				if ( (wikEd.config.showTableModeButton === false) && (wikEd.config.tableMode === true) ) {
					wikEd.tableMode = wikEd.refHide;

				if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {
					if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
						wikEd.frameBody.className = 'wikEdFrameBodyNewbie';
					else {
						wikEd.frameBody.className = 'wikEdFrameBodySyntax';
					wikEd.EditButton(null, 'wikEdWikify', 'whole');

			// close the toolbar
			case 'wikEdCloseToolbar':
				if (buttonObj.getAttribute('checked') == 'true') {
					wikEd.closeToolbar = true; = 'none';
					wikEd.SetPersistent('wikEdCloseToolbar', '1', 0, '/');
				else {
					wikEd.closeToolbar = false; = 'block';
					wikEd.SetPersistent('wikEdCloseToolbar', '0', 0, '/');

				// resize fullscreen frame
				if (wikEd.fullscreen === true) {

			// just toggle the case sensitive search button
			case 'wikEdCaseSensitive':

			// just toggle the regexp search button
			case 'wikEdRegExp':

			// just toggle the find-ahead-as-you-type search button
			case 'wikEdFindAhead':

			// switch to fullscreen edit area
			case 'wikEdFullScreen':
				if (buttonObj.getAttribute('checked') == 'true') {
					wikEd.FullScreen(true, true);
					wikEd.SetPersistent('wikEdFullscreen', '1', 0, '/');
				else {
					wikEd.FullScreen(false, true);
					wikEd.SetPersistent('wikEdFullscreen', '0', 0, '/');

			// clear the saved settings for find, replace, and summary history
			case 'wikEdClearHistory':
				focusFrame = true;

			// for testing
			case 'wikEdPlaceholder':

	// reset cursor to normal
	if (buttonObj !== null) { = '';

		// Firefox 27 bug workaround to force cursor update

	// focus the frame
	if ( (wikEd.useWikEd === true) && (focusFrame === true) ) {


// wikEd.EditButton: editing functions
//   used for buttons that require or change the text, more time consuming than wikEd.Button()

wikEd.EditButton = function (buttonObj, buttonId, parameters, CustomHandler) {

	// check if iframe is enabled
	if (wikEd.UseWikEd === false) {

	// check if button is disabled
	if (buttonObj !== null) {
		if (buttonObj.className == 'wikEdButtonInactive') {

	// remove active and non-text content

	// select the appropriate text change targets (whole, selection, cursor, focusWord, focusLine, selectionWord, or selectionLine)
	var obj = {};
	obj.changed = {};
	var highlightNoTimeOut = false;

	// set cursor position into closest highest text node so that highlighting does not bleed out
	wikEd.AntiHighlightBleeding(obj, true);

	// textarea no longer up to date
	wikEd.textareaUpdated = false;

	// invalidate wikify/textify of recently pasted text
	if ( (buttonId != 'wikEdPastedWikify') && (buttonId != 'wikEdPastedTextify') && (buttonId != 'wikEdPasting') ) {

	// switch the button
	switch (buttonId) {

		// undo, redo: whole
		case 'wikEdUndo':
		case 'wikEdRedo':
		case 'wikEdUndoAll':
		case 'wikEdRedoAll':
			wikEd.GetText(obj, 'whole');
			obj.changed = obj.whole;

		// basic wiki character formatting: selection / focusWord / cursor
		case 'wikEdBold':
		case 'wikEdItalic':
		case 'wikEdUnderline':
		case 'wikEdStrikethrough':
		case 'wikEdNowiki':
		case 'wikEdSuperscript':
		case 'wikEdSubscript':
		case 'wikEdWikiLink':
		case 'wikEdWebLink':
			wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection, cursor');
			if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
				obj.changed = obj.selection;
			else {
				wikEd.GetText(obj, 'focusWord');
				if (obj.focusWord.plain !== '') {
					obj.changed = obj.focusWord;
				else  {
					obj.changed = obj.cursor;

		// reference: selection / cursor
		case 'wikEdRef':
		case 'wikEdRefNamed':
			wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection, cursor');
			if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
				obj.changed = obj.selection;
			else {
				obj.changed = obj.cursor;

		// references and small references: selection / cursor
		case 'wikEdReferences':
		case 'wikEdReferencesSection':
			wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection, cursor');
			if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
				obj.changed = obj.selection;
			else {
				obj.changed = obj.cursor;

		// signature and name only signature: selection / cursor
		case 'wikEdSign':
		case 'wikEdSignName':
			wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection, cursor');
			if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
				obj.changed = obj.selection;
			else {
				obj.changed = obj.cursor;

		// character formatting: selection / focusWord / cursor
		case 'wikEdCase':
			wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection, cursor');
			if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
				obj.changed = obj.selection;
			else {
				wikEd.GetText(obj, 'focusWord');
				if (obj.focusWord.plain !== '') {
					obj.changed = obj.focusWord;
				else {
					obj.changed = obj.cursor;

		// multiple line changes: selectionLine / focusLine / cursor
		case 'wikEdDecreaseHeading':
		case 'wikEdIncreaseHeading':
		case 'wikEdIncreaseBulletList':
		case 'wikEdDecreaseBulletList':
		case 'wikEdIncreaseNumberList':
		case 'wikEdDecreaseNumberList':
		case 'wikEdIncreaseIndentList':
		case 'wikEdDecreaseIndentList':
		case 'wikEdDefinitionList':
			wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection, cursor');
			if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
				wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selectionLine');
				obj.changed = obj.selectionLine;
			else {
				wikEd.GetText(obj, 'focusLine');
				if (obj.focusLine.plain !== '') {
					obj.changed = obj.focusLine;
				else {
					obj.changed = obj.cursor;

		// sort: selectionLine / focusLine
		case 'wikEdSort':
			wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection, cursor, selectionLine');
			if (obj.selection.plain === '')  {
				obj.changed = obj.selectionLine;
			else if (/\n./.test(obj.selection.plain) === false) {
				obj.changed = obj.selection;
			else {
				obj.changed = obj.selectionLine;

		// image: selectionWord (if text is selected) / cursor
		case 'wikEdImage':
			wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection, cursor');
			if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
				wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selectionWord');
				obj.changed = obj.selectionWord;
			else  {
				obj.changed = obj.cursor;

		// table: selectionLine / cursor
		case 'wikEdTable':
			wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection, cursor');
			if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
				wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selectionLine');
				obj.changed = obj.selectionLine;
			else  {
				wikEd.GetText(obj, 'focusLine');
				obj.changed = obj.cursor;

		// wikify pasted: cursor
		case 'wikEdPastedWikify':
			wikEd.GetText(obj, 'cursor');
			obj.changed = obj.cursor;

		// textify during pasting: selection
		case 'wikEdPasting':

			// get text, do not wikify
			wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection', false);
			obj.changed = obj.selection;

		// textify pasted: cursor
		case 'wikEdPastedTextify':
			wikEd.GetText(obj, 'cursor');
			obj.changed = obj.cursor;

		// wikify: selection / whole
		case 'wikEdWikify':
			if (parameters == 'whole') {
				wikEd.GetText(obj, 'whole');
				obj.changed = obj.whole;
			else {
				wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection');
				if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
					obj.changed = obj.selection;
				else {
					wikEd.GetText(obj, 'whole');
					obj.changed = obj.whole;

		// textify: selection / whole, without wikifying
		case 'wikEdTextify':
			wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection', false);
			if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
				obj.changed = obj.selection;
			else {
				wikEd.GetText(obj, 'whole', false);
				obj.changed = obj.whole;

		// redirect: whole
		case 'wikEdRedirect':
			wikEd.GetText(obj, 'whole, selection, cursor');
			if (obj.selection.plain === '') {
				wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selectionWord');
			obj.changed = obj.whole;

		// find and replace: selection / focusWord / cursor
		case 'wikEdFindPrev':
		case 'wikEdFindNext':
		case 'wikEdJumpPrev':
		case 'wikEdJumpNext':
		case 'wikEdReplacePrev':
		case 'wikEdReplaceNext':
		case 'wikEdFindAll':
			wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection');
			if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
				obj.changed = obj.selection;
			else {
				wikEd.GetText(obj, 'focusWord');
				if (obj.focusWord.plain !== '') {
					obj.changed = obj.focusWord;
				else {
					obj.changed = obj.cursor;

		// replace all: selection / whole
		case 'wikEdReplaceAll':
			wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection');
			if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
				obj.changed = obj.selection;
			else {
				wikEd.GetText(obj, 'whole');
				obj.changed = obj.whole;

		// fixing buttons: selection / whole
		case 'wikEdFixBasic':
		case 'wikEdFixUnicode':
		case 'wikEdFixAll':
		case 'wikEdFixHtml':
		case 'wikEdFixRegExTypo':
		case 'wikEdFixRedirect':
		case 'wikEdFixRedirectReplace':
			wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection, cursor');
			if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
				obj.changed = obj.selection;
			else {
				wikEd.GetText(obj, 'whole');
				obj.changed = obj.whole;

		// fixing buttons: selection / focusPara / cursor
		case 'wikEdFixPunct':
		case 'wikEdFixMath':
		case 'wikEdFixUnits':
		case 'wikEdFixDashes':
		case 'wikEdFixCaps':
		case 'wikEdFixChem':
			wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection, cursor');
			if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
				obj.changed = obj.selection;
			else {
				wikEd.GetText(obj, 'focusPara');
				if (obj.focusPara.plain !== '') {
					obj.changed = obj.focusPara;
				else {
					obj.changed = obj.cursor;

		// fixing buttons: selection / focusLine / cursor
		case 'wikEdFixChem':
			wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection, cursor');
			if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
				obj.changed = obj.selection;
			else {
				wikEd.GetText(obj, 'focusLine');
				if (obj.focusPara.plain !== '') {
					obj.changed = obj.focusLine;
				else {
					obj.changed = obj.cursor;

		// source: selection / whole
		case 'wikEdSource':
			wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection');
			if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
				obj.changed = obj.selection;
			else {
				wikEd.GetText(obj, 'whole');
				obj.changed = obj.whole;

		// insert tags: selection / cursor
		case 'wikEdInsertTags':
			wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection, cursor');
			if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
				obj.changed = obj.selection;
			else {
				obj.changed = obj.cursor;

		// update text view using current control button settings
		case 'wikEdUpdateAll':
			wikEd.GetText(obj, 'whole');
			obj.changed = obj.whole;

		// custom edit functions have to call wikEd.GetText() themselves
			wikEd.GetText(obj, 'cursor');
			obj.changed = obj.cursor;

	// exit
	if (obj.changed === undefined) {

		// reset button to active, reset cursor
		if (buttonObj !== null) {
			if (buttonObj.className != 'wikEdButtonInactive') {
				buttonObj.className = 'wikEdButton';

	// set local syntax highlighting flag
	var highlightSyntax = wikEd.highlightSyntax;

	// apply selected action
	var selectChanged = true;
	var selectChangedText = '';
	var emptyOrSpaces = /^ *$/.test(obj.changed.plain);
	switch (buttonId) {

		// undo
		case 'wikEdUndo':
			if (wikEd.lastVersion === null) {
				wikEd.lastVersion = obj.changed.plain;
			if (obj.sel.rangeCount === 0) {
				obj.sel.collapse(wikEd.frameBody, 0);
			obj.changed.range = obj.sel.getRangeAt(0);
			obj.changed.plain = null;
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;

		// redo
		case 'wikEdRedo':
			if (obj.sel.rangeCount === 0) {
				obj.sel.collapse(wikEd.frameBody, 0);
			obj.changed.range = obj.sel.getRangeAt(0);
			obj.changed.plain = null;
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;

		// bold
		case 'wikEdBold':

			// remove markup
			if (/^(\s*)'''((.|\n)*?)'''(\s*)$/.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^(\s*)'''((.|\n)*?)'''(\s*)$/g, '$1$2$4');

			// add markup
			else {
				obj.changed.plain = '\'\'\'' + obj.changed.plain + '\'\'\'';
				if (emptyOrSpaces === false) {

					// move spaces outside markup
					obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^(''')(\s*)((.|\n)*?)(\s*)(''')$/, '$2$1$3$6$5');

					// trim to maximal number of ' (bold + italic)
					obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^'{6,}((.|\n)*)'{6,}$/g, '\'\'\'\'\'$1\'\'\'\'\'');
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;

		// italic
		case 'wikEdItalic':

			// remove markup
			if (/^(\s*)''((.|\n)*?)''(\s*)$/.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^(\s*)''((.|\n)*?)''(\s*)$/g, '$1$2$4');

			// add markup
			else {
				obj.changed.plain = '\'\'' + obj.changed.plain + '\'\'';
				if (emptyOrSpaces === false) {

					// move spaces outside markup
					obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^('')(\s*)((.|\n)*?)(\s*)('')$/, '$2$1$3$6$5');

					// trim to maximal number of ' (bold + italic)
					obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^'{6,}((.|\n)*)'{6,}$/g, '\'\'\'\'\'$1\'\'\'\'\'');
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;

		// underline
		case 'wikEdUnderline':

		// remove markup
			if ( /&lt;u&gt;((.|\n)*?)&lt;\/u&gt;/i.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/&lt;u&gt;((.|\n)*?)&lt;\/u&gt;/gi, '$1');

			// add markup
			else {
				obj.changed.plain = '&lt;u&gt;' + obj.changed.plain + '&lt;\/u&gt;';
				if (emptyOrSpaces === false) {
					obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^(&lt;u&gt;)(\s*)((.|\n)*?)(\s*)(&lt;\/u&gt;)$/, '$2$1$3$6$5');
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;

		// strikethrough
		case 'wikEdStrikethrough':
			if ( /&lt;s&gt;((.|\n)*?)&lt;\/s&gt;/i.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/&lt;s&gt;((.|\n)*?)&lt;\/s&gt;/gi, '$1');
			else {
				obj.changed.plain = '&lt;s&gt;' + obj.changed.plain + '&lt;\/s&gt;';
				if (emptyOrSpaces === false) {
					obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^(&lt;s&gt;)(\s*)((.|\n)*?)(\s*)(&lt;\/s&gt;)$/, '$2$1$3$6$5');
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;

		// nowiki
		case 'wikEdNowiki':
			if ( /&lt;nowiki&gt;((.|\n)*?)&lt;\/nowiki&gt;/i.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/&lt;nowiki&gt;((.|\n)*?)&lt;\/nowiki&gt;/gi, '$1');
			else {
				obj.changed.plain = '&lt;nowiki&gt;' + obj.changed.plain + '&lt;\/nowiki&gt;';
				if (emptyOrSpaces === false) {
					obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^(&lt;nowiki&gt;)(\s*)((.|\n)*?)(\s*)(&lt;\/nowiki&gt;)$/, '$2$1$3$6$5');
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;

		// superscript
		case 'wikEdSuperscript':
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^(\s*)&lt;sub&gt;((.|\n)*?)&lt;\/sub&gt;(\s*)$/, '$1$2$4');
			if ( /&lt;sup&gt;((.|\n)*?)&lt;\/sup&gt;/i.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/&lt;sup&gt;((.|\n)*?)&lt;\/sup&gt;/gi, '$1');
			else {
				obj.changed.plain = '&lt;sup&gt;' + obj.changed.plain + '&lt;/sup&gt;';
				if (emptyOrSpaces === false) {
					obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^(&lt;sup&gt;)(\s*)((.|\n)*?)(\s*)(&lt;\/sup&gt;)$/, '$2$1$3$6$5');
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;

		// subscript
		case 'wikEdSubscript':
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^(\s*)&lt;sup&gt;((.|\n)*?)&lt;\/sup&gt;(\s*)$/, '$1$2$4');
			if ( /&lt;sub&gt;((.|\n)*?)&lt;\/sub&gt;/i.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/&lt;sub&gt;((.|\n)*?)&lt;\/sub&gt;/gi, '$1');
			else {
				obj.changed.plain = '&lt;sub&gt;' + obj.changed.plain + '&lt;/sub&gt;';
				if (emptyOrSpaces === false) {
					obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^(&lt;sub&gt;)(\s*)((.|\n)*?)(\s*)(&lt;\/sub&gt;)$/, '$2$1$3$6$5');
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;

		// in-text reference
		case 'wikEdRef':
		case 'wikEdRefNamed':
			if (obj.changed.plain === '') {
				if (buttonId == 'wikEdRef') {
					obj.changed.plain = '&lt;ref&gt;&lt;\/ref&gt;';
				else {
					obj.changed.plain = '&lt;ref name="" \/&gt;';
			else if ( /&lt;ref( name="")? ?\/&gt;/i.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
				obj.changed.plain = '';
			else if ( /&lt;ref( name="")?&gt;((.|\n)*?)&lt;\/ref&gt;/i.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/&lt;ref( name="")?&gt;((.|\n)*?)&lt;\/ref&gt;/gi, '$2');
			else {
				if (buttonId == 'wikEdRef') {
					obj.changed.plain = '&lt;ref&gt;' + obj.changed.plain + '&lt;/ref&gt;';
				else {
					obj.changed.plain = '&lt;ref name=""&gt;' + obj.changed.plain + '&lt;/ref&gt;';
				if (emptyOrSpaces === false) {
					obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^(&lt;ref( name="")?&gt;)(\s*)((.|\n)*?)(\s*)(&lt;\/ref&gt;)$/, '$3$1$4$7$6');
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;

		// signature ~~~~
		case 'wikEdSign':
			if (obj.changed.plain == '~~~~') {
				obj.changed.plain = '';
			else {
				obj.changed.plain = '~~~~';
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;

		// name only signature ~~~
		case 'wikEdSignName':
			if (obj.changed.plain == '~~~') {
				obj.changed.plain = '';
			else {
				obj.changed.plain = '~~~';
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;

		// references location
		case 'wikEdReferences':
		case 'wikEdReferencesSection':
			var ref = wikEd.config.text.wikEdReferencesSection;
			ref = ref.replace(/</g, '&lt;');
			ref = ref.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
			var refEscaped = ref;
			refEscaped = refEscaped.replace(/()/g, '\\$1');
			refEscaped = refEscaped.replace(/^\n|\n$/g, '\\n*');
			refEscaped = refEscaped.replace(/(\n)/g, '\\n');
			var regExp = new RegExp(refEscaped, 'gi');

			// plain references tag
			if (buttonId == 'wikEdReferences') {
				if (obj.changed.plain === '') {
					obj.changed.plain = '&lt;references/&gt;';
				else if (regExp.test(obj.changed.plain) === true) {
					obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(regExp, '');
				else if (/&lt;references ?\/&gt;/i.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
					obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/&lt;references ?\/&gt;/gi, '');
				else {
					obj.changed = obj.cursor;
					obj.changed.plain = '&lt;references/&gt;';

			// complete references code
			else {
				if (obj.changed.plain === '') {
					obj.changed.plain = ref;
				else if (regExp.test(obj.changed.plain) === true) {
					obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(regExp, '');
				else if ( /&lt;references ?\/&gt;/i.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
					obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/&lt;references ?\/&gt;/gi, '');
				else {
					obj.changed = obj.cursor;
					obj.changed.plain = ref;
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;

		// toggle lowercase / uppercase
		case 'wikEdCase':
			if (obj.changed.plain === '') {
				obj.changed.plain = null;

			// lowercase all uppercased text
			else {

				// html character entities to chars
				var plain = obj.changed.plain;
				plain = plain.replace(/&gt;/g, '>');
				plain = plain.replace(/&lt;/g, '<');
				plain = plain.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');

				if (plain.toUpperCase() == plain) {
					plain = plain.toLowerCase();

				// first-letter-uppercase all lowercased text
				else if (plain.toLowerCase() == plain) {
					var regExp = new RegExp('(^|)()(*)', 'g');
					plain = plain.replace(regExp,
						function(p, p1, p2, p3) {
							return p1 + p2.toUpperCase() + p3.toLowerCase();

				// uppercase mixed upper and lowercased text
				else {
					plain = plain.toUpperCase();

				// chars back to html character entities
				plain = wikEd.EscapeHtml(plain);
				obj.changed.plain = plain;
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;

		// sort alphabetically by visible words, case insensitive, and numerically
		case 'wikEdSort':

			// fix unicode and character entities

			// sort a single line
			if (/\n./.test(obj.changed.plain) === false) {

				// Normalize(): normalize strings for sorting
				var Normalize = function (text) {

					//                     ]
					text = text.replace(/\\|]*\|(]*)\]\]/g, '$1');

					//                     ]
					text = text.replace(/\\|]*)\]\]/g, '$1');

					// start with first letter
					var regExp = new RegExp('^+', 'g');
					text = text.replace(regExp, '');

					// sort numerically by adding preceeding 0s to numbers
					text = text.replace(/0*(\d+)(\.\d*)?/g,
						function(p, p1, p2) {
							return '000000000000000'.substr(p1.length) + p1 + p2;

					// case insensitive
					text = text.toLowerCase();

					return text;

				// SplitSortJoin(): sort list items in one line
				var SplitSortJoin = function (regExp, text) {

					var sorted = null;

					// split text into array of element / separator pairs
					var array = ;
					var regExpMatch;
					var lastMatch = 0;
					while ( (regExpMatch = regExp.exec(text)) !== null) {
						var element = text.substring(lastMatch, regExpMatch.index);
						var separator = regExpMatch;
						lastMatch = regExp.lastIndex;
					if (array.length > 0) {
						var element = text.substring(lastMatch);
						if (element !== '') {

						// sort array after normalized elements
						array.sort(function(a, b) {
							if (a > b) {
								return 1;
							if (a < b) {
								return -1;
							return 0;

						// join, keep separator next to element if possible, otherwise use last separator
						sorted = '';
						for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i ++) {
							if ( (array === '') && (i < array.length - 1) ) {
								array = array;
								array = '';
							sorted += array + array;
					return sorted;

				// extract sortable text
				var pre = '';
				var sortable = obj.changed.plain;
				var post = '';

				//                  123          3      4   4 2  15   56     6
				var regExpMatch = /^(((\|+\=)|\||!|(:*;)+) *)(.*?)( *\n*)$/.exec(obj.changed.plain);
				if (regExpMatch !== null) {
					pre = regExpMatch;
					sortable = regExpMatch;
					post = regExpMatch;

				// sortable text enclosed in html
				var regExpMatch = /^(<>+)(.*?)(<\/>+)$/.exec(sortable);
				if (regExpMatch !== null) {
					pre = pre + regExpMatch;
					sortable = regExpMatch;
					post = regExpMatch + post;

				// table cells
				var sorted = SplitSortJoin(/ *((\||!){2,2}) *()/g, sortable);
				if ( (sorted === null) || (/^(\|{1,1}|!{1,1})/.test(pre) === false) ) {

					// bullets, dots, dashes, \|/:-,; in spaces
					sorted = SplitSortJoin(/((&amp;nbsp;| )+((\\|\||\/|:|-|,|;)+)(&amp;nbsp;| )+|(&amp;nbsp;| )*(•|&bull;|&#x2022;|&#8226;|·|&middot;|&#0*xb7;|&#0*183;|–|&ndash;|&#x2013;|&#8211;|—|&mdash;|&#x2015;|&#8213;)(&amp;nbsp;| )*)()/gi, sortable);
					if (sorted === null) {

						// ,;:
						sorted = SplitSortJoin(/(&amp;nbsp;| )*(,|;|:)(&amp;nbsp;| )+/g, sortable);
						if (sorted === null) {

							// multiple spaces with &nbsp;
							sorted = SplitSortJoin(/( +&amp;nbsp;|&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;|&amp;nbsp; )(&amp;nbsp;| )*()/g, sortable);

							// simple spaces
							if (sorted === null) {
								sorted = SplitSortJoin(/ +/g, sortable);

				// join pre, sorted, and post
				if (sorted !== null) {
					sorted = sorted.replace(/ {2,}/, ' ');
					sorted = sorted.replace(/ +$/, '');
					post = post.replace(/ +(\n*|$)/, '$1');
					obj.changed.plain = pre + sorted + post;

			// keep leading and trailing empty lines and table syntax
			var pre = '';
			var main = '';
			var post = '';
			var regExpMatch = /^(((\{\|.*|!.*|\|\+.*|\|\-.*|)\n)*)((.|\n)*?)(((\|\}.*|\|\-.*|)\n)*)$/.exec(obj.changed.plain);
			if (regExpMatch !== null) {
				pre = regExpMatch;
				main = regExpMatch;
				post = regExpMatch;
			else {
				main = obj.changed.plain;

			// join cells in table rows
			main = main.replace(/(^|\n)(\|(.|\n)*?(?=(\|\-|\{\||\|\}|$)|$))/g,
				function(p, p1, p2, p3) {
					p2 = p2.replace(/\n/g, '\x00');
					return p1 + p2;

			// cycle through lines
			var lines = main.split('\n');
			var sortArray = ;
			for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i ++) {
				var line = lines;
				var sortKey = line;

				// remove empty lines
				if (line === '') {
				sortKey = sortKey.replace(/\x00/g, '\n');

				// remove html
				sortKey = sortKey.replace(/&lt;.*&gt;/g, '');

				// lowercase
				sortKey = sortKey.toLowerCase();

				// keep visible text of wikilinks only
				sortKey = sortKey.replace(/\]*\|/g, '');
				sortKey = sortKey.replace(/\\]/g, '');

				// keep visible text of external links only
				sortKey = sortKey.replace(/\[(https?:|ftp:|irc:|gopher:)\/\/\S+/g, '');

				// keep visible cell content only
				sortKey = sortKey.replace(/((^|\n)(\||\!))(?!)*(\||\!)(?!\4)/g, '$1');
				sortKey = sortKey.replace(/(^|\n)\|-.*?(\n|$)/g, '$2');

				// keep single ' only
				sortKey = sortKey.replace(/'{2,}/g, '');

				// remove decimal commas
				sortKey = sortKey.replace(/(\d)\,(?=\d\d\d(\D|$))/g, '$1');

				// sort numerically by adding preceeding 0s to numbers
				sortKey = sortKey.replace(/0*(\d+)(\.\d*)?/g,
					function(p, p1, p2) {
						return '000000000000000'.substr(p1.length) + p1 + p2;

				// non-breaking and other spaces
				sortKey = sortKey.replace(/&nbsp;|\s/g, ' ');

				// remove umlauts (just guessing, but probably better than not doing it)
				sortKey = sortKey.replace(//g, 'a');
				sortKey = sortKey.replace(//g, 'c');
				sortKey = sortKey.replace(//g, 'd');
				sortKey = sortKey.replace(//g, 'e');
				sortKey = sortKey.replace(//g, 'i');
				sortKey = sortKey.replace(//g, 'n');
				sortKey = sortKey.replace(//g, 'o');
				sortKey = sortKey.replace(//g, 'ss');
				sortKey = sortKey.replace(//g, 'u');
				sortKey = sortKey.replace(//g, 'y');

				// remove non-chars
				sortKey = sortKey.replace(//g, '');

				// join multiple spaces
				sortKey = sortKey.replace(/ +/g, ' ');

				// remove leading and trailing spaces
				sortKey = sortKey.replace(/^ +| +$/g, '');

				sortArray.push(  );

			// sort lines
			sortArray = sortArray.sort(
				function(a, b) {
					if (a > b) {
						return 1;
					if (a < b) {
						return -1;
					else {
						return 0;

			// join lines
			var joined = '';
			for (var i = 0; i < sortArray.length; i ++) {
				joined += sortArray;
				if (i < sortArray.length - 1) {
					joined += '\n';
			joined = joined.replace(/\x00/g, '\n');
			obj.changed.plain = pre + joined + post;

			obj.changed.keepSel = true;

		// undo all
		case 'wikEdUndoAll':
			if (wikEd.lastVersion === null) {
				wikEd.lastVersion = obj.changed.plain;
			obj.changed.plain = wikEd.origVersion;
			obj.changed.plain = wikEd.EscapeHtml(obj.changed.plain);

		// redo all
		case 'wikEdRedoAll':
			if (wikEd.lastVersion !== null) {
				obj.changed.plain = wikEd.lastVersion;

		// create wikilink
		case 'wikEdWikiLink':
			if ( /\\]/.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/\\]/g, '$2');
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/\\]/g, '$1');
			else {
				obj.changed.plain = ']';
				if (emptyOrSpaces === false) {
					obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^(\\])$/, '$2$1$3$6$5');
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;

		// create weblink
		case 'wikEdWebLink':
			if ( /\/.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/\/g, '$1');
			else {
				obj.changed.plain = '';
				if (emptyOrSpaces === false) {
					obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^(\)$/, '$2$1$3$6$5');
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;

		// decrease heading level
		case 'wikEdDecreaseHeading':

			// decrease heading
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(^|\n)=(=+) *(.*?) *=+(?=\n|$)/g, '$1$2 $3 $2');

			// remove heading
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(^|\n)=(?!=) *(.*?) *=+(?=\n|$)/g, '$1$2');

			// adjust closing tags
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(^|\n)(=+) *(.*?) *=+(?=\n|$)/g, '$1$2 $3 $2');
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;

		// increase heading level
		case 'wikEdIncreaseHeading':

			// increase heading
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(^|\n)(=+) *(.*?) *=+(?=\n|$)/g, '$1=$2 $3 $2=');

			// create new heading
			if (/\n/.test(obj.changed.plain) === false) {
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(^|\n)(.*?)(?=\n|$)/g, '$1== $2 ==');

			// adjust closing tags
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(^|\n)(=+) *(.*?) *=+(?=\n|$)/g, '$1$2 $3 $2');
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;

		// increase bullet list
		case 'wikEdIncreaseBulletList':
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(.+)/g,
				function(p, p1) {
					p1 = p1.replace(/^ *(*) *()/g, '*$1 ');
					return p1;
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;

		// decrease bullet list
		case 'wikEdDecreaseBulletList':
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(.+)/g,
				function(p, p1) {
					p1 = p1.replace(/^ *()/g, '');
					return p1;
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;

		// increase numbered list
		case 'wikEdIncreaseNumberList':
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(.+)/g,
				function(p, p1) {
					p1 = p1.replace(/^ *(*) *()/g, '#$1 ');
					return p1;
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;

		// decrease numbered list
		case 'wikEdDecreaseNumberList':
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(.+)/g,
				function(p, p1) {
					p1 = p1.replace(/^ *()/g, '');
					return p1;
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;

		// increase indented list
		case 'wikEdIncreaseIndentList':
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(.+)/g,
				function(p, p1) {
					p1 = p1.replace(/^ *(*) *()/g, ':$1 ');
					return p1;
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;

		// decrease indented list
		case 'wikEdDecreaseIndentList':
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(.+)/g,
				function(p, p1) {
					p1 = p1.replace(/^ *()/g, '');
					return p1;
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;

		// create definition list
		case 'wikEdDefinitionList':
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(.+)/g,
				function(p, p1) {
					p1 = p1.replace(/^ *(+) *()/g, '; $1 : ');
					return p1;

		// create image
		case 'wikEdImage':
			if (obj.changed.plain !== '') {
				obj.changed.plain = ' + '</span>|thumb|<span class="wikEdInsertHere">' + wikEd.config.text + '</span>px|' + obj.changed.plain + ']]';
			else {
				obj.changed.plain = ' + '</span>|thumb|<span class="wikEdInsertHere">' + wikEd.config.text + '</span>px|<span class="wikEdInsertHere"> </span>]]';
				if (obj.focusWord !== undefined) {
					if (obj.focusWord.plain !== '') {
						obj.changed.plain = ' ' + obj.changed.plain + ' ';

		// create table
		case 'wikEdTable':
			if (obj.changed.plain !== '') {
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(^|\n) *()/g, '\n|-\n| ');
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^\n\|\-\n/, '\n{| class="wikitable"\n');
				obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/$/g, '\n|}\n');
			else {
				obj.changed.plain = '\n{| class="wikitable"\n|+ <span class="wikEdInsertHere">' + wikEd.config.text + '</span>\n! <span class="wikEdinserthere">' + wikEd.config.text + '</span> !! <span class="wikEdInsertHere">' + wikEd.config.text + '</span>\n|-\n| <span class="wikEdInsertHere">' + wikEd.config.text + '</span> || <span class="wikEdInsertHere">' + wikEd.config.text + '</span>\n|-\n| <span class="wikEdInsertHere">' + wikEd.config.text + '</span> || <span class="wikEdInsertHere">' + wikEd.config.text + '</span>\n|}\n';
				if (obj.focusLine.plain !== '') {
					obj.changed.plain = '\n' + obj.changed.plain + '\n';

		// wikify pasted
		case 'wikEdPastedWikify':

			// wikify already pasted content
			if ( (wikEd.paste === null) || (wikEd.paste.polling === true) ) {

			// reselect pasted

			obj = {};
			wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection', false);
			obj.changed = obj.selection;
			obj.changed.plain = wikEd.paste.wikified;
			wikEd.paste.last = 'wikify';
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;

		// textify during pasting
		case 'wikEdPasting':
			if ( (wikEd.paste === null) || (wikEd.paste.polling === true) ) {

			// move content before br after paste at end of line, part 1
			if (wikEd.paste.pasteAtEndOfLine === true) {
				if (wikEd.paste.blockStart === true) {
					obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^\n/, '');
					obj.changed.html = obj.changed.html.replace(/^<br\b*>/, '');

			// textify, not changing obj.html
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/\xa0/g, ' ');
			wikEd.paste.last = 'textify';

			// wikify, not changing obj.plain
			wikEd.WikifyHTML(obj.changed, false);
			obj.changed.html = obj.changed.html.replace(/\s*<br\b*>\s*/g, '\n');
			obj.changed.html = obj.changed.html.replace(/\xa0/g, ' ');

			// move content before br after paste at end of line, part 2
			if (wikEd.paste.pasteAtEndOfLine === true) {
				if (wikEd.paste.blockEnd === true) {
					obj.changed.plain += '\n';
					obj.changed.html += '\n';

			// save textified and wikified for switching
			wikEd.paste.textified = obj.changed.plain;
			wikEd.paste.wikified = obj.changed.html;

			// no textify/wikify option when pasting plain text
			if (wikEd.paste.textified == wikEd.paste.wikified) {
			else {
				obj.changed.keepSel = true;

		// textify pasted: strip html from recently pasted content
		case 'wikEdPastedTextify':
			if ( (wikEd.paste === null) || (wikEd.paste.polling === true) ) {

			// reselect pasted

			obj = {};
			wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection', false);
			obj.changed = obj.selection;
			obj.changed.plain = wikEd.paste.textified;
			wikEd.paste.last = 'textify';
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;

		// wikify
		case 'wikEdWikify':

			// wikify already done in wikEd.GetText()

		// textify: strip html from pasted content
		case 'wikEdTextify':
			if (parameters == 'shift') {
				highlightNoTimeOut = true;

		// redirect
		case 'wikEdRedirect':
			var linkTarget;
			if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
				linkTarget = obj.selection.plain;
			else if (obj.selectionWord.plain !== '') {
				linkTarget = obj.selectionWord.plain;
			else {
				linkTarget = '<span class="wikEdInsertHere">' + wikEd.config.text + '</span>';

			// remove link text after |
			linkTarget = linkTarget.replace(/\|(.|\n)*()/, '');

			// remove formatting and spaces
			linkTarget = linkTarget.replace(/^(=+|'+|<*>|\s+|\*>|\s+|\])+$/g, '$2');
			linkTarget = linkTarget.replace(/&lt;/g, '<');
			linkTarget = linkTarget.replace(/&gt;/g, '>');
			linkTarget = linkTarget.replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
			linkTarget = linkTarget.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');

			obj.changed.plain = '#REDIRECT ]';

			// append to summary
			if (wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgUseAutomaticEditSummaries !== true) {
				if (wikEd.inputElement.summary !== undefined) {
					if ( (obj.selection.plain !== '') || (obj.selectionWord.plain !== '') ) {
						wikEd.inputElement.summary.value = wikEd.inputElement.summary.value.replace(/#REDIRECT( \]*\]\])?(, *)?/g, '');
						wikEd.inputElement.summary.value = wikEd.AppendToSummary(wikEd.inputElement.summary.value, '#REDIRECT ]');
					else {
						wikEd.inputElement.summary.value = wikEd.AppendToSummary(wikEd.inputElement.summary.value, '#REDIRECT');
			selectChanged = false;

		// find and replace
		case 'wikEdFindPrev':
		case 'wikEdFindNext':
		case 'wikEdJumpPrev':
		case 'wikEdJumpNext':
		case 'wikEdReplacePrev':
		case 'wikEdReplaceNext':
		case 'wikEdFindAll':
		case 'wikEdReplaceAll':

			// get the find text
			var findText;

			// unescape <, >, and &
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/&lt;/g, '<');
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/&gt;/g, '>');
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');

			// copy selection/word under cursor to find field
			if ( (parameters == 'shift') && ( (buttonId == 'wikEdFindNext') || (buttonId == 'wikEdReplaceNext') ) ) {
				if (/\n/.test(obj.changed.plain) === false) {
					if (buttonId == 'wikEdFindNext') {
						wikEd.inputElement.find.value = obj.changed.plain;
					else {
						wikEd.inputElement.replace.value = obj.changed.plain;
					obj.changed.keepSel = true;
					obj.changed.plain = null;

			// get the find text from the selection
			if ( (buttonId == 'wikEdJumpPrev') || (buttonId == 'wikEdJumpNext') ) {
				findText = obj.changed.plain;
				if (obj.selection.plain === '') {
					obj.changed.keepSel = true;
					obj.changed.plain = null;

			// get the find text from the find field
			else {
				if (wikEd.inputElement.find.value !== '') {
					findText = wikEd.inputElement.find.value.replace(/\xa0/g, ' ');
				else {
					obj.changed.plain = null;

			// get button status
			var regExpChecked = wikEd.regExp.getAttribute('checked');
			var caseSensitiveChecked = wikEd.caseSensitive.getAttribute('checked');

			// get case sensitive setting
			var caseSensitive = false;
			if (caseSensitiveChecked == 'true') {
				caseSensitive = true;

			// get the replace text
			var replaceText = wikEd.inputElement.replace.value.replace(/\xa0/g, ' ');

			// format the find and replace texts for a plain text search
			var useRegExp = true;
			if ( (regExpChecked == 'false') || (buttonId == 'wikEdJumpPrev') || (buttonId == 'wikEdJumpNext') ) {
				useRegExp = false;

			// format the replace text for a regular expression search
			if ( (buttonId == 'wikEdReplacePrev') || (buttonId == 'wikEdReplaceNext') || (buttonId == 'wikEdReplaceAll') ) {
				if (useRegExp === true) {

					// substitute \\ \n \r \t \' \" \127 \x1f \u12ef
					replaceText = replaceText.replace(/\\\\/g, '\x00');
					replaceText = replaceText.replace(/\\n/g, '\n');
					replaceText = replaceText.replace(/\\r/g, '\r');
					replaceText = replaceText.replace(/\\t/g, '\t');
					replaceText = replaceText.replace(/\\'/g, '\'');
					replaceText = replaceText.replace(/\\"/g, '\"');

					replaceText = replaceText.replace(/\\({3})/g,
						function(p, p1) {
							return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(p1, 8));
					replaceText = replaceText.replace(/\\x({2})/g,
						function(p, p1) {
							return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(p1, 16));
					replaceText = replaceText.replace(/\\u({4})/g,
						function(p, p1) {
							return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(p1, 16));
					replaceText = replaceText.replace(/\x00/g, '\\');

			// check the regexp
			var replacedFlag = false;
			var regExpFind;
			if (
				(buttonId == 'wikEdReplacePrev') || (buttonId == 'wikEdReplaceNext') || (buttonId == 'wikEdReplaceAll') ||
				(buttonId == 'wikEdFindPrev') || (buttonId == 'wikEdFindNext') || (buttonId == 'wikEdFindAll')
			) {
				var regExpFindText = findText;
				if (useRegExp !== true){
					regExpFindText = regExpFindText.replace(/({}:=!|,\-])/g, '\\$1');
				var regExpFlags = 'gm';
				if (caseSensitive !== true) {
					regExpFlags += 'i';
				try {
					regExpFind = new RegExp(regExpFindText, regExpFlags);
				catch (exception) {

			// replace all
			if (buttonId == 'wikEdReplaceAll') {
				if (regExpFind.test(obj.changed.plain)) {
					obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(regExpFind, replaceText);
					replacedFlag = true;
				else {
					obj.changed.plain = null;

			// replace an existing selection
			else if ( (buttonId == 'wikEdReplacePrev') || (buttonId == 'wikEdReplaceNext') ) {
				if (regExpFind.test(obj.selection.plain)) {

					var replaced = obj.selection.plain.replace(regExpFind, replaceText);
					if (obj.changed.plain != replaced) {
						obj.changed.plain = replaced;
						replacedFlag = true;
					else {
						obj.changed.plain = null;
				else {
					obj.changed.plain = null;

			else if (
				(buttonId == 'wikEdFindPrev') || (buttonId == 'wikEdFindNext') ||
				(buttonId == 'wikEdJumpPrev') || (buttonId == 'wikEdJumpNext')
			) {
				obj.changed.plain = null;

			if (
				(buttonId == 'wikEdFindPrev') || (buttonId == 'wikEdFindNext') ||
				(buttonId == 'wikEdJumpPrev') || (buttonId == 'wikEdJumpNext') ||
				(buttonId == 'wikEdReplacePrev') || (buttonId == 'wikEdReplaceNext') ||
				(buttonId == 'wikEdFindAll')
			) {
				if (replacedFlag === false) {

					// get direction
					var backwards = false;
					if ( (buttonId == 'wikEdFindPrev') || (buttonId == 'wikEdJumpPrev') || (buttonId == 'wikEdReplacePrev') ) {
						backwards = true;

					// find all
					if (buttonId == 'wikEdFindAll') {
						var found;
						var foundRanges = ;

						// start at top of text
						var range = wikEd.frameDocument.createRange();
						if (wikEd.frameBody.firstChild !== null) {
						range = obj.sel.addRange(range);

						// cycle through matches
						var scrollTop = wikEd.frameBody.scrollTop;
						do {

							// wikEd.Find(obj, findText, caseSensitive, backwards, wrap, useRegExp)
							found = wikEd.Find(obj, findText, caseSensitive, false, false, useRegExp);
							if (found === true) {
						} while (found === true);

						// scroll back
						if (regExpChecked == 'false') {
							wikEd.frameBody.scrollTop = scrollTop;

						// add the found ranges, Webkit does not support multiple selections
						for (var i = 0; i < foundRanges.length; i ++) {
						obj.changed.plain = null;
						selectChanged = false;

					// normal find
					else {
						obj.selectChanged = selectChanged;
						wikEd.Find(obj, findText, caseSensitive, backwards, true, useRegExp);
						selectChanged = obj.selectChanged;

			// escape <, >, and &
			if (obj.changed.plain !== null) {
				obj.changed.plain = wikEd.EscapeHtml(obj.changed.plain);

			// save search history to settings
			if ( (buttonId == 'wikEdFindPrev') || (buttonId == 'wikEdFindNext') || (buttonId == 'wikEdFindAll') ) {
			if ( (buttonId == 'wikEdReplacePrev') || (buttonId == 'wikEdReplaceNext') || (buttonId == 'wikEdReplaceAll') ) {
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;

		// fixbasic: fix characters, spaces, empty lines, certain headings, needed for all fixing functions
		// to do: only certain changes in multiline tags: comments, tables, subst
		case 'wikEdFixBasic':
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;
		case 'wikEdFixPunct':
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;
		case 'wikEdFixMath':
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;
		case 'wikEdFixChem':
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;
		case 'wikEdFixUnicode':
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;
		case 'wikEdFixRedirect':
			wikEd.LinkInfoCall(obj.changed, function (ajax) {
				wikEd.EditButton(null, 'wikEdFixRedirectReplace');
		case 'wikEdFixRedirectReplace':
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;
		case 'wikEdFixUnits':
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;
		case 'wikEdFixDashes':
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;
		case 'wikEdFixHtml':
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;
		case 'wikEdFixRegExTypo':
			if ( (wikEd.config.regExTypoFix === true) && (wikEd.typoRulesFind.length > 0) ) {
			else {
				obj.changed.plain = null;
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;
		case 'wikEdFixCaps':
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;
		case 'wikEdFixAll':
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;

		// source on
		case 'wikEdSource':
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.code;
			obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(<(br|p)\b*>)/g, '$1\n\n');
			obj.changed.plain = wikEd.EscapeHtml(obj.changed.plain);
			highlightSyntax = false;

		// insert tags
		case 'wikEdInsertTags':
			var tagOpen = parameters || '';
			var tagClose = parameters || '';
			var sampleText = parameters || '';
			tagOpen = wikEd.EscapeHtml(tagOpen);
			tagClose = wikEd.EscapeHtml(tagClose);
			sampleText = wikEd.EscapeHtml(sampleText);

			// single string to insert
			if ( (tagOpen.length > 0) && (tagClose.length === 0) && (sampleText.length === 0) ) {
				obj.changed.plain = tagOpen;
			else if ( (tagOpen.length === 0) && (tagClose.length === 0) && (sampleText.length > 0) ) {
				obj.changed.plain = sampleText;

			// opening and closing strings
			else if ( (obj.changed.plain === '') && (sampleText.length > 0) ) {
				obj.changed.plain = tagOpen + sampleText + tagClose;

				// select sample text
				selectChangedText = sampleText;
				obj.changed.keepSel = true;
			else {
				obj.changed.plain = tagOpen + obj.changed.plain + tagClose;

		// update text view using current control button settings
		case 'wikEdUpdateAll':
			obj.changed.keepSel = true;
			if ( (parameters !== undefined) && (parameters.keepSel === false) ) {
				obj.changed.keepSel = false;

		// custom edit functions
			if (CustomHandler !== undefined) {
			else {
				window.alert('Unknown edit function \'' + buttonId + '\'');

	// pause frame spellchecking
	var pauseFrameSpellchecking = false;
	var frameSpellchecking = wikEd.frameBody.spellcheck;
	if (frameSpellchecking === true) {
		var wholeLength = 0;
		var changedLength = 0;
		if (obj.whole !== undefined) {
			if (obj.whole.plain !== null) {
				wholeLength = obj.whole.plain.length;
		if (obj.changed.plain !== null) {
			changedLength = obj.changed.plain.length;
		if ( (changedLength > 10000) || (wholeLength > 10000) ) {
			pauseFrameSpellchecking = true;
			wikEd.frameBody.spellcheck = false;

	// get the scroll position
	var frameScrollTop = wikEd.frameBody.scrollTop;

	// update the selection ranges, do not add any text changes
	if (obj.changed.plain === null) {
		if (buttonId != 'wikEdFindAll') {

			// scroll the selected text into the viewport
			if (selectChanged !== false) {

	// apply text changes
	else {

		// a text change erases the last version for redo all
		if ( (buttonId != 'wikEdUndo') && (buttonId != 'wikEdRedo') && (buttonId != 'wikEdUndoAll') ) {
			wikEd.lastVersion = null;

		// highlight the syntax
		obj.html = obj.changed.plain;
		if (highlightSyntax === true) {
			if (obj.changed.from == 'whole') {
				obj.whole = true;

			wikEd.HighlightSyntax(obj, highlightNoTimeOut);

		// at least highlight tab characters
		else {
			obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\t)/g, '<span class="wikEdTabPlain">$1</span><!--wikEdTabPlain-->');

		// display multiple blanks as blank-&nbsp;
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(^|\n) /g, '$1&nbsp;');
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(/ (\n|$)/g, '&nbsp;$1');
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(/ {2}/g, '&nbsp; ');
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(/ {2}/g, '&nbsp; ');

		// newlines to <br>
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\n/g, '<br>');

		// make changed range text the current selection
		var range = obj.changed.range;


		// replace the selection with changed text
		if ( (obj.changed.keepSel === false) && (obj.html === '') && (obj.sel.isCollapsed === false) ) {
		else if ( (obj.changed.keepSel === false) || (obj.changed.from == 'whole') ) {

			// read only toggle highlight button
			if (wikEd.readOnly === true) {
				wikEd.frameBody.innerHTML = obj.html;
			else if (obj.html !== '') {
				wikEd.frameDocument.execCommand('inserthtml', false, obj.html);

			// firefox workaround
			else {
				wikEd.frameDocument.execCommand('delete', false);
		else {
			wikEd.insertCounter ++;
			var reselectBefore = '<span class="wikEdScrollBefore" id="wikEdScrollBefore' + wikEd.insertCounter + '"></span>';
			var reselectAfter = '<span class="wikEdScrollAfter" id="wikEdScrollAfter' + wikEd.insertCounter + '"></span>';
			wikEd.frameDocument.execCommand('inserthtml', false, reselectBefore + obj.html + reselectAfter);

		// select the whole text after replacing the whole text and scroll to same height
		var range = null;
		if ( (obj.changed.from == 'whole') && (wikEd.frameBody.firstChild !== null) ) {
			range = wikEd.frameDocument.createRange();
			selectChanged = false;

			// scheduling needed for Firefox but not Chrome
			window.setTimeout( function () { wikEd.frameBody.scrollTop = frameScrollTop; }, 0);

		// select the changed text and scroll it into the viewport
		else if (selectChanged !== false) {
			range = wikEd.frameDocument.createRange();
			var startNodeReselect = wikEd.frameDocument.getElementById('wikEdScrollBefore' + wikEd.insertCounter);
			var endNodeReselect = wikEd.frameDocument.getElementById('wikEdScrollAfter' + wikEd.insertCounter);
			if ( (startNodeReselect !== null) && (endNodeReselect !== null) ) {
				wikEd.ScrollToNodes(startNodeReselect, endNodeReselect);

		// save paste range for reselection to switch between textified and wikified text
		if ( (wikEd.paste !== null) && (range !== null) ) {
			wikEd.paste.range = range.cloneRange();

	// remove selection, keep whole text auto-selection as warning
	if (
		( (obj.changed.keepSel !== true) && (obj.changed.from != 'whole') ) ||
		(obj.changed.keepSel === false) ||
		(buttonId == 'wikEdRedirect') ||
		( (buttonId == 'wikEdWikify') && (parameters == 'whole') )
	) {
		if (obj.sel.rangeCount === 0) {
			obj.sel.collapse(wikEd.frameBody, 0);
		else {

		// focus edit area to continue editing as there is no selection that would be overwritten
		wikEd.keepSelRange = null;

	// save curently selected range
	else if (obj.sel.rangeCount > 0) {
		wikEd.keepSelRange = obj.sel.getRangeAt(0);
	else {
		wikEd.keepSelRange = null;

	// reset button to active, reset cursor
	if (buttonObj !== null) {
		if (buttonObj.className != 'wikEdButtonInactive') {
			buttonObj.className = 'wikEdButton';
		} = '';

	// grey out inactive buttons

	// add event handlers to unhide refs and templates
	if ( (highlightSyntax === true) && (obj.changed.plain !== null) ) {

		// add ref and template names to hide buttons

		// add event handlers to unhide refs and templates

		// add event handlers to make highlighted frame links ctrl-clickable

		// get link infos from server (redirects, redlinks)

	// resume frame spellchecking
	if (pauseFrameSpellchecking === true) {
		wikEd.frameBody.spellcheck = true;

// wikEd.LocalPreview: display local preview box using AJAX call

wikEd.LocalPreview = function ( fetchRefs ) {

	// interrupt fullscreen mode
	if ( wikEd.fullscreen === true ) {
		wikEd.FullScreen( false );

	// update textarea
	if ( wikEd.useWikEd === true && wikEd.textareaUpdated === false ) {
		wikEd.textareaUpdated = true;

	// clear box to display loading indicator, keep wrapper height to prevent scrolling
	var previewHeight = wikEd.localPrevWrapper.offsetHeight;
	if ( ( wikEd.previewArticle.innerHTML !== '' || wikEd.previewDiff.innerHTML !== '' ) && previewHeight > 0 ) { = previewHeight + 'px';
	if ( wikEd.previewArticle.innerHTML === '' ) {
		wikEd.previewArticle.innerHTML = wikEd.config.text.wikEdPreviewLoading;
	} = 'block'; = 'none'; = 'block';

	// load MathJax js
	if ( window.MathJax === undefined ) {
		if ( wikEd.loader === true ) {

			// prevent error if module is not installed
			try { 'ext.math.mathjax.enabler', function () {
					window.$( '.wikEdPreviewArticle' ).renderTeX();
				} );
			catch ( exception ) {

	// prepare ajax preview
	wikEd.previewIsAjax = false;
	var bodyData = wikEd.textarea.value;
	if ( wikEd.config.useAjaxPreview === true ) {

		// use Live preview if possible, see https://www.mediawiki.org
		var livePreview = true;

		// articles on watchlist preview page
		if ( wikEd.editWatchlist === true ) {
			bodyData = bodyData.replace( /\n{1}/g, '\n\n' );
			bodyData = bodyData.replace( /(.+)/g,
				function( p, p1 ) {
					if ( /|{}]/.test(p1) === true ) {
						return p1;
					var article = p1;

					// get article talk page
					var talk;
					if ( /:/.test(article) === true ) {

						// $1_ns:name
						if ( wikEd.config.text.indexOf('$1') >= 0 ) {
							talk = article.replace( /^(*)/, wikEd.config.text );

						// talk_ns:name (Discussion_Utilisateur) (all ASCII non-letters as separator)
						else if ( /$/.test( wikEd.config.text ) === true ) {
							talk = article.replace( /^(*)/, wikEd.config.text + '$1' );

						// ns_talk:name (User_talk)
						else {
							talk = article.replace( /^(*)/, '$1' + wikEd.config.text );
					else {
						talk = wikEd.config.text + ':' + article;
					var uriArticle = wikEd.EncodeTitle( article );
					var hist = wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgServer + wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgScript + '?title=' + uriArticle + '&action=history';
					return ']&nbsp;•&nbsp;( + ']],  + '])';

		// normal article edit page
		else {

			// check for section edits with <ref> tags
			if (
				wikEd.editSection !== null &&
				/<ref\b*(\/>|>(.|\n)*?<\/ref>)/i.test( bodyData ) === true
			) {

				// check for named references defined outside edited section
				if (
				) {

					// collect named references in section text
					var namedRefs = wikEd.ParseNamedRefs( bodyData );

					// check for undefined named refs
					var undefinedRefs = false;
					for ( var name in namedRefs ) {
						if ( namedRefs, name ) === true &&
							namedRefs === null
						) {

							// reference definition not yet fetched
							if ( wikEd.namedRefs === undefined ) {
								undefinedRefs = true;
								if ( fetchRefs !== false ) {

							// replace first ref tag with fetched reference definition
							else {
								var regExpRef = new RegExp( '<ref\\b*?\\bname\\s*=\\s*' + name + '*(/>|></ref>)', 'i' );
								bodyData = bodyData.replace( regExpRef, wikEd.namedRefs );

					// fetch reference definitions from whole article text for outside refs, do not repeat fetch cycle
					if ( undefinedRefs === true && fetchRefs !== false ) {
						wikEd.GetArticleText( wikEd.GetArticleTextAjaxHandler );

				// append references section
				if (
					/<references\b*>/i.test(bodyData) === false &&
					/\{\{reflist\b(.|\n)*?\}\}/i.test(bodyData) === false
				) {
					bodyData += '<div class="wikEdPreviewRefs"><references/></div>';

		// GeSHi syntax highlighting support, CSS is only provided dynamically and not for Live preview
		// request a full preview and attach CSS to page, remember already loaded languages
		var regExp = /<(syntaxhighlight|source)\b*?lang\s*=\s*("|')(\w+)\2/gi;
		var regExpMatch;
		while ( (regExpMatch = regExp.exec(bodyData)) !== null) {
			var lang = regExpMatch;
			if (wikEd.syntaxHighlightTagCSS === undefined) {
				livePreview = false;
				wikEd.syntaxHighlightTagCSS = true;

		// make the AJAX request
		wikEd.AjaxPreview( bodyData, wikEd.LocalPreviewAjaxHandler, livePreview );

// wikEd.LocalPreviewAjaxHandler: process the returned article preview

wikEd.LocalPreviewAjaxHandler = function ( ajax ) {

	wikEd.previewIsAjax = true;

	// get response
	var html = ajax.responseText;

	// API reponse
	if ( html.indexOf( '<api>' ) != -1 ) {
		html = wikEd.StringGetInnerHTML( html, 'text', '' )
			.replace( /&lt;/g, '<' )
			.replace( /&gt;/g, '>' )
			.replace( /&quot;/g, '"' )
			.replace( /&amp;/g, '&' );

	// livepreview (https://www.mediawiki.org
	else if ( html.indexOf( '<livepreview>' ) != -1 ) {
		html = wikEd.StringGetInnerHTML( html, 'preview', '' )
			.replace( /&lt;/g, '<' )
			.replace( /&gt;/g, '>' )
			.replace( /&quot;/g, '"' )
			.replace( /&apos;/g, '\'' )
			.replace( /&amp;/g, '&' );
		html = wikEd.RemoveTag( html, 'div', /\bclass=("|')previewnote("|')/, '\x00', '\x01' );
		html = html.replace( /\x00(.|\n)*?\x01/g, '' );

	// full preview page
	else {

		// attach <style> stylesheet declarations to document
		var regExpMatch;
		var regExp = /<()style\b*?type="text\/css">((.|\n)*?)<\/style>/gi;
		while ( ( regExpMatch = regExp.exec( html ) ) !== null ) {
			var css = regExpMatch;
			var stylesheet = new wikEd.StyleSheet( document );
			stylesheet.AddCSSRules( css );

		// get preview html
		html = wikEd.StringGetInnerHTML( html, 'div', 'id', 'wikiPreview', true );
		html = wikEd.StringGetInnerHTML( html, 'div', 'class', 'previewnote', true, false, true );
		html = html.replace( /<!--(.|\n)*?-->/g, '' );
		html = html.replace( /\s+$/g, '' );

	// clean form elements as these could interfere with the submit buttons
	html = html.replace( /<\/?form\b*>/gi, '' );
	html = html.replace( /<input\b*?\btype\s*=\s*?hidden?*>/gi, '' );
	html = html.replace( /<input\b(*)>/gi,
		function( p, p1 ) {
			p1 = p1.replace( /\bname\s*=\s*(+|\'*\'|\"*\")/gi, '' );
			return p1;

	// remove cite errors for automatic section preview refs
	html = html.replace( /(<div\b*?\bclass="wikEdPreviewRefs"*>(.|\n)*$)/gi,
		function( p, p1, p2 ) {
			p1 = p1.replace( /<strong\b*?\bclass="error"*>(.|\n)*?<\/strong>/g, '' );
			return p1;
	wikEd.previewArticle.innerHTML = html;

	// init sortable tables (wikibits.js)
	if ( typeof window.sortables_init == 'function' ) {

	// init collapsible tables (common.js)
	if ( typeof window.createCollapseButtons == 'function' ) {

	// fire mediawiki hook to apply changes to preview content: <categorytree>, <math>
	if ( !== undefined && !== undefined && 'wikipage.content' ).fire !== undefined ) { 'wikipage.content' ).fire( $( '#wikEdPreviewArticle' ) );

	// scroll to button, textarea, or preview field

	// run scheduled custom functions
	wikEd.ExecuteHook( wikEd.config.previewHook );


// wikEd.GetArticleText: get full article text
//  for section edits with refs defined outside section

wikEd.GetArticleText = function ( ResponseHandler ) {

	var postFields = {
		'format': 'xml',
		'action': 'query',
		'titles': wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgTitle,
		'prop': 'revisions',
		'rvprop': 'content'
	if ( wikEd.starttime !== null ) {
		postFields = wikEd.starttime;
	if ( wikEd.edittime !== null ) {
		postFields = wikEd.edittime;
	if ( wikEd.editToken !== null ) {
		postFields = wikEd.editToken;
	if ( wikEd.autoSummary !== null ) {
		postFields = wikEd.autoSummary;
	var requestUrl = wikEd.scriptURL + 'api.php';

	// make an ajax API request
	wikEd.AjaxRequest( 'POST', requestUrl, postFields, 'text/plain', ResponseHandler );


// wikEd.GetArticleTextAjaxHandler: process the returned full article text
//  for section edits with refs defined outside section

wikEd.GetArticleTextAjaxHandler = function ( ajax ) {

	wikEd.previewIsAjax = true;

	// get response
	var html = ajax.responseText;

	// get text
	html = wikEd.StringGetInnerHTML( html, 'rev', '' )
		.replace( /&lt;/g, '<' )
		.replace( /&gt;/g, '>' )
		.replace( /&quot;/g, '"' )
		.replace( /&apos;/g, '\'' )
		.replace( /&amp;/g, '&' );

	// collect named references in section text
	var namedRefs = wikEd.ParseNamedRefs( html );

	// save undefined named refs
	for ( var name in namedRefs ) {
		if ( namedRefs, name ) === true ) {
			if ( namedRefs !== null ) {
				wikEd.namedRefs = namedRefs;

	// do a local preview, do not repeat fetch cycle for reference definitions
	wikEd.LocalPreview( false );


// wikEd.ParseNamedRefs: parse named references from article text

wikEd.ParseNamedRefs = function ( text ) {

	var namedRefs = {};
	var regExpRef = /<ref\b*?\bname\s*=\s*("+"|^`\{|\}~]+)*?(\/>|>((.|\n)*?)<\/ref>)/gi;
	var regExpMatch;
	while ( ( regExpMatch = regExpRef.exec( text ) ) !== null ) {
		var ref = regExpMatch;
		var name = regExpMatch;
		var def = regExpMatch || '';
		if ( namedRefs, name ) === false ) {
			namedRefs = null;
		if ( def !== '' ) {
			namedRefs = ref;

	return namedRefs;

// wikEd.FilePreviewAjaxHandler: process the returned image addresses

wikEd.FilePreviewAjaxHandler = function ( ajax ) {

	// get response
	var html = ajax.responseText;

	// html-ize
	html = html.replace( /\s*<\/preview>\s*()/, '' )
		.replace( /\s*<\/livepreview>\s*()/, '' )
		.replace( /&lt;/g, '<' )
		.replace( /&gt;/g, '>' )
		.replace( /&amp;/g, '&' )
		.replace( /&quot;/g, '"' )
		.replace( /&apos;/g, '\'' )
		.replace( /<\/?(br|p)\b*>/g, '\n' );

	// parse response into file url cache
	var regExpFile = new RegExp( '\\n((Image|File|Media|' + wikEd.config.text + '|' + wikEd.config.text + '|' + wikEd.config.text + '):+) +(\\d+) +(.*)', 'ig' );
	var regExpMatch;
	while ( ( regExpMatch = regExpFile.exec( html ) ) !== null ) {

		var file = regExpMatch;
		var filePreviewSize = regExpMatch;
		var links = regExpMatch;

		var cacheKey = 'wikEd' + file + filePreviewSize;
		var regExpMatch;
		if ( ( regExpMatch = /\bsrc="(.+?)"/.exec( links ) ) !== null ) {
			wikEd.filePreviewCache = {};
			var fileObj = wikEd.filePreviewCache;
			fileObj.url = regExpMatch;
			if ( ( regExpMatch = /\bwidth="(\d+)"/.exec(links)) !== null ) {
				fileObj.width = parseInt(regExpMatch );
			if ( ( regExpMatch = /\bheight="(\d+)"/.exec( links ) ) !== null ) {
				fileObj.height = parseInt( regExpMatch );
		else if ( wikEd.filePreviewCache === undefined ) {
			wikEd.filePreviewCache = {};
			var fileObj = wikEd.filePreviewCache;
			fileObj.url = wikEd.config.image;
			fileObj.width = 16;
			fileObj.height = 16;

	// cycle through file preview spans and add missing images as background
	for ( var i = 0; i < wikEd.filePreviewNo; i ++ ) {
		if ( wikEd.filePreviewIds !== '' ) {
			var span = wikEd.frameDocument.getElementById( 'wikEdFilePreview' + i );
			if ( span !== null ) {
				var cacheKey = 'wikEd' + wikEd.filePreviewIds;
				var fileObj = wikEd.filePreviewCache;
				if ( fileObj !== undefined ) { = 'url(' + fileObj.url + ')';
					if ( fileObj.height !== null ) { = fileObj.height + 'px';
					if ( fileObj.width !== null ) { = fileObj.width + 'px';
					} = 'block';
				wikEd.filePreviewIds = '';


// wikEd.DiffResponse: calculate and linkify the diff between two versions (code copied to wikEdDiff.js)

wikEd.DiffResponse = function (oldVersion, newVersion) {

	// add trailing newline
	if (oldVersion.substr(oldVersion.length - 1, 1) != '\n') {
		oldVersion += '\n';
	if (newVersion.substr(newVersion.length - 1, 1) != '\n') {
		newVersion += '\n';

	// call external diff program
	var wikEdDiff = new WikEdDiff();
	var diffText = wikEdDiff.diff(oldVersion, newVersion);

	// linkify blockwise with breaks at delete and block move tags
	var diffTextLinkified = '';
	var regExp = /<span\b+?\bclass="wikEdDiff(Delete|Block)"*>/g;
	var regExpMatch;
	var pos = 0;
	while ( (regExpMatch = regExp.exec(diffText)) !== null) {
		diffTextLinkified += wikEd.DiffLinkify(diffText.substring(pos, regExpMatch.index)) + regExpMatch;
		pos = regExp.lastIndex;
	diffTextLinkified += wikEd.DiffLinkify(diffText.substr(pos));
	return diffTextLinkified;

// wikEd.DiffLinkify: linkify external links and wikilinks in diffed text as <a> anchor elements (code copied to wikEdDiff.js)

wikEd.DiffLinkify = function (html) {

	// &lt; &gt; to \x00 \x01
	html = html.replace(/&lt;/g, '\x00');
	html = html.replace(/&gt;/g, '\x01');

	// split into valid html tags and plain text fragments
	var linkified = '';
	var regExp = /(<*>)|(+|<|>)/g;
	var regExpMatch;
	while ( (regExpMatch = regExp.exec(html)) !== null) {
		var tag = regExpMatch || '';
		var plain = regExpMatch || '';

		// process tags
		if  (tag !== '') {
			linkified += tag;

		// process plain tags
		else {

			// escape bogus < or >
			plain = plain.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
			plain = plain.replace(/</g, '&lt;');

			// external links        123                     3     2              14                                       4  5  6                                               65
			plain = plain.replace(/(((\bhttps?:|\bftp:|\birc:|\bgopher:|)\/\/)|\bnews:|\bmailto:)(\x7f\|\{\}<>]|<*>)+?(?=(*\s|\x7f|{}]|$))/gi,
				function(p) {
					var whole = p;

					// remove tags and comments
					var url = whole;
					url = url.replace(/\x00!--.*?--\x01/g, '');
					url = url.replace(/.*--\x01|\x00!--.*()/g, '');
					url = url.replace(/<.*?>/g, '');
					url = url.replace(/^.*>|<.*$/g, '');
					url = url.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');

					// make title as readable as possible
					var title = url;
					title = title.replace(/\+/g, ' ');

					// decodeURI breaks for invalid UTF-8 escapes
					title = title.replace(/(%{2})+/gi,
						function(p, p1) {
							try {
								return decodeURI(p);
							catch (exception) {
								return p;
					title = title.replace(/\t/g, ' ');
					title = wikEd.EscapeHtml(title);
					title = title.replace(/"/g, '&quot;');

					// linkify all url text fragments between highlighting <span>s seperately
					var anchorOpen = '<a href = "' + url + '" style="text-decoration: none; color: inherit; color: expression(parentElement.currentStyle.color);" title="' + title + '">';
					var anchorClose = '</a>';
					whole = whole.replace(/(<*>)/g, anchorClose + '$1' + anchorOpen);
					return anchorOpen + whole + anchorClose;

			// linkify links and templates
			if ( (wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgServer !== undefined) && (wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgArticlePath !== undefined) ) {

				//                     1 ]1 4 {{ 5title        56                6 4
				plain = plain.replace(/(\{}\n]+)(\|{}<>]*)?\]\])|(\{\{({}\n]*)({}<>]*\}\})?)/g,
				function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6) {
						var articleName = p2 || '';
						var templateName = p5 || '';
						var whole = p;

						// extract title
						var title = articleName;
						if (title === '') {
							title = templateName;
						title = title.replace(/\x00!--.*?--\x01/g, '');
						title = title.replace(/.*--\x01|\x00!--.*()/g, '');
						title = title.replace(/<.*?>/g, '');
						title = title.replace(/^.*>|<.*$/g, '');
						title = title.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');

						// ] refers to a subpage of the current page, ] to a section of the current page
						if ( (title.indexOf('/')=== 0) || (title.indexOf('#')=== 0) ) {
							title = wikEd.pageName + title;

						// create url
						var url = wikEd.EncodeTitle(title);
						var articleTitle = title.replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
						if (templateName !== '') {
							if (/:/.test(title) === false) {
								url = 'Template:' + url;
								articleTitle = 'Template:' + articleTitle;
						url = wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgServer + wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgArticlePath.replace(/\$1/, url);

						// linkify all text fragments between highlighting <span>s seperately
						var anchorOpen = '<a href = "' + url + '" style = "text-decoration: none; color: inherit; color: expression(parentElement.currentStyle.color)" title="' + articleTitle + '">';
						var anchorClose = '</a>';
						whole = whole.replace(/(<*>)/g, anchorClose + '$1' + anchorOpen);
						return anchorOpen + whole + anchorClose;
			linkified += plain;

	// \x00 and \x01 back to &lt; and &gt;
	linkified = linkified.replace(/\x00/g, '&lt;');
	linkified = linkified.replace(/\x01/g, '&gt;');

	return linkified;

// wikEd.StringGetInnerHTML: get innerHTML of element from html in a string; can also get text before or after node

wikEd.StringGetInnerHTML = function (html, tag, attrib, value, defaultToWholeHTML, getBeforeHTML, getAfterHTML) {

	var startPos;
	var startLength;
	var endPos;
	var endLength;
	var level = 0;
	var string;

	var attribValue = '';
	if (attrib !== '') {
		attribValue = '*?' + attrib + '\\s*=\\s*("|\\\')?' + value + '\\1';
	var regExpStart = new RegExp('<' + tag + '\\b' + attribValue + '*>', 'gi');
	var regExpMatch;
	if ( (regExpMatch = regExpStart.exec(html)) !== null) {
		startPos = regExpMatch.index;
		startLength = regExpMatch.length;
		var regExpParse = new RegExp('<(\\/?)' + tag + '\\b*>', 'g');
		regExpParse.lastIndex = startPos;
		while ( (regExpMatch = regExpParse.exec(html)) !== null) {
			var p1 = regExpMatch || '';
			if (p1 === '') {
				level ++;
			else {
				level --;
				if (level === 0) {
					endPos = regExpMatch.index;
					endLength = regExpMatch.length;

	// return whole html if node does not exist
	if (endPos === undefined) {
		if (defaultToWholeHTML === true) {
			string = html;

	// return text before node
	else if (getBeforeHTML === true) {
		string = html.substr(0, startPos);

	// return text after node
	else if (getAfterHTML === true) {
		string = html.substr(endPos + endLength);

	// return innerHTML of node
	else {
		string = html.substring(startPos + startLength, endPos);

	return string;

// wikEd.ScrollToPreview: scroll to edit buttons, textarea, or preview field depending on current position

wikEd.ScrollToPreview = function () {

	// reset fixed height to auto = 'auto';

	var scrollOffset = window.pageYOffset || document.body.scrollTop;
	var inputOffset = wikEd.GetOffsetTop(wikEd.inputWrapper);
	var editOffset = wikEd.GetOffsetTop(wikEd.editWrapper);
	var submitOffset = 0;
	if (wikEd.saveButton !== null) {
		submitOffset = wikEd.GetOffsetTop(wikEd.submitWrapper);
	else if (wikEd.previewButton !== null) {
		submitOffset = wikEd.GetOffsetTop(wikEd.previewButton);
	else if (wikEd.diffPreviewButton !== null) {
		submitOffset = wikEd.GetOffsetTop(wikEd.diffPreviewButton);
	else if (wikEd.submitWrapper !== null) {
		submitOffset = wikEd.GetOffsetTop(wikEd.submitWrapper);
	else {
	var editHeight = wikEd.editWrapper.clientHeight;

	if (scrollOffset > submitOffset) {
		window.scroll(0, submitOffset);
	else if (scrollOffset > (editHeight / 2 + editOffset) ) {
		window.scroll(0, submitOffset);
	else if (scrollOffset > editOffset) {
		window.scroll(0, editOffset);
	else {
		window.scroll(0, inputOffset);

// wikEd.LinkifyLinks: register click handlers to make highlighted frame links ctrl-clickable (linkify), add redirect info, and highlight redlinks

wikEd.LinkifyLinks = function () {

	// detect external files and images
	var regExpFile = new RegExp('^(Image|File|Media|' + wikEd.config.text + '|' + wikEd.config.text + '|' + wikEd.config.text + '):', 'i');

	// cycle through spans
	var spans = wikEd.frameDocument.getElementsByTagName('span');
	for (var i = 0; i < spans.length; i ++) {
		var span = spans;
		var id =;
		if ( (id !== null) && (id.indexOf('wikEdWikiLink')=== 0) ) {
			if (, id) === true) {

				// linkify
				if (wikEd.config.linkify === true) {
					span.addEventListener('click', wikEd.LinkifyHandler, true);

				// add redirect and redlink info to popup
				var info = '';
				var link =;
				var externalLink = link.replace(regExpFile, 'File:');

				// redirects
				if ( (, link) === true) && (wikEd.linkInfo.updated === true) && (wikEd.linkInfo.redirect === true) ) {
					var target =;
					if (target !== undefined) {
						info += wikEd.config.text.redirect + ' ' + target;
				else if ( (, link) === true) && (wikEd.externalLinkInfo.updated === true) && (wikEd.externalLinkInfo.redirect === true) ) {
					var target =;
					if (target !== undefined) {
						info += wikEd.config.text.redirect + ' ' + target;

				// normalize redlinks from preview scanning
				var linkNorm = link.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + link.substr(1);
				var linkNormFull = link.replace(/(^|:)(.)/g, function (p, p1, p2) {
					return p.toUpperCase();

				// check for redlinks (missing links)
				var missingLink = false;
				if ( (, link) === true) && (wikEd.linkInfo.updated === true) && (wikEd.linkInfo.missing === true) ) {
					missingLink = true;

				var missingExternalLink = false;
				if (, externalLink) === true) {
					if ( (wikEd.externalLinkInfo.updated === true) && (wikEd.externalLinkInfo.missing === true) ) {
						missingExternalLink = true;
				else {
					missingExternalLink = true;

				var missingLinkNorm = false;
				if ( (, linkNorm) === true) && (wikEd.linkInfo.type == 'preview') && (wikEd.linkInfo.missing === true) ) {
					missingLinkNorm = true;
				var missingLinkNormFull = false;
				if ( (, linkNormFull) === true) && (wikEd.linkInfo.type == 'preview') && (wikEd.linkInfo.missing === true) ) {
					missingLinkNormFull = true;

				if ( ( (missingLink === true) && (missingExternalLink === true) ) || (missingLinkNorm === true) || (missingLinkNormFull === true) ) {
					info += wikEd.config.text.redlink;
				else {

				// set title popup
				span.title = wikEd.wikiLinks.linkify + info;

				// save current link infos = info;

// wikEd.HighlightNamedHideButtons: register :before text for named hiding buttons

wikEd.HighlightNamedHideButtons = function () {

	if (wikEd.refHide !== true) {

	var rules = '';

	// references
	for (var i = 0; i < wikEd.referenceArray.length; i ++) {
		if (wikEd.referenceArray.added === true) {
		rules += '.wikEdRefButton' + i + ' { border: 1px solid; border-color: #e8e8e8 #444 #444 #e8e8e8; background: #d8d4d0; }\n';
		rules += '.wikEdRefButtonShow' + i + ' { border: 1px solid; border-color: #000 #e8e8e8 #e8e8e8 #000; background: #c8c4c0; }\n';
		rules += '.wikEdRefButton' + i + ':before, .wikEdRefButtonShow' + i + ':before { content: "' + wikEd.config.text.hideRef + ' ' + wikEd.referenceArray.text + '"; line-height: 0.75em; font-size: 65%; color: #000; font-family: sans-serif; }\n';
		wikEd.referenceArray.added = true;

	// templates
	for (var i = 0; i < wikEd.templateArray.length; i ++) {
		if (wikEd.templateArray.added === true) {
		rules += '.wikEdTemplButton' + i + ' { border: 1px solid; border-color: #e8e8e8 #444 #444 #e8e8e8; background: #d8d4d0; }\n';
		rules += '.wikEdTemplButtonShow' + i + ' { border: 1px solid; border-color: #000 #e8e8e8 #e8e8e8 #000; background: #c8c4c0; }\n';
		rules += '.wikEdTemplButton' + i + ':before, .wikEdTemplButtonShow' + i + ':before { content: "' + wikEd.config.text.hideTempl + ' ' + wikEd.templateArray.text + '"; line-height: 0.75em; font-size: 65%; color: #000; font-family: sans-serif; }\n';
		wikEd.templateArray.added = true;

	// character entities
	for (var i = 0; i < wikEd.charEntityArray.length; i ++) {
		if (wikEd.charEntityArray.added === true) {
		var character = wikEd.charEntityArray.text;
		if (character == '"') {
			character = '\\' + character;
		rules += '.wikEdCharEntityButton' + i + ' { border: 1px solid; border-color: #e8e8e8 #444 #444 #e8e8e8; background: #d8d4d0; border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75)  rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.5)  rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.5) rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75); background: rgba(192, 192, 192, 0.3); }\n';
		rules += '.wikEdCharEntityButtonShow' + i + ' { border: 1px solid; border-color: #000 #e8e8e8 #e8e8e8 #000; background: #c8c4c0; border-color: rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.5) rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75) rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75) rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.5); background: rgba(192, 192, 192, 0.3); }\n';
		rules += '.wikEdCharEntityButton' + i + ':before, .wikEdCharEntityButtonShow' + i + ':before { content: "' + character + '"; }\n';
		wikEd.charEntityArray.added = true;

	// tables
	for (var i = 0; i < wikEd.tableArray.length; i ++) {
		if (wikEd.tableArray.added === true) {
		var text = wikEd.config.text.hideTable;
		if (text !== '') {
			text += ' ';
		text += wikEd.tableArray.text;
		rules += '.wikEdTableButton' + i + ' { border: 1px solid; border-color: #e8e8e8 #444 #444 #e8e8e8; background: #d8d4d0; }\n';
		rules += '.wikEdTableButtonShow' + i + ' { border: 1px solid; border-color: #000 #e8e8e8 #e8e8e8 #000; background: #c8c4c0; }\n';
		rules += '.wikEdTableButton' + i + ':before, .wikEdTableButtonShow' + i + ':before { content: "' + text + '"; line-height: 0.75em; font-size: 65%; color: #000; font-family: sans-serif; }\n';
		wikEd.tableArray.added = true;

	// add or replace existing css rules
	if (rules !== '') {

// wikEd.HideAddHandlers: register mouseover handlers for tabs to unhide refs, templates, and character entities

wikEd.HideAddHandlers = function () {

	if ( (wikEd.config.hideContent !== true) || (wikEd.refHide !== true) ) {
	var hideButton = wikEd.frameDocument.getElementsByTagName('button');
	for (var i = 0; i < hideButton.length; i ++) {
		var tabClass = hideButton.className;
		if (
			(tabClass.indexOf('wikEdRefButton')=== 0) ||
			(tabClass.indexOf('wikEdTemplButton')=== 0) ||
			(tabClass.indexOf('wikEdCharEntityButton')=== 0) ||
			(tabClass.indexOf('wikEdTableButton')=== 0)
		) {
			hideButton.addEventListener('click', wikEd.HideShowHandler, true);
			if (
				(tabClass.indexOf('wikEdRefButtonShow') == -1) &&
				(tabClass.indexOf('wikEdTemplButtonShow') == -1) &&
				(tabClass.indexOf('wikEdCharEntityButtonShow') == -1) &&
				(tabClass.indexOf('wikEdTableButtonShow') == -1)
			) {
				hideButton.addEventListener('mouseover', wikEd.HideShowHandler, true);

// wikEd.HideShowHandler: display hidden ref or template on mouse over hide tab

wikEd.HideShowHandler = function (event) {


	// find hidden content node
	var hideTarget = null;
	var hideInto = null;
	var hideButtonClass = null;
	var hideClass = null;
	var hideButton = null;
	var hideContainer = null;
	var hideCell = null;
	var hide = null;

	if ( (event.type == 'mouseover') || (event.type == 'mouseout') || (event.type == 'click') ) {
		hideTarget = event.currentTarget;
		hideInto = event.relatedTarget;

		// <container><button></button></container><hide> text </hide>

		// target = table cell
		if  ( (hideTarget.tagName == 'TD') && (/^wikEdTable\w+?$/.test(hideTarget.className) === true) ) {
			hideCell = hideTarget;
			hideButton = hideCell.getElementsByTagName('button') || null;

		// target = button
		else if (/^wikEd(Ref|Templ|CharEntity|Table)Button(Show)?\d*$/.test(hideTarget.className) === true) {
			hideButton = hideTarget;
		if (hideButton !== null) {
			hideContainer = hideButton.parentNode;
			if (hideContainer !== null) {
				if (/^wikEd(Ref|Templ|CharEntity|Table)Container$/.test(hideContainer.className) === false) {
					hideContainer = null;
				else {

					// get hide text
					hide = wikEd.GetNextSiblingNode(hideContainer);
					if (hide !== null) {
						if (/^wikEd(Ref|Templ|TemplNs|CharEntity|Table)(Show)?$/.test(hide.className) === false) {
							hide = null;

		// target = hide text
		else if (/^wikEd(Ref|Templ|TemplNs|CharEntity|Table)(Show)?$/.test(hideTarget.className) === true) {
			hide = hideTarget;
			hideContainer = wikEd.GetPreviousSiblingNode(hideTarget);
			if (hideContainer !== null) {
				if (/^wikEd(Ref|Templ|CharEntity|Table)Container$/.test(hideContainer.className) === false) {
					hideContainer = null;
				else {

					// get button
					hideButton = wikEd.GetFirstChildNode(hideContainer);
					if (hideButton !== null) {
						if (/^wikEd(Ref|Templ|CharEntity|Table)Button(Show)?\d*$/.test(hideButton.className) === false) {
							hideButton = null;

		// exit if missing elements
		if ( (hideContainer === null) || (hideButton === null) || (hide === null) ) {

		// get classes
		hideButtonClass = hideButton.className;
		hideClass = hide.className;

	// schedule unhide on later shift or ctrl key push
	if (event.type == 'mouseover') {
		if (wikEd.config.unhideShift === true) {
			if ( (event.type == 'mouseover') && (wikEd.config.unhideShift === true) && (event.shiftKey === false) && (event.ctrlKey === false) ) {
				wikEd.scheduledUnhide = ;
				wikEd.frameDocument.addEventListener('keydown', wikEd.HideShowHandler, true);
				hideButton.addEventListener('mouseout', wikEd.HideShowHandler, true);

	// scheduled unhide on shift or ctrl keydown
	if (event.type == 'keydown') {
		if ( (wikEd.scheduledUnhide !== null) && ( (event.shiftKey === true) || (event.ctrlKey === true) ) ) {
			hide = wikEd.scheduledUnhide;
			hideButton = wikEd.scheduledUnhide;
			hideButtonClass = hideButton.className;
			hideClass = hide.className;

	// open on hover
	if ( (event.type == 'mouseover') || ( (event.type == 'keydown') && (wikEd.scheduledUnhide !== null) ) ) {
		hideButton.removeEventListener('mouseover', wikEd.HideShowHandler, true);

		hideClass = hideClass.replace(/Show/, '') + 'Show';
		hide.className = hideClass;

		// table cell
		if (hideClass == 'wikEdTableShow') {
			var node = hide;
			while (node !== null) {
				if ( (node.tagName == 'TD') && (/^wikEdTable\w+$/.test(node.className) === true) ) {
				node = node.parentNode;
			if (node !== null) {

				// wait for class change
				window.setTimeout( function () {
					node.addEventListener('mouseout', wikEd.HideShowHandler, true);
				}, 100);

		// button and hide
		else {

			// wait for class change
			window.setTimeout( function () {
				hide.addEventListener('mouseout', wikEd.HideShowHandler, true);
				hideButton.addEventListener('mouseout', wikEd.HideShowHandler, true);
			}, 100);

	// close after hover
	else if (event.type == 'mouseout') {
		if ( (hideInto != hideContainer) && (hideInto != hideButton) && (hideInto != hide) && (hideInto != hideCell) ) {
			if (/^wikEd(Ref|Templ|CharEntity|Table)Button\d*$/.test(hideButton.className) === true) {
				var hideOut = false;
				var node = hideInto;
				while (node !== null) {
					if (node == wikEd.frameBody) {
						hideOut = true;
					if ( (node == hideContainer) || (node == hide) || (node == hideCell) ) {
					node = node.parentNode;
				if (hideOut === true) {

					if (hideCell !== null) {
						hideCell.removeEventListener('mouseout', wikEd.HideShowHandler, true);
					else {
						hide.removeEventListener('mouseout', wikEd.HideShowHandler, true);
						hideButton.removeEventListener('mouseout', wikEd.HideShowHandler, true);

					hideClass = hideClass.replace(/Show/, '');
					hide.className = hideClass;

					// wait for class change
					window.setTimeout( function () {
						hideButton.addEventListener('mouseover', wikEd.HideShowHandler, true);
					}, 100);

					// move cursor out of hidden text
					wikEd.UnhideCursor(hideContainer, hide);

	// hide on click
	else if (event.type == 'click') {
		if (/^wikEd(Ref|Templ|CharEntity|Table)ButtonShow\d*$/.test(hideButtonClass) === true) {

			hideClass = hideClass.replace(/Show/, '');
			hide.className = hideClass;

			hideButtonClass = hideButtonClass.replace(/Show/, '');
			hideButton.className = hideButtonClass;
			hideButton.title = wikEd.config.text;

			hideButton.addEventListener('mouseover', wikEd.HideShowHandler, true);

			// move cursor out of hidden text
			wikEd.UnhideCursor(hideContainer, hide);

		// open on click
		else if (/^wikEd(Ref|Templ|CharEntity|Table)Button\d*$/.test(hideButtonClass) === true) {
			hideButton.removeEventListener('mouseover', wikEd.HideShowHandler, true);
			hide.removeEventListener('mouseout', wikEd.HideShowHandler, true);

			hideClass = hideClass.replace(/Show/, '') + 'Show';
			hide.className = hideClass;

			hideButtonClass = hideButtonClass.replace(/Button(Show)?/, 'ButtonShow');
			hideButton.className = hideButtonClass;
			hideButton.title = wikEd.config.text;

			hideButton.removeEventListener('mouseout', wikEd.HideShowHandler, true);

	// clear scheduled unhide
	if (wikEd.scheduledUnhide !== null) {
		wikEd.frameDocument.removeEventListener('keydown', wikEd.HideShowHandler, true);
		wikEd.scheduledUnhide = null;


// wikEd.UnhideCursor: move cursor out of hidden element for wikEd.HideShowHandler

wikEd.UnhideCursor = function (firstHiddenParent, lastHiddenParent) {

	// get selection and clone range
	var sel = wikEd.GetSelection();
	var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
	if (range !== null) {

		// check if selected text is hidden
		var startHidden = false;
		var node = range.startContainer;
		while (node !== null) {
			if (node == wikEd.frameBody) {
			if ( (node == lastHiddenParent) || (node == firstHiddenParent) ) {
				startHidden = true;
			node = node.parentNode;
		var endHidden = false;
		var node = range.endContainer;
		while (node !== null) {
			if (node == wikEd.frameBody) {
			if ( (node == lastHiddenParent) || (node == firstHiddenParent) ) {
				endHidden = true;
			node = node.parentNode;

		// unselect hidden text
		if ( (startHidden === false) && (endHidden === true) ) {
		else if ( (startHidden === true) && (endHidden === false) ) {
		else if ( (startHidden === true) && (endHidden === true) ) {

// wikEd.GetText: get the text fragments to manipulate

wikEd.GetText = function (obj, whichFragment, wikify) {

	// remove dynamically inserted nodes by other scripts

	// get selection object
	if (obj.sel === undefined) {
		obj.sel = wikEd.GetSelection();

	// cursor for the cursor position (always done)
	if (obj.cursor === undefined) {
		obj.cursor = {
			'from':    'cursor',
			'keepSel': null,
			'plain':   ''

		// set cursor range
		obj.cursor.range = wikEd.frameDocument.createRange();
		wikEd.SetRangeStart(obj.cursor.range, obj.sel.focusNode, obj.sel.focusOffset);

	// whole for the whole text
	if (obj.whole === undefined) {
		if (/whole|selectionWord|selectionLine|selectionPara|focusWord|focusLine|focusPara/.test(whichFragment) === true) {
			obj.whole = {
				'plainArray': ,
				'plainNode':  ,
				'plainStart': ,
				'from':       'whole',
				'keepSel':    null

			// set whole range
			obj.whole.range = wikEd.frameDocument.createRange();
			obj.whole.range.setStart(wikEd.frameBody, 0);
			obj.whole.range.setEnd(wikEd.frameBody, wikEd.frameBody.childNodes.length);

			// get whole plain text
			wikEd.GetInnerHTML(obj.whole, wikEd.frameBody);
			obj.whole.code = obj.whole.html;
			wikEd.RemoveHighlightingWikify(obj.whole, wikify);

	// selection for the selected text
	if (obj.selection === undefined) {
		if (/selection\b|selectionWord|selectionLine|selectionPara/.test(whichFragment) === true) {
			obj.selection = {
				'from':    'selection',
				'keepSel': null

			// copy range to document fragment
			if (obj.sel.rangeCount === 0) {
				obj.sel.collapse(wikEd.frameBody, 0);
			obj.selection.range = obj.sel.getRangeAt(0);
			var documentFragment = obj.selection.range.cloneContents();

			// get selected text
			wikEd.GetInnerHTML(obj.selection, documentFragment);
			obj.selection.code = obj.selection.html;
			wikEd.RemoveHighlightingWikify(obj.selection, wikify);

	// focusWord, focusLine, and focusPara for the word, line, and paragraph under the cursor
	if (obj.focusWord === undefined) {
		if (/focusWord|focusLine|focusPara/.test(whichFragment) === true) {
			obj.focusWord = {
				'from':    'focusWord',
				'keepSel': false,
				'range':   wikEd.frameDocument.createRange()

			// setup focusLine object for the line under the cursor
			obj.focusLine = {
				'from':    'focusLine',
				'keepSel': false,
				'range':   wikEd.frameDocument.createRange()

			// setup focusPara object for the paragraph under the cursor
			obj.focusPara = {
				'from':    'focusPara',
				'keepSel': false,
				'range':   wikEd.frameDocument.createRange()

			// find the word and line boundaries
			wikEd.FindBoundaries(obj.focusWord, obj.focusLine, obj.focusPara, obj.whole, obj.cursor);

			// get the wikified plain text for the word under the cursor
			var documentFragment = obj.focusWord.range.cloneContents();
			wikEd.GetInnerHTML(obj.focusWord, documentFragment);
			obj.focusWord.code = obj.focusWord.html;
			wikEd.RemoveHighlightingWikify(obj.focusWord, wikify);

			// get the wikified plain text for the line under the cursor
			var documentFragment = obj.focusLine.range.cloneContents();
			wikEd.GetInnerHTML(obj.focusLine, documentFragment);
			obj.focusLine.code = obj.focusLine.html;
			wikEd.RemoveHighlightingWikify(obj.focusLine, wikify);

			// get the wikified plain text for the paragraph under the cursor
			var documentFragment = obj.focusPara.range.cloneContents();
			wikEd.GetInnerHTML(obj.focusPara, documentFragment);
			obj.focusPara.code = obj.focusPara.html;
			wikEd.RemoveHighlightingWikify(obj.focusPara, wikify);

	// selectionWord and selectionLine for the complete words and lines under the selection
	if (obj.selectionWord === undefined) {
		if (/selectionWord|selectionLine|selectionPara/.test(whichFragment) === true) {

			// setup selectionWord object for the words under the selection
			obj.selectionWord = {
				'from':    'selectionWord',
				'keepSel': false,
				'range':   wikEd.frameDocument.createRange(),

			// setup selectionLine object for the lines under the selection
			obj.selectionLine = {
				'from':    'selectionLine',
				'keepSel': false,
				'range':   wikEd.frameDocument.createRange(),

			// setup focusPara object for the paragraph under the selection
			obj.selectionPara = {
				'from':    'selectionPara',
				'keepSel': false,
				'range':   wikEd.frameDocument.createRange(),

			// find the word and line boundaries
			wikEd.FindBoundaries(obj.selectionWord, obj.selectionLine, obj.selectionPara, obj.whole, obj.selection);

			// get the wikified plain text for the words under the selection
			var documentFragment = obj.selectionWord.range.cloneContents();
			wikEd.GetInnerHTML(obj.selectionWord, documentFragment);
			obj.selectionWord.code = obj.selectionWord.html;
			wikEd.RemoveHighlightingWikify(obj.selectionWord, wikify);

			// get the wikified plain text for the lines under the selection
			var documentFragment = obj.selectionLine.range.cloneContents();
			wikEd.GetInnerHTML(obj.selectionLine, documentFragment);
			obj.selectionLine.code = obj.selectionLine.html;
			wikEd.RemoveHighlightingWikify(obj.selectionLine, wikify);

			// get the wikified plain text for the paragraph under the selection
			var documentFragment = obj.selectionPara.range.cloneContents();
			wikEd.GetInnerHTML(obj.selectionPara, documentFragment);
			obj.selectionPara.code = obj.selectionPara.html;
			wikEd.RemoveHighlightingWikify(obj.selectionPara, wikify);

// wikEd.Find: custom find function with regexp properties, sets obj.changed.range, uses obj ranges

wikEd.Find = function (obj, findText, caseSensitive, backwards, wrap, useRegExp) {

	var found = false;

	// get selection
	if (obj.sel === undefined) {
		obj.sel = wikEd.GetSelection();
	if (obj.sel.rangeCount === 0) {
		obj.sel.collapse(wikEd.frameBody, 0);
	var range = obj.sel.getRangeAt(0);

	if (obj.changed === undefined) {
		obj.changed = {};
	obj.selectChanged = false;

	// empty the range to avoid error messages for reverse direction ranges
	obj.changed.range = wikEd.frameDocument.createRange();

	// regexp instead of plain text search for browser lacking .find (Opera), built in .find() ignores newlines
	if (useRegExp !== true) {
		if (typeof wikEd.frameWindow.find != 'function') {
			useRegExp = true;
			findText = findText.replace(/({}:=!|,\-])/g, '\\$1');

	// create the regexp
	var regExpFind;
	if (useRegExp === true) {
		var regExpFlags = 'gm';
		if (caseSensitive !== true) {
			regExpFlags += 'i';
		try {
			regExpFind = new RegExp(findText, regExpFlags);
		catch (exception) {
			return false;

	// use the fast built-in find function for non-regexp searches; Opera does not have .find
	if (useRegExp !== true) {

	// parameters: window.find(string, caseSensitive, backwards, wrapAround, wholeWord, searchInFrames, showDialog)
		found = wikEd.frameWindow.find(findText, caseSensitive, backwards, wrap, false, true, false);
		if (found === true) {
			range = obj.sel.getRangeAt(0);
		obj.changed.range = range;

	// slow javascript regexp find and replace
	else {

		// perform find
		if (obj.plainArray === undefined) {
			wikEd.ParseDOM(obj, wikEd.frameBody);
		var regExpMatch;

		// find next, search to the right
		if (backwards === false) {

			// set start position for search to right
			regExpFind.lastIndex = obj.plainFocus;

			// execute the regexp search to the right
			regExpMatch = regExpFind.exec(obj.plain);

			// remember position for repeated searches
			obj.plainFocus = regExpFind.lastIndex;

			// wrap around, start at beginning
			if ( (wrap === true) && (regExpMatch === null) ) {
				regExpFind.lastIndex = 0;
				regExpMatch = regExpFind.exec(obj.plain);

		// find previous, search to the left
		else {

			// cycle through the matches to the left
			var regExpMatchNext;
			do {
				regExpMatch = regExpMatchNext;
				regExpMatchNext = regExpFind.exec(obj.plain);
				if (regExpMatchNext === null) {
			} while (regExpMatchNext.index < obj.plainAnchor);

			// wrap around, find last occurrence
			if ( (wrap === true) && (regExpMatch === null) ) {
				do {
					regExpMatch = regExpMatchNext;
					regExpMatchNext = regExpFind.exec(obj.plain);
				} while (regExpMatchNext !== null);

		// select the find
		if (regExpMatch !== null) {
			found = true;

			// start
			var i = 0;
			while ( (obj.plainStart <= regExpMatch.index) && (obj.plainStart !== null) ) {
				i ++;

			// end
			var j = i;
			while ( (obj.plainStart <= regExpMatch.index + regExpMatch.length) && (obj.plainStart !== null) ) {
				j ++;

			var startNode = obj.plainNode;
			var startOffset = regExpMatch.index - obj.plainStart;
			var endNode = obj.plainNode;
			var endOffset = regExpMatch.index + regExpMatch.length - obj.plainStart;
			wikEd.SetRange(obj.changed.range, startNode, startOffset, endNode, endOffset);
			obj.selectChanged = true;
	return found;

// wikEd.ScrollToSelection: scroll iframe range into viewport
//   removing helper nodes gives Error: Node was not found = NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_FOUND_ERR for certain undo actions
//   adding nodes breaks the undo history in Chrome and Opera

wikEd.ScrollToSelection = function () {

	// get selection and clone range
	var obj = {};
	obj.sel = wikEd.GetSelection();
	if (obj.sel.rangeCount === 0) {

	// get selection plain text
	var range = obj.sel.getRangeAt(0);
	var documentFragment = range.cloneContents();
	wikEd.GetInnerHTML(obj, documentFragment);
	var plainText = obj.plain;
	plainText = plainText.replace(/&lt;/g, '<');
	plainText = plainText.replace(/&gt;/g, '>');
	plainText = plainText.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');

	// select using backwards built-in find
	if ( (typeof wikEd.frameWindow.find == 'function') && (plainText.length > 0) ) {

		// Chrome; wikEd.Find(obj, findText, caseSensitive, backwards, wrap, useRegExp)
		var found = wikEd.Find(obj, plainText, true, true, false, false);

		// Firefox (removes \n)
		if (found === false) {
			wikEd.Find(obj, range.toString(), true, true, false, false);

		// reinstate original range if it starts or ends with \n or spaces
		if (/^(\n| )|(\n| )$/.test(plainText) === true) {

	// select empty range using backwards built-in find for previous character
	else if ( (typeof wikEd.frameWindow.find == 'function') && (plainText.length === 0) ) {
		var backwards = true;

		// get plain text from start to selection
		var rangeClone = range.cloneRange();
		var documentFragment = rangeClone.cloneContents();
		wikEd.GetInnerHTML(obj, documentFragment);
		var plainText = obj.plain;
		plainText = plainText.replace(/&lt;/g, '<');
		plainText = plainText.replace(/&gt;/g, '>');
		plainText = plainText.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
		plainText = plainText.replace(/^(*?)(\n*)$/, '$2');

		// get plain text from selection to end for potentially less newlines
		if (plainText.length > 1) {
			var plainTextBack = plainText;
			var obj = {};

			var rangeClone = range.cloneRange();
			var documentFragment = rangeClone.cloneContents();
			wikEd.GetInnerHTML(obj, documentFragment);
			var plainText = obj.plain;
			plainText = plainText.replace(/&lt;/g, '<');
			plainText = plainText.replace(/&gt;/g, '>');
			plainText = plainText.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
			plainText = plainText.replace(/^(\n*)(*?)$/, '$1');

			// backward or forward find
			if (plainTextBack.length > plainText.length) {
				backwards = false;
			else {
				plainText = plainTextBack;

		// Chrome; parameters: wikEd.Find(obj, findText, caseSensitive, backwards, wrap, useRegExp)
		var found = wikEd.Find(obj, plainText, true, backwards, false, false);

		// Firefox
		if ( (found === false) && (/\n/.test(plainText) === true) ) {
			plainText = plainText.replace(/\n/g, '');
			plainText = plainText.replace(/\xa0/g, ' ');
			wikEd.Find(obj, plainText, true, backwards, false, false);
		if (backwards === true) {
		else {

	// use inserted spans as scroll marker, breaks undo history in Chrome and Opera
	else {
		var rangeStart = range.cloneRange();
		var rangeEnd = range.cloneRange();

		// spans to be temporarily inserted before and after selection range to get range position
		wikEd.insertCounter ++;
		var scrollStartNode = wikEd.frameDocument.createElement('span');
		scrollStartNode.className = 'wikEdScrollBefore'; = 'wikEdScrollBefore' + wikEd.insertCounter;
		var scrollEndNode = wikEd.frameDocument.createElement('span');
		scrollEndNode.className = 'wikEdScrollAfter'; = 'wikEdScrollAfter' + wikEd.insertCounter;

		// get the range border nodes and offsets
		var startNode = range.startContainer;
		var startOffset = range.startOffset;
		var endNode = range.endContainer;
		var endOffset = range.endOffset;

		var startLength;
		if (startNode.nodeName == '#text') {
			startLength = startNode.nodeValue.length;
		var endLength;
		if (endNode.nodeName == '#text') {
			endLength = endNode.nodeValue.length;

		// insert end node
		if (endNode.nodeName == '#text') {
			if (endOffset === 0) {
				endNode.parentNode.insertBefore(scrollEndNode, endNode);
			else if (endOffset == endLength - 1) {
				endNode.parentNode.insertBefore(scrollEndNode, endNode.nextSibling);
			else {
		else {
			var refNode = endNode.childNodes.item(endOffset);
			endNode.insertBefore(scrollEndNode, refNode);

		// insert start node
		if (startNode.nodeName == '#text') {
			if (startOffset === 0) {
				startNode.parentNode.insertBefore(scrollStartNode, startNode);
			else if (startOffset == startLength - 1) {
				startNode.parentNode.insertBefore(scrollStartNode, startNode.nextSibling);
			else {

				// collapse as a Firefox bug work around;
		else {
			var refNode = startNode.childNodes.item(startOffset);
			startNode.insertBefore(scrollStartNode, refNode);

		wikEd.ScrollToNodes(scrollStartNode, scrollEndNode);

		// set selection


// wikEd.ScrollToNodes: scroll iframe range into viewport

wikEd.ScrollToNodes = function (scrollStartNode, scrollEndNode) {

	// absolute span for line height detection (Opera and Chrome do not vertically align empty span at bottom)
	var lineHeightNode = wikEd.frameDocument.createElement('span');
	lineHeightNode.innerHTML = '&nbsp;';
	lineHeightNode.className = 'wikEdScrollLineHeight';
	var lineHeight = lineHeightNode.clientHeight;
	lineHeightNode.innerHTML = '';

	// scroll to node coordinates = 'top'; = 'top';
	var startOffsetLeft = wikEd.GetOffsetLeft(scrollStartNode);
	var startOffsetTop  = wikEd.GetOffsetTop(scrollStartNode);
	var endOffsetRight  = wikEd.GetOffsetLeft(scrollEndNode);
	var endOffsetBottom = wikEd.GetOffsetTop(scrollEndNode); = 'baseline'; = 'baseline';
	var frameScrollTop  = wikEd.frameBody.scrollTop;
	var frameScrollLeft = wikEd.frameBody.scrollLeft;
	var x = frameScrollLeft;
	var y = frameScrollTop;

	// current scroll position

	// selection above viewport
	if (endOffsetBottom < frameScrollTop) {
		y = startOffsetTop;

	// selection below viewport
	else if (startOffsetTop > frameScrollTop + wikEd.frameBody.clientHeight) {
		y = endOffsetBottom - wikEd.frameBody.clientHeight + lineHeight;

	// selection left of viewport
	if (endOffsetRight < frameScrollLeft) {
		if (endOffsetRight <= wikEd.frameBody.clientWidth) {
			x = 0;
		else {
			x = startOffsetLeft;

	// selection right of viewport
	else if (startOffsetLeft > frameScrollLeft + wikEd.frameBody.clientWidth) {
		x = endOffsetRight - wikEd.frameBody.clientWidth;

	// do scroll
	wikEd.frameWindow.scrollTo(x, y);


// wikEd.RemoveTableModeHighlighting: strip table html, add linebreaks back
//   expects <br> instead of \n

wikEd.RemoveTableModeHighlighting = function (html) {

	// add linebreaks back (class="wikEdTable...BR")
	html = html.replace(/(<(br)\b*?\bclass="wikEdTable(BR)"*?>)/g, '<br>');
	html = html.replace(/(<(span)\b*?\bclass="wikEdTable(Tag|Caption|Row|Header|Cell)BR"*?>)/g, '<br>$1');

	// mark tbody
	html = html.replace(/(<table\b*?\bclass="wikEdTable\w+"*?><tbody\b)(*>)/g, '$1 class="wikEdTableMode"$2');

	// remove table mode tags
	html = wikEd.RemoveTag(html, 'table', /\bclass="wikEdTable\w+"/, '', '<br>');
	html = wikEd.RemoveTag(html, 'div|tbody|caption|tr|th|td|span', /\bclass="wikEdTable\w+"/);

	return html;

// wikEd.Textify: strip html off of text

wikEd.Textify = function (obj) {

	// convert html to plain
	obj.plain = obj.html;

	// conserve spaces and linebreaks in <pre> tags
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(<pre\b*>)((.|\n)*?)(<\/pre>)/g,
		function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
			p2 = p2.replace(/ /g, '\x03');
			p2 = p2.replace(/\n/g, '\x04');
			return p1 + p2 + p4;

	// remove linebreaks
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/ \n|\n /g, ' ');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\n/g, ' ');

	// delete content tags
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/<(style|script|object|applet|embed)\b*>.*?<\/\1>/g, '');

	// delete MS-Office tags
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/<((w:|m:)(\w+))*>.*?<\/\1>/g, '');

	// remove tablemode highlighting code
	obj.plain = wikEd.RemoveTableModeHighlighting(obj.plain);

	// convert <div>...</div> to <br> for Safari, Chrome, and WebKit
	if ( (wikEd.safari === true) || ( === true) || (wikEd.webkit === true) ) {
		obj.plain = wikEd.DivToBr(obj.plain);

	// newlines
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/*<br\b*>*()/g, '\n');

	// remove empty lines from block tags
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(<(blockquote|center|div|p|pre|gallery)\b*>)+/gi, '$1');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/+(<\/(blockquote|center|div|p|pre|gallery|syntaxhighlight|source|poem|categorytree|hiero|imagemap|inputbox|timeline|references)>)/gi, '$1');

	// remove highlighting pre tags
	obj.plain = wikEd.RemoveTag(obj.plain, 'pre', /\bclass="wikEd+"/);

	// blocks
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/<\/?(address|blockquote|center|div|hr|isindex|p|pre)\b*>/g, '\x00\x00');

	// keep headings only if starting with a newline
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/*(^|\n|\x00)*<h\b*>((.|\n)*?)<\/h>*()/g, '\x00\x00$2\x00\x00');

	// lists
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/<\/?(dir|dl|menu|ol|ul)\b*>/g, '\x00');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/<\/(dd|dt|li)>/g, '\x00');

	// forms
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/<\/?(select|textarea)\b*>/g, '\x00');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/<\/(option|legend|optgroup)>/g, '\x00');

	// tables
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/<\/?(table|caption)\b*>/g, '\x00');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/<\/(tr|th|td)>/g, '\x00');

	// finish html to plain conversion
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/<*>/g, '');

	// recover table html
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\x01/g, '<');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\x02/g, '>');

	// remove spaces
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/+(\x00)/g, '$1');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(\x00)+/g, '$1');

	// trim down \x00 and \n
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\x00+\n/g, '\n');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\n\x00+/g, '\n');

	// pasting external content as inline
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/^\x00+|\x00+$/g, '');

	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\n*\x00(\x00|\n)+/g, '\n\n');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\x00/g, '\n');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(<\/table>\n)\n+/g, '$1');

	// recover spaces and linebreaks from <pre> tags
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\x03/g, ' ');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\x04/g, '\n');

	// remove empty lines and spaces from article start and end
	if (obj.from == 'whole') {
		obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');


// wikEd.InactiveButtons: grey out inactive buttons, called after every change and click

wikEd.InactiveButtons = function () {

	// read only
	if (wikEd.readOnly === true) {

	// undo
	if (wikEd.frameDocument.queryCommandEnabled('undo') === true ) {
		document.getElementById('wikEdUndo').className = 'wikEdButton';
		document.getElementById('wikEdUndoAll').className = 'wikEdButton';
	else {
		document.getElementById('wikEdUndo').className = 'wikEdButtonInactive';
		document.getElementById('wikEdUndoAll').className = 'wikEdButtonInactive';

	// redo
	if (wikEd.frameDocument.queryCommandEnabled('redo') === true ) {
		document.getElementById('wikEdRedo').className = 'wikEdButton';
	else {
		document.getElementById('wikEdRedo').className = 'wikEdButtonInactive';

	// redo all
	if (wikEd.lastVersion !== null) {
		document.getElementById('wikEdRedoAll').className = 'wikEdButton';
	else {
		document.getElementById('wikEdRedoAll').className = 'wikEdButtonInactive';

// wikEd.FixBasic: fix characters, spaces, empty lines, certain headings, needed for all fixing functions

wikEd.FixBasic = function (obj) {

	// preserve spaces and content in pre, syntaxhighlight, source, and nowiki
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(&lt;(syntaxhighlight|source|pre|nowiki)\b*?&gt;)((.|\n)*?)(&lt;\/\2&gt;)/gi,
		function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) {
			p3 = p3.replace(/({}=*#:;|&])/g, '\x00$1\x00');
			if (/^(syntaxhighlight|source|pre)$/i.test(p2) === true) {
				p3 = p3.replace(/ /g, '\x01');
				p3 = p3.replace(/\n/g, '\x02');
			return p1 + p3 + p5;

	// non-breaking space character to normal space
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\xa0/g, ' ');

	// tab to space
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/ *\t*()/g, ' ');

	// remove trailing spaces
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/()(\t| |&nbsp;)+(?=(\n|$))/g, '$1');

	// empty line before and after headings, spaces around word (lookahead), remove bold, italics, and extra =
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(^|\n)+(=+) *(.*?) *(=+)(?=(\n|$))/g,
		function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
			p3 = p3.replace(/'{2,}/g, '');
			return '\n\n' + p2 + ' ' + p3 + ' ' + p2 + '\n\n';

	// uppercase well known headings
	var regExp = new RegExp('\\n=+ ' + wikEd.config.text + '? =+\\n', 'gi');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, '\n== ' + wikEd.config.text + ' ==\n');
	regExp = new RegExp('\\n=+ ' + wikEd.config.text + ' =+\\n', 'gi');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, '\n== ' + wikEd.config.text + ' ==\n');
	regExp = new RegExp('\\n=+ ' + wikEd.config.text.References + '? =+\\n', 'gi');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, '\n== ' + wikEd.config.text.References + ' ==\n');

	// add space after * # : ; (list) spare  #{| and #REDIRECT
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(^|\n)#(REDIRECT)\b/gi, '$1\x03$2');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(^|\n):+\{\|/g,
		function(p, p1) {
			p = p.replace(/:/g, '\x04');
			return p;
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(^|\n)(+)(?!)/g, '$1$2 ');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\x03/g, '#');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\x04/g, ':');

	// add space after table markup {| |- |+ |
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(^|\n)(*)(\{\||\|-|\|\+|\|(?!(\}|-|\+)))(?!( |\n|\x00|$))/g, '$1$2$3 ');

	// empty line before and after tables
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\n+(\{\|)/g, '\n\n$1');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(\n\|\}(|$)) *(.*)+/g, '$1\n\n$3\n\n');

	// empty line before and after lists
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(^|\n)(.*)(?=\n)/g, '$1$2\n\n');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(^|\n)(.*?)(?=\n)/g, '$1$2\n\n');

	// split into lines and change single lines, used to handle tables
	var lines = obj.plain.split('\n');
	obj.plain = '';
	var tableFlag = false;
	var preFlag = false;
	for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i ++) {
		var line = lines;

		// line not starting with a blank
		if (/^ /.test(line) === false) {
			preFlag = false;

			// detect table
			if (/^(\{\||\!|\|)/.test(line) === true) {
				tableFlag = true;
			else if (/^\|\}/.test(line) === true) {
				tableFlag = false;

			// changes only to be done in tables
			if (tableFlag === true) {

				// add spaces around ||
				line = line.replace(/ *\|\| *()/g, ' || ');

			// changes not to be done in tables
			else {

				// empty line before and after images, Media links stay inline
				var regExp = new RegExp('^(\\ + '|' + wikEd.config.text + '):.*?\\]\\])', 'ig');
				line = line.replace(regExp, '\n$1');

				regExp = new RegExp('(\\ + '|' + wikEd.config.text + '):.*?(\\\\].*?)*\\]\\])$', 'ig');
				line = line.replace(regExp, '$1\n');

				// empty line before and after includes
				line = line.replace(/^(\{\{.*?\}\})$/g, '\n$1\n');


		// line starting with blank
		else {

			// detect preformatted blocks
			if (/^ +\S/.test(line) === true) {
				preFlag = true;

			// add <br> to preformatted empty line
			if (preFlag === true) {
				line = line.replace(/^( +)$/g, '$1&lt;br&gt;');

		// concatenate the lines
		obj.plain += line;
		if (i < lines.length - 1) {
			obj.plain += '\n';

	// remove spaces in empty lines
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(^|\n)( |&nbsp;|\t)+(?=(\n|$))/g, '$1');

	// remove underscores in wikilinks
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\\]/g,
		function(p, p1, p2, p3) {
			p1 = p1.replace(/_/g, ' ');
			return ']';

	// remove spaces in wikilinks, protect ]
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\]*?) *\| +\]\]/g, ']');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\]*?) *\| *(*?) *\]\]/g, ']');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\]*) *\]\]/g, ']');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\x03/g, ' ');

	// remove spaces in external links
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\(?!\])/g, '');

	// no space around pipes before curly brackets
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/ +\| +\}\}/g, '|}}');

	// no empty line between headings and includes
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\n(=+ .*? =+\n)\n+(\{\{.*?\}\})/g, '\n$1$2');

	// spaces in comments
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(&lt;!--) *((.|\n)*?) *(--&gt;)/g, '$1 $2 $4');

	// empty line before and after categories
	var regExp = new RegExp('( |\\n)*(\\ + ')\\s*:*?\\]\\])( |\\n)*', 'gi');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, '\n\n$2\n\n');

	// categories not separated by empty lines (lookahead)
	regExp = new RegExp('(\\ + ')\\s*:*?\\]\\])\\n*(?=\\ + ')\\s*:*?\\]\\])', 'gi');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, '$1\n');

	// single empty lines only
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\n{3,}/g, '\n\n');

	// remove leading and trailing newlines
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/^\n+/, '');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\n{2,}$/, '\n');

	// preserved markup and spaces
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\x00/g, '');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\x01/g, ' ');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\x02/g, '\n');


// wikEd.FixPunct: remove (or add) space before .,:;

wikEd.FixPunct = function (obj) {


	// protect punctuation in charents
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(&({2,10}|#{2,7}))(;)/g, '$1\x00$3');

	// protect punctuation in URLs
	var regExp = new RegExp('((\\bhttps?://|\\bftp://|\\birc://|\\bgopher://|\\bnews:|\\bmailto:|\\bfile://|//)*)', 'g');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp,
		function(p, p1, p2) {
			p = p.replace(/((?!$))/g, '\x00$1');
			return p;

	// protect punctuation in filenames
	regExp = new RegExp('()()(?=({2,4})({}|]|$))', 'g');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, '$1\x00$2');

	// protect punctuation in article names
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(\}|\n]*)/g,
		function(p, p1, p2) {
			p = p.replace(/()/g, '\x00$1');
			return p;

	// protect punctuation in single letter abbreviations (e.g. U.S.) (language specific behaviour)
	regExp = new RegExp('(^|)(){2,}', 'g');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp,
		function(p) {
			p = p.replace(/()/g, '\x00$1');
			return p;

	// preserve double spaces after dot
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/() {2}(?=\S)/g, '$1\x01\x01');

	// remove spaces before punctuation
	if (wikEd.config.fixPunctFrench === true) {
		obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(«) *()/g, '$1 ');
		obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/ *(»)/g, ' $1');

		regExp = new RegExp('(})]) *()(?=(|$))', 'g');
		obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, '$1$2 ');

		regExp = new RegExp('(})]) *()', 'g');
		obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, '$1 $2 ');
	else {
		regExp = new RegExp('(})]) *()(?=(|$))', 'g');
		obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, '$1$2 ');

	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\x00/g, '');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/ +$/g, '');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/ +\n/g, '\n');

	// multiple spaces
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/ {2,}/g, ' ');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/ (?=\x01)/g, '');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\x01/g, ' ');


// wikEd.FixUnicode: fix unicode character representations

wikEd.FixUnicode = function (obj) {

	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&amp;#0*160;|&amp;#x0*a0;/gi, '&amp;nbsp;');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&amp;#0*32;|&amp;#x0*20;/gi, ' ');

	// replace supported chars: change decimal, hex, and character entities into actual char
	for (var i = 0; i < wikEd.supportedChars.length; i ++) {
		var replaceChar = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(wikEd.supportedChars, 16));

		// decimal representation
		var regExpStr = '&amp;#0*' + parseInt(wikEd.supportedChars, 16) + ';|';

		// hex representation
		regExpStr += '&amp;#x0*' + wikEd.supportedChars + ';';

		// case insensitive replace
		var regExp = new RegExp(regExpStr, 'gi');
		obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, replaceChar);

		// character entity representation
		regExpStr = '&amp;' + wikEd.supportedChars + ';';

		// case sensitive replace
		var regExp = new RegExp(regExpStr, 'g');
		obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, replaceChar);

	// replace unsupported chars in IE6: change decimal, hex, and chars into character entities
	for (var i = 0; i < wikEd.problemChars.length; i ++) {
		var replaceChar = '&amp;' + wikEd.problemChars + ';';

		// decimal representation
		var regExpStr = '&amp;#0*' + parseInt(wikEd.problemChars, 16) + ';|';

		// hex representation
		regExpStr += '&amp;#x0*' + wikEd.problemChars + ';';

		// case insensitive replace
		var regExp = new RegExp(regExpStr, 'gi');
		obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, replaceChar);

		// actual character representation
		regExpStr = '\\u' + wikEd.problemChars;

		// case sensitive replace
		var regExp = new RegExp(regExpStr, 'g');
		obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, replaceChar);

	// replace special chars (spaces and invisible characters): change decimal, hex, and chars into character entities
	for (var i = 0; i < wikEd.specialChars.length; i ++) {
		var replaceChar = '&amp;' + wikEd.specialChars + ';';

		// decimal representation
		var regExpStr = '&amp;#0*' + parseInt(wikEd.specialChars, 16) + ';|';

		// hex representation
		regExpStr += '&amp;#x0*' + wikEd.specialChars + ';';

		// case insensitive replace
		var regExp = new RegExp(regExpStr, 'gi');
		obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, replaceChar);

		// actual character representation
		regExpStr = '\\u' + wikEd.specialChars;

		// case sensitive replace
		var regExp = new RegExp(regExpStr, 'g');
		obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, replaceChar);

	// unicode line separator and paragraph separator
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\u2028/g, '\n');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\u2029/g, '\n\n');


// wikEd.LinkInfoCall: get link infos (redirects, redlinks) using AJAX API call

wikEd.LinkInfoCall = function (obj, handler) {

	// check if api is enabled
	if ( (wikEd.scriptURL === '') ) {

	// set default handlers
	var externalHandler = null;
	if (handler === undefined) {
		handler = wikEd.LinkInfoHandler;
		externalHandler = wikEd.ExternalLinkInfoHandler;

	// get links and external file links
	var links = '';
	var externalLinks = '';

	// detect external files
	var regExpFile = new RegExp('^(Image|File|Media|' + wikEd.config.text + '|' + wikEd.config.text + '|' + wikEd.config.text + '):', 'i');

	// parse links from provided text
	if (obj !== undefined) {

		//                1 ] 1 7 {{    8  8   9                910  #            1011    12   12 11 }} 7
		var regExpLink = /(\{}|]+)(\s*#|]*?)?(\s*\|(.|\n)*?)?\]\])|(\{\{\s*(:?)\s*({}|]+)(\s*#|]*?)?(\s*\|(.|\n)*?)?\}\})/g;
		var regExpMatch ;
		while ( (regExpMatch = regExpLink.exec(obj.plain)) !== null) {
			var link = wikEd.CleanLink(regExpMatch || regExpMatch);
			if (links !== '') {
				links += '|';
			links += link;

			// collect external file links
			if (regExpFile.test(link) === true) {
				if (externalLinks !== '') {
					externalLinks += '|';
				externalLinks += link.replace(regExpFile, 'File:');

	// get links from link info data structure
	else {
		for (var link in wikEd.linkInfo) {
			if ( (, link) === true) && (wikEd.linkInfo.update === true) ) {
				if (links !== '') {
					links += '|';
				links += link;

				// collect external file links
				if (regExpFile.test(link) === true) {
					if (externalLinks !== '') {
						externalLinks += '|';
					externalLinks += link.replace(regExpFile, 'File:');

	// prepare Ajax request
	var postFields = {};
	postFields = 'true';
	postFields = 'xml';
	postFields = 'query';
	if (wikEd.starttime !== null) {
		postFields = wikEd.starttime;
	if (wikEd.edittime !== null) {
		postFields = wikEd.edittime;
	if (wikEd.editToken !== null) {
		postFields = wikEd.editToken;
	if (wikEd.autoSummary !== null) {
		postFields = wikEd.autoSummary;

	// prepare link request
	if (links !== '') {
		postFields = links;
		var requestUrl = wikEd.scriptURL + 'api.php';

		// make the ajax request
		wikEd.AjaxRequest('POST', requestUrl, postFields, 'text/plain', handler);

	// prepare external file request to Commons
	if ( (externalHandler !== null) && (externalLinks !== '') && (wikEd.useExternalApi === true) && (wikEd.config.externalApiUrl !== '') ) {
		postFields = externalLinks;
		var requestUrl = wikEd.config.externalApiUrl;

		// make the ajax request
		wikEd.AjaxRequest('POST', requestUrl, postFields, 'text/plain', externalHandler, true);


// wikEd.ExternalLinkInfoHandler: parse external file link infos from AJAX call for redirect fixing and redlinking

wikEd.ExternalLinkInfoHandler = function (ajax) {

	wikEd.LinkInfoHandler(ajax, true);

// wikEd.LinkInfoHandler: parse link infos from AJAX call for redirect fixing and redlinking
//   see

wikEd.LinkInfoHandler = function (ajax, external) {

	// WED('ajax.responseText', ajax.responseText.replace(/></g, '>\n<'));

	// get response <query>
	var regExpMatchQuery = ajax.responseText.match(/<api>(.|\n)*?<query>\s*((.|\n)*?)\s*<\/query>(.|\n)*?<\/api>/);
	if (regExpMatchQuery === null) {
	var query = regExpMatchQuery;

	// <normalized>
	var normalized = '';
	var regExpMatchNormalized = query.match(/<normalized>\s*((.|\n)*?)\s*<\/normalized>/);
	if (regExpMatchNormalized !== null) {
		normalized = regExpMatchNormalized;

	// <interwiki>
	var interwiki = '';
	var regExpMatchInterwiki = query.match(/<interwiki>\s*((.|\n)*?)\s*<\/interwiki>/);
	if (regExpMatchInterwiki !== null) {
		interwiki = regExpMatchInterwiki;

	// <redirects>
	var redirects = '';
	var regExpMatchRedirects = query.match(/<redirects>\s*((.|\n)*?)\s*<\/redirects>/);
	if (regExpMatchRedirects !== null) {
		redirects = regExpMatchRedirects;

	// <pages>
	var pages = '';
	var regExpMatchPages = query.match(/<pages>\s*((.|\n)*?)\s*<\/pages>/);
	if (regExpMatchPages !== null) {
		pages = regExpMatchPages;

	// standard links or external file links
	var linkInfo;
	if (external === true) {
		linkInfo = wikEd.externalLinkInfo;
	else {
		linkInfo = wikEd.linkInfo;

	// parse redirects and normalized, type: n or r
	var regExpRedirNorm = /<(r|n)\b*?\bfrom="(*)"*?\bto="(*)"*?>/g;
	var regExpMatchRedirNorm ;
	while ( (regExpMatchRedirNorm  = regExpRedirNorm.exec(redirects + normalized) ) !== null) {
		var link = regExpMatchRedirNorm;
		link = link.replace(/&quot;/g, '"');
		link = link.replace(/&#039;/g, '\'');
		link = link.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
		var to = regExpMatchRedirNorm;
		to = to.replace(/&quot;/g, '"');
		to = to.replace(/&#039;/g, '\'');
		to = to.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
		linkInfo = {
			update: false,
			updated: true,
			type: regExpMatchRedirNorm,
			missing: false,
			redirect: (regExpMatchRedirNorm == 'r'),
			to: to

	// parse pages and interwiki, type: page, i
	var regExpPageInter = /<(page|i)\b(*?\btitle="(*)"*)>/g;
	var regExpMatchPageInter;
	while ( (regExpMatchPageInter = regExpPageInter.exec(pages + interwiki) ) !== null) {
		var link = regExpMatchPageInter;
		link = link.replace(/&quot;/g, '"');
		link = link.replace(/&#039;/g, '\'');
		link = link.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
		linkInfo = {
			update: false,
			updated: true,
			type: regExpMatchPageInter,
			redirect: false,

			// also: special, invalid
			missing: /\bmissing="(*)"/.test(regExpMatchPageInter)

	// find target by recursing through chained normalizations and redirects
	for (var link in linkInfo) {
		if ( (, link) === true) && (linkInfo.updated === true) ) {
			var target = wikEd.ResolveRedirects(linkInfo, link); = target;
			linkInfo.missing = linkInfo.missing;

			// normalizations are also redirects when pointing to a redirect
			if ( (linkInfo.type == 'n') && (linkInfo.hasOwnProperty( === true) && ( ].type == 'r') ) {
				linkInfo.redirect = true;

	// add redirect info and redlink highlighting to existing links


// wikEd.ResolveRedirects: recursively follow redirects when parsing API response in wikEd.LinkInfoCall handler

wikEd.ResolveRedirects = function (linkInfo, link) {

	if ( (, link) === true) && (linkInfo.updated === true) ) {
		if (linkInfo.hasOwnProperty('to') === true) {
			link = wikEd.ResolveRedirects(linkInfo,;
	return link;

// wikEd.ScanPreviewRedlinks: scan article preview section for redlinks

wikEd.ScanPreviewRedlinks = function () {

	// check all link tags in preview and cat links section
	var linkTags = ;
	var i = 0;
	if (wikEd.wikiPreview !== null) {
	if (wikEd.catLinks !== null) {

	// cycle through links
	var regExpQuery = new RegExp(wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgServer + wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgScriptPath + '/index.php\\?(.*?)(#|$)');
	for (var i = 0; i < linkTags.length; i ++) {
		for (var j = 0; j < linkTags.length; j ++) {
			var tag = linkTags;
			var href = tag.href;
			if (href !== null) {

				// get query string
				var regExpMatchQuery = regExpQuery.exec(href);
				if (regExpMatchQuery !== null) {
					var query = regExpMatchQuery;

					// get title
					var regExpMatchTitle = query.match(/(^|&)title=(.+?)(&|$)/);
					if (regExpMatchTitle !== null) {
						var title = regExpMatchTitle;
						var link = '';

						// files
						if ( (title == 'Special:Upload') && (/\bnew\b/.test(tag.className) === true) ) {
							link = tag.innerHTML;

						// links, templates, categories
						else if (/(^|&)redlink=(.*?)(&|$)/.test(query) === true) {
							link = title;
							link = link.replace(/_/g, ' ');
							link = decodeURIComponent(link);

						// save redlink status in link info; get API info later anyway
						if (link !== '') {
							wikEd.linkInfo = {
								update: true,
								updated: true,
								type: 'preview',
								redirect: false,
								missing: true

// wikEd.FixRedirectReplace: replace redirects using linkInfo data

wikEd.FixRedirectReplace = function (obj) {

	//                1 2] 91,01{{  1   2  2   3                34   #            4 5    |67    7  65 8 }} 80
	var regExpLink = /((\{}|]+)(\s*#|]*?)?(\s*\|((.|\n)*?))?(\]\]))|((\{\{)\s*(:?)\s*({}|]+)(\s*#|]*?)?(\s*\|((.|\n)*?))?(\}\}))/g;

	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExpLink,
		function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10, p11, p12, p13, p14, p15, p16, p17, p18) {
			var tag = p1 || p10;
			var openTag = p2 || p11;
			var prefix = p3 || p12;
			var article = p4 || p13;
			var fragmentId = p5 || p14;
			var linkText = p7 || p16;
			var closeTag = p9 || p18;

			var link = wikEd.CleanLink(article);
			if ( (, link) === true) && (wikEd.linkInfo.redirect === true) ) {
				var target =;

				// lowercase link target if link text starts with lowercase (main space only)
				if (wikEd.config.articlesCaseSensitive === false) {
					if (/:/.test(target) !== true) {
						if (article.charAt(0).toLowerCase() == article.charAt(0)) {
							target = target.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + target.substr(1);

				// remove link text if identical to new target
				if (openTag == '[[') {
					if (linkText !== '') {
						if (linkText.replace(/_/g, ' ') == target) {
							linkText = '';

					// keep replaced link as link text
					else if (linkText === '') {
						if (target != article) {
							linkText = article;

				// return fixed link
				var wikiLink = openTag + prefix + target + fragmentId;
				if (linkText !== '') {
					wikiLink += '|' + linkText;
				wikiLink += closeTag;
				return wikiLink;
			return tag;

// wikEd.FixMath: math character fixer, originally from User:Omegatron

wikEd.FixMath = function (obj) {


	// change only outside <math> </math> wikicode
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(.*?)((&lt;math(\b.*?)&gt;.*?&lt;\/math&gt;)|$)/gi,
		function(p, p1, p2) {

			// convert html entities into actual dash characters
			p1 = p1.replace(/&plus;/g, '+');
			p1 = p1.replace(/&minus;/g, '\u2212');
			p1 = p1.replace(/&middot;/g, '·');

			// convert dash next to a number into a minus sign character
			var regExp = new RegExp('()-(\\d)', 'g');
			p1 = p1.replace(regExp, '$1\u2212$2');

			// changes 2x3 to 2×3
			p1 = p1.replace(/(\d *)x( *\d)/g, '$1\xd7$2');

			// changes 10^3 to 10<sup>3</sup>
			p1 = p1.replace(/(\d*\.?\d+)\^(\u2212?\d+\.?\d*)/g, '$1&lt;sup&gt;$2&lt;/sup&gt;');

			// change x^3 to x<sup>3</sup>
			var regExp = new RegExp('()\\^(\\u2212?\\d+\\.?\\d*) ', 'g');
			p1 = p1.replace(regExp, '$1&lt;sup&gt;$2&lt;/sup&gt;');

			// change +/- to ±
			p1 = p1.replace(/( |\d)\+\/(-|\u2212)( |\d)/g, '$1\xb1$3');

			// htmlize single char superscripts
			p1 = p1.replace(/(\xb9|&sup1;)/g, '&lt;sup&gt;1&lt;/sup&gt;');
			p1 = p1.replace(/(\xb2|&sup2;)/g, '&lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt;');
			p1 = p1.replace(/(\xb3|&sup3;)/g, '&lt;sup&gt;3&lt;/sup&gt;');

			return p1 + p2;

// wikEd.FixChem: fix chemical formulas

wikEd.FixChem = function (obj) {


	var realElements = 'H|He|Li|Be|B|C|N|O|F|Ne|Na|Mg|Al|Si|P|S|Cl|Ar|K|Ca|Sc|Ti|V|Cr|Mn|Fe|Co|Ni|Cu|Zn|Ga|Ge|As|Se|Br|Kr|Rb|Sr|Y|Zr|Nb|Mo|Tc|Ru|Rh|Pd|Ag|Cd|In|Sn|Sb|Te|I|Xe|Cs|Ba|Hf|Ta|W|Re|Os|Ir|Pt|Au|Hg|Tl|Pb|Bi|Po|At|Rn|Fr|Ra|Rf|Db|Sg|Bh|Hs|Mt|Ds|Rg|La|Ce|Pr|Nd|Pm|Sm|Eu|Gd|Tb|Dy|Ho|Er|Tm|Yb|Lu|Ac|Th|Pa|U|Np|Pu|Am|Cm|Bk|Cf|Es|Fm|Md|No|Lr';
	var pseudoElements = '|Me|Et|Pr|Bu|e';

	// fix common typos
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\bh2o\b/g, 'H2O');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\bh3o+/g, 'H3O+');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\boh-/g, 'OH-');

	// uppercase lowercased elements
	var regExp = new RegExp('(^|)(' + realElements.toLowerCase() + pseudoElements.toLowerCase() + ')(|$)', 'g');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp,
		function(p, p1, p2, p3) {
			if (p2 != 'e') {
				p2 = p2.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + p2.substr(1).toLowerCase();
			return p1 + p2 + p3;

	// fix superscripts
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&plus;/g, '+');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&minus;/g, '\u2212');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&middot;/g, '·');
	regExp = new RegExp('(' + realElements + pseudoElements + '|\\))(\\d*(\\+|-|\\u2212))', 'g');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp,
		function(p, p1, p2, p3) {
			p2 = p2.replace(/-/g, '\u2212');
			return p1 + '&lt;sup&gt;' + p2 + '&lt;/sup&gt;';

	// fix indices
	regExp = new RegExp('(' + realElements + pseudoElements + '|\\))(\\d+)', 'g');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, '$1&lt;sub&gt;$2&lt;/sub&gt;');

	// fix prefixes
	regExp = new RegExp('(\\d+) *(\\(|' + realElements + pseudoElements + ')', 'g');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, '$1$2');

	// fix arrows
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/ *-+&gt; *()/g, ' \u2192 ');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/ *&lt;-+ *()/g, ' \u2190 ');

	// &hdarr; and "leftwards harpoon over rightwards harpoon" not supported in IE6
	// obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/ *(&lt;=+&gt;|&hdarr;|&harr;|\u2190 *\u2192) *()/g, ' \u21cc ');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/ *(&lt;==+&gt;|&hdarr;|&harr;|\u21cc|\u2190 *\u2192) *()/g, ' <=> ');

	// fix -
	var regExp = new RegExp('(|\\)|&gt;) +(-|\\u2212) +(|\\()', 'g');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, '$1 \u2212 $3');


// wikEd.FixUnits: unit formatter

wikEd.FixUnits = function (obj) {


	// convert into actual characters
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&amp;deg;|&amp;#00b0;/g, '°');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&amp;#00b5;|&amp;mu;|&amp;micro;/g, 'µ');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&amp;Omega;|&amp;#8486;/g, '\u03a9');

	// add space before units, remove space around /, and use abreviations
	var regExp = new RegExp('( */ *|\\d *)(Y|yotta|Z|zetta|E|exa|P|peta|T|tera|G|giga|M|mega|k|kilo|K|h|hecto|da|deca|d|deci|c|centi|m|mill?i|micro|u|µ|n|nano|p|pico|f|femto|a|atto|z|zepto|y|yocto|mibi|mebi|)(gramm?s?|g|metres?|meters?|m|amperes?|Amperes?|amps?|Amps?|A|Angstroms?|Angströms?|Å|Kelvins?|kelvins?|K|moles?|Moles?|mol|candelas?|cd|rad|Ci|sr|Hert?z|hert?z|Hz|newtons?|Newtons?|N|Joules?|joules?|J|watts?|Watts?|W|pascals?|Pascals?|Pa|lm|lx|C|volts?|Volts?|V|O|Farads?|F|Wb|T|H|S|bequerels?|Bequerels?|Bq|Gy|Sv|kat|centigrades?|°C|decibels?|db|dB|M|ohms?|Ohms?|\\u03a9|sec|seconds?|s|minutes?|min|hour?|h|bits?|Bits?|bit|bytes?|Bytes?|B|bps|Bps)(?=|$)', 'g');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp,
		function(p, p1, p2, p3) {

			p1 = p1.replace(/ *\/ *()/g, '/');
			p1 = p1.replace(/(\d) *()/g, '$1 ');

			p2 = p2.replace(/yotta/g, 'Y');
			p2 = p2.replace(/zetta/g, 'Z');
			p2 = p2.replace(/exa/g, 'E');
			p2 = p2.replace(/peta/g, 'P');
			p2 = p2.replace(/tera/g, 'T');
			p2 = p2.replace(/giga/g, 'G');
			p2 = p2.replace(/mega/g, 'M');
			p2 = p2.replace(/kilo/g, 'k');
			p2 = p2.replace(/K/g, 'k');
			p2 = p2.replace(/hecto/g, 'h');
			p2 = p2.replace(/deca/g, 'da');
			p2 = p2.replace(/deci/g, 'd');
			p2 = p2.replace(/centi/g, 'c');
			p2 = p2.replace(/mill?i/g, 'm');
			p2 = p2.replace(/micro|u/g, 'µ');
			p2 = p2.replace(/nano/g, 'n');
			p2 = p2.replace(/pico/g, 'p');
			p2 = p2.replace(/femto/g, 'f');
			p2 = p2.replace(/atto/g, 'a');
			p2 = p2.replace(/zepto/g, 'z');
			p2 = p2.replace(/yocto/g, 'y');
			p2 = p2.replace(/mibi/g, 'mebi');

			p3 = p3.replace(/gramm?s?/g, 'g');
			p3 = p3.replace(/metres?|meters?/g, 'm');
			p3 = p3.replace(/amperes?|Amperes?|amps?|Amps?/g, 'A');
			p3 = p3.replace(/Angstroms?|Angströms?/g, 'Å');
			p3 = p3.replace(/Kelvins?|kelvins?/g, 'K');
			p3 = p3.replace(/moles?|Moles?/g, 'mol');
			p3 = p3.replace(/candelas?/g, 'cd');
			p3 = p3.replace(/Hert?z|hert?z/g, 'Hz');
			p3 = p3.replace(/newtons?|Newtons?/g, 'N');
			p3 = p3.replace(/Joules?|joules?/g, 'J');
			p3 = p3.replace(/watts?|Watts?/g, 'W');
			p3 = p3.replace(/pascals?|Pascals?/g, 'Pa');
			p3 = p3.replace(/volts?|Volts?/g, 'V');
			p3 = p3.replace(/ohms?|Ohms?/g, '\u03a9');
			p3 = p3.replace(/bequerels?|Bequerels?/g, 'Bq');
			p3 = p3.replace(/Farads?/g, 'F');
			p3 = p3.replace(/bits?|Bits?/g, 'bit');
			p3 = p3.replace(/bytes?|Bytes?/g, 'B');
			p3 = p3.replace(/sec|seconds?/g, 's');
			p3 = p3.replace(/minutes?/g, 'min');
			p3 = p3.replace(/hours?/g, 'h');
			p3 = p3.replace(/sec|seconds?/g, 's');
			p3 = p3.replace(/bps/g, 'bit/s');
			p3 = p3.replace(/Bps/g, 'B/s');

			return p1 + p2 + p3;

	// fix prefix casing
	var regExp = new RegExp(' K(bit/s|B/s)(|$)', 'g');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, ' k$1$2');

	var regExp = new RegExp(' m(bit/s|B/s)(|$)', 'g');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, ' M$1$2');

	var regExp = new RegExp(' g(bit/s|B/s)(|$)', 'g');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, ' G$1$2');

	var regExp = new RegExp(' t(bit/s|B/s)(|$)', 'g');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, ' T$1$2');

	var regExp = new RegExp(' e(bit/s|B/s)(|$)', 'g');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, ' E$1$2');


// wikEd.FixDashes: fixes dashes and minus signs

wikEd.FixDashes = function (obj) {


	// convert html character entities into actual dash characters
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&amp;mdash;/g, '—');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&amp;ndash;/g, '–');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&amp;minus;/g, '\u2212');

	// remove spaces around em dashes
	var regExp = new RegExp('(})])( |&amp;nbsp;)*—( |&amp;nbsp;)*()', 'g');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, '$1—$4');

	// convert -- to em dashes
	var regExp = new RegExp('(})])( |&amp;nbsp;)*--( |&amp;nbsp;)*()', 'g');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, '$1—$4');

	// convert hyphen next to lone number into a minus sign character
	var regExp = new RegExp('(>] ) *(\\u2212|–)(\\d)', 'g');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, '$1\u2212$3');

	// convert minus or en dashes to dashes with spaces
	var regExp = new RegExp('(}])( |&amp;nbsp;)*(\\u2212|–)( |&amp;nbsp;)*()', 'g');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, '$1 – $5');

	// convert dashes to en dashes in dates
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(^|)(\d\d(\d\d)?)(\u2212|-|–)(\d\d)(\u2212|-|–)(\d\d(\d\d)?)(|$)/gm, '$1$2–$5–$7$9');


// wikEd.FixHTML: fix html to wikicode

wikEd.FixHTML = function (obj) {


	// get html from plain, keep leading spaces, \n to <br>
	obj.html = obj.plain;
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(^|\n) +/g,
		function(p, p1) {
			p = p.replace(/ /g, '\xa0');
			return p;
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\n/g, '<br>');

	// preserve double spaces after dot
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/() {2}(?=\S)/g, '$1\xa0\xa0');

	// remove syntax highlighting

	// keep <br> in preformatted lines
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(^|<br>)( |\xa0).*?(?=<br>)/g,
		function(p, p1, p2) {
			p = p.replace(/&lt;(br\b.*?)&gt;/g, '\x00$1\x01');
			return p;

	// keep <br> in blockquote
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(&lt;blockquote\b.*?&gt;)(*?)(&lt;\/blockquote&gt;)/gi,
		function(p, p1, p2, p3) {
			p2 = p2.replace(/&lt;(br\b.*?)&gt;<br\b*>/g, '\x00$1\x01\n');
			return p1 + p2 + p3;

	// keep <br> in tables (and certain templates!?)
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(<br\b*>\|)(*?)(?=<br\b*>\|)/gi,
		function(p, p1, p2) {
			p2 = p2.replace(/&lt;(br\b.*?)&gt;/g, '\x00$1\x01');
			return p1 + p2;

	// detect outermost template tags
	var depth = 0;
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/((\{\{)|\}\})/g,
		function(p, p1, p2) {
			p2 = p2 || '';
			if (p2 !== '') {
				depth ++;
				if (depth == 1) {
					return '<!--wikEdOuterTemplateStart-->' + p1;
				return p1;
			depth --;
			if (depth === 0) {
				return p1 + '<!--wikEdOuterTemplateEnd-->';
			return p1;

	// keep <br> in templates
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<!--wikEdOuterTemplateStart-->(*?)<!--wikEdOuterTemplateEnd-->/g,
		function(p, p1) {
			return p1.replace(/&lt;(br\b.*?)&gt;/g, '\x00$1\x01');

	// detect outermost table tags
	var depth = 0;
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(((^|<br\b*>)\{\|)|<br\b*>\|\})/g,
		function(p, p1, p2, p3) {
			if (p2 !== '') {
				depth ++;
				if (depth == 1) {
					return '<!--wikEdOuterTableStart-->' + p1;
				return p1;
			depth --;
			if (depth === 0) {
				return p1 + '<!--wikEdOuterTableEnd-->';
			return p1;

	// keep <br> in tables
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<!--wikEdOuterTableStart-->(*?)<!--wikEdOuterTableEnd-->/g,
		function(p, p1) {
			return p1.replace(/&lt;(br\b.*?)&gt;/g, '\x00$1\x01');

	// turn visible html code into real html, exclude comments
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/&lt;(\/?\w.*?)&gt;/g, '<$1>');

	// restore valid <br>s
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\x00(.*?)\x01/g, '&lt;$1&gt;');

	// wikify, keep user added attribute
	wikEd.WikifyHTML(obj, true);

	// turn real html into visible html code
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<br\b*>\s*?\n/g, '\n');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<br\b*>/g, '\n');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/</g, '&lt;');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');

	obj.plain = obj.html;

// wikEd.FixCaps: fix capitalizing of lists, linklists, images, headings

wikEd.FixCaps = function (obj) {


	// uppercase lists, also uppercases cat parameter names
	//                        (( listcode  )         (wcode|char-ent|tag    |category         |digit|      non-word            ) )( word                rest)
	var regExp = new RegExp('^((\\||+)*(\'+|&amp;\\w+;|&lt;.*?&gt;|\\{\\{.*?\\}\\}.*|\\d|)*)(.*)$', 'gm');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp,
		function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
			p4 = p4 || '';
			if (/^(https?|ftp|alpha|beta|gamma|delta|epsilon|kappa|lambda|$)/.test(p4) === false) {

				// spaces cannot be added to p1 in above regExp !?
				p4 = p4.replace(/^(\s*)(.*?)$/,
					function(p, p1, p2) {
						p2 = p2.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + p2.substr(1);
						return p1 + p2;
			return p1 + p4;

	// uppercase link lists (link)
	//                              12table list2          13   34    4
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/^((\||+)*\\])/gm,
		function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4) {

			// uppercase link
			var regExp = new RegExp('^((&amp;\\w+;|&lt;.*?&gt;|\\s)*)(.*)$', '');
			p3 = p3.replace(regExp,
				function(p, p1, p2, p3) {
					if (/^(https?|ftp|alpha|beta|gamma|delta|epsilon|kappa|lambda)/.test(p3) === false) {
						p3 = p3.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + p3.substr(1);
					return p1 + p3;

			// uppercase link text
			var regExp = new RegExp('(\\|(&amp;\\w+;|&lt;.*?&gt;|\\s)*)(.*)$', '');
			p3 = p3.replace(regExp,
				function(p, p1, p2, p3) {
					if (/^(https?|ftp|alpha|beta|gamma|delta|epsilon|kappa|lambda)/.test(p3) === false) {
						p3 = p3.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + p3.substr(1);
					return p1 + p3;
			return p1 + p3 + p4;

	// uppercase headings
	var regExp = new RegExp('^(=+ (&amp;\\w+;|&lt;.*?&gt;|\\d|)*)(.*? =+)$', 'gm');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp,
		function(p, p1, p2, p3) {
			if (/^(https?|ftp|alpha|beta|gamma|delta|epsilon|kappa|lambda)/.test(p3) === false) {
				p3 = p3.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + p3.substr(1);
			return p1 + p3;

	// uppercase images
	var regExp = new RegExp('(\\ + '|' + wikEd.config.text + '|' + wikEd.config.text + '):()(.*?\\]\\])', 'igm');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp,
		function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
			p2 = p2.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + p2.substr(1).toLowerCase();
			p3 = p3.toUpperCase();
			return p1 + p2 + ':' + p3 + p4;


// wikEd.FixTypos: fix typos using the AutoWikiBrowser/RegExTypoFix list (.test() is not faster)

wikEd.FixTypos = function (obj) {


	// split into alternating plain text and {{lang}} template fragments (does not support nested templates)
	var fragment = ;
	var nextPos = 0;
	var regExp = /{{\s*lang\s*\|(.|\n)*?}}/gi;
	var regExpMatch;
	while ( (regExpMatch = regExp.exec(obj.plain)) !== null) {
		fragment.push(obj.plain.substring(nextPos, regExpMatch.index));
		nextPos = regExp.lastIndex;

	// cycle through the RegExTypoFix rules
	for (var i = 0; i < wikEd.typoRulesFind.length; i ++) {

		// cycle through the fragments, jump over {{lang}} templates
		for (var j = 0; j < fragment.length; j = j + 2) {
			fragment = fragment.replace(wikEd.typoRulesFind, wikEd.typoRulesReplace);

	// re-assemble text
	obj.plain = fragment.join('');


// wikEd.FixAll:

wikEd.FixAll = function (obj) {

// wikEd.RemoveElements: remove elements by tag name

wikEd.RemoveElements = function (tagNameArray) {

	// cycle through the element names
	for (var i = 0; i < tagNameArray.length; i ++) {
		var elementArray = wikEd.frameBody.getElementsByTagName(tagNameArray);
		for (var j = 0; j < elementArray.length; j ++) {

// wikEd.FindBoundaries: find word boundaries and line boundaries starting from selection.range

wikEd.FindBoundaries = function (word, line, para, whole, selection) {

	if (whole.plain === '') {

	// get the start node and offset
	var startNode = selection.range.startContainer;
	var startOffset = selection.range.startOffset;

	// get the end node and offset
	var endNode = selection.range.endContainer;
	var endOffset = selection.range.endOffset;

	if (startNode.childNodes !== null) {
		if (startNode.childNodes.length > 0) {
			startNode = startNode.childNodes.item(startOffset);
			startOffset = 0;
	if (endNode.childNodes !== null) {
		if (endNode.childNodes.length > 0) {
			endNode = endNode.childNodes.item(endOffset);
			endOffset = 0;

	// find the start and end nodes in the whole plain text arrays
	var startNodeIndex;
	var endNodeIndex;
	for (var i = 0; i < whole.plainNode.length; i ++) {
		if (startNode == whole.plainNode) {
			startNodeIndex = i;
		if (endNode == whole.plainNode) {
			endNodeIndex = i;

	// find last previous word and line boundary
	var foundWord = false;
	var foundLine = false;
	var foundPara = false;
	var regExp = new RegExp('.*', 'g');
	var plainPrev = '';

	// check text nodes left-wise for a boundary
	var plain = '';
	for (var i = startNodeIndex; i >= 0; i --) {
		plainPrev = plain;
		plain = whole.plainArray;
		plain = plain.replace(/&lt;/g, '<');
		plain = plain.replace(/&gt;/g, '>');
		plain = plain.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');

		// boundary is a new paragraph
		if ( (plainPrev == '\n') && (plain == '\n') ) {
			foundPara = true;

		// boundary is a newline
		else if (plain == '\n') {
			if (foundWord === false) {
				foundWord = true;
			if (foundLine === false) {
				foundLine = true;

		// check text node for a word boundary
		else if (foundWord === false) {
			if (i == startNodeIndex) {
				plain = plain.substr(0, startOffset);
			regExp.lastIndex = 0;
			if (regExp.exec(plain) !== null) {
				wikEd.SetRangeStart(word.range, whole.plainNode, regExp.lastIndex);
				foundWord = true;

	// boundary is start of text
	if (foundPara === false) {
	if (foundLine === false) {
	if (foundWord === false) {

	// find next word and line boundary
	regExp = new RegExp('', 'g');
	foundWord = false;
	foundLine = false;
	foundPara = false;

	// check text nodes right-wise for a boundary
	plain = '';
	for (var i = endNodeIndex; i < whole.plainArray.length; i ++) {
		plainPrev = plain;
		plain = whole.plainArray;
		plain = plain.replace(/&lt;/g, '<');
		plain = plain.replace(/&gt;/g, '>');
		plain = plain.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');

		// boundary is a double newline
		if ( (plainPrev == '\n') && (plain == '\n') ) {
			foundPara = true;

		// boundary is a newline
		else if (plain == '\n') {
			if (foundWord === false) {
				foundWord = true;
			if (foundLine === false) {
				line.range.setEndBefore(whole.plainNode); //// crashes for empty selection
				foundLine = true;

		// check text node for a word boundary
		else if (foundWord === false) {
			if (i == endNodeIndex) {
				regExp.lastIndex = endOffset;
			else {
				regExp.lastIndex = 0;
			var regExpArray = regExp.exec(plain);
			if (regExpArray !== null) {
				wikEd.SetRangeEnd(word.range, whole.plainNode, regExp.lastIndex - 1);
				foundWord = true;

	// boundary is end of text
	if (foundPara === false) {
	if (foundLine === false) {
	if (foundWord === false) {


// wikEd.DivToBr: convert <div>...</div> to <br> for Safari, Chrome, and WebKit

wikEd.DivToBr = function (html) {

	// remove inline tags around <br>
	var tagRegExp = /<(i|dfn|cite|em|var|b|strong|abbr|big|code|del|font|ins|pre|s|small|span|strike|sub|sup|tt|u|rb|rp|rt|ruby)\b*>((<br\b*>)+)<\/\1>/gi;
	while (tagRegExp.test(html) === true) {
		html = html.replace(tagRegExp, '$2');
		tagRegExp.lastIndex = 0;

	// convert <div>...</div> to \x00...\x00 to mark block borders
	html = wikEd.RemoveTag(html, 'div', null, '\x00', '\x00');

	// remove div block borders after <br>
	html = html.replace(/<br>\x00+/g, '<br>');

	// remove leading and trailing div block borders
	html = html.replace(/^\x00+|\x00+$/g, '');

	// combine div block borders into single <br>
	html = html.replace(/\x00+/g, '<br>');

	return html;

// wikEd.RemoveHighlightingWikify: remove syntax highlighting and wikify

wikEd.RemoveHighlightingWikify = function (obj, wikify) {

	if ( (obj.html !== '') || (wikify === true) ) {

		// convert <div>...</div> to <br> for Safari, Chrome, and WebKit
		if ( (wikEd.safari === true) || ( === true) || (wikEd.webkit === true) ) {
			obj.html = wikEd.DivToBr(obj.html);

		// remove syntax highlighting

		// wikify, don't allow many attributes
		if ( (obj.htmlCode === true) && (wikify !== false) ) {
			wikEd.WikifyHTML(obj, false);

// wikEd.WikifyHTML:
//   obj.html contains the text to be wikified
//   expects < > &lt; &gt; &amp;  spaces instead of &nbsp; <br> (not \n)
//   returns <br> (not \n)
//   wikiCode === true: allow extended set of attributes for existing wikicode, keep leading spaces
// allowed and converted tags:
//   br|p
//   h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6
//   hr
//   i|dfn|cite|em|var
//   b|strong
//   table|caption|col|thead|tfoot|tbody|tr|td|th
//   dl|dt|dd|li|ol|ul
//   a
// not allowed yet:
//   bdo|q|kbd|samp|abbr|acronym|label
// other allowed tags:
//   abbr|big|blockquote|colgroup|center|code|del|div|font|ins|pre|s|small|span|strike|sub|sup|tt|u|rb|rp|rt|ruby
// mediawiki tags (inline/block):
//   nowiki|math|score|noinclude|includeonly|onlyinclude|ref|charinsert
//   gallery|syntaxhighlight|source|poem|categorytree|hiero|imagemap|inputbox|timeline|references

wikEd.WikifyHTML = function (obj, wikiCode) {

	// preserve spaces and content in pre, syntaxhighlight, source, and nowiki
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(<(syntaxhighlight|source|pre|nowiki)\b*>)((.|\n)*?)(<\/\2>)/gi,
		function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) {
			p3 = p3.replace(/</g, '\x01');
			p3 = p3.replace(/>/g, '\x02');
			if (/^(syntaxhighlight|source|pre)$/i.test(p2) === true) {
				p3 = p3.replace(/ |\xa0/g, '\x03');
			return p1 + p3 + p5;

	// delete tags: <style>
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<(style)\b*>(.|\n)*?<\/\1>/gi, '');

	// remove MediaWiki section edit spans
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<span*class="editsection"*>(.|\n)*?<\/span>\s*()/gi, '');

	// remove MediaWiki heading spans
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<span\b*\bclass="mw-headline"*>((.|\n)*?)<\/span>\s*()/g, '$1');

	// remove MediaWiki divs from article top
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<h3\b*\bid="siteSub"*>(.|\n)*?<\/h3>\s*()/g, '');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<div\b*\bid="contentSub"*>(.|\n)*?<\/div>\s*()/g, '');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<div\b*\bid="jump-to-nav"*>(.|\n)*?<\/div>\s*()/g, '');

	// remove MediaWiki table of contents
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<table\b*?\bid="toc"*>(.|\n)*?<\/table>\s*()/g, '');

	// remove MediaWiki print footer
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<div\b*?\bclass="printfooter"*>+"<a\b*>+<\/a>"<\/div>\s*()/g, '');

	// remove MediaWiki category list tags
	var regExp = /<div\b*\bid="catlinks"*>((.|\n)*?)<\/div>\s*()/g;
	while(regExp.test(obj.html) === true) {
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(regExp, '$1');
		regExp.lastIndex = 0;
	var regExp = /<p\b*?\bclass="catlinks"*>((.|\n)*?)<a\b*>+<\/a>: ((.|\n)*?)<\/p>/g;
	while(regExp.test(obj.html) === true) {
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(regExp, '$1$3');
		regExp.lastIndex = 0;

	// convert MS-Word non-standard lists: *
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\s*<p\b*>\s*<!--\-->(.|\n)*?<!--\-->\s*((.|\n)*?)\s*<\/p>\s*()/g, '* $2\n');

	// collect MS-Word footnote texts
	var footnotes = {};
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<div\b*\bid="ftn(\d+)"*>\s*<p class="MsoFootnoteText">\s*<a(.|\n)*?<\/a>((.|\n)*?)<\/p>\s*<\/div>/g,
		function(p, p1, p2, p3) {
			footnotes = p3.replace(/^(\s|<br\b*>)|(\s|<br\b*>)$/g, '');
			return '';

	// add footnotes as <ref> tags
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<a\b*\bname="_ftnref(\d+)"*>(.|\n)*?<!--\-->\s*<\/span>\s*<\/span>\s*<\/a>/g,
		function(p, p1) {
			var ref = '&lt;ref name="footnote_' + p1 + '"&gt;' + footnotes + '&lt;/ref&gt;';
			return ref;

	// remove MS-Word footnote separator
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<!--\-->(\s|<br\b*>)*<hr\b*>\s*<!--\-->(\s|<br\b*>)*()/g, '');

	// correct name for MS-Word images
	//                           1                                                    2    2                  3      3       4    4                                 1             5            5
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(<v:imagedata\b*?\bsrc="*?clip_image\d+(\.\w+)"*? o:title="(*)"*>(.|\n)*?<img\b*? src="*?)clip_image\d+\.\w+("*>)/g, '$1$3$2$5');

	// convert <div class="poem">...</div> to <poem>...</poem>
	obj.html = wikEd.RemoveTag(obj.html, 'div', /\bclass="poem"/, '<poem>', '</poem>');

	// sanitize <br style="clear: both;"/>
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<(br)\s+(*?)\s*(\/)>/gi,
		function(p, p1, p2, p3) {
			return '<' + p1 + wikEd.SanitizeAttributes(p1, p2, wikiCode) +  p3 + '>';

	// sanitize <span> <div> <p> <font>
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<(span|div|p|font)\s+(*?)\s*(\/?)>/gi,
		function(p, p1, p2, p3) {
			return '<' + p1 + wikEd.SanitizeAttributes(p1, p2, wikiCode) +  p3 + '>';

	// remove <span> and <font> pairs withhout attributes
	obj.html = wikEd.RemoveTag(obj.html, 'span|font');

	// remove <p> ... </p> pairs withhout attributes
	obj.html = wikEd.RemoveTag(obj.html, 'p', null, '\x00\x00', '\x00\x00');

	// escape character entities
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/&(?!(amp;|lt;|gt;))/g, '&amp;');

	// remove comments
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<!--(.|\n)*?-->/g, '');

	// <hr> horizontal rule
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*<hr\b*>(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*()/gi, '\x00\x00----\x00\x00');

	// <i> <em> <dfn> <var> <cite> italic
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<(i|em|dfn|var|cite)\b*?>/gi, '\'\'');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<\/(i|em|dfn|var|cite)\b*?>/gi, '\'\'');

	// <b> <strong> bold
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<(b|strong)\b*?>/gi, '\'\'\'');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<\/(b|strong)\b*?>/gi, '\'\'\'');

	// <h1> .. <h6> headings
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*(^|\n|<br\b*>|\x00)(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*<h1\b*>((.|\n)*?)<\/h1>(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*()/gi, '\x00\x00= $4 =\x00\x00');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*(^|\n|<br\b*>|\x00)(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*<h2\b*>((.|\n)*?)<\/h2>(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*()/gi, '\x00\x00== $4 ==\x00\x00');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*(^|\n|<br\b*>|\x00)(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*<h3\b*>((.|\n)*?)<\/h3>(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*()/gi, '\x00\x00=== $4 ===\x00\x00');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*(^|\n|<br\b*>|\x00)(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*<h4\b*>((.|\n)*?)<\/h4>(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*()/gi, '\x00\x00==== $4 ====\x00\x00');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*(^|\n|<br\b*>|\x00)(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*<h5\b*>((.|\n)*?)<\/h5>(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*()/gi, '\x00\x00===== $4 =====\x00\x00');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*(^|\n|<br\b*>|\x00)(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*<h6\b*>((.|\n)*?)<\/h6>(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*()/gi, '\x00\x00====== $4 ======\x00\x00');

	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<(h)\b*>((.|\n)*?)<\/\1>/gi, '$2');

// convert html tables to wikicode

	// remove <thead> <tbody> <tfoot>
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\s|\x00|<br\b*>)<\/?(thead|tbody|tfoot)\b*>(\s|\x00|<br\b*>)*()/gi, '$1');

	// remove <col></col> and <colgroup></colgroup>\s
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*<(col)\b*>(.|\n)*?<\/\2>(|<br\b*>|\x00)*()/gi, '');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*<(colgroup)\b*>(.|\n)*?<\/\2>(|<br\b*>|\x00)*()/gi, '');

	// line breaks to <br /> in table cells, but not in html markup
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(<(td|th|caption)\b*>)((.|\n)*?)(<\/\2>)/gi,
		function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) {
			p3 = p3.replace(/^(\s|<br\b*>|\x00>)+/gi, '');
			p3 = p3.replace(/(\s|<br\b*>|\x00>)+$/gi, '');

			// preserve <br> in tags
			p3 = p3.replace(/(<(\w+)*>)((.|\n)*?)(<\/\2+>)/gi,
				function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) {
					p3 = p3.replace(/<br\b*>\s*()/gi, '\x04');
					return p1 + p3 + p5;
			p3 = p3.replace(/<br\b*>\s*()/gi, '&lt;br /&gt;');
			p3 = p3.replace(/\x04/g, '<br>');
			return p1 + p3 + p5;

	// remove table closing tags
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*<\/(tr|thead|tbody|tfoot)>(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*()/gi, '');

	// <td> table cells
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*<td>(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*()/gi, '\x00| ');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*<(td)\s+(*)>(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*()/gi,
		function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
			p3 = wikEd.SanitizeAttributes(p2, p3, wikiCode);
			if (p3 === '') {
				return '\x00| ';
			else {
				return '\x00|' + p3 + ' | ';

	// <th> table cells
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*<th>(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*()/gi, '\x00! ');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*<(th)\s+(*)>(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*()/gi,
		function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
			p3 = wikEd.SanitizeAttributes(p2, p3, wikiCode);
			if (p3 === '') {
				return '\x00! ';
			else {
				return '\x00!' + p3 + ' | ';

	// <tr> table rows
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*<tr>(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*()/gi, '\x00|-\x00');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*<(tr)\s+(*)>(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*()/gi,
		function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
			return '\x00|-' + wikEd.SanitizeAttributes(p2, p3, wikiCode) + '\x00';

	// <caption> table caption
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*<caption>(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*()/gi, '\x00|+ ');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*<(caption)\s+(*)>(\s|<br\b*>|\x00)*()/gi,
		function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
			p3 = wikEd.SanitizeAttributes(p2, p3, wikiCode);
			if (p3 === '') {
				return '\x00|+ ';
			else {
				return '\x00|+' + p3 + ' | ';

	// remove closing tags
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\s*<\/(td|th|caption)>\s*()/gi, '');

	// line breaks, also in table cells (continued)
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<br\s*\/?>*()/gi, '\x00');

	// <table>
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/*<table>*(\|-(?=))?/gi, '\x00\x00{|\x00');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/*<(table)\s+(*)>*(\|-(?=))?/gi,
		function(p, p1, p2, p3) {
			var table = '\x00\x00{|';
			if (wikEd.config.wikifyTableParameters !== '') {
				table += ' ' + wikEd.config.wikifyTableParameters;
			else {
				table += wikEd.SanitizeAttributes(p1, p2, wikiCode);
			return table + '\x00';
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/*<\/table>*()/gi, '\x00|}\x00\x00');

	// convert links
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<a(\b*)>((.|\n)*?)<\/a>/gi,
		function(p, p1, p2) {
			var linkParam = p1;
			var linkText = p2;

			var hrefUrlParam = null;
			var hrefUrlArticle = null;
			var imgWidth = '';
			var hrefParamTitle = null;
			var hrefParamISBN = null;
			var hrefParamAction = null;
			var hrefParamSpecial = false;
			var linkArticleAnchor = '';
			var linkArticle = '';
			var linkTitle = '';

			// get href value
			var hrefValue;
			var regExpMatchLink = linkParam.match(/\bhref="(*)"/);
			if (regExpMatchLink !== null) {
				hrefValue = regExpMatchLink;

				// get absolute path from ./index.php and ../../index.php
				hrefValue = wikEd.RelativeToAbsolutePath(hrefValue);

				// check for wiki article link and get parameters
				//                                             1                         2 article 2                        3articl314 anchor  4                          6                       7   8 urlpar 87539 anchor 9
				var regExpArticle = new RegExp(wikEd.server + '(' + wikEd.articlePath + '(+)|' + wikEd.script + '\\?(*))(#*)?');
				var regExpMatchArticle = regExpArticle.exec(hrefValue);
				if (regExpMatchArticle !== null) {

					// article name from url path <a href=".. hrefUrlArticle ">
					hrefUrlArticle = regExpMatchArticle;

					// article name from url parameters <a href="url? hrefUrlParam ">
					hrefUrlParam = regExpMatchArticle;

					// link anchor <a href="link #anchor">
					linkArticleAnchor = regExpMatchArticle || '';
					if (linkArticleAnchor !== '') {
						linkArticleAnchor = linkArticleAnchor.replace(/\.({2})/g, '%$1');
						linkArticleAnchor = decodeURIComponent(linkArticleAnchor);
						linkArticleAnchor = linkArticleAnchor.replace(/_\d+$/g, '');

					// parse hrefUrlParam and check for special parameters
					if (hrefUrlParam !== null) {
						var regExpMatchHref;
						var regExpHref = /(^|&amp;)(\w+)=(+)/g;
						while ( (regExpMatchHref = regExpHref.exec(hrefUrlParam)) !== null) {
							var param = regExpMatchHref;
							var value = regExpMatchHref;
							switch (param) {
								case 'title':
									hrefParamTitle = value;
								case 'isbn':
									hrefParamISBN = value;
								case 'redlink':
								case 'action':
									hrefParamAction = value;
									hrefParamSpecial = true;
							if (hrefParamAction !== null) {

					// ISBN links
					if (hrefParamAction === null) {
						if ( (hrefParamISBN !== null) && (hrefParamSpecial !== true) ) {
							var isbn = hrefParamISBN;
							var regExpMatchISBN = /((\d\-?){13}|(\d\-?){10})/.exec(linkText);
							if (regExpMatchISBN !== null) {
								isbn = regExpMatchISBN;
							return 'ISBN ' + isbn;

						// get article from href parameters
						else if ( (hrefParamTitle !== null) && (hrefParamSpecial !== true) ) {
							linkArticle = hrefParamTitle;
							linkArticle = linkArticle && linkArticle.replace(/_/g, ' ');
							linkArticle = decodeURIComponent(linkArticle);

						// get article name from url path
						else if (hrefUrlArticle !== null) {
							linkArticle = hrefUrlArticle;
							linkArticle = linkArticle && linkArticle.replace(/_/g, ' ');
							linkArticle = decodeURIComponent(linkArticle);

						// get article name from <a title="">
						else {
							var regExpMatchTitle = /\btitle="(+)"/.exec(linkParam);
							if (regExpMatchTitle !== null) {
								linkArticle = regExpMatchTitle;

				// format wiki link
				if (linkArticle && linkArticle !== '') {

					// check for wiki image
					var regExpMatchImage = /^<img\b*?\bwidth="(\d+)"*>$/.exec(linkText);
					if (regExpMatchImage !== null) {
						imgWidth = regExpMatchImage;
						imgWidth = '|' + imgWidth + 'px';
						if ( (linkTitle !== '') && (linkTitle != 'Enlarge') ) {
							linkTitle = '|' + linkTitle;
							return ']';
						else {
							return ']';

					// category link
					var regExpCat = new RegExp('^(Category|' + wikEd.config.text + ')\\s*:(.*)', 'i');
					var regExpMatchCat = regExpCat.exec(linkArticle);
					if (regExpMatchCat !== null) {
						return ' + ':' + regExpMatchCat.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + linkText.substr(1) + ']]';

					// wiki link
					if (linkArticle == linkText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + linkText.substr(1)) {
						return ']';

					// date link (English only)
					var regExpMatchDate = /^(January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December) (\d{1,2})$/.exec(linkArticle);
					if (regExpMatchDate !== null) {
						var month = regExpMatchDate;
						var day = regExpMatchDate;
						if (linkText == (day + ' ' + month) ) {
							return ']';

					// lowercase the article name if the first char of the link text can exist in lower/uppercase and is lowercase
					if ( linkText.charAt(0).toLowerCase() != linkText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() ) {
						if ( linkText.charAt(0) == linkText.charAt(0).toLowerCase() ) {
							linkArticle = linkArticle.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + linkArticle.substr(1);

					// suffix links
					var regExpStrSuffix = new RegExp('^' + linkArticle.replace(/(\W)/g, '\\$1') + '(+)$');
					var regExpMatchSuffix = regExpStrSuffix.exec(linkText);
					if (regExpMatchSuffix !== null) {
						return ']' + regExpMatchSuffix;
					return ']';

				// external link
				if (hrefValue !== '') {

					// PubMed link
					var regExpMatchPubMed = /^(https?:)?\/\/www\.ncbi\.nlm\.nih\.gov\/entrez\/query\.fcgi\?cmd=Retrieve&amp;db=pubmed&amp;.*?&amp;list_uids=(\d+)/.exec(hrefValue);
					if (regExpMatchPubMed !== null) {
						return 'PMID ' + regExpMatchPubMed;

					// DOI link
					var regExpMatchDOI;
					regExpMatchDOI = /^(https?:)?\/\/dx\.doi\.org\/(.*)/.exec(hrefValue);
					if (regExpMatchDOI !== null) {
						return '{{doi|' + regExpMatchDOI + '}}';

					// other external link
					return '';

			// return unchanged text
			return p1;

	// clean up MediaWiki category list
	var regExp = new RegExp('<span\\b*>(\\ + ')\\s*:]+\\]\\])<\\/span>*', 'gi');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(regExp, '$1\x00');

	// clean up DOI
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\\]:(\{\{doi\|+\}\})/gi, '$1');

	// convert images
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<img\b(*)>/gi,
		function(p, p1) {

			// get and format parameters
			var address = '';
			var regExpMatch = /\bsrc\s*=\s*('|")(*)('|")/i.exec(p1);
			if (regExpMatch !== null) {
				address = regExpMatch.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');

			var imgAlt = '';
			regExpMatch = /\balt\s*=\s*('|")(*)('|")/i.exec(p1);
			if (regExpMatch !== null) {
				imgAlt = regExpMatch.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
				imgAlt = imgAlt.replace(/&amp;nbsp;|/g, ' ');
				imgAlt = imgAlt.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ');
				imgAlt = imgAlt.replace(/^\s|\s$/g, '');
				if (imgAlt !== '') {
					imgAlt = '|' + imgAlt;

			var imgWidth = '';
			regExpMatch = /\bwidth\s*=\s*('|")(*)('|")/i.exec(p1);
			if (regExpMatch !== null) {
				imgWidth = '|' + regExpMatch.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '') + 'px';

			var imgLink = '';
			regExpMatch = /(+)$/.exec(address);
			if (regExpMatch !== null) {
				imgLink = regExpMatch;
				if (imgLink !== '') {
					return ' + ':' + imgLink + imgWidth + imgAlt + ']]';
			return '';

	// convert lists: * # : ;
	var listObj = {};
	listObj.prefix = '';
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/*<(\/?(ol|ul|li|dl|dd|dt))\b*>*()/gi,
		function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
			switch (p1.toLowerCase()) {
				case 'ol':
					listObj.prefix += '#';
					return '\x00';
				case 'ul':
					listObj.prefix += '*';
					return '\x00';
				case 'dl':
					listObj.prefix += ':';
					return '\x00';
				case '/ol':
				case '/ul':
				case '/dl':
					listObj.prefix = listObj.prefix.substr(0, listObj.prefix.length - 1);
					return '\x00\x00';
				case 'li':
				case 'dd':
					return '\x00' + listObj.prefix + ' ';
				case 'dt':
					return '\x00' + listObj.prefix.replace(/:$/, ';') + ' ';
				case '/li':
				case '/dt':
				case '/dd':
					return '';
			return '';
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/++\s(?=)/g, '');

	// <> remove not allowed tags
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(<\/?)(\/?)(\w+)(*>)/g,
		function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4) {

			// keep html elements with name, id, or class starting with wikEdKeep
			if (wikEd.keepFormatting === true) {
				if ( /^(div|span|ins|del)$/i.test(p3) === true) {
					if ( /\b(name|id|class)="wikEdKeep/.test(p4) === true) {
						p = p.replace(/</g, '\x01');
						p = p.replace(/>/g, '\x02');
						return p;

			// keep allowed tags
			if ( /^(abbr|big|blockquote|colgroup|center|code|del|div|br|font|ins|p|pre|s|small|span|strike|sub|sup|tt|u|rb|rp|rt|ruby|nowiki|math|score|noinclude|includeonly|onlyinclude|ref|charinsert|gallery|syntaxhighlight|source|poem|categorytree|hiero|imagemap|inputbox|timeline|references|syntaxhighlight|wbr)$/i.test(p3) === true) {
				return p;

			return '';

	// sanitize attributes in opening html tags
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<(\w+)\s+(*?)\s*(\/?)>/gi,
		function(p, p1, p2, p3) {
			if (p3 !== '') {
				p3 = ' ' + p3;
			return '<' + p1 + wikEd.SanitizeAttributes(p1, p2, wikiCode) + p3 + '>';

	// unformat underlined, italic or bold blanks
	// corrupts existing text
	// obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<u>('''|''|\s|\x00)*(+)('''|''|\s|\x00)*<\/u>/g, '$2');
	// obj.html = obj.html.replace(/'''(''|\s|\x00)*(+)(''|\s|\x00)*'''/g, '$2');
	// obj.html = obj.html.replace(/''(+)''/g, '$1');

	// fix MS Word non-style heading formatting
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\x00(={1,6})\s*)(<u>|'''|'')+((.|\n)*?)(<\/u>|'''|'\')+( *\2\x00)/gi, '$1$4$7');

	// remove empty headings
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\x00(={1,6})\s+\1\x00/g, '\x00');

	// remove space-only lines
	if (wikiCode !== true) {
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(*\x00*)/g,
			function(p, p1) {
				return p1.replace(/\n/g, '\x00');

	// remove trailing linebreaks from table cells
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\x00{2,}(\||!)/g, '\x00$1');

	// remove leading and trailing spaces
	if (wikiCode === true) {
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\x00+</g, '\x00<');
	else {
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\x00\s+</g, '\x00<');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/>\s+\x00/g, '>\x00');

	// remove empty inline and block tag pairs
	obj.html = wikEd.RemoveEmptyTags(obj.html, /( *)<(abbr|big|colgroup|code|del|font|ins|pre|s|small|span|strike|sub|sup|tt|u|rb|rp|rt|ruby|nowiki|math|score|noinclude|includeonly|onlyinclude|ref|charinsert)\b*><\/\1> *()/gi, '$1');
	obj.html = wikEd.RemoveEmptyTags(obj.html, /*<(blockquote|center|div|gallery|syntaxhighlight|source|poem|categorytree|hiero|imagemap|inputbox|timeline|references)\b*><\/\1>*()/gi, '\x00\x00');

	// remove empty lines from block tags
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(<(blockquote|center|div|p|pre|gallery|syntaxhighlight|source|poem|categorytree|hiero|imagemap|inputbox|timeline|references)\b*>)+/gi, '$1');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/+(<\/(blockquote|center|div|p|pre|gallery|syntaxhighlight|source|poem|categorytree|hiero|imagemap|inputbox|timeline|references)>)/gi, '$1');

	// blockquote
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(<blockquote\b*>+)(*?)(+<\/blockquote>)/gi,
		function(p, p1, p2, p3) {
			p2 = p2.replace(/\x00/g, '<br>\n');
			return p1 + p2 + p3;

	// escape < >
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/</g, '&lt;');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');

	// newlines to <br>
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\x00+\n/g, '\n');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\n\x00+/g, '\n');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\n*\x00(\x00|\n)+/g, '\n\n');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\x00/g, '\n');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\n/g, '<br>');

	// preserved table and pre tags and spaces
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\x01/g, '<');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\x02/g, '>');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\x03/g, '\xa0');

	// table block element needs only one newline
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(<\/table><br\b*>)(<br\b*>)+/g, '$1');

	// remove empty lines from article start and end
	if (obj.from == 'whole') {
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(/^(<br\b*>)+/gi, '');
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(<br\b*>)+$/gi, '');

// wikEd.RemoveEmptyTag: remove empty html tag pairs

wikEd.RemoveEmptyTags = function (html, tag, replace) {

	var tagRegExp;
	if (typeof tag == 'string') {
		tagRegExp = new RegExp('<(' + tag + ')\\b*><\/\\1>', 'gi');
	else {
		tagRegExp = tag;
	if (replace === undefined) {
		replace = '';

	while (tagRegExp.test(html) === true) {
		html = html.replace(tagRegExp, replace);
		tagRegExp.lastIndex = 0;
	return html;

// wikEd.RemoveTag: recursively remove html tag pairs

wikEd.RemoveTag = function (html, tag, attribRegExp, replaceOpen, replaceClose) {

	attribRegExp = attribRegExp || null;
	replaceOpen = replaceOpen || '';
	replaceClose = replaceClose || '';

	var tagRegExp;
	if (typeof tag == 'string') {

		//                      1 2    23           3   4     4 1
		tagRegExp = new RegExp('(<(\\/?)(' + tag + ')\\b(*)>)', 'g');
	else {
		tagRegExp = tag;

	var isRemove = ;
	html = html.replace(tagRegExp,
		function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
			p2 = p2 || '';
			p4 = p4 || '';
			if (p2 === '') {
				if (
					( (attribRegExp === null) && (p4 === '') ) ||
					( (attribRegExp !== null) && (attribRegExp.test(p4) === true) )
				) {
					return replaceOpen;
				return p1;
			if (isRemove.pop() === true) {
				return replaceClose;
			return p1;
	return html;

// wikEd.RemoveEmbracingTags: recursively remove embracing html tag pairs

wikEd.RemoveEmbracingTags = function (obj) {

	// quick test for no embracing tags
	if (/^|$/.test(obj.html)) {

	// dump fragments to code list
	// use stack to identify tag pairs
	// use pointer list to link pairs
	var stack = ;
	var code = ;
	var pointer = ;

	//            1     12 3   34   4        25     5
	var regExp = /(*)(<(\/?)(\w+)\b*>)(*)/g;
	var regExpMatch;
	while ( (regExpMatch = regExp.exec(obj.html)) !== null) {
		var pre = regExpMatch;
		var tag = regExpMatch;
		var close = regExpMatch;
		var name = regExpMatch;
		var post = regExpMatch;

		// pre
		if (pre !== '') {

		// ignore <tag />
		if (/\/>$/.test(tag) === false) {

			// opening tag
			if (close != '/') {

			// closing tag
			else {
				var pop = stack.pop();
				var openName = '';

				// skip empty (void) opening elements on stack
				while (pop !== undefined) {
					openName = pop;
					if (name == openName) {
					else if (/^(area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|p|param|source|wbr)$/i.test(openName) === true) {
						pop = stack.pop();
				if (name == openName) {
					var pos = pop;
					pointer = pos;
					pointer = code.length;

		// post
		if (post !== '') {

	// check for embracing pairs and remove them
	var j = code.length;
	for (var i = 0; i < j; i ++) {
		j --;
		if (pointer === undefined) {
		if (pointer != j) {
		code = '';
		code = '';

	// join fragments
	obj.html = code.join('');


// wikEd.RelativeToAbsolutePath

wikEd.RelativeToAbsolutePath = function (relativePath, fullPath) {

	var absolutePath = '';

	// get current url
	if (fullPath === undefined) {
		fullPath = window.location.href;
		fullPath = fullPath.replace(/#.*()/, '');
		fullPath = fullPath.replace(/\?.*()/, '');

	// ./index.php
	if (/^\.\/()/.test(relativePath) === true) {
		relativePath = relativePath.replace(/^\.\/()/, '');
		fullPath = fullPath.replace(/\/*$/, '');
		absolutePath = fullPath + '/' + relativePath;

	// ../../index.php
	else if (/^\.\.\/()/.test(relativePath) === true) {
		var regExp = /^\.\.\/()/;
		while (regExp.test(relativePath) === true) {
			relativePath = relativePath.replace(/^\.\.\/()/, '');
			fullPath = fullPath.replace(/\/*$/, '');
		absolutePath = fullPath + '/' + relativePath;

	// full path
	else {
		absolutePath = relativePath;
	return absolutePath;

// wikEd.SanitizeAttributes: see Sanitizer.php
//   wikiCode === true: allow extended set of attributes for existing wikicode

wikEd.SanitizeAttributes = function (tag, attributes, wikiCode, errors) {

	attributes = attributes || '';
	var common;
	var tablealign;
	var tablecell;
	var table;
	if (wikiCode === true) {
		common = '|dir|style|class|lang|id|title|';
		tablealign = '|align|char|charoff|valign|';
		table = '|summary|width|border|frame|rules|cellspacing|cellpadding|align|bgcolor|';
		tablecell = '|abbr|axis|headers|scope|rowspan|colspan|nowrap|width|height|bgcolor|';
	else {
		common = '|dir|';
		table = '|border|cellspacing|cellpadding|align|bgcolor|';
		tablealign = '|align|valign|';
		tablecell = '|rowspan|colspan|nowrap|bgcolor|';
	tag = tag.toLowerCase();
	var sanitized = '';
	var regExpMatch;

	//               1   12       34   45   5   6   632
	var regExp = /\s*(\w+)(\s*=\s*(('|")(.*?)\4|(\w+)))?\s*/g;
	var junk = attributes.replace(regExp, '\x00');
	junk = junk.replace(/^\x00+|\x00\x00+|\x00+$/g, '');
	junk = junk.replace(/\x00/g, '/');
	var error = '';
	if (junk !== '') {
		error += 'Not supported text in attribute. (' + junk + ')';

	// error handling
	if (error !== '') {
		if (errors !== undefined) {
			var attribClean = attributes;
			attribClean = attribClean.replace(/  +/g, ' ');
			attribClean = attribClean.replace(/^ | $/g, '');
			if (attribClean !== '') {
				attribClean = ' ' + attribClean;
			errors.push(error + '(<' + tag + attribClean + '>)');

	while ( (regExpMatch = regExp.exec(attributes)) !== null) {
		var error = '';
		var attrib = regExpMatch.toLowerCase();
		var attribValue = regExpMatch || regExpMatch || '';
		var valid = false;
		var tagCheck = '|' + tag + '|';
		var attribCheck = '|' + attrib + '|';

		// empty or missing attributes as parameters for wiki markup
		var flag = false;

		// include non-html wiki markup and  extended set of attributes for existing wikicode
		if (wikiCode === true) {
			if ('|center|em|strong|cite|code|var|sub|sup|dl|dd|dt|tt|b|i|big|small|strike|s|u|rb|rp|ruby|wbr|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common).indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|div|span|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|p|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + '|align|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|blockquote|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + '|cite|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|br|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ('|style|clear|'.indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|pre|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + '|width|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|ins|del|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + '|cite|datetime|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('ul'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + '|type|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|ol|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + '|type|start|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|li|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + '|type|value|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|table|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + table).indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|caption|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + '|align|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|thead|tfoot|tbody|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + tablealign).indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|colgroup|col|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + '|span|width|' + tablealign).indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|tr|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + '|bgcolor|' + tablealign).indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|td|th|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + tablecell + tablealign).indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|font|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + '|size|color|face|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|abbr|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common).indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|hr|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + '|noshade|size|width|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|rt|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + '|rbspan|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|dfn|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if (('|name|id|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }

			// wiki markup
			else if ('|ref|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if (('|name|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|references|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
			else if ('|syntaxhighlight|source|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + '|lang|enclose|highlight|line|start|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) {
					valid = true;
					if ( ('|line|'.indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) && (attribValue === '') ) {
						flag = true;
			else if ('|poem|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + '|compact|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) {
					valid = true;
					if ( ('|compact|'.indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) && (attribValue === '') ) {
						flag = true;
			else if ('|categorytree|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + '|mode|depth|onlyroot|hideroot|hideprefix|showcount|namespaces|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|gallery|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + '|perrow|widths|heights|caption|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|nowiki|noinclude|includeonly|onlyinclude|inputbox|timeline|imagemap|hiero|charinsert|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
			else if ('|math|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + '|alt|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|score|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + '|lang|midi|override_midi|override_ogg|raw vorbis|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }

		// strict, for html code to be wikified from external sources (websites, Word)
		else {
			if ('|center|em|strong|cite|code|var|sub|sup|dl|dd|dt|tt|b|i|big|small|strike|s|u|rb|rp|ruby|blockquote|pre|ins|del|wbr|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common).indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|div|span|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|p|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + '|align|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|br|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ('|clear|'.indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|ul|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + '|type|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|ol|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + '|type|start|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|li|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + '|type|value|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|table|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + table).indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|caption|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + '|align|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|thead|tfoot|tbody|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + tablealign).indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|colgroup|col|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + '|span|' + tablealign).indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|tr|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + '|bgcolor' + tablealign).indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|td|th|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + tablecell + tablealign).indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|font|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + '|color|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|abbr|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + '|title|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|hr|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + '|noshade|size|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|rt|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if ((common + '|rbspan|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
			else if ('|dfn|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if (('|name|id|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }

		// ignore empty attributes
		if ( (flag !== true) && (attribValue === '') ) {
			error += 'Empty attribute. ';

		// ignore not supported attributes
		if (valid === false) {
			error += 'Not supported attribute ' + attrib + '. ';

		// error handling
		if (error !== '') {
			if (errors !== undefined) {
				var attribClean = attributes;
				attribClean = attribClean.replace(/  +/g, ' ');
				attribClean = attribClean.replace(/^ | $/g, '');
				if (attribClean !== '') {
					attribClean = ' ' + attribClean;
				errors.push(error + '(<' + tag + attribClean + '>)');

		// clean up defaults for align
		if (attrib == 'align') {
			if ('|tr|td|th|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if (attribValue == 'left') {
					attribValue = '';

		// clean up defaults for valign
		else if (attrib == 'valign') {
			if ('|tr|td|th|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
				if (attribValue == 'top') {
					attribValue = '';

		// clean up style
		else if (attrib == 'style') {

			// remove non-standard Mozilla styles
			attribValue = attribValue.replace(/(^|\s)(-moz-+):\s+;\s*()/g, '$1');
			attribValue = attribValue.replace(/(^|\s)(+):\s*(-moz-+|windowtext)*;\s*()/g, '$1');

			// remove dimensions from null values
			attribValue = attribValue.replace(/\b0(%|in|cm|mm|em|ex|pt|pc|px)\b/g, '0');

			// remove empty definitions and spaces
			attribValue = attribValue.replace(/+\s*\:\s*; *()/g, '');
			attribValue = attribValue.replace(/\s*(;|:)\s*()/g, '$1 ');
			attribValue = attribValue.replace(/(\s|;)+$/g, ';');

		// clean up class
		else if (attrib == 'class') {

			// remove MS Word classes
			attribValue = attribValue.replace(/^Ms.*$/g, '');

		// add attribute
		if (flag === true) {
			sanitized += ' ' + attrib;
		else if (attribValue !== '') {
			sanitized += ' ' + attrib + '="' + attribValue + '"';
	return sanitized;

// wikEd.RemoveHighlighting: remove syntax highlighting in obj.html; sets obj.htmlCode if text contains html code
//   expects <br> instead of \n

wikEd.RemoveHighlighting = function (obj) {

	// preserve tags, spaces and newlines in pre tag markup
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(&lt;(syntaxhighlight|source|pre)\b*?&gt;)((.|\n)*?)(&lt;\/\2&gt;)/gi,
		function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) {
			p3 = p3.replace(/ /g, '\xa0');
			p3 = p3.replace(/\n/g, '\x00');
			return p1 + p3 + p5;

	// preserve spaces and content in pre, syntaxhighlight, source, and nowiki
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(&lt;(syntaxhighlight|source|pre|nowiki)\b*?&gt;)((.|\n)*?)(&lt;\/\2&gt;)/gi,
		function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) {
			p3 = p3.replace(/({}=*#:;|&])/g, '\x00$1\x00');
			if (/^(syntaxhighlight|source|pre)$/i.test(p2) === true) {
				p3 = p3.replace(/ /g, '\x01');
				p3 = p3.replace(/\n/g, '\x02');
			return p1 + p3 + p5;

	// remove highlighting error messages
	if (wikEd.config.highlightError === true) {
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<span\b*?\bclass="wikEdHighlightError"*>(.|\n)*?<\/span><!--wikEdHighlightError-->/g, '');

	// remove tablemode highlighting code
	obj.html = wikEd.RemoveTableModeHighlighting(obj.html);

	// remove highlighting and atttribute-free span tags
	obj.html = wikEd.RemoveTag(obj.html, 'span', /\bclass="wikEd+"/);

	// remove highlighting div tags
	obj.html = wikEd.RemoveTag(obj.html, 'div', /\bclass="wikEd+"/, '\x00', '\x00');

	// comments
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<!--wikEd+-->/g, '');

	// remove span and font tags from WebKit
	// filtering these tags does not help, they accumulate anyway
	obj.html = wikEd.RemoveTag(obj.html, 'span|font', /\bclass="(Apple-style-span|Apple-.*?)"/, '\x00', '\x00');

	// remove highlighting div tags from WebKit
	var isRemove = ;

	//                           12             2  3   3     4     4 5             5 1
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/((\s*)?<(\/?)div\b(*)>(\s*)?)/g,
		function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) {
			if (p3 === '') {
				if ( (p2 !== '') || (p5 !== '') ) {
					if (/\bstyle="/.test(p4) === true) {
						if (/\bclass="/.test(p4) === false) {
							return '';
				return p1;
			if (isRemove.pop() === true) {
				return '';
			return p1;
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(//g, '');

	// preserve spaces and newlines in pre tag
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(<pre\b*>)((.|\n)*?)(<\/pre>)/g,
		function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
			p2 = p2.replace(/ /g, '\xa0');
			p2 = p2.replace(/\n/g, '\x00');

			return p1 + p2 + p4;

	// newlines
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/+/g, ' ');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\x00/g, '\n');

	// non-breaking spaces
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/&nbsp;/g, '\xa0');

	// check for pasted html content
	if (/<(?!br\b)/.test(obj.html) === true) {
		obj.htmlCode = true;
	else {
		obj.htmlCode = false;

// wikEd.HighlightSyntaxInit: initialize regExp for syntax highlighting and regExp-to-number array, called during start up

wikEd.HighlightSyntaxInit = function () {

	wikEd.parseObj.matchToTag = ;
	wikEd.parseObj.regExpTags = null;

	// main regular expression search definitions
	var tagArray = [
		\\x7f]+', 'inlineURL', 'block'], // inline link

		// not beneficial in current browsers
		// \x00\x01_|!=*#:;"\'\\n\\~\\-]+', 'text', 'ignore'], // chew-up fragment to ignore plain text, triples regExp speed in ancient browsers only, check later if chewed into start of inlineLink; start-with-text tags (PMID,...) have to be tested for separately to benefit from his

		*\x01(.|\\n)*?\x00/nowiki\\s*\x01', 'nowiki', 'block'], // <nowiki>...</nowiki>
		*\x01(.|\\n)*?\x00/pre\\s*\x01',       'pre',    'block'], // <pre>...</pre>
		*\x01(.|\\n)*?\x00/math\\s*\x01',     'math',   'block'], // <math>...</math>
		*\x01(.|\\n)*?\x00/score\\s*\x01',   'score',  'block'], // <score>...</score>

		+)(\\S*)',        'preform',       'block'], // "preformatted" text line (leading space)
		+)(*)',            'list',          'block'], // list line

		*\x01', 'void',               'block'], // <br>, <wbr>
		*?\\/\x01',  'htmlEmpty',          'block'], // <html />

		*\x01',      'html',                'open'], // <html>
		*\x01',   'html',               'close'], // </html>

		, // table start
		, // empty template parameter + template end
		, // table end

		, // table caption
		, // table row

		, // table cell, wikilink separator, file parameter separator, empty template parameter
		, // table cell separator, empty file parameter separator, empty template parameters
		, // table cell attribute separator, table caption parameter separator, wikilink separator, file parameter separator, redirect separator, template parameter parameter

		, // table header cell
		, // table header cell separator

		, // template or parameter start
		, // template parameter end

		, // redirect

		 + '|' + wikEd.config.text + '|' + wikEd.config.text + ')\\s*:\\s*)', 'file', 'open'], // file link start /// add translation
		,                // wikilink, category start with interlink detection
		\\]',                          'doubleCloseBracket', 'close'], // wikilink, category, file link, redirect end

		\\x7f]+)(\\s*)', 'external',  'open'], // external link start; up?? ] detected as ext link!
		',                             'external',           'close'], // external link end

		, // heading start - heading can contain multi-line templates and <tag>s, all single-line
		*(?=(\\n|$))',    'heading',            'close'], // heading end

		, // bold, italic

		, // magic words
		, // signature
		, // hr
		  // breaks: heading, lists, external link, wikilink before


	// parse tag array into regular expression string and parenthesized substring match-to-tag info array
	var regExpStrings = ;
	for (var i = 0; i < tagArray.length; i ++) {
		var regExpSub = tagArray;
		var tag = tagArray;
		var tagClass = tagArray;

		// add parenthesized sub regExp to regexp array
		regExpStrings.push('(' + regExpSub + ')');

		// detect if a fragment starts with (^|\\n) to handle the leading newlines
		var tagStart = false;
		if (/^\(\^\|\\n\)/.test(regExpSub) === true) {
			tagStart = true;

		// save tag information for matched parenthesis
		wikEd.parseObj.matchToTag.push(  );

		// add empty entry for all sub parentheses, ignore (? and \(
		var pos = 0;
		while ( (pos = regExpSub.indexOf('(', pos) + 1) > 0) {
			if (regExpSub.charAt(pos) != '?') {
				if (regExpSub.charAt(pos - 2) != '\\') {
					wikEd.parseObj.matchToTag.push(  );

	// create regExp from or-joined parenthesized sub regExps
	wikEd.parseObj.regExpTags = new RegExp(regExpStrings.join('|'), 'gi');


// wikEd.HighlightSyntax: highlight syntax in obj.html;
//   existing highlighting must have been removed using wikEd.RemoveHighlighting
//   expects < > &lt; &gt; &amp;  \xa0 instead of &nbsp;  \n instead of <br>
// known bugs:
// - templates inside elements
// - fragment highlighting misses surrounding html
// this is a real wikicode parser that works as follows:
//   cycle through the text with a complex regexp search for wikicode and highlighting fragments
//     build an array-based tree structure of text elements
//       tag info: text pos, text length, tag type (open, close, block, error)
//       connectivity info: parent, firstChild, nextSibling, paired opening/closing (all array indexes)
//   add actual highlighting html code to parse tree elements
/* TO DO:
heading closes links
valid table markup: \n :{|
preformatted lines: space-only lines inside and as last allowed

wikEd.HighlightSyntax = function (obj, noTimeOut, keepComments, noBlocks) {

	// start timer to cancel after wikEd.config.maxHighlightTime ms
	var highlightStartDate = new Date();

	// linkify raw watchlist
	if (wikEd.editWatchlist === true) {
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(.*)/gm,
			function(p, p1) {
				var ns = '';
				var article = p1;
				var regExp = /^(.*?:)(.*)$/;
				var regExpMatch = regExp.exec(article);
				if (regExpMatch !== null) {
					ns = regExpMatch;
					article = regExpMatch;
				var html = '<span class="wikEdWatchlistLink" ' + wikEd.HighlightLinkify(ns, article) + '>' + p + '</span>';
				return html;

	// &lt; &gt; &amp; to \x00 \x01 &
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/&lt;/g, '\x00');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/&gt;/g, '\x01');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');

	// trailing, leading, and multi spaces to nbsp
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/^ | $/gm, '\xa0');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\n|\xa0 | ) /g, '$1\xa0');

	// define parse object
	var parseObj = {

		// tree object that holds nodes to be sorted and joined for final text:
		// { 'tag': , 'parent': , 'firstChild': , 'nextSibling': , 'start': , 'tagLength': , 'type': , 'paired': , 'pairedPos': , 'left': , 'right': , 'index': , 'attrib': , 'newline': }
		'tree': ,

		// main regular expression for syntactic elements
		'regExp': null,

		// last match
		'regExpMatch': null,

		// highlight whole text or fragment
		'whole': false,

		// ignore leading closing tags for fragment highlighting
		'addedOpenTag': false,

		// quick references
		'lastOpenTag': null,
		'lastOpenNode': 0,

		// filtered ignore p tags
		'lastOpenNodeFiltered': null,
		'lastOpenTagFiltered': null,

		'secondlastOpenNodeFiltered': null,
		'secondlastOpenTagFiltered': null,

	// add root node
	parseObj.tree = { 'type': 'root' };

	// clear array of link addresses and preview image ids
	if (obj.whole === true) {
		parseObj.whole = true;
		wikEd.wikiLinks = ;
		wikEd.referenceArray = ;
		wikEd.templateArray = ;
		wikEd.charEntityArray = ;
		wikEd.HighlightNamedHideButtonsStylesheet = new wikEd.StyleSheet(wikEd.frameDocument);
		wikEd.filePreviewNo = 0;
		wikEd.filePreviewIds = ;

	// take out comments and html formatting to be kept
	var content = '';
	var from = 0;
	var commentsLength = 0;
	var regExpMatch;
	var regExpComments = /(\x00!--(.|\n)*?--\x01)|(<*>)/g;
	while ( (regExpMatch = regExpComments.exec(obj.html)) !== null) {
		var tag;
		var p1 = regExpMatch || '';
		var p2 = regExpMatch || '';
		if (p1 !== '') {
			tag = 'comment';
		else if (p2 !== '') {
			tag = 'keep';
		parseObj.tree.push( { 'tag': tag, 'start': regExpMatch.index - commentsLength, 'tagLength': 0, 'type': tag, 'left': regExpMatch } );
		content += obj.html.substring(from, regExpMatch.index);
		commentsLength += regExpMatch.length;
		from = regExpComments.lastIndex;
	if (parseObj.tree.length > 0) {
		content += obj.html.substring(from);
		obj.html = content;

	//// opening block tags and templates break link?

	// show main parsing regExp:
	// WED('regExp', wikEd.parseObj.regExpTags.toString().replace(/\x00/g, '<').replace(/\x01/g, '>').replace(/\n/g, '\\n'));

	// cycle through text and find tags with a regexp search
	wikEd.parseObj.regExpTags.lastIndex = 0;
	while ( (parseObj.regExpMatch = wikEd.parseObj.regExpTags.exec(obj.html)) !== null) {

		// cancel highlighting after wikEd.config.maxHighlightTime ms
		if (noTimeOut !== true) {
			var currentDate = new Date();
			if ( (currentDate - highlightStartDate) > wikEd.config.maxHighlightTime) {

		var tagMatch = parseObj.regExpMatch;
		var tagFrom = parseObj.regExpMatch.index;
		var tagLength = tagMatch.length;
		var tagTo = tagFrom + tagLength;
		var tagProperties = ;
		var tagMatchParenth = 0;

		// get regexp index number from first defined parenthesized submatch
		var tag = '';
		var tagClass = '';
		var tagStart = '';
		for (var i = 1; i < wikEd.parseObj.matchToTag.length; i ++) {
			if (typeof parseObj.regExpMatch != 'undefined') {

				// get tag information
				tag = wikEd.parseObj.matchToTag;
				tagClass = wikEd.parseObj.matchToTag;
				tagStart = wikEd.parseObj.matchToTag;
				tagMatchParenth = i;

		// handle chew-up regExp matches that massively speed up regexp search
		if (tagClass == 'ignore') {

			// move regExp pointer back if chew-up regExp fragment has eaten into the start of an inline link
			if (obj.html.charAt(wikEd.parseObj.regExpTags.lastIndex) == ':') {
				var regExpMatch = /(https?|ftp|irc|gopher)$/.exec(tagMatch);
				if (regExpMatch !== null) {
					wikEd.parseObj.regExpTags.lastIndex = wikEd.parseObj.regExpTags.lastIndex - regExpMatch.length;

		// detect and remove newline from leading (^|\n) in sub-regexp: table, pipeTemplateEnd, tableCaption, row, newlinePipe, header
		var leadingNewline = false;
		if (tagStart === true) {
			if (parseObj.regExpMatch == '\n') {
				tagFrom ++;
				tagLength --;
				leadingNewline = true;

		// newlines close or end certain tags
		if (leadingNewline === true) {
			wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('newline', 'close', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
		var openNode = parseObj.tree;

		// get attrib text
		if ( (tagClass == 'open') && ( (tag == 'table') || (tag == 'row') ) ) {
			var attribEnd = obj.html.indexOf('\n', tagTo);
			if (attribEnd == -1) {
				attribEnd = null;
			var attribText = obj.html.substring(tagTo, attribEnd);
			if (attribText !== '') {
				attribText = attribText.replace(/^ +| +$/g, '');

		// no wikicode in link target, template, or parameter name
		if ( (parseObj.lastOpenTag == 'link') || (parseObj.lastOpenTag == 'template') || (parseObj.lastOpenTag == 'parameter') ) {

			if ( (openNode !== undefined) && (openNode.firstChild === null) ) {

				// allow templates and template parameters, template and link separators, and newline
				if (
					( (tagClass == 'open') && (tag != 'paramTempl') ) ||
					( (tagClass == 'block') && (tag != 'newlinePipe') && (tag != 'doublePipe') && (tag != 'pipe') && (tag != 'headerSep') && (tag != 'newline') && (tag != 'preform') ) //// preform ok?
				) {

					// convert opening tag to error and continue
					var errorText;
					if (parseObj.lastOpenTag == 'link') {
						errorText = wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorCodeInLinkName;
					else if (parseObj.lastOpenTag == 'template') {
						errorText = wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorCodeInTemplName;
					else if (parseObj.lastOpenTag == 'parameter') {
						errorText = wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorCodeInParamName;
					wikEd.HighlightMarkLastOpenNode(errorText, parseObj);

		// handle current tag by dispatching infos to stack manager that builds a hierarchical tree
		switch (tag) {

			// non-ambiguous tags
			case 'nowiki':
			case 'pre':
			case 'math':
			case 'score':
			case 'void':
			case 'file':
			case 'heading':
			case 'redirect':
			case 'magic':
			case 'signature':
			case 'hr':
				wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(tag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);

			// bold and italic
			case 'boldItalic':
				switch (tagLength) {
					case 2:
						switch(parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered) {
							case 'italic':
								wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('italic', 'close', tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
							case 'boldItalic':
								wikEd.HighlightTreeRedefine(parseObj.lastOpenNodeFiltered, 'italic', 3, 2, parseObj);
								wikEd.HighlightTreeRedefine(parseObj.secondlastOpenNodeFiltered, 'bold', 0, 3, parseObj);
								wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('italic', 'close', tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
								wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('italic', 'open', tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
					case 3:
						switch(parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered) {
							case 'bold':
								wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('bold', 'close', tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
							case 'boldItalic':
								wikEd.HighlightTreeRedefine(parseObj.lastOpenNodeFiltered, 'bold', 2, 3, parseObj);
								wikEd.HighlightTreeRedefine(parseObj.secondlastOpenNodeFiltered, 'italic', 0, 2, parseObj);
								wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('bold', 'close', tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
								wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('bold', 'open', tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
					case 5:
						switch(parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered) {
							case 'bold':
								if (parseObj.secondlastOpenTagFiltered == 'italic') {
									wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('bold', 'close', tagFrom, 3, parseObj);
									wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('italic', 'close', tagFrom + 3, 2, parseObj);
								else {
									wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('bold', 'close', tagFrom, 3, parseObj);
									wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('italic', 'open', tagFrom + 3, 2, parseObj);
							case 'italic':
								if (parseObj.secondlastOpenTagFiltered == 'bold') {
									wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('italic', 'close', tagFrom, 2, parseObj);
									wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('bold', 'close', tagFrom + 2, 3, parseObj);
								else {
									wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('italic', 'close', tagFrom, 2, parseObj);
									wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('bold', 'open', tagFrom + 2, 3, parseObj);
							case 'boldItalic':
								wikEd.HighlightTreeRedefine(parseObj.secondlastOpenNodeFiltered, 'bold', 0, 3, parseObj);
								wikEd.HighlightTreeRedefine(parseObj.lastOpenNodeFiltered, 'italic', 3, 2, parseObj);
								parseObj.lastOpenTag = 'italic';
								wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('italic', 'close', tagFrom, 2, parseObj);
								wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('bold', 'close', tagFrom + 2, 3, parseObj);
								wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('boldItalic', 'open', tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
								wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('boldItalic', 'open', tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
						parseObj.tree.push( { 'start': tagFrom, 'tagLength': tagLength, 'type': 'error', 'left': wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorBoldItalic } );

			// templParam: template or template parameter
			case 'paramTempl':

				// template or parameter
				var paramTemplTag = tag;
				if (tagLength == 2) {
					paramTemplTag = 'template';
				else if (tagLength == 3) {
					paramTemplTag = 'parameter';

				// open paramTempl
				if (tagClass == 'open') {
					wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(paramTemplTag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);

					// add spare elements for later disambiguation
					if (paramTemplTag == 'paramTempl') {
						for (var pos = 2; pos < tagLength - 1; pos = pos + 2) {
							wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(paramTemplTag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);

				// close paramTempl
				else {

					// no opening tag, delegate error handling
					if ( (parseObj.lastOpenNode === 0) || (parseObj.lastOpenNode === null) ) {
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(paramTemplTag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
					if (openNode === undefined) {
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(paramTemplTag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);

					// close template or parameter, open and close defined
					if (
						( (paramTemplTag == 'template') && (parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered == 'template') ) ||
						( (paramTemplTag == 'parameter') && (parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered == 'parameter') ) ||
						( (paramTemplTag == 'parameter') && (parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered == 'parameterPiped') )
					) {
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(paramTemplTag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);

					// closing defines ambiguous opening
					else if (
						( (paramTemplTag == 'template') || (paramTemplTag == 'parameter') ) &&
						(parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered == 'paramTempl') &&
						(openNode.tagLength >= tagLength)
					) {

						// redefine ambiguous opening
						wikEd.HighlightTreeRedefine(parseObj.lastOpenNodeFiltered, paramTemplTag, openNode.tagLength - tagLength, tagLength, parseObj);

						// adjust all ambiguous parents
						var redefinedTag;
						var redefinedLength;
						var nodeNo = openNode.parent;
						while ( (nodeNo !== 0) && (nodeNo !== null) && (nodeNo !== undefined) ) {
							var node = parseObj.tree;
							if (node.tag != 'paramTempl') {

							if (nodeNo == openNode.parent) {
								redefinedTag = node.tag;
								redefinedLength = node.tagLength - tagLength;

							// ignore spare paramTempl opening tags like p tags
							if (redefinedLength === 0) {
								redefinedTag = 'spare';

							// mark remaining single { as error
							else if (redefinedLength == 1) {
								parseObj.tree.push( {
									'start': node.start,
									'tagLength': node.tagLength,
									'type': 'error',
									'left': wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorTemplParam
								} );
								redefinedTag = 'spare';

							// this is a template
							else if (redefinedLength == 2) {
								node.tag = 'template';

							// this is a parameter
							else if (redefinedLength == 3) {
								node.tag = 'parameter';

							// redefine parent
							wikEd.HighlightTreeRedefine(nodeNo, redefinedTag, null, redefinedLength, parseObj);

							// all further opening paramTempl tags are spare
							if (redefinedLength <= 3) {
								redefinedTag = 'spare';
								redefinedLength = 0;

							// up one level
							nodeNo = node.parent;

						// and close innermost tag
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(paramTemplTag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);

					// opening defines ambiguous closing
					else if ( (
						(openNode.tag == 'template') ||
						(openNode.tag == 'parameter') ||
						(openNode.tag == 'parameterPiped') ) && (tagLength >= openNode.tagLength)
					) {
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(openNode.tag, tagClass, tagFrom, openNode.tagLength, parseObj);
						wikEd.parseObj.regExpTags.lastIndex = wikEd.parseObj.regExpTags.lastIndex - tagLength + openNode.tagLength;

					// both ambiguous
					else if (
						(paramTemplTag == 'paramTempl') &&
						(openNode.tag == 'paramTempl') &&
						( (openNode.tagLength > 3) && (tagLength > 3) )
					) {
						parseObj.tree.push( {
							'start': openNode.start,
							'tagLength': openNode.tagLength,
							'type': 'error',
							'left': wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorTemplParamAmbig
						} );
						parseObj.tree.push( {
							'start': tagFrom,
							'tagLength': tagLength,
							'type': 'error',
							'left': wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorTemplParamAmbig
						} );

					// opening and closing do not match
					else {
						parseObj.tree.push( {
							'start': openNode.start,
							'tagLength': openNode.tagLength,
							'type': 'error',
							'left': wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorTemplParam
						} );
						parseObj.tree.push( {
							'start': tagFrom,
							'tagLength': tagLength,
							'type': 'error',
							'left': wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorTemplParam
						} );

			// wikilink
			case 'link':
				wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(tag, tagClass, tagFrom, 2, parseObj);

			// inline link block and external link
			case 'inlineURL':
			case 'external':

				// trailing punctuation not part of inline links
				if (tag == 'inlineURL') {
					var regExpMatch;
					if (/\(/.test(tagMatch) === true) {
						regExpMatch = /^(.*?)(+)$/.exec(tagMatch);
					else {
						regExpMatch = /^(.*?)(+)$/.exec(tagMatch);
					if (regExpMatch !== null) {
						wikEd.parseObj.regExpTags.lastIndex = tagFrom + regExpMatch.length;
						tagMatch = regExpMatch;
						tagLength = tagMatch.length;
						tagTo = tagFrom + tagLength;

				// urls in templates or tables are interrupted by tag strings
				if (tag == 'inlineURL') {
					var node = parseObj.tree;
					while ( (node !== undefined) && (node !== null) ) {

						// urls in templates are interrupted by }} and |
						if ( (node.tag == 'template') || (node.tag == 'paramTempl') || (node.tag == 'parameter') || (node.tag == 'parameterPiped') ) {
							var regExpMatch;
							if ( (regExpMatch = /^(.*?)(\}\}|\|)(.*?)$/.exec(tagMatch)) !== null) {
								wikEd.parseObj.regExpTags.lastIndex = tagFrom + regExpMatch.length;
								tagMatch = regExpMatch;
								tagLength = tagMatch.length;
								tagTo = tagFrom + tagLength;

						// urls in tables are interrupted by ||
						else if (node.tag == 'table') {
							var regExpMatch;
							if ( (regExpMatch = /^(.*?)(\}\}|\|)(.*?)$/.exec(tagMatch)) !== null) {
								wikEd.parseObj.regExpTags.lastIndex = tagFrom + regExpMatch.length;
								tagMatch = regExpMatch;
								tagLength = tagMatch.length;
								tagTo = tagFrom + tagLength;
						node = parseObj.tree;

				// dissect external [url text
				if (tag == 'external') {
					if (tagClass == 'open') {
						var url = parseObj.regExpMatch;
						var spaces = parseObj.regExpMatch;
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(tag, tagClass, tagFrom, 1, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('externalURL', 'block', tagFrom + 1, url.length, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('externalText', tagClass, tagFrom + 1 + url.length + spaces.length, 0, parseObj);

					// close ], ignore false positive non-tags that have no opening [
					else {
						var node = parseObj.tree;
						while ( (node !== null) && (node !== undefined) ) {
							if (node.tag == tag) {
							node = parseObj.tree;
						if ( (node !== null) && (node !== undefined) ) {
							if (node.parent !== null) {
								wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('externalText', tagClass, tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
								wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(tag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);

				wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(tag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);

			// <html>
			case 'html':
				var htmlTag = parseObj.regExpMatch.toLowerCase();
				if (/^(ref|references|sub|sup|u|s|p|wbr)$/i.test(htmlTag) === true) {
					wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(htmlTag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
				else if (/^(table|tr|td|th|col|thead|tfoot|tbody|colgroup|caption|abbr|big|blockquote|center|code|del|div|font|ins|small|span|strike|tt|rb|rp|rt|ruby|nowiki|math|score|noinclude|includeonly|onlyinclude|gallery|categorytree|charinsert|hiero|imagemap|inputbox|poem|syntaxhighlight|source|timeline)$/.test(htmlTag) === true) {
					wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(htmlTag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
				else {
					wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('htmlUnknown', 'block', tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);

			// <html />
			case 'htmlEmpty':
				var htmlTag = parseObj.regExpMatch.toLowerCase();
				if (/^(references|ref|br|p|wbr)$/i.test(htmlTag) === true) {
					wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(htmlTag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
				else {
					wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(tag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);

			// |}}: table end or empty template parameter + template end
			case 'pipeTemplateEnd':
				switch (parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered) {
					case 'table':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('table', 'close', tagFrom, 2, parseObj, tagProperties);
					case 'tableAttrib':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableAttrib', 'close', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('table', 'close', tagFrom, 2, parseObj, tagProperties);
					case 'tableCaption':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableCaption', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('table', 'close', tagFrom, 2, parseObj, tagProperties);
					case 'captionAttrib':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('captionAttrib', 'close', openNode.start + openNode.tagLength, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableCaption', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('table', 'close', tagFrom, 2, parseObj, tagProperties);
					case 'row':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('table', 'close', tagFrom, 2, parseObj, tagProperties);
					case 'rowAttrib':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('rowAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom, 2, parseObj);
					case 'header':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('header', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('table', 'close', tagFrom, 2, parseObj, tagProperties);
					case 'cell':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cell', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('table', 'close', tagFrom, 2, parseObj, tagProperties);
					case 'template':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('templateParam', 'block', tagFrom, 1, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('template', 'close', tagFrom + 1, 2, parseObj);

			// {|, |}: table
			case 'table':
				if (tagClass == 'open') {
					switch (parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered) {
						case 'tableAttrib':
							wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						case 'tableCaption':
							wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableCaption', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						case 'captionAttrib':
							wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('captionAttrib', 'close', openNode.start + openNode.tagLength, 0, parseObj);
							wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableCaption', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						case 'row':
							wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						case 'rowAttrib':
							wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('rowAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
							wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						case 'header':
						case 'headerAttrib':
							wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('headerAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						case 'cell':
						case 'cellAttrib':
							wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cellAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
					wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(tag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj, tagProperties);
					wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableAttrib', 'open', tagTo, 0, parseObj);

				// close close
				else {
					switch (parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered) {
						case 'tableAttrib':
							wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						case 'tableCaption':
							wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableCaption', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						case 'captionAttrib':
							wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('captionAttrib', 'close', openNode.start + openNode.tagLength, 0, parseObj);
							wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableCaption', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						case 'row':
							wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						case 'rowAttrib':
							wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('rowAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
							wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						case 'header':
							wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('header', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
							wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						case 'headerAttrib':
							wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('headerAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
							wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('header', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
							wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						case 'cell':
							wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cell', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
							wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						case 'cellAttrib':
							wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cellAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
							wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cell', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
							wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
					wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(tag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj, tagProperties);

			// ]]: wikilink, file link, redirect
			case 'doubleCloseBracket':
				if (parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered == 'file') {
					wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
				else {
					wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('link', tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);

			// \n|: table cell, wikilink separator, file parameter separator, redirect separator, empty template parameter
			case 'newlinePipe':
				switch (parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered) {
					case 'table':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'open', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
					case 'tableAttrib':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'open', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
					case 'tableCaption':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableCaption', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'open', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
					case 'captionAttrib':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('captionAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableCaption', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'open', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
					case 'row':
					case 'rowAttrib':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('rowAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
					case 'header':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('header', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
					case 'headerAttrib':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('headerAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('header', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
					case 'cell':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cell', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
					case 'cellAttrib':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cellAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cell', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
					case 'link':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('linkParam', tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
					case 'file':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('fileParam', tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
					case 'template':
					case 'paramTempl':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('templateParam', tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
				switch (parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered) {
					case 'table':
					case 'tableAttrib':
					case 'tableCaption':
					case 'captionAttrib':
					case 'row':
					case 'rowAttrib':
					case 'header':
					case 'headerAttrib':
					case 'cell':
					case 'cellAttrib':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cell', 'open', tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj, tagProperties);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cellAttrib', 'open', tagTo, 0, parseObj);

			// \n!: header
			case 'header':
				switch (parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered) {
					case 'table':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'open', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
					case 'tableAttrib':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'open', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
					case 'tableCaption':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableCaption', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'open', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
					case 'captionAttrib':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('captionAttrib', 'close', openNode.start + openNode.tagLength, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableCaption', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'open', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
					case 'row':
					case 'rowAttrib':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('rowAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
					case 'header':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('header', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
					case 'headerAttrib':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('headerAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('header', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
					case 'cell':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cell', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
					case 'cellAttrib':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cellAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cell', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
				wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(tag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj, tagProperties);
				wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('headerAttrib', 'open', tagTo, 0, parseObj);

			// ||: table cell separator, empty file parameter separator, empty template parameters
			case 'doublePipe':
				switch (parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered) {
					case 'header':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('header', 'close', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('header', 'open', tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('headerAttrib', 'open', tagTo, 0, parseObj);
					case 'headerAttrib':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('headerAttrib', 'close', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('header', 'close', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('header', 'open', tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('headerAttrib', 'open', tagTo, 0, parseObj);
					case 'cell':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cell', 'close', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cell', 'open', tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cellAttrib', 'open', tagTo, 0, parseObj);
					case 'cellAttrib':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cellAttrib', 'close', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cell', 'close', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cell', 'open', tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cellAttrib', 'open', tagTo, 0, parseObj);
					case 'link':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('linkParam', tagClass, tagFrom, 1, parseObj);
					case 'file':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('fileParam', tagClass, tagFrom, 1, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('fileParam', tagClass, tagFrom + 1, 1, parseObj);
					case 'template':
					case 'paramTempl':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('templateParam', tagClass, tagFrom, 1, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('templateParam', tagClass, tagFrom + 1, 1, parseObj);

			// !!: table header separator
			case 'headerSep':
				switch (parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered) {
					case 'header':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('header', 'close', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('header', 'open', tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('headerAttrib', 'open', tagTo, 0, parseObj);
					case 'headerAttrib':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('headerAttrib', 'close', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('header', 'close', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('header', 'open', tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('headerAttrib', 'open', tagTo, 0, parseObj);

			// |-, |+: table caption, table row
			case 'tableCaption':
			case 'row':
				switch (parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered) {
					case 'table':
					case 'tableAttrib':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
					case 'tableCaption':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableCaption', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
					case 'captionAttrib':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('captionAttrib', 'close', openNode.start + openNode.tagLength, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableCaption', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
					case 'row':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
					case 'rowAttrib':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('rowAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
					case 'header':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('header', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
					case 'headerAttrib':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('headerAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('header', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
					case 'cell':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cell', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
					case 'cellAttrib':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cellAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cell', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
				wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(tag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj, tagProperties);
				if (tag == 'row') {
					wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('rowAttrib', 'open', tagTo, 0, parseObj);
				else if (tag == 'tableCaption') {
					wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('captionAttrib', 'open', tagTo, 0, parseObj);

			// pipe |: table tableCaption, cell, or header attribute separator, wikilink separator, file parameter separator, template parameter, parameter default
			case 'pipe':
				switch (parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered) {
					case 'captionAttrib':
					case 'headerAttrib':
					case 'cellAttrib':

						// save attrib text to open tag: tableCaption, header, cell
						if (openNode !== undefined) {
							var attribText = obj.html.substring(openNode.start + openNode.tagLength, tagFrom);
							var attribEnd = attribText.indexOf('\n');
							if (attribEnd == -1) {
								attribEnd = tagFrom;
							else {
								attribText = attribText.substr(0, attribEnd);
								attribEnd = openNode.start + openNode.tagLength + attribEnd - 1;
							if (attribText !== '') {
								attribText = attribText.replace(/^ +| +$/g, '');
							parseObj.tree.attrib = attribText;
							switch (parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered) {
								case 'captionAttrib':
									wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('captionAttrib', 'close', attribEnd, tagLength, parseObj);
								case 'headerAttrib':
									wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('headerAttrib', 'close', attribEnd, tagLength, parseObj);
								case 'cellAttrib':
									wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cellAttrib', 'close', attribEnd, tagLength, parseObj);
					case 'link':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('linkParam', tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
					case 'file':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('fileParam', tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
					case 'template':
					case 'paramTempl': //// check later for parameterPiped
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('templateParam', tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
					case 'parameter':
						wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('parameterDefault', tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);

			// list and preformatted (leading space) lines
			case 'preform':

				// ignore template parameters preceeded with newline-spaces
				if (parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered == 'template') {
					wikEd.parseObj.regExpTags.lastIndex = tagTo - parseObj.regExpMatch.length;
				// run through, no break

			case 'list':

				// highlight line
				wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(tag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);

				// highlight tag
				wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(tag + 'Tag', tagClass, tagFrom, parseObj.regExpMatch.length, parseObj);

				// move text pointer after tag
				wikEd.parseObj.regExpTags.lastIndex = tagTo - parseObj.regExpMatch.length;

			// newline, old
			case 'newline':
				wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(tag, 'close', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);

			// unrecognized tag
				parseObj.tree.push( { 'start': tagFrom, 'tagLength': tagLength, 'type': 'error', 'left': wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorNoHandler } );

		// quit after reaching $ 'newline'
		if (tagMatch === '') {

	// do not tolerate trailing opening tags for whole text highlighting
	if (parseObj.whole === true)  {

		// mark remaining unmatched opening tags
		while ( (parseObj.lastOpenNode !== 0) && (parseObj.lastOpenNode !== null) ) {
			wikEd.HighlightMarkLastOpenNode(wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorNoClose, parseObj);

	// show parsing tree before
	// WED('parseObj.tree', parseObj.tree);

	// additional block highlighting (autolinking, colors, spaces, dashed, control chars, charents)
	if (noBlocks !== true) {

		// wiki autolinking (case sensitive, newlines are actually allowed!)
		var regExpMatch;
		var regExpAutoLink = /((PMID)+(\d+))|((RFC)+(\d+))|((RFC)+(\d+))|((ISBN)+((97(8|9)( |-)?)?(\d( |-)?){9}(\d|x)))/g;
		while ( (regExpMatch = regExpAutoLink.exec(obj.html) ) !== null) {
			wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(regExpMatch || regExpMatch || regExpMatch || regExpMatch, 'block', regExpMatch.index, regExpMatch.length, parseObj);

		// named html colors in quotation marks
		var regExpColorLight = /('|")(aliceblue|antiquewhite|aqua|aquamarine|azure|beige|bisque|blanchedalmond|burlywood|chartreuse|coral|cornsilk|cyan|darkgray|darkgrey|darkkhaki|darkorange|darksalmon|darkseagreen|floralwhite|fuchsia|gainsboro|ghostwhite|gold|goldenrod|greenyellow|honeydew|hotpink|ivory|khaki|lavender|lavenderblush|lawngreen|lemonchiffon|lightblue|lightcoral|lightcyan|lightgoldenrodyellow|lightgray|lightgreen|lightgrey|lightpink|lightsalmon|lightskyblue|lightsteelblue|lightyellow|lime|linen|magenta|mediumaquamarine|mediumspringgreen|mediumturquoise|mintcream|mistyrose|moccasin|navajowhite|oldlace|orange|palegoldenrod|palegreen|paleturquoise|papayawhip|peachpuff|peru|pink|plum|powderblue|salmon|sandybrown|seashell|silver|skyblue|snow|springgreen|tan|thistle|turquoise|violet|wheat|white|whitesmoke|yellow|yellowgreen)(\1)/gi;
		while ( (regExpMatch = regExpColorLight.exec(obj.html) ) !== null) {
			wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('colorLight', 'block', regExpMatch.index + regExpMatch.length, regExpMatch.length, parseObj);
		var regExpColorDark = /('|")(black|blue|blueviolet|brown|cadetblue|chocolate|cornflowerblue|crimson|darkblue|darkcyan|darkgoldenrod|darkgreen|darkmagenta|darkolivegreen|darkorchid|darkred|darkslateblue|darkslategray|darkslategrey|darkturquoise|darkviolet|deeppink|deepskyblue|dimgray|dimgrey|dodgerblue|firebrick|forestgreen|gray|green|grey|indianred|indigo|lightseagreen|lightslategray|lightslategrey|limegreen|maroon|mediumblue|mediumorchid|mediumpurple|mediumseagreen|mediumslateblue|mediumvioletred|midnightblue|navy|olive|olivedrab|orangered|orchid|palevioletred|purple|red|rosybrown|royalblue|saddlebrown|seagreen|sienna|slateblue|slategray|slategrey|steelblue|teal|tomato)(\1)/g;
		while ( (regExpMatch = regExpColorDark.exec(obj.html) ) !== null) {
			wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('colorDark', 'block', regExpMatch.index + regExpMatch.length, regExpMatch.length, parseObj);

		// RGB hex colors #ddc, exclude links and character entities starting with &
		var regExpColor3 = /(^|)(#{3})(?=(|$))/gi;
		while ( (regExpMatch = regExpColor3.exec(obj.html) ) !== null) {
			wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('colorHex3', 'block', regExpMatch.index + regExpMatch.length, regExpMatch.length, parseObj);

		// RGB hex colors #d4d0cc, exclude links and character entities starting with &
		var regExpColor6 = /(^|)(#{6})(?=(|$))/gi;
		while ( (regExpMatch = regExpColor6.exec(obj.html) ) !== null) {
			wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('colorHex6', 'block', regExpMatch.index + regExpMatch.length, regExpMatch.length, parseObj);

		// RGB decimal colors rgb(128,64,265)
		var regExpColorDec = /\brgb\(\s*\d{1,3}\s*,\s*\d{1,3}\s*,\s*\d{1,3}\s*\)/gi;
		while ( (regExpMatch = regExpColorDec.exec(obj.html) ) !== null) {
			wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('colorDec', 'block', regExpMatch.index, regExpMatch.length, parseObj);

		// single character highlighting: spaces, dashes
		var regExpCharSpaceDash = new RegExp('', 'g');
		while ( (regExpMatch = regExpCharSpaceDash.exec(obj.html) ) !== null) {
			wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('char', 'block', regExpMatch.index, regExpMatch.length, parseObj);

		// control character highlighting
		var regExpCharCtrl = new RegExp('', 'g');
		while ( (regExpMatch = regExpCharCtrl.exec(obj.html) ) !== null) {
			if (regExpMatch.charCodeAt(0) > 2) {
				wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('ctrl', 'block', regExpMatch.index, regExpMatch.length, parseObj);

		// character entities
		var regExpCharEntities = /&(\w+);/g;
		while ( (regExpMatch = regExpCharEntities.exec(obj.html) ) !== null) {
			if (wikEd.charEntitiesByName ] !== null) {
				wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('charEntity', 'block', regExpMatch.index, regExpMatch.length, parseObj);
	// merge wiki syntax in
	wikEd.HighlightAddHtml(parseObj, obj);

	// get file previews
	if ( (wikEd.config.filePreview === true) && (wikEd.filePreviewRequest !== '') ) {
		wikEd.AjaxPreview(wikEd.filePreviewRequest, wikEd.FilePreviewAjaxHandler);
		wikEd.filePreviewRequest = '';

	// merge html and plain text
	wikEd.HighlightMergeHtml(parseObj, obj);

	// free up array
	parseObj.tree = ;

	// \x00 and \x01 back to &lt; and &gt;
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/&/g, '&amp;');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\x00/g, '&lt;');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\x01/g, '&gt;');

	// remove linebreaks in tablemode tables
	if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\n(<(caption|tr|th|td|br)\b*?\bclass="wikEdTable\w+"*?>)/g, '$1');
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(<\/table>(<!--wikEdTable\w+-->)?)\n/g, '$1');

	// WED('obj.html', obj.html);
	// WED('wikEd.TabifyHTML(obj.html)', wikEd.TabifyHTML(obj.html));

	// remove comments
	if ( (wikEd.config.removeHighlightComments === true) && (keepComments !== true) ) {
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<!--wikEd+-->/g, '');

// wikEd.HighlightTreeRedefine: redefine opening tag, for bold / italic and template / parameter

wikEd.HighlightTreeRedefine = function (openNodeIndex, tag, tagFromDiff, tagLength, parseObj) {

	if (typeof tag == 'string') {
		parseObj.tree.tag = tag;
	if (typeof tagFromDiff == 'string') {
		parseObj.tree.start += tagFromDiff;
	if (typeof tagLength == 'string') {
		parseObj.tree.tagLength = tagLength;

// wikEd.HighlightBuildTree: build an array based tree structure of text elements
//   tag info: text pos, text length, tag type (root, open, close, block, error)
//   connectivity info: parent, firstChild, nextSibling, paired opening/closing (all array indexes)

wikEd.HighlightBuildTree = function (tag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj, tagProperties) {

	// show parameters:
	// WED('tag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength', tag + ' ,' + tagClass + ', ' + tagFrom + ', ' + tagLength);

	// single-element tags (block)
	var pushNode;
	if (tagClass == 'block') {
		var previousSibling = null;
		if ( (parseObj.lastOpenNode !== 0) && (parseObj.lastOpenNode !== null) ) {
			var redefinedParentTag;

			// change parent link to linkPiped, only one valid separator per link
			if ( (tag == 'linkParam') && (parseObj.lastOpenTag == 'link') ) {
				redefinedParentTag = 'linkPiped';

			// change parent link to parameterPiped, only one valid separator per link
			else if ( (tag == 'parameterDefault') && (parseObj.lastOpenTag == 'parameter') ) {
				redefinedParentTag = 'parameterPiped';

			// redefine parent tag
			if (redefinedParentTag !== undefined) {
				parseObj.tree.tag = redefinedParentTag;
				parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered = redefinedParentTag;

			// chain blocks
			var newNode = parseObj.tree.length;

			// first node
			if (parseObj.tree.firstChild === null) {
				parseObj.tree.firstChild = newNode;

			// chain to previous blocks
			else {
				previousSibling = parseObj.tree.lastChild;
				var previousSiblingNode = parseObj.tree;
				if (previousSiblingNode !== undefined) {
					previousSiblingNode.nextSibling = newNode;
			parseObj.tree.lastChild = newNode;

		// add new block to tree
		pushNode = {
			'tag': tag,
			'start': tagFrom,
			'tagLength': tagLength,
			'type': 'block',
			'parent': parseObj.lastOpenNode,
			'previousSibling': previousSibling

	// opening tags
	else if (tagClass == 'open') {

		// push new open element onto tree
		pushNode = {
			'tag': tag,
			'start': tagFrom,
			'tagLength': tagLength,
			'type': 'open',
			'parent': parseObj.lastOpenNode
		parseObj.lastOpenNode = parseObj.tree.push(pushNode) - 1;

		// get new top and second-to-top nodes, ignoring unpaired p tags

	// closing tags
	else if (tagClass == 'close') {

		// try until we find the correct opening tag after fixing the tree
		while (true) {

			// no opening tag on stack
			if (parseObj.lastOpenNode === 0) {

				// ignore unmatched =
				if (tag == 'heading') {

				// ignore breaking newlines
				if (tag != 'newline') {

					// tolerate leading closing tags for fragment highlighting
					if ( (parseObj.whole === false) && (parseObj.addedOpenTag === false) )  {

						// add new closing element to tree
						pushNode = {
							'tag': tag,
							'start': tagFrom,
							'tagLength': tagLength,
							'type': 'close',
							'pairedPos': parseObj.tree.start + parseObj.tree.tagLength,

					// add no open tag error to tree
					else {
						pushNode = {
							'start': tagFrom,
							'tagLength': tagLength,
							'type': 'error',
							'left': wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorNoOpen

			// ignore unpaired <p> and spare nodes and try again with parent
			if ( (tag != 'p') && ( (parseObj.lastOpenTag == 'p') || (parseObj.lastOpenTag == 'spare') ) ) {
				if (parseObj.lastOpenNode !== null) {
					parseObj.lastOpenNode = parseObj.tree.parent;
					parseObj.lastOpenTag = parseObj.lastOpenNode.tag;

			// newline breaks heading or external link, remove corresponding opening tag from stack
			if (tag == 'newline') {

				// mark broken opening tags
				var nodeNo = parseObj.lastOpenNode;
				var node = null;
				while ( (nodeNo !== 0) && (nodeNo !== undefined) && (nodeNo !== null) ) {
					node = parseObj.tree;
					if (
						(node.tag == 'heading') ||
						(node.tag == 'link') ||
						(node.tag == 'linkPiped') ||
						(node.tag == 'externalText') ||
						(node.tag == 'bold') ||
						(node.tag == 'italic') ||
						(node.tag == 'boldItalic')
					) {
						wikEd.HighlightMarkLastOpenNode(wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorNewline, parseObj);
					nodeNo = node.parent;

			// correct piped link
			switch (tag) {
				case 'link':
					if (parseObj.lastOpenTag == 'linkPiped') {
						tag = 'linkPiped';

				// correct piped parameter
				case 'parameter':
					if (parseObj.lastOpenTag == 'parameterPiped') {
						tag = 'parameterPiped';

			// wrong closing element
			if (tag != parseObj.lastOpenTag) {

				// ignore common unmatched false positive non-tags: = and ]
				if ( (tag == 'heading') ) {

				// check if there is an open tag for this close tag
				var nodeNo = parseObj.lastOpenNode;
				while ( (nodeNo !== 0) && (nodeNo !== undefined) && (nodeNo !== null) ) {
					if (parseObj.tree.tag == tag) {
					nodeNo = parseObj.tree.parent;

				// treat open tags as wrong, close tag as correct
				if ( (nodeNo !== 0) && (nodeNo !== undefined) && (nodeNo !== null) && (parseObj.tree.tag == tag) ) {

					// mark remaining unmatched opening tags
					var nodeNo = parseObj.lastOpenNode;
					while ( (nodeNo !== 0) && (nodeNo !== undefined) && (nodeNo !== null) ) {
						var node = parseObj.tree;
						if (node.tag == tag) {
							parseObj.lastOpenNode = nodeNo;
						nodeNo = node.parent;
						node.type = 'error';
						node.left = wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorNoClose;
						node.parent = null;

				// treat open tags as correct, treat close tag as wrong
				else {

					// add wrong close tag error to tree
					pushNode = {
						'start': tagFrom,
						'tagLength': tagLength,
						'type': 'error',
						'left': wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorNoOpen

			// headings in templates are ignored but we do not want to hide that template
			if (tag == 'heading') {

				// check for heading in template or ref
				var ignoreHeading = false;
				var nodeNo = parseObj.tree.parent;
				while ( (nodeNo !== 0) && (nodeNo !== undefined) && (nodeNo !== null) ) {
					var node = parseObj.tree;
					if (node.tag == 'template') {
						node.noHide = true;
						ignoreHeading = true;
					else if (node.tag == 'ref') {
						node.noHide = true;
						ignoreHeading = true;
					nodeNo = node.parent;

				// clean out opening heading
				if (ignoreHeading === true) {

					// add headings in template errors to tree

					// convert opening tag to error
					wikEd.HighlightMarkLastOpenNode(wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorTemplHeading, parseObj);
					pushNode = {
						'start': tagFrom,
						'tagLength': tagLength,
						'type': 'error',
						'left': wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorTemplHeading

			// it is the correct closing element

			// save element last text position to opening tag entry
			var pairedPos;
			var openNode = parseObj.tree;
			openNode.pairedPos = tagFrom;
			pairedPos = parseObj.tree.start + parseObj.tree.tagLength;

			// add new closing element to tree
			pushNode = {
				'tag': tag,
				'start': tagFrom,
				'tagLength': tagLength,
				'type': 'close',
				'paired': parseObj.lastOpenNode,
				'pairedPos': pairedPos,
				'parent': openNode.parent

			// up one level
			if ( (parseObj.lastOpenNode !== 0) && (parseObj.lastOpenNode !== null) ) {
				parseObj.lastOpenNode = parseObj.tree.parent;

		// get new top and second-to-top nodes, ignoring unpaired p tags

	// add extra properties
	if ( (pushNode !== undefined) && (tagProperties !== undefined) ) {
		for (var i = 0; i < tagProperties.length; i ++) {
			pushNode] = tagProperties;


// wikEd.HighlightMarkLastOpenNode: redefine last open node as an error, ignore p and spare, handle pipe subnodes

wikEd.HighlightMarkLastOpenNode = function (errorText, parseObj) {

	var lastOpenNode = parseObj.lastOpenNode;
	var openNode = parseObj.tree;
	parseObj.lastOpenNode = openNode.parent;
	if ( (openNode.tag != 'p') && (openNode.tag != 'spare') ) {

		// mark pipes
		if ( (openNode.tag == 'linkPiped') || (openNode.tag == 'parameterPiped') || (openNode.tag == 'template') || (openNode.tag == 'paramTempl') ) {
			var childNode = parseObj.tree;
			if (childNode !== undefined) {
				parseObj.tree = {
					'start': childNode.start,
					'tagLength': childNode.tagLength,
					'type': 'error',
					'left': errorText

		// mark child nodes of error nodes with lower priority (table elements)
		wikEd.HighlightMarkNestedErrors(lastOpenNode, errorText, parseObj);

		// mark unmatched opening tags
		parseObj.tree = {
			'start': openNode.start,
			'tagLength': openNode.tagLength,
			'type': 'error',
			'left': errorText

// wikEd.HighlightMarkNestedErrors: mark child nodes of error nodes with lower priority (table elements)

wikEd.HighlightMarkNestedErrors = function (parent, errorText, parseObj) {

	var tagNesting = {
		'table':   'tableCaption|row|tableAttrib',
		'tableCaption': 'captionAttrib',
		'row':     'header|cell|rowAttrib',
		'header':  'headerAttrib',
		'cell':    'cellAttrib'

	var regExp = null;
	if (tagNesting.hasOwnProperty(parseObj.tree.tag) === true) {
		regExp = new RegExp('^(' + tagNesting.tag ]+ ')$');

	for (var i = 0; i < parseObj.tree.length; i ++) {
		var node = parseObj.tree;
		if ( (node.parent == parent) && (regExp !== null) && (regExp.test(node.tag) === true) ) {
			wikEd.HighlightMarkNestedErrors(i, errorText, parseObj);
			node.type = 'error';
			node.left = errorText;

// wikEd.HighlightGetLevel: get current innermost (top) element name from parse stack, ignoring unpaired p tags

wikEd.HighlightGetLevel = function (parseObj) {

	parseObj.lastOpenTag = null;
	parseObj.lastOpenNodeFiltered = null;
	parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered = null;
	parseObj.secondlastOpenNodeFiltered = null;
	parseObj.secondlastOpenTagFiltered = null;

	if ( (parseObj.lastOpenNode === 0) || (parseObj.lastOpenNode === null) ) {

	parseObj.lastOpenTag = parseObj.tree.tag;
	var nodeNo = parseObj.lastOpenNode;
	while ( (nodeNo !== 0) && (nodeNo !== undefined) && (nodeNo !== null) ) {
		var node = parseObj.tree;
		if ( (node.tag != 'p') && (node.tag != 'spare') ) {
			parseObj.lastOpenNodeFiltered = nodeNo;
			parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered = parseObj.tree.tag;
		nodeNo = parseObj.tree.parent;

	if ( (nodeNo !== 0) && (nodeNo !== null) ) {
		nodeNo = parseObj.tree.parent;
		while ( (nodeNo !== 0) && (nodeNo !== undefined) && (nodeNo !== null) ) {
			var node = parseObj.tree;
			if ( (node.tag != 'p') && (node.tag != 'spare') ) {
				parseObj.secondlastOpenNodeFiltered = nodeNo;
				parseObj.secondlastOpenTagFiltered = parseObj.tree.tag;
			nodeNo = parseObj.tree.parent;


// wikEd.HighlightAddCode: add actual highlighting html code to parse tree elements

wikEd.HighlightAddHtml = function (parseObj, obj) {

	// cycle through currently existing parse array
	var from = 0;
	var i = 0;
	var cellCount = 0;
	while (i < parseObj.tree.length) {

		var node = parseObj.tree;
		var tag = node.tag;
		var tagFrom = node.start;
		var tagLength = node.tagLength;
		var tagType = node.type;
		var pairedPos = node.pairedPos;
		var tagTo = tagFrom + tagLength;
		var tagMatch = '';
		if (tagLength > 0) {
			tagMatch = obj.html.substr(tagFrom, tagLength);

		var insertLeft = '';
		var insertRight = '';
		var pushRight = '';
		var pushRight2 = '';
		var pushRightPos2;
		var pushLeft = '';

		// get sanitized attributes
		var attrib = '';
		if ( (node.attrib !== undefined) && (node.attrib !== '') ) {
			var htmlTag = '';
			switch (tag) {
				case 'table':
					htmlTag = 'table';
				case 'tableCaption':
					htmlTag = 'tr';
				case 'row':
					htmlTag = 'tr';
				case 'header':
					htmlTag = 'th';
				case 'cell':
					htmlTag = 'td';
			if (htmlTag !== '') {
				attrib = wikEd.SanitizeAttributes(htmlTag, node.attrib, true);
				if (attrib !== '') {

					// adjust rowspan in headers and cells
					if ( (htmlTag == 'th') || (htmlTag == 'td') ) {
						attrib = attrib.replace(/\b(rowspan\s*=\s*('|"|)\s*\+?)(\d+)(\s*\2)/gi,
							function (p, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
								return p1 + (p3 * 2 - 1) + p4;
					attrib = ' ' + attrib;

		// get parent and paired
		var parent = null;
		if ( (node.parent !== undefined) && (node.parent !== null) && (node.parent > 0) ) {
			parent = parseObj.tree;
		var paired = null;
		if ( (node.paired !== undefined) && (node.paired > 0) ) {
			paired = parseObj.tree;

		// get linebreaks before tag
		var newlineClass = '';
		var newlineHtml = '';
		if (node.newline === true) {

			// add actual linebreak after headers/cells instead for pasting of table to raw text (still adds tabs as cell separators)
			if ( (cellCount > 0) && (tagType == 'open') && ( (tag == 'header') || (tag == 'cell') ) ) {
				newlineHtml = '<div class="wikEdTableBR"><br class="wikEdTableBR"></div><!--wikEdTableBR-->';
			else {
				newlineClass = 'BR';
		var parentNewlineClass = '';
		if ( (parent !== null) && (parent.newline === true) ) {
			parentNewlineClass = 'BR';
		var pairedNewlineClass = '';
		if ( (paired !== null) && (paired.newline === true) ) {
			pairedNewlineClass = 'BR';

		switch (tagType) {

			// tag type: open
			case 'open':
				var innerPlain = '';
				if (pairedPos !== undefined) {
					innerPlain = obj.html.substring(tagTo, pairedPos);
				switch (tag) {
					case 'italic':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdItalic"><span class="wikEdWiki">';
						insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdWiki-->';
					case 'bold':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdBold"><span class="wikEdWiki">';
						insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdWiki-->';
					case 'link':
					case 'linkPiped':
						var linkClass = 'wikEdLink';
						var follow = '';
						var interClean = '';
						var nsClean = '';

						// detect interlink and namespace
						//                 1   123 inter: 3     2 45  :  5 6        namespace           64 7template 7   8  9param  98
						var regExpLink = /^(\s*)((+)\:\s*)?((\:\s*)?(\{\}\n\t]*\s*\:\s*))?(+?)\s*(\|((.|\n)*))?\s*$/gi;
						regExpLink.lastIndex = 0;
						var regExpMatch;
						if ( (regExpMatch = regExpLink.exec(innerPlain)) !== null) {

							// get interwiki, namespace, article, paramters
							var pre = regExpMatch || '';
							var inter = regExpMatch || '';
							var ns = regExpMatch || '';
							var article = regExpMatch || '';
							var param = regExpMatch || '';

							if (inter !== '') {
								interClean = inter;
								interClean = interClean.replace(/\s/g, ' ');
								interClean = interClean.replace(/ {2,}/g, ' ');
								interClean = interClean.replace(/: +:/, '');
								interClean = interClean.replace(/^ $/, '');
							var interStart = tagTo + regExpMatch.index + pre.length;

							if (ns !== '') {
								nsClean = ns;
								nsClean = nsClean.replace(/\s/g, ' ');
								nsClean = nsClean.replace(/ {2,}/g, ' ');
								nsClean = nsClean.replace(/: :/, '');
								nsClean = nsClean.replace(/^ $/, '');
							var nsStart = interStart + ns.length;

							// change interwiki into more common namespace if ambiguous
							if ( (interClean !== '') && (nsClean === '') ) {
								ns = inter;
								nsClean = interClean;
								nsStart = interStart;
								inter = '';
								interClean = '';

							// detect cross-namespace links
							linkClass = 'wikEdLink';
							if (wikEd.pageNamespace !== null) {
								if (ns != wikEd.pageNamespace) {
									linkClass = 'wikEdLinkCrossNs';

							// highlight interwiki and namespace
							if (article !== '') {

								// highlight interwiki
								if (inter !== '') {
									wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('linkInter', 'block', interStart, inter.length, parseObj);

								// highlight namespace
								if (ns !== '') {
									wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('linkNamespace', 'block', nsStart, ns.length, parseObj);

								// linkify
								var regExpCasing = new RegExp('(^|\\:)' + wikEd.config.text + '(\\:|$)', 'i');
								nsClean = nsClean.replace(regExpCasing, '$1' + wikEd.config.text + '$2');
								if (nsClean == ':') {
									nsClean = '';
								follow = ' ' + wikEd.HighlightLinkify(interClean + nsClean, article);

						if (nsClean.toLowerCase() == wikEd.config.text.toLowerCase() + ':') {
							insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdCat"' + follow + '><span class="wikEdLinkTag">';
							insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdLinkTag--><span class="wikEdCatName">';
						else if (tag == 'linkPiped') {
							insertLeft = '<span class="' + linkClass + '"' + follow + '><span class="wikEdLinkTag">';
							insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdLinkTag--><span class="wikEdLinkTarget">';
						else {
							insertLeft = '<span class="' + linkClass + '"' + follow + '><span class="wikEdLinkTag">';
							insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdLinkTag--><span class="wikEdLinkName">';
					case 'file':
						var previewCode = '';
						var regExpFile = new RegExp('^\\s*(Image|File|Media|' + wikEd.config.text + '|' + wikEd.config.text + '|' + wikEd.config.text + ')\\s*:\\s*(*)', 'i');
						var regExpMatch = regExpFile.exec(innerPlain);
						if (regExpMatch === null) {
							insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdFile"><span class="wikEdFileTag">';

						// linkify and preview
						else {
							var fileTag = regExpMatch;
							var fileName = regExpMatch;

							// add file preview box
							var filePlain = fileTag + ':' + fileName.replace(/<*>/g, '');
							filePlain = filePlain.replace(/ /g,'_');
							if (wikEd.config.filePreview === true) {

								// get image size
								var filePreviewSize = wikEd.config.filePreviewSize;
								var regExpMatch;
								if ( (regExpMatch = /\|(\d+)px(\||$)/.exec(innerPlain)) !== null) {
									var size = parseInt(regExpMatch);
									if ( (size > 0) && (size < wikEd.config.filePreviewSize) ) {
										filePreviewSize = size;

								// get image url and size from cache
								var style = '';
								var fileObj = wikEd.filePreviewCache;
								if (fileObj !== undefined) {
									var filePreviewHeight = filePreviewSize;
									if (fileObj.height !== null) {
										filePreviewHeight = fileObj.height;
									var filePreviewWidth = filePreviewSize;
									if (fileObj.width !== null) {
										filePreviewWidth = fileObj.width;
									style = 'background-image: url(' + fileObj.url + '); height: ' + filePreviewHeight + 'px; width: ' + filePreviewWidth + 'px;';

								// get image url and size through an ajax request
								else {
									style = 'display: none; height: ' + filePreviewSize + 'px; width: ' + filePreviewSize + 'px;';
									var fileTagPreview = fileTag;
									if ( (fileTag == 'Media') || (fileTag == wikEd.config.text) ) {
										fileTagPreview = 'File';
									wikEd.filePreviewRequest += '\n' + filePlain + ' ' + filePreviewSize + ' ]\n';
									wikEd.filePreviewIds = filePlain + filePreviewSize;
								previewCode = '<span class="wikEdFilePreview" id="wikEdFilePreview' + wikEd.filePreviewNo + '" style="' + style + '" title="' + wikEd.config.text.wikEdFilePreview + ' (' + filePlain + ')"></span><!--wikEdFilePreview-->';
								wikEd.filePreviewNo ++;
							insertLeft += '<span class="wikEdFile" ' + wikEd.HighlightLinkify('', filePlain) + '><span class="wikEdFileTag">';
						insertRight = previewCode + '</span><!--wikEdLinkTag--><span class="wikEdFileName">';
					case 'external':
						var url = '';
						var regExpMatch;
						if ( (regExpMatch = /\w\S+/.exec(innerPlain)) !== null) {
							url = regExpMatch;
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdURL" ' + wikEd.HighlightLinkify('', '', url) + '><span class="wikEdLinkTag">';
						insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdLinkTag-->';
					case 'externalText':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdURLText">';
					case 'template':
						var mod = '';
						var inter = '';
						var interClean = '';
						var ns = '';
						var nsClean = '';
						var template = '';
						var param = '';
						var follow = '';

						//                                 12          mod              2  :    1 34  :    4 5        namespace                 53     6 template            6    7   89 param  98
						var regExpTempl = new RegExp('^\\s*((' + wikEd.templModifier + ')\\:\\s*)?((\\:\\s*)?({}\\s\\x00\\x01]*\\s*\\:))?\\s*(+?)\\s*(\\|((.|\\n)*?))?\\s*$', 'gi');

						// detect parser variables and functions, might slow main regexp down
						var regExpMatch;
						var isParserVar = false;
						if ( (regExpMatch = regExpTempl.exec(innerPlain)) !== null) {

							// get modifier, namespace, template, paramters
							var p1 = regExpMatch || '';
							if (p1 !== '') {
								mod = p1;
								interClean = mod.replace(/\s+$/g, '');
								interClean = inter.replace(/:$/g, '');

							var p3 = regExpMatch || '';
							if (p3 !== '') {
								ns = p3;
								nsClean = ns.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
								nsClean = nsClean.replace(/\s*\:\s*()/g, ':');
								nsClean = nsClean.replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ');
								nsClean = nsClean.replace(/(.):$/g, '$1');

							template = regExpMatch || '';
							param = regExpMatch || '';
							var parserVar = ns.substr(0, ns.length - 1);

							// {{VARIABLE}}
							if (isParserVar === false) {
								if ( (template !== '') && (ns === '') && (param === '') ) {
									var regExpParserVar = new RegExp('^(' + wikEd.parserVariables + '|' + wikEd.parserVariablesR + ')$', '');
									var regExpMatchParserVar;
									if ( (regExpMatchParserVar = regExpParserVar.exec(template)) !== null) {
										isParserVar = true;
										wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('templateParserFunct', 'block', tagFrom + 2, innerPlain.length, parseObj);

							// {{VARIABLE:R}}
							if (isParserVar === false) {
								if ( (ns !== '') && (template == 'R') ) {
									var regExpParserVar = new RegExp('^(' + wikEd.parserVariablesR + ')$', '');
									var regExpMatchParserVar;
									if ( (regExpMatchParserVar = regExpParserVar.exec(parserVar)) !== null) {
										isParserVar = true;
										wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('templateParserFunct', 'block', tagFrom + 2, innerPlain.indexOf(':') + 1, parseObj);

							// {{FUNCTION:param|R}}
							if (isParserVar === false) {
								if ( (ns !== '') && ( (param === '') || (param == 'R') ) ) {
									var regExpParserVar = new RegExp('^(' + wikEd.parserFunctionsR + ')$', '');
									if ( (regExpMatch = regExpParserVar.exec(parserVar)) !== null) {
										isParserVar = true;
										wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('templateParserFunct', 'block', tagFrom + 2, innerPlain.indexOf(':') + 1, parseObj);

							// {{function:param|param}}
							if (isParserVar === false) {
								if (ns !== '') {
									var regExpParserVar = new RegExp('^(' + wikEd.parserFunctions + ')$', 'i');
									if ( (regExpMatch = regExpParserVar.exec(parserVar)) !== null) {
										isParserVar = true;
										wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('templateParserFunct', 'block', tagFrom + 2, innerPlain.indexOf(':') + 1, parseObj);

							// {{#function:param|param}}
							if (isParserVar === false) {
								if (ns !== '') {
									var regExpParserVar = new RegExp('^(#(' + wikEd.parserFunctionsHash + '))$', 'i');
									if ( (regExpMatch = regExpParserVar.exec(parserVar)) !== null) {

									// #property: linkify wikibase template (wikidata)
										if (parserVar == '#property') {

											// item id from parameter
											var item = '';
											var regExpMatchItem;
											if ( (regExpMatchItem = /(^|\|)id=(+)/.exec(param)) !== null) {
												item = regExpMatchItem;

											// item name from parameter
											else if ( (regExpMatchItem = /(^|\|)of=(+)/.exec(param)) !== null) {
												item = wikEd.EncodeTitle(regExpMatchItem);
												item = 'Special:ItemByTitle/' + wikEd.wikibase.currentSite.globalSiteId + '/' + item;

											// get item name from article name
											else {
												item = wikEd.EncodeTitle();
												item = 'Special:ItemByTitle/' + wikEd.wikibase.currentSite.globalSiteId + '/' + item ;

											// get wikibase repository url
											follow = ' ' + wikEd.HighlightLinkify('', '', (wikEd.wikibase.repoUrl + wikEd.wikibase.repoArticlePath).replace(/\$1/, item));

										// #invoke: template scripting (LUA)
										if (parserVar == '#invoke') {
											follow = ' ' + wikEd.HighlightLinkify('Module:', template);

										isParserVar = true;
										wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('templateParserFunct', 'block', tagFrom + 2, innerPlain.indexOf(':') + 1, parseObj);

							// highlight template
							if (isParserVar === false) {

								// highlight modifier
								if (mod !== '') {
									wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('templateModifier', 'block', tagFrom + 2, mod.length, parseObj);

								// highlight namespace
								if (ns !== '') {
									wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('templateNamespace', 'block', tagFrom + 2 + mod.length, ns.length, parseObj);

								// add missing template namespace and linkify
								if (ns == ':') {
									ns = '';
								else if (ns === '') {

									// no Template: addition for subpage linking
									if (template.indexOf('/')!== 0) {
										ns = wikEd.config.text + ':';
								follow = ' ' + wikEd.HighlightLinkify(ns, template);
						var hideClass = 'wikEdTempl';
						if ( (template !== '') && (isParserVar === false) ) {
							if (wikEd.refHide === true) {

								// show first template immediately following a template or reference
								var hideButtonClass = 'wikEdTemplButton';
								var hideButtonStyle = '';
								if (parent !== null) {
									if ( (parent.tag == 'template') || (parent.tag == 'ref') )  {
										if (/^\s*$/.test(obj.html.substring(parent.start + parent.tagLength, tagFrom)) === true) {
											hideButtonClass = hideButtonClass.replace(/Button(Show)?/, 'ButtonShow');
											hideClass = 'wikEdTemplShow';
											hideButtonStyle = ' style="display: block"';
								insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTemplContainer"><button class="' + hideButtonClass + wikEd.templateArray.length + '" style="' + hideButtonStyle + '" title="' + wikEd.config.text.wikEdTemplButtonTooltip + '"></button><!--wikEdTemplButton--></span><!--wikEdTemplContainer-->';
								wikEd.templateArray.push( {'text': template, 'added': false} );
						insertLeft += '<span class="' + hideClass + '"><span class="wikEdTemplTag">';
						insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTemplTag--><span class="wikEdTemplName"' + follow + '>';
					case 'parameter':
					case 'parameterPiped':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdParam"><span class="wikEdTemplTag">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdTemplTag--><span class="wikEdParamName">';
					case 'html':
					case 'tr':
					case 'td':
					case 'th':
					case 'col':
					case 'thead':
					case 'tfoot':
					case 'tbody':
					case 'colgroup':
					case 'abbr':
					case 'big':
					case 'blockquote':
					case 'center':
					case 'code':
					case 'del':
					case 'div':
					case 'font':
					case 'ins':
					case 'small':
					case 'span':
					case 'strike':
					case 'tt':
					case 'rb':
					case 'rp':
					case 'rt':
					case 'ruby':
					case 'nowiki':
					case 'math':
					case 'score':
					case 'noinclude':
					case 'includeonly':
					case 'onlyinclude':
					case 'gallery':
					case 'categorytree':
					case 'charinsert':
					case 'hiero':
					case 'imagemap':
					case 'inputbox':
					case 'poem':
					case 'syntaxhighlight':
					case 'source':
					case 'timeline':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdHtml"><span class="wikEdHtmlTag">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHtmlTag-->';
					case 'u':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdHtmlTagButtons">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHtmlTag--><span class="wikEdIns">';
					case 's':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdHtmlTagButtons">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHtmlTag--><span class="wikEdDel">';
					case 'sub':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdSubscript"><span class="wikEdHtmlTagButtons">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHtmlTag-->';
					case 'sup':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdSuperscript"><span class="wikEdHtmlTagButtons">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHtmlTag-->';
					case 'p':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdHtmlUnknown" title="' + wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorHtmlUnknown + '">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHtmlUnknown-->';
					case 'spare':
					case 'ref':

						// ref no hide
						if (node.noHide === true) {
							insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdRef">';

						// ref hide
						else {
							var refName = '';
							var regExpMatch;
							if ( (regExpMatch = /(\bname\s*=\s*('|"))(+?)\2/i.exec(tagMatch)) !== null) {
								refName = regExpMatch || '';
								wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('refName', 'block', tagFrom + regExpMatch.index + regExpMatch.length, regExpMatch.length, parseObj);
							else if ( (regExpMatch = /(\bname\s*=\s*)(\w+)/i.exec(tagMatch)) !== null) {
								refName = regExpMatch;
								wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('refName', 'block', tagFrom + regExpMatch.index + regExpMatch.length, regExpMatch.length, parseObj);
							if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
								if (refName !== '') {
									insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdRefContainer"><button class="wikEdRefButton' + wikEd.referenceArray.length + '" title="' + wikEd.config.text.wikEdRefButtonTooltip + '"></button><!--wikEdRefButton--></span><!--wikEdRefContainer-->';
									wikEd.referenceArray.push( {'text': refName, 'added': false} );
								else {
									insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdRefContainer"><button class="wikEdRefButton" title="' + wikEd.config.text.wikEdRefButtonTooltip + '"></button><!--wikEdRefButton--></span><!--wikEdRefContainer-->';
							insertLeft += '<span class="wikEdRef"><span class="wikEdHtmlTag">';
							pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHtmlTag-->';
					case 'references':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdRefList"><span class="wikEdReferencesTag">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdReferencesTag-->';
					case 'heading':
						var heading = innerPlain.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
						if ( (heading == wikEd.config.text) || (heading == wikEd.config.text.References) || (heading == wikEd.config.text) ) {
							insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdHeadingWP">';
						else {
							insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdHeading">';

					// table open
					case 'table':
						if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
							insertLeft = '<table class="wikEdTableMode" border="1" cellspacing="0"' + attrib + '><tr class="wikEdTableTag"><td class="wikEdTableTag" colspan="1000" align="left" valign="top"><span class="wikEdTableTag">';
							if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
								insertLeft += '<span class="wikEdTableContainer"><button class="wikEdTableButton' + wikEd.tableArray.length + '" title="' + wikEd.config.text.wikEdTableButtonTooltip + '"></button><!--wikEdTableButton--></span><!--wikEdTableContainer--><span class="wikEdTable">';
								wikEd.tableArray.push( {'text': wikEd.config.text.hideTableStart, 'added': false} );
							insertLeft += '<span class="wikEdTableCode">';
							insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode-->';
						else {
							insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableBlock"><span class="wikEdTableTag"><span class="wikEdTableCode">';
							insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode-->';
							if (node.attrib === undefined) {
								insertRight += '</span><!--wikEdTableTag-->';
					case 'tableAttrib':
						if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
							insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableTagAttrib">';
					case 'tableCaption':
						if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
							insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode-->';
							insertLeft = '<tr class="wikEdTableCaption"><td class="wikEdTableCaption" colspan="1000" align="left" valign="top"><span class="wikEdTableCaption' + newlineClass + '"' + attrib + '>';
							if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
								insertLeft += '<span class="wikEdTableContainer"><button class="wikEdTableButton' + wikEd.tableArray.length + '" title="' + wikEd.config.text.wikEdTableButtonTooltip + '"></button><!--wikEdTableButton--></span><!--wikEdTableContainer--><span class="wikEdTable">';
								wikEd.tableArray.push( {'text': wikEd.config.text.hideTableCaption, 'added': false} );
								if (node.attrib === undefined) {
									insertRight += '</span><!--wikEdTable-->';
							insertLeft += '<span class="wikEdTableCode">';
						else {
							insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableCaption"><span class="wikEdTableCode">';
							insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode-->';
					case 'captionAttrib':
						if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
							if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
								insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableCaptionAttrib">';
						else {
							if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
								insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableCaptionAttrib">';

					// pushRight because of dash highlighting
					case 'row':
						cellCount = 0;
						if (tagLength > 0) {
							if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
								insertLeft = '<tr class="wikEdTableRow"' + attrib + '><td class="wikEdTableRow" colspan="1000" align="left" valign="top"><span class="wikEdTableRow' + newlineClass + '">';
								if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
									insertLeft += '<span class="wikEdTableContainer"><button class="wikEdTableButton' + wikEd.tableArray.length + '" title="' + wikEd.config.text.wikEdTableButtonTooltip + '"></button><!--wikEdTableButton--></span><!--wikEdTableContainer--><span class="wikEdTable">';
									wikEd.tableArray.push( {'text': wikEd.config.text.hideTableRow, 'added': false} );
								insertLeft += '<span class="wikEdTableCode">';
								pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode-->';
							else {
								insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableRow"><span class="wikEdTableCode">';
								pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode-->';

						// row without tag
						else {
							insertLeft = '<tr class="wikEdTableMode">';
					case 'rowAttrib':
						if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
							if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
								insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableRowAttrib">';
						else {
							if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
								insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableRowAttrib">';
					case 'header':
						cellCount ++;
						if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
							insertLeft = '<td class="wikEdTableHeader"' + attrib + ' align="left" valign="top">' + newlineHtml + '<span class="wikEdTableHeader' + newlineClass + '">';
							insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode-->';
							if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
								insertLeft += '<span class="wikEdTableContainer"><button class="wikEdTableButton' + wikEd.tableArray.length + '" title="' + wikEd.config.text.wikEdTableButtonTooltip + '"></button><!--wikEdTableButton--></span><!--wikEdTableContainer--><span class="wikEdTable">';
								wikEd.tableArray.push( {'text': wikEd.config.text.hideTableHeader, 'added': false} );
								if (node.attrib === undefined) {
									insertRight += '</span><!--wikEdTable-->';
							insertLeft += '<span class="wikEdTableCode">';
						else {
							insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableHeader"><span class="wikEdTableCode">';
							insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode-->';
					case 'headerAttrib':
						if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
							if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
								insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableHeaderAttrib">';
						else {
							if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
								insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableHeaderAttrib">';
					case 'cell':
						cellCount ++;
						if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
							insertLeft = '<td class="wikEdTableCell"' + attrib + ' align="left" valign="top">' + newlineHtml + '<span class="wikEdTableCell' + newlineClass + '">';
							insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode-->';
							if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
								insertLeft += '<span class="wikEdTableContainer"><button class="wikEdTableButton' + wikEd.tableArray.length + '" title="' + wikEd.config.text.wikEdTableButtonTooltip + '"></button><!--wikEdTableButton--></span><!--wikEdTableContainer--><span class="wikEdTable">';
								wikEd.tableArray.push( {'text': wikEd.config.text.hideTableCell, 'added': false} );
								if (node.attrib === undefined) {
									insertRight += '</span><!--wikEdTable-->';
							insertLeft += '<span class="wikEdTableCode">';
						else {
							insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableCell"><span class="wikEdTableCode">';
							insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode-->';
					case 'cellAttrib':
						if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
							if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
								insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableCellAttrib">';
						else {
							if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
								insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableCellAttrib">';

			// tag type: close
			case 'close':
				switch (tag) {
					case 'italic':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdWiki">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdWiki--></span><!--wikEdItalic-->';
					case 'bold':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdWiki">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdWiki--></span><!--wikEdBold-->';
					case 'link':
						insertLeft = '</span><!--wikEdLinkName/CatName--><span class="wikEdLinkTag">';
						insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdLinkTag--></span><!--wikEdLink/Cat-->';
					case 'linkPiped':
						insertLeft = '</span><!--wikEdLinkText--><span class="wikEdLinkTag">';
						insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdLinkTag--></span><!--wikEdLink/Cat/LinkCross-->';
					case 'file':
						insertLeft = '</span><!--wikEdFileName/Param/Caption--><span class="wikEdFileTag">';
						insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdFileTag--></span><!--wikEdFile-->';
					case 'externalText':
						insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdURLText-->';
					case 'external':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdLinkTag">';
						insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdLinkTag--></span><!--wikEdURL-->';
					case 'template':
						insertLeft = '</span><!--wikEdTemplName/Param--><span class="wikEdTemplTag">';
						insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTemplTag--></span><!--wikEdTempl-->';
					case 'parameter':
					case 'parameterPiped':
						insertLeft = '</span><!--wikEdParamName/Default--><span class="wikEdTemplTag">';
						insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTemplTag--></span><!--wikEdParam-->';
					case 'html':
					case 'tr':
					case 'td':
					case 'th':
					case 'col':
					case 'thead':
					case 'tfoot':
					case 'tbody':
					case 'colgroup':
					case 'abbr':
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					case 'blockquote':
					case 'center':
					case 'code':
					case 'del':
					case 'div':
					case 'font':
					case 'ins':
					case 'small':
					case 'span':
					case 'strike':
					case 'tt':
					case 'rb':
					case 'rp':
					case 'rt':
					case 'ruby':
					case 'nowiki':
					case 'math':
					case 'score':
					case 'noinclude':
					case 'includeonly':
					case 'onlyinclude':
					case 'gallery':
					case 'categorytree':
					case 'charinsert':
					case 'hiero':
					case 'imagemap':
					case 'inputbox':
					case 'poem':
					case 'syntaxhighlight':
					case 'source':
					case 'timeline':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdHtmlTag">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHtmlTag--></span><!--wikEdHtml-->';
					case 'u':
						insertLeft = '</span><!--wikEdIns--><span class="wikEdHtmlTagButtons">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHtmlTagButtons-->';
					case 's':
						insertLeft = '</span><!--wikEdDel--><span class="wikEdHtmlTagButtons">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHtmlTagButtons-->';
					case 'sub':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdHtmlTagButtons">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHtmlTagButtons--></span><!--wikEdSubscript-->';
					case 'sup':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdHtmlTagButtons">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHtmlTagButtons--></span><!--wikEdSuperscript-->';
					case 'p':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdHtmlUnknown" title="' + wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorHtmlUnknown + '">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHtmlUnknown-->';
					case 'ref':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdHtmlTag">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHtmlTag--></span><!--wikEdRef-->';
					case 'references':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdReferencesTag">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdReferencesTag--></span><!--wikEdRefList-->';
					case 'heading':
						insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdHeading/WP-->';

					// table close
					case 'table':
						if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
							insertLeft = '<tr class="wikEdTableTag"><td class="wikEdTableTag" colspan="1000" align="left" valign="top"><span class="wikEdTableTag' + newlineClass + '">';
							if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
								insertLeft += '<span class="wikEdTableContainer"><button class="wikEdTableButton' + wikEd.tableArray.length + '" title="' + wikEd.config.text.wikEdTableButtonTooltip + '"></button><!--wikEdTableButton--></span><!--wikEdTableContainer--><span class="wikEdTable">';
								wikEd.tableArray.push( {'text': wikEd.config.text.hideTableEnd, 'added': false} );
							insertLeft += '<span class="wikEdTableCode">';
							insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode-->';
							if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
								insertRight += '</span><!--wikEdTable-->';
							insertRight += '</span><!--wikEdTableTag' + newlineClass + '--></td><!--wikEdTableTag--></tr><!--wikEdTableTag--></table><!--wikEdTableMode-->';
						else {
							insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableTag"><span class="wikEdTableCode">';
							insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode--></span><!--wikEdTableTag--></span><!--wikEdTableBlock-->';
					case 'tableAttrib':
						if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
							if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
								insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableTagAttrib-->';
							if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
								insertRight += '</span><!--wikEdTable-->';
							insertRight += '</span><!--wikEdTableTag' + parentNewlineClass + '--></td><!--wikEdTableTag--></tr><!--wikEdTableTag-->';
						else {
							if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
								insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableTagAttrib--></span><!--wikEdTableTag-->';
					case 'tableCaption':
						if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
							insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCaption' + pairedNewlineClass + '--></td><!--wikEdTableCaption--></tr><!--wikEdTableCaption-->';
						else {
							insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCaption-->';
					case 'captionAttrib':
						if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
							if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
								insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableCode">';
								insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode--></span><!--wikEdTableCaptionAttrib-->';
								if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
									insertRight += '</span><!--wikEdTable-->';
							else {
								insertRight = '';
						else {
							if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
								insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableCode">';
								insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode--></span><!--wikEdTableCaptionAttrib-->';
					case 'row':
						if ( (paired !== null) && (paired.tagLength > 0) ) {
							insertRight = '</tr><!--wikEdTableRow-->';
						else {
							insertRight = '</tr><!--wikEdTableMode-->';
					case 'rowAttrib':
						var parentAttrib = parent.attrib || '';
						if (parentAttrib !== '') {
							parentAttrib = wikEd.SanitizeAttributes('tr', parentAttrib, true);
							if (parentAttrib !== '') {
								parentAttrib = ' ' + parentAttrib;
						if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
							if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
								insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableRowAttrib-->';
							if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
								insertRight += '</span><!--wikEdTable-->';
							insertRight += '</span><!--wikEdTableRow' + parentNewlineClass + '--></td><!--wikEdTableRow--></tr><!--wikEdTableRow--><tr class="wikEdTableRow"' + parentAttrib + '>';
						else {
							if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
								insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableRowAttrib-->';
							insertRight += '</span><!--wikEdTableRow-->';
					case 'header':
						if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
							insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableHeader' + pairedNewlineClass + '--></td><!--wikEdTableHeader-->';
						else {
							insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableHeader-->';
					case 'headerAttrib':
						if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
							if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
								insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableCode">';
								insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode--></span><!--wikEdTableHeaderAttrib-->';
								if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
									insertRight += '</span><!--wikEdTable-->';
						else {
							if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
								insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableCode">';
								insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode--></span><!--wikEdTableHeaderAttrib-->';
					case 'cell':
						if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
							insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCell' + pairedNewlineClass + '--></td><!--wikEdTableCell-->';
						else {
							insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCell-->';
					case 'cellAttrib':
						if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
							if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
								insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableCode">';
								insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode--></span><!--wikEdTableCellAttrib-->';
								if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
									insertRight += '</span><!--wikEdTable-->';
						else {
							if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
								insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableCode">';
								insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode--></span><!--wikEdTableCellAttrib-->';

			// tag type: block
			case 'block':
				switch (tag) {
					case 'linkNamespace':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdLinkNs">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdLinkNs-->';
					case 'linkInter':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdLinkInter">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdLinkInter-->';
					case 'inlineURL':
						var url = '';
						var regExpMatch;
						if ( (regExpMatch = /\w\S+/.exec(tagMatch)) !== null) {
							url = regExpMatch;
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdURLName" ' + wikEd.HighlightLinkify('', '', url) + '>';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdURLName-->';
					case 'externalURL':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdURLTarget">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdURLTarget-->';
					case 'templateModifier':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTemplMod">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdTemplMod-->';
					case 'templateNamespace':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTemplNs">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdTemplNs-->';
					case 'templateParserFunct':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdParserFunct">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdParserFunct-->';
					case 'PMID':
						var idNumber = '';
						var regExpMatch;
						if ( (regExpMatch = /\d+/.exec(tagMatch)) !== null) {
							idNumber = regExpMatch;
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdPMID" ' + wikEd.HighlightLinkify('', '', '//' + idNumber) + '>';
						insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdPMID-->';
					case 'ISBN':
						var idNumber = '';
						var regExpMatch;
						if ( (regExpMatch = /\d+x?/.exec(tagMatch)) !== null) {
							idNumber = regExpMatch.replace(/\D/g, '');
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdISBN" ' + wikEd.HighlightLinkify('', 'Special:BookSources/' + idNumber) + '>';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdISBN-->';
					case 'RFC':
						var idNumber = '';
						var regExpMatch;
						if ( (regExpMatch = /\d+x?/.exec(tagMatch)) !== null) {
							idNumber = regExpMatch.replace(/\D/g, '');
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdISBN" ' + wikEd.HighlightLinkify('', '', '//' + idNumber) + '>';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdISBN-->';
					case 'magic':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdMagic">';
						insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdMagic-->';
					case 'signature':
						var title = wikEd.config.text;
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdSignature" title="' + title + '">';
						insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdSignature-->';
					case 'hr':
						pushLeft = '<span class="wikEdHr">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHr-->';
					case 'linkParam':
						insertLeft = '</span><!--wikEdLinkTarget/CatName--><span class="wikEdLinkTag">';
						insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdLinkTag--><span class="wikEdLinkText">';
					case 'fileParam':

						// make text parameters a caption
						var params = '';
						if (pairedPos !== undefined) {
							params = obj.html.substring(tagFrom + 1, parent.pairedPos - 1);
						if (/^\s*(thumb|thumbnail|frame|right|left|center|none|\d+px|\d+x\d+px|link\=.*?|upright|border)\s*(\||$)/.test(params) === true) {
							insertLeft = '</span><!--wikEdFileName/Param--><span class="wikEdFileTag">';
							insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdFileTag--><span class="wikEdFileParam">';
						else {
							insertLeft = '</span><!--wikEdFileName/Param--><span class="wikEdFileTag">';
							insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdFileTag--><span class="wikEdFileCaption">';
					case 'redirect':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdRedir">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdRedir-->';
					case 'templateParam':
						insertLeft = '</span><!--wikEdTemplateName/Param--><span class="wikEdTemplTag">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdTemplTag--><span class="wikEdTemplParam">';
					case 'parameterDefault':
						insertLeft = '</span><!--wikEdParamName--><span class="wikEdTemplTag">';
						insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTemplTag--><span class="wikEdParamDefault">';
					case 'void':
					case 'html':
					case 'htmlEmpty':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdHtml"><span class="wikEdHtmlTag">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHtmlTag--></span><!--wikEdHtml-->';
					case 'htmlUnknown':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdHtmlUnknown" title="' + wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorHtmlUnknown + '">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHtmlUnknown-->';
					case 'ref':
						var refName = '';
						var regExpMatch;
						if ( (regExpMatch = /(\bname\s*=\s*('|"))(+?)\2/i.exec(tagMatch)) !== null) {
							refName = regExpMatch;
							wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('refName', 'block', tagFrom + regExpMatch.index + regExpMatch.length, regExpMatch.length, parseObj);
						else if ( (regExpMatch = /(\bname\s*=\s*)(\w+)/i.exec(tagMatch)) !== null) {
							refName = regExpMatch;
							wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('refName', 'block', tagFrom + regExpMatch.index + regExpMatch.length, regExpMatch.length, parseObj);
						if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
							if (refName !== '') {
								insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdRefContainer"><button class="wikEdRefButton' + wikEd.referenceArray.length + '" title="' + wikEd.config.text.wikEdRefButtonTooltip + '"></button><!--wikEdRefButton--></span><!--wikEdRefContainer-->';
								wikEd.referenceArray.push( {'text': refName + ' ↑', 'added': false} );
							else {
								insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdRefContainer"><button class="wikEdRefButton" title="' + wikEd.config.text.wikEdRefButtonTooltip + '"></button><!--wikEdRefButton--></span><!--wikEdRefContainer-->';
						insertLeft += '<span class="wikEdRef"><span class="wikEdHtmlTag">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHtmlTag--></span><!--wikEdRef-->';
					case 'references':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdReferences"><span class="wikEdReferencesTag">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdReferencesTag--></span><!--wikEdReferences-->';
					case 'pre':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdPre">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdPre-->';
					case 'math':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdMath">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdMath-->';
					case 'score':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdScore">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdScore-->';
					case 'nowiki':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdNowiki">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdNowiki-->';
					case 'listTag':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdListTag">';
						insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdListTag-->';
					case 'preformTag':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdSpaceTag">';
						insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdSpaceTag-->';
					case 'refName':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdRefName">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdRefName-->';
					case 'list':
						pushLeft = '<span class="wikEdList">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdList-->';
					case 'preform':
						pushLeft = '<span class="wikEdSpace">';
						pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdSpace-->';
					case 'colorLight':
						insertLeft = '<span style="background: ' + tagMatch + '" class="wikEdColorsLight">';
						insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdColorsLight-->';
					case 'colorDark':
						insertLeft = '<span style="background: ' + tagMatch + '" class="wikEdColorsDark">';
						insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdColorsDark-->';
					case 'colorHex3':
						var regExpMatch = /()()()/i.exec(tagMatch);
						if ( (regExpMatch > 255) || (regExpMatch > 255) || (regExpMatch > 255) ) {
						var luminance = parseInt(regExpMatch, 16) * 16 * 0.299 + parseInt(regExpMatch, 16) * 16 * 0.587 + parseInt(regExpMatch, 16) * 16  * 0.114;
						if (luminance > 128) {
							insertLeft = '<span style="background: ' + tagMatch + '" class="wikEdColorsLight">';
							insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdColorsLight-->';
						else {
							insertLeft = '<span style="background: ' + tagMatch + '" class="wikEdColorsDark">';
							insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdColorsDark-->';
					case 'colorHex6':
						var regExpMatch = /({2})({2})({2})/i.exec(tagMatch);
						if ( (regExpMatch > 255) || (regExpMatch > 255) || (regExpMatch > 255) ) {
						var luminance = parseInt(regExpMatch, 16) * 0.299 + parseInt(regExpMatch, 16) * 0.587 + parseInt(regExpMatch, 16) * 0.114;
						if (luminance > 128) {
							insertLeft = '<span style="background: ' + tagMatch + '" class="wikEdColorsLight">';
							insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdColorsLight-->';
						else {
							insertLeft = '<span style="background: ' + tagMatch + '" class="wikEdColorsDark">';
							insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdColorsDark-->';
					case 'colorDec':
						var regExpMatch = /(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)/i.exec(tagMatch);
						if ( (regExpMatch > 255) || (regExpMatch > 255) || (regExpMatch > 255) ) {
						var luminance = regExpMatch * 0.299 + regExpMatch * 0.587 + regExpMatch * 0.114;
						if (luminance > 128) {
							insertLeft = '<span style="background: ' + tagMatch + '" class="wikEdColorsLight">';
							insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdColorsLight-->';
						else {
							insertLeft = '<span style="background: ' + tagMatch + '" class="wikEdColorsDark">';
							insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdColorsDark-->';
					case 'ctrl':
						insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdCtrl" title="' + wikEd.controlCharHighlighting + '">';
						insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdCtrl-->';
					case 'char':
						var charName = wikEd.charHighlighting;
						var charClass = 'wikEd' + charName;
						insertLeft = '<span class="' + charClass + '" title="' + wikEd.config.text + '">';
						insertRight = '</span><!--' + charClass + '-->';
					case 'charEntity':
						var regExpMatch = /&(\w+);/i.exec(tagMatch);
						var character = wikEd.charEntitiesByName ];
						if (character !== undefined) {
							if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
								insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdCharEntityContainer"><button class="wikEdCharEntityButton' + wikEd.charEntityArray.length + '" title="' + wikEd.config.text.wikEdCharEntityButtonTooltip + '"></button><!--wikEdCharEntityButton--></span><!--wikEdCharEntityContainer-->';
								wikEd.charEntityArray.push( {'text': character, 'added': false} );
							insertLeft += '<span class="wikEdCharEntity">';
							insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdCharEntity-->';

			// tag type: various
			case 'comment':
				insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdComment">' + node.left + '</span><!--wikEdComment-->';
			case 'keep':
				insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdKeep">' + node.left + '</span><!--wikEdKeep-->';
			case 'error':
				insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdError" title="' + node.left + '">';
				if (wikEd.config.highlightError === true) {
					insertLeft += '<span class="wikEdHighlightError">' + node.left + '</span><!--wikEdHighlightError-->';
				pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdError-->';
			case 'note': // for debugging
				insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdParsingNote">' + node.tagLength + '</span><!--wikEdParsingNote-->';
			case 'root':
			case undefined:

		// add left html into existing entry
		if (insertLeft !== '') {
			node.left = insertLeft;
			node.index = i;

		// add left html as new array element to allow for overlapping highlighting as in hr
		else if (pushLeft !== '') {
			parseObj.tree.push( { 'start': tagFrom, 'tagLength': 0, 'left': pushLeft, 'index': i - 0.5 } );

		// add right html into existing entry
		if (insertRight !== '') {
			node.right = insertRight;
			node.index = i;

		// add right html as new array element to allow for overlapping highlighting as in html-like tags and urls
		else if (pushRight !== '') {
			parseObj.tree.push( { 'start': tagTo, 'tagLength': 0, 'right': pushRight, 'index': i + 0.5 } );
		if (pushRight2 !== '') {
			parseObj.tree.push( { 'start': pushRightPos2, 'tagLength': 0, 'right': pushRight2, 'index': i + 0.5 } );

		from = tagTo;
		i ++;


// wikEd.HighlightMergeHtml: merge parse tree highlighting html code with article text

wikEd.HighlightMergeHtml = function (parseObj, obj) {

	if (parseObj.tree.length <= 1) {

	// sort parse array by position, length, and index
		function(a, b) {

			// by start position
			if (a.start != b.start) {
				return a.start - b.start;

			// by length
			if (a.tagLength != b.tagLength) {
				return a.tagLength - b.tagLength;

			// by index
			return a.index - b.index;

	// add comments and highlighting
	var from = 0;
	var htmlArray = ;

	// cycle through parse array and assemble html array
	for (var i = 0; i < parseObj.tree.length; i ++) {
		var node = parseObj.tree;
		var tagFrom = node.start;
		var tagLength = node.tagLength;
		var htmlLeft = node.left;
		var htmlRight = node.right;
		var tagTo = tagFrom + tagLength;

		// drop overlapping highlighting //// |- in tables?!
		if (tagFrom < from) {

		// ignore root
		if (tagFrom === undefined) {

		// push leading plain text
		htmlArray.push(obj.html.substring(from, tagFrom));

		// push left html
		if (htmlLeft !== undefined) {

		// push right html
		if (htmlRight !== undefined) {
			htmlArray.push(obj.html.substring(tagFrom, tagTo));
			from = tagTo;
		else {
			from = tagFrom;

	// join html array
	obj.html = htmlArray.join('');

	// display highlighted html:
	// WED(obj.html.replace(/\x00/g, '&lt;').replace(/\x01/g, '&gt;'));


// wikEd.HighlightLinkify: prepare the span tag parameters for ctrl-click opening of highlighted links, addding redirect info, and highlighting redlinks

wikEd.HighlightLinkify = function (linkPrefix, linkTitle, linkUrl) {

	var linkName = '';
	var subpage = false;
	var link = '';
	var info = '';

	// generate url from interlanguage or namespace prefix and title
	if (typeof linkUrl != 'string') {

		// test for illegal characters
		if (/<>#]/.test(linkPrefix) === true) {
			return '';

		// clean prefix and title
		linkPrefix = wikEd.CleanLink(linkPrefix);
		linkTitle = wikEd.CleanLink(linkTitle);
		linkName = linkPrefix + linkTitle;
		link = linkName;

		// character accentuation for Esperanto, see ]
		if (wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgContentLanguage == 'eo') {
			linkTitle = linkTitle.replace(/()(x+)/gi,
				function(p, p1, p2) {
					var accentChar = p1;
					var xString = p2;
					var xLength = xString.length;
					var xCount = Math.floor(xLength / 2);
					if ( (xLength / 2 - xCount) > 0) {
						var pos = 'CGHJSUcghjsu'.indexOf(accentChar);
						accentChar = 'ĈĜĤĴŜŬĉĝĥĵŝŭ'.substr(pos, 1);
						xString = xString.replace(/^x|(x)x/gi, '$1');
					else {
						xString = xString.replace(/(x)x/gi, '$1');
					return accentChar + xString;

		// ] refers to a subpage of the current page, ] to a section of the current page
		if ( (linkPrefix === '') && ( (linkTitle.indexOf('/')=== 0) || (linkTitle.indexOf('#')=== 0) ) ) {
			subpage = true;

		// Wiktionary differentiates between lower and uppercased titles, interwiki should not be uppercased
		if (subpage === true) {
			linkUrl = linkPrefix + wikEd.pageName + linkTitle;
		else {
			linkUrl = linkPrefix + linkTitle;
		linkUrl = wikEd.EncodeTitle(linkUrl);
		if (typeof wikEd.config.linkifyArticlePath  == 'string') {
			linkUrl = wikEd.config.linkifyArticlePath.replace(/\$1/, linkUrl);
		else if (typeof wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgArticlePath == 'string') {
			linkUrl = wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgArticlePath.replace(/\$1/, linkUrl);
		else {
			linkUrl = '';

		// detect redirect and redlink info
		if ( (, link) === true) && (wikEd.linkInfo.updated === true) ) {

			// redirect
			if (wikEd.linkInfo.redirect === true) {
				var target =;
				if ( (target !== undefined) && (target !== null) ) {
					info += wikEd.config.text.redirect + ' ' + target;

			// redlinks
			if (wikEd.linkInfo.missing === true) {
				info += wikEd.config.text.redlink;

		// collect new links
		else {
			wikEd.linkInfo = {
				update: true,
				updated: false,

	// url provided
	else {

		// test for illegal characters
		if (//.test(linkUrl) === true) {
			return '';

		// test for templates
		if (/\{|\}/.test(linkUrl) === true) {
			return '';
		linkName = wikEd.EncodeTitle(linkUrl);

	var linkPopup = linkName;
	if (subpage === true) {
		linkPopup = wikEd.pageName + linkPopup;
	linkPopup = linkPopup.replace(/\t/g, '  ');
	linkPopup = wikEd.EscapeHtml(linkPopup);
	linkPopup = linkPopup.replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
	var linkParam = '';

	if (linkUrl !== '') {
		var titleClick;
		if (wikEd.platform == 'mac') {
			titleClick = wikEd.config.text.followLinkMac;
		else {
			titleClick = wikEd.config.text.followLink;
		var id = 'wikEdWikiLink' + Object.getOwnPropertyNames(wikEd.wikiLinks).length;
		var linkify = linkPopup + ' ' + titleClick;
		linkParam += 'id="' + id + '" title="' + linkify + info + '"';

		// save link infos for linkification and redlinking
		wikEd.wikiLinks = { url: linkUrl, link: link, linkify: linkify, info: info };
	return linkParam;

// wikEd.CleanLink: clean and normalize article title

wikEd.CleanLink = function (link) {

	// remove highlighting code
	link = link.replace(/<*>/g, '');

	// remove control chars
	var regExp = new RegExp('', 'g');
	link = link.replace(regExp, '');

	// fix strange white spaces, leading colons
	link = link.replace(/\s/g, ' ');
	link = link.replace(/^ +/, '');
	link = link.replace(/^:+ *()/, '');
	link = link.replace(/ +/g, '_');

	// quotes and ampersand
	link = link.replace(/&amp;quot;/g, '"');
	link = link.replace(/&amp;apos;/g, '\'');
	link = link.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');

	return link;

// wikEd.EncodeTitle: encode article title for use in url (code copied to wikEdDiff.js)

wikEd.EncodeTitle = function (title) {

	if (title === undefined) {
		title = wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgTitle;

	// characters not supported
	title = title.replace(/|{}]/g, '');

	title = title.replace(/ /g, '_');
	title = encodeURI(title);
	title = title.replace(/%25(\d\d)/g, '%$1');
	title = title.replace(/&/g, '%26');
	title = title.replace(/#/g, '%23');
	title = title.replace(/'/g, '%27');
	title = title.replace(/\?/g, '%3F');
	title = title.replace(/\+/g, '%2B');
	return title;

// wikEd.EscapeHtml: escape html code, &<> to character entities

wikEd.EscapeHtml = function (html) {

	html = html.replace(/&/g, '&amp;');
	html = html.replace(/</g, '&lt;');
	html = html.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
	return html;

// wikEd.UpdateTextarea: copy frame content or provided text to textarea

wikEd.UpdateTextarea = function (text) {

	var obj = {};
	if (text !== undefined) {
		obj.html = text;

	// get frame content, remove dynamically inserted nodes by other scripts
	else {
		if ( wikEd.frameBody ) {
			obj.html = wikEd.frameBody.innerHTML;
		} else {


	// remove trailing blanks and newlines at end of text
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/((<br\b*>)|\s)+$/g, '');

	// remove leading spaces in lines
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(<br\b*>)* *()/g, '$1');

	// textify so that no html formatting is submitted
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&nbsp;|&#160;|\xa0/g, ' ');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&lt;/g, '<');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&gt;/g, '>');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');

	// convert all &nbsp; char entitities to actual characters (customization option only)
	if (wikEd.config.nbspToChar === true) {
		obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&nbsp;/g, '\xa0');

	// copy to textarea
	wikEd.textarea.value = obj.plain;

	// remember frame scroll position
	wikEd.frameScrollTop = wikEd.frameBody.scrollTop;


// wikEd.UpdateFrame: copy textarea content or provided html to frame

wikEd.UpdateFrame = function (html) {

	// get textarea content
	var obj = {};
	if (html !== undefined) {
		obj.html = html;
	else {
		obj.html = wikEd.textarea.value;
		obj.html = wikEd.EscapeHtml(obj.html);

		// convert \xa (nbsp) to character entities so they do not get converted to blanks
		if (wikEd.config.convertNbspToEntities === true) {
			obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\xa0/g, '&amp;nbsp;');

	// highlight the syntax
	if (wikEd.highlightSyntax === true) {
		obj.whole = true;

	// at least display tabs
	else {
		obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\t)/g, '<span class="wikEdTabPlain">$1</span><!--wikEdTabPlain-->');

	// multiple blanks to blank-&nbsp;
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(^|\n) /g, '$1&nbsp;');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/ (\n|$)/g, '&nbsp;$1');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/ {2}/g, '&nbsp; ');
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/ {2}/g, '&nbsp; ');

	// newlines to <br>
	obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\n/g, '<br>');

	// insert content into empty frame
	if ( (wikEd.readOnly === true) || (wikEd.frameBody.firstChild === null) || (/^<br*>\s*$/.test(wikEd.frameBody.innerHTML) === true) ) {
		wikEd.frameBody.innerHTML = obj.html;

	// insert content into frame, preserve history
	else {
		obj.sel = wikEd.GetSelection();
		var range = wikEd.frameDocument.createRange();

		// replace the frame content with the new text, do not scroll
		var scrollOffset = window.pageYOffset || document.body.scrollTop;
		if (obj.html !== '') {
			wikEd.frameDocument.execCommand('inserthtml', false, obj.html);
		else {
		window.scroll(0, scrollOffset);

		// scroll to previous position
		if (wikEd.frameScrollTop !== null) {
			wikEd.frameBody.scrollTop = wikEd.frameScrollTop;
	wikEd.frameScrollTop = null;

	// add event handlers and labels
	if (wikEd.highlightSyntax === true) {

		// name ref and template buttons

		// add event handlers to unhide refs and templates

		// add event handlers to make highlighted frame links ctrl-clickable

		// get link infos from server (redirects, redlinks)

// wikEd.HtmlToPlain: convert html to plain text, called from wikEd.GetText

wikEd.HtmlToPlain = function (obj) {

	obj.plain = obj.html.replace(/{2,}/g, ' ');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/<br\b*>/g, '\n');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\xa0/g, ' ');


// wikEd.KeyHandler: event handler for keydown events in main document and frame
//   detects emulated accesskey and traps enter in find/replace input elements

wikEd.KeyHandler = function (event) {

	// trap enter in find/replace input elements
	if ( (event.type == 'keydown') && (event.keyCode == 13) ) {
		if ( == 'wikEdFindText') {
			if (event.shiftKey === true) {
				wikEd.EditButton(null, 'wikEdFindPrev');
			else if (event.ctrlKey === true) {
				wikEd.EditButton(null, 'wikEdFindAll');
			else {
				wikEd.EditButton(null, 'wikEdFindNext');
		else if ( == 'wikEdReplaceText') {
			if (event.shiftKey === true) {
				wikEd.EditButton(null, 'wikEdReplacePrev');
			else if (event.ctrlKey === true) {
				wikEd.EditButton(null, 'wikEdReplaceAll');
			else {
				wikEd.EditButton(null, 'wikEdReplaceNext');

	// detect emulated accesskeys
	else if ( (event.shiftKey === true) && (event.ctrlKey === false) && (event.altKey === true) && (event.metaKey === false) ) {

		// get wikEd button id from keycode
		var buttonId = wikEd.buttonKeyCode;
		if (buttonId !== undefined) {

			// execute the button click handler code, obj required for eval
			var obj = document.getElementById(buttonId);

// wikEd.FindAhead: find-as-you-type, event handler for find field, supports insensitive and regexp settings

wikEd.FindAhead = function () {

	if (wikEd.findAhead.getAttribute('checked') == 'true') {

		// get the find text
		var findText = wikEd.findText.value;
		if (findText === '') {

		// remember input field selection
		var findTextSelectionStart = wikEd.findText.selectionStart;
		var findTextSelectionEnd = wikEd.findText.selectionEnd;

		// remember frame selection
		var sel = wikEd.GetSelection();
		var range = sel.getRangeAt(0).cloneRange();
		var rangeClone = range.cloneRange();
		var scrollTop = wikEd.frameBody.scrollTop;

		// collapse selection to the left
		range = sel.addRange(range);

		// create obj for regexp search
		var obj = {};

		// get insensitive and regexp button states
		var regExpChecked = wikEd.regExp.getAttribute('checked');
		var caseSensitiveChecked = wikEd.caseSensitive.getAttribute('checked');

		// get case sensitive setting
		var caseSensitive = false;
		if (caseSensitiveChecked == 'true') {
			caseSensitive = true;

		// get regexp setting
		var useRegExp = false;
		if (regExpChecked == 'true') {
			useRegExp = true;

		// parameters: obj, findText, caseSensitive, backwards, wrap, useRegExp
		var found = wikEd.Find(obj, findText, caseSensitive, false, true, useRegExp);

		// restore original frame selection
		if (found === false) {
			wikEd.frameBody.scrollTop = scrollTop;
		else {

			// scroll to selection

		// restore input field selection (needed for FF 3.6);
		wikEd.findText.setSelectionRange(findTextSelectionStart, findTextSelectionEnd);

// wikEd.DebugInfo: click handler for ctrl-click of logo buttons, pastes debug info into edit field or popup; shift-ctrl-click: extended info with resource loader modules

wikEd.DebugInfo = function (event) {

	// ctrl-click
	if (event.ctrlKey !== true) {

	// get debug infos
	var debug = wikEd.GetDebugInfo(event.shiftKey);
	debug = debug.replace(/(^|\n(?=.))/g, '$1* ');
	debug = '=== wikEd bug report: ____ (Please add short title) === \n\n' + debug;
	debug += '* Error console: ____ (Firefox: Tools → Web Developer → Browser console; push clear and reload the page. Chrome: Control button → Tools → JavaScript console. Copy and paste error messages related to wikEd.js)\n';
	debug += '* Problem description: ____ (Please be as specific as possible about what is wrong, including when it happens, what happens, what is broken, and what still works)\n';
	debug += '* Steps to reproduce: ____ (Please include what happens at each step. Your problems cannot be fixed without reproducing them first!)\n';

	// print to iframe, textarea, debug area, or alert
	if ( == wikEd.logo) {
	else if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {
		debug = wikEd.EscapeHtml('\n' + debug).replace(/\n/g, '<br>');
		wikEd.frameDocument.execCommand('inserthtml', false, debug);
	else if (wikEd.textarea !== null) {
		wikEd.textarea.value += '\n' + debug;
	else {
		wikEd.Debug(debug, undefined, true);

// wikEd.GetDebugInfo: compiles debug info into string

wikEd.GetDebugInfo = function (extended) {

	var loader = '';
	var mediawiki = '';
	var gadgets = '';
	var scripts = '';

	// cycle through script urls
	var pageScripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
	for (var i = 0; i < pageScripts.length; i ++) {
		var src = pageScripts.src;
		if (src !== '') {

			// resource loader modules
			var regExpMatch = /load.php\?(|.*?&)modules=(.*?)(&|$)/.exec(src);
			if (regExpMatch !== null) {
				loader += decodeURIComponent(regExpMatch).replace(/\|/g, '; ') + '; ';

			// mediawiki: scripts
			else {
				var regExpMatch = /index.php\?(|.*?&)title=(.*?)(&|$)/.exec(src);
				if (regExpMatch !== null) {
					var script = regExpMatch;
					if (/^MediaWiki:Gadget/.test(script) === true) {
						gadgets += script.replace(/^MediaWiki:/, '') + ', ';
					else if (/^MediaWiki:/.test(script) === true) {
						mediawiki += script.replace(/^MediaWiki:/, '') + ', ';
					else {
						scripts += script + ', ';

			// other scripts
				else {
					var regExpScript = new RegExp(wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgServer + '(' + wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgScriptPath + ')?');
					scripts += src.replace(regExpScript, '').replace(/\?.*/, '') + ', ';

	// get date
	var date = new Date();
	var time = (date.getUTCFullYear() + '-' + (date.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '-' + date.getUTCDate() + ' ' + date.getUTCHours() + ':' + date.getUTCMinutes() + ':' + date.getUTCSeconds() + ' UTC').replace(/\b(\d)\b/g, '0$1');

	// get user subpages
	var protocol = document.location.href.replace(/\/\/.*/, '');
	var subPages = wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgServer + wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgArticlePath.replace(/\$1/, 'Special:PrefixIndex/' + wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgFormattedNamespaces + ':' + wikEd.EncodeTitle(wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgUserName) + '/');
	if (/^\/\//.test(subPages) === true) {
		subPages = protocol + subPages;

	// get user js pages
	var userPage = wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgServer + wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgArticlePath.replace(/\$1/, wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgFormattedNamespaces + ':' + wikEd.EncodeTitle(wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgUserName));
	if (/^\/\//.test(userPage) === true) {
		userPage = protocol + userPage;
	var skinJs = userPage + '/' + + '.js';
	var commonJs = userPage + '/common.js';

	// remove trailing separators
	loader = loader.replace(/; $/, '');
	mediawiki = mediawiki.replace(/, $/, '');
	gadgets = gadgets.replace(/, $/, '');
	scripts = scripts.replace(/, $/, '');

	var debug = '';
	debug += 'Date: ' + time + '\n';
	debug += 'wikEd version: ' + wikEd.programVersion + wikEd.installationType + ' (' + wikEd.programDate  + ')\n';
	debug += 'Browser: ' + window.navigator.userAgent + ' (' + window.navigator.platform + ')\n';
	debug += 'Skin: ' + + ' (detected: ' + + ')\n';
	debug += 'MediaWiki: ' + wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgVersion + '\n';
	debug += 'Gadgets: ' + gadgets + '\n';
	debug += 'MediaWiki scripts: ' + mediawiki + '\n';
	debug += 'Scripts: ' + scripts + '\n';
	if (extended === true) {
		debug += 'Loader: ' + loader + '\n';
	debug += 'URL: ' + window.location.href + '\n';
	debug += 'User subpages: ' + subPages + '\n';
	debug += 'User/skin.js: ' + skinJs + '\n';
	debug += 'User/common.js: ' + commonJs + '\n';

	return debug;

// wikEd.MainSwitch: click handler for program logo

wikEd.MainSwitch = function ( event ) {

	// ctrl-click for debug info
	if ( event.ctrlKey === true ) {

	// disable function if browser is incompatible
	if ( wikEd.browserNotSupported === true ) {

	// enable wikEd
	if ( wikEd.disabled === true ) {

		// check for active code editor

		// do not turn on when code editor is active
		if ( ( wikEd.useCodeEditor === true ) || ( wikEd.useCodeMirror === true ) ) {
			wikEd.disabled = true;
			wikEd.SetLogo( 'incompatible', 'Code Editor' );

		wikEd.disabled = false;
		wikEd.SetPersistent( 'wikEdDisabled', '0', 0, '/' );

		// turn rich text frame on
		if ( wikEd.turnedOn === false ) {

			// setup wikEd
			wikEd.TurnOn( false );
		else {
			var useWikEd = false;
			if ( document.getElementById('wikEdUseWikEd').getAttribute('checked') == 'true' ) {
				useWikEd = true;
			wikEd.SetEditArea( useWikEd );
			wikEd.useWikEd = useWikEd;
			window.wikEdUseWikEd = wikEd.useWikEd;
			if ( wikEd.useWikEd === true ) {
			} = 'block'; = 'block';
			if ( wikEd.buttonBarJump !== null ) { = 'block';

			// run scheduled custom functions
			wikEd.ExecuteHook( wikEd.config.onHook );

	// disable wikEd
	else {
		wikEd.SetPersistent( 'wikEdDisabled', '1', 0, '/' );
		if ( wikEd.turnedOn === false ) {
			wikEd.useWikEd = false;
			window.wikEdUseWikEd = wikEd.useWikEd;
			wikEd.disabled = true;
		else {

			// interrupt fullscreen mode
			if ( wikEd.fullscreen === true ) {
				wikEd.FullScreen( false );

			// turn classic textarea on
			if ( wikEd.useWikEd === true ) {

			// reset textarea dimensions = ( wikEd.textareaOffsetHeightInitial - wikEd.frameBorderHeight ) + 'px'; = '100%';

			wikEd.frameHeight = ( wikEd.textareaOffsetHeightInitial - wikEd.frameBorderHeight ) + 'px';
			wikEd.frameWidth = ( wikEd.editorWrapper.clientWidth - wikEd.frameBorderWidth ) + 'px'; = wikEd.frameHeight; = wikEd.frameWidth; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'auto';

			if ( wikEd.buttonBarJump !== null ) { = 'none';

			wikEd.useWikEd = false;
			window.wikEdUseWikEd = wikEd.useWikEd;
			wikEd.disabled = true;

			// run scheduled custom functions
			wikEd.ExecuteHook( wikEd.config.offHook );

// wikEd.FullScreen: change to fullscreen edit area or back to normal view

wikEd.FullScreen = function (fullscreen, updateButton) {

	// resize only
	if (fullscreen === undefined) {
		fullscreen = wikEd.fullscreen;

	// no fullscreen for special edit pages
	if (wikEd.editArticle === false) {
		fullscreen = false;
		updateButton = false;

	// no fullscreen for textarea view
	if (wikEd.useWikEd === false) {
		fullscreen = false;
		updateButton = false;

	// skip for repeat calls
	if (fullscreen != wikEd.fullscreen) {

		// disable frame resizing
		if ( (wikEd.fullscreen === false) && (wikEd.frameDocument !== null) ) {

		// setup fullscreen
		if (fullscreen === true) {

			// inactivate scroll-to buttons
			document.getElementById('wikEdScrollToPreview').className = 'wikEdButtonInactive';
			document.getElementById('wikEdScrollToEdit').className = 'wikEdButtonInactive';

		// back to normal
		else {

			// activate scroll-to buttons
			document.getElementById('wikEdScrollToPreview').className = 'wikEdButton';
			document.getElementById('wikEdScrollToEdit').className = 'wikEdButton';
	var switched = (fullscreen != wikEd.fullscreen);
	if (switched === true) {
		wikEd.fullscreen = fullscreen;

		// set the fullscreen button state
		if (updateButton === true) {
			wikEd.Button(document.getElementById('wikEdFullScreen'), 'wikEdFullScreen', null, fullscreen);
			wikEd.fullScreenMode = fullscreen;

	// resize and scroll to edit-frame
	if ( (switched === true) && (fullscreen === false) ) {
		window.scroll(0, wikEd.GetOffsetTop(wikEd.inputWrapper) - 2);

	// grey out fullscreen button
	var button = document.getElementById('wikEdFullScreen');
	if ( (wikEd.editArticle === false) || (wikEd.useWikEd === false) ) {
		button.className = 'wikEdButtonInactive';
	else if (wikEd.fullScreenMode === true) {
		button.className = 'wikEdButtonChecked';
	else {
		button.className = 'wikEdButtonUnchecked';


// wikEd.ResizeSummary: recalculate the summary width after resizing the window

wikEd.ResizeSummary = function () {

	// check if combo field exists
	if (wikEd.summarySelect === null) {
	} = ''; = '';

	wikEd.summaryTextWidth = wikEd.summaryWrapper.clientWidth - ( wikEd.GetOffsetLeft(wikEd.summaryText) - wikEd.GetOffsetLeft(wikEd.summaryWrapper) );
	if (wikEd.summaryTextWidth < 150) {
		wikEd.summaryTextWidth = 150;
	} = wikEd.summaryTextWidth + 'px';

// wikEd.ResizeComboInput: set the size of input and select fields so that only the select button is visible behind the input field

wikEd.ResizeComboInput = function (field) {

	// check if combo field exists
	if (wikEd.selectElement === undefined) {

	// short names
	var input = wikEd.inputElement;
	var select = wikEd.selectElement;

	// save select options and empty select
	var selectInnerHTML = select.innerHTML;
	select.innerHTML = '';

	// set measuring styles = 'sans-serif'; = '0'; = '0'; = 'auto';

	// get button width from small empty select box
	var inputWidth = input.offsetWidth;
	var selectWidth = select.offsetWidth;
	var selectBorder = parseInt(wikEd.GetStyle(select, 'borderTopWidth'), 10);
	var buttonWidth = selectWidth - selectBorder - 8;

	// delete measuring styles = null; = null; = null;

	// for long fields shorten input width
	if (inputWidth + buttonWidth > 150) { = (inputWidth - buttonWidth) + 'px'; = inputWidth + 'px';

	// otherwise increase select width
	else { = (inputWidth + buttonWidth) + 'px';

	// restore select options
	select.innerHTML = selectInnerHTML;


// wikEd.ChangeComboInput: sets the input value to selected option; onchange event handler for select boxes

wikEd.ChangeComboInput = function (field) {

	// get selection index (-1 for unselected)
	var selected = wikEd.selectElement.selectedIndex;
	if (selected >= 0) {
		wikEd.selectElement.selectedIndex = -1;

		// get selected option
		var option = wikEd.selectElement.options;
		if (option.text !== '') {

			// jump to heading
			if ( (field == 'find') && (/^=.*?=$/.test(option.value) === true) ) {
				var obj = {};
				var findText = option.value.replace(/({}:=!|,\-])/g, '\\$1');
				findText = '^' + findText + '$';

				// find and select heading text
				wikEd.Find(obj, findText, true, false, true, true);

				// and scroll it into the viewport

			// update input field
			else {

				// add a tag to the summary box
				if (field == 'summary') {
					wikEd.inputElement.value = wikEd.AppendToSummary(wikEd.inputElement.value, option.text);

				// add case and regexp checkboxes to find / replace fields
				else if (option.value == 'setcheck') {
					wikEd.Button(document.getElementById('wikEdCaseSensitive'), 'wikEdCaseSensitive', null, (option.text.charAt(0) == wikEd.checkMarker) );
					wikEd.Button(document.getElementById('wikEdRegExp'), 'wikEdRegExp', null, (option.text.charAt(1) == wikEd.checkMarker) );
					wikEd.inputElement.value = option.text.substr(3);

				// add option text
				else {
					wikEd.inputElement.value = option.text;

				// find the new text
				if ( (field == 'find') && (wikEd.findAhead.getAttribute('checked') == 'true') ) {


// wikEd.AppendToSummary: append a phrase to the summary text

wikEd.AppendToSummary = function (summary, append) {

	summary = summary.replace(/^+/, '');
	summary = summary.replace(/+$/, '');
	if (summary !== '') {
		if (/ \*\/$/.test(summary) === true) {
			summary += ' ';
		else if (/$/.test(summary) === true) {
			summary += ' ';
		else {
			var regExp = new RegExp('^', '');
			if (regExp.test(summary) === false) {
				summary += ' ';
			else {
				summary += ', ';
	summary += append;

	return summary;

// wikEd.AddToHistory: add an input value to the saved history

wikEd.AddToHistory = function (field) {

	if (wikEd.inputElement.value !== '') {

		// load history from saved settings

		// add current value to history

		// add case and regexp checkboxes to find / replace value
		if ( (field == 'find') || (field == 'replace') ) {
			wikEd.fieldHist =
				wikEd.checkMarker +
				wikEd.checkMarker +
				' ' + wikEd.fieldHist;

		// remove paragraph names from summary
		if (field == 'summary') {
			wikEd.fieldHist = wikEd.fieldHist.replace(/^\/\* .*? \*\/ *()/, '');

		// remove multiple old copies from history
		var i = 1;
		while (i < wikEd.fieldHist.length) {
			if (wikEd.fieldHist == wikEd.fieldHist) {
				wikEd.fieldHist.splice(i, 1);
			else {
				i ++;

		// remove new value if it is a preset value
		if (wikEd.config.comboPresetOptions !== undefined) {
			var i = 0;
			while (i < wikEd.config.comboPresetOptions.length) {
				if (wikEd.config.comboPresetOptions == wikEd.fieldHist) {
				else {
					i ++;

		// cut history number to maximal history length
		wikEd.fieldHist = wikEd.fieldHist.slice(0, wikEd.config.historyLength);

		// save history to settings
		if (wikEd.fieldHist !== '') {

// wikEd.SetComboOptions: generate the select options from saved history; onfocus handler for select box

wikEd.SetComboOptions = function (field) {

	// load history from saved settings

	var option = {};
	var selectedOption = null;

	// delete options
	var options = wikEd.selectElement.options;
	for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i ++) {

	// delete optgroup
	option = document.getElementById(field + 'Optgroup');
	if (option !== null) {

	// workaround for onchange not firing when selecting first option from unselected dropdown
	option = document.createElement('option'); = 'none';
	var j = 0;
	wikEd.selectElement.options = option;

	// add history entries
	for (var i = 0; i < wikEd.fieldHist.length; i ++) {
		if (wikEd.fieldHist !== undefined) {
			if (wikEd.fieldHist == wikEd.inputElement.value) {
				selectedOption = j;
			option = document.createElement('option');

			// replace spaces with nbsp to allow for multiple, leading, and trailing spaces
			option.text = wikEd.fieldHist.replace(/ /g, '\xa0');
			if ( (field == 'find') || (field == 'replace') ) {
				option.value = 'setcheck';
			wikEd.selectElement.options = option;

	// add preset entries
	var startPreset = 0;
	if (wikEd.config.comboPresetOptions !== undefined) {
		startPreset = j;
		for (var i = 0; i < wikEd.config.comboPresetOptions.length; i ++) {
			if (wikEd.config.comboPresetOptions !== undefined) {

				// replace spaces with nbsp to allow for multiple, leading, and trailing spaces
				wikEd.config.comboPresetOptions = wikEd.config.comboPresetOptions.replace(/ /g, '\xa0');

				// select a dropdown value
				if (wikEd.config.comboPresetOptions == wikEd.inputElement.value) {
					selectedOption = j;

				option = document.createElement('option');
				option.text = wikEd.config.comboPresetOptions.replace(/ /g, '\xa0');
				if (field == 'summary') {
					option.text = option.text.replace(/\{wikEdUsing\}/g, wikEd.config.summaryUsing);
				wikEd.selectElement.options = option;

	// set the selection
	wikEd.selectElement.selectedIndex = selectedOption;

	// add a blank preset separator
	if ( (startPreset > 1) && (startPreset < j) ) {
		option = document.createElement('optgroup');
		option.label = '\xa0'; = field + 'Optgroup';
		wikEd.selectElement.insertBefore(option, wikEd.selectElement.options);

	// add the TOC jumper to the find field
	var startTOC = 0;
	if (field == 'find') {
		startTOC = j;

		// get the whole plain text
		var plain = wikEd.frameBody.innerHTML;
		plain = plain.replace(/<br\b*>/g, '\n');
		plain = plain.replace(/<*>/g, '');
		plain = plain.replace(/&nbsp;/g, '\xa0');
		plain = plain.replace(/&gt;/g, '>');
		plain = plain.replace(/&lt;/g, '<');
		plain = plain.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');

		// cycle through the headings
		var regExpMatchHeading = plain.match(/(^|\n)=+.+?=+**(?=(\n|$))/g);
		if (regExpMatchHeading !== null) {
			for (var i = 0; i < regExpMatchHeading.length; i ++) {
				var headingMatch = regExpMatchHeading.match(/\n?((=+) *(.+?)( *\2))/);
				var headingIndent = headingMatch;
				headingIndent = headingIndent.replace(/^=/g, '');
				headingIndent = headingIndent.replace(/\=/g, '\xa0');

				// add headings to the select element
				option = document.createElement('option');
				option.text = '\u21d2' + headingIndent + headingMatch;
				option.value = headingMatch;
				wikEd.selectElement.options = option;

	// add a blank TOC separator
	if ( (startTOC > 1) && (startTOC < j) ) {
		option = document.createElement('optgroup');
		option.label = '\xa0'; = field + 'Optgroup';
		wikEd.selectElement.insertBefore(option, wikEd.selectElement.options);


// wikEd.ClearHistory: clear the history of combo input fields

wikEd.ClearHistory = function (field) {

	wikEd.SetPersistent(wikEd.savedName, '', 0, '/');

// wikEd.LoadHistoryFromSettings: get the input box history from the respective saved settings

wikEd.LoadHistoryFromSettings = function (field) {

	var setting = wikEd.GetPersistent(wikEd.savedName);
	if ( (setting !== null) && (setting !== '') ) {
		setting = decodeURIComponent(setting);
		wikEd.fieldHist = setting.split('\n');
	else {
		wikEd.fieldHist = ;

// wikEd.SaveHistoryToSetting: save the input box history to the respective saved settings

wikEd.SaveHistoryToSetting = function (field) {

	var setting = '';
	setting = wikEd.fieldHist.join('\n');
	setting = setting.replace(/\n$/, '');
	setting = encodeURIComponent(setting);
	wikEd.SetPersistent(wikEd.savedName, setting, 0, '/');

// wikEd.GetSelection: get the current iframe selection

wikEd.GetSelection = function () {

	var sel = wikEd.frameWindow.getSelection();

	// make sure there is at least an empty range
	if ( (sel !== null) && (sel.rangeCount === 0) ) {
		sel.collapse(wikEd.frameBody, 0);
	return sel;

// wikEd.SetRange: set a range, control for non-text nodes

wikEd.SetRange = function (range, startNode, startOffset, endNode, endOffset) {

	wikEd.SetRangeStart(range, startNode, startOffset);
	wikEd.SetRangeEnd(range, endNode, endOffset);

// wikEd.SetRangeStart: set range start

wikEd.SetRangeStart = function (range, startNode, startOffset) {

	if ( (startNode.childNodes.length > 0) && (startOffset < startNode.childNodes.length) ) {
		startNode = startNode.childNodes.item(startOffset);
		startOffset = 0;
	if (startNode.nodeName == '#text') {
		range.setStart(startNode, startOffset);
	else if (startNode.childNodes.length === 0) {
		range.setStart(startNode, 0);
	else {

// wikEd.SetRangeEnd: set range end

wikEd.SetRangeEnd = function (range, endNode, endOffset) {

	if ( (endNode.childNodes.length > 0) && (endOffset < endNode.childNodes.length) ) {
		endNode = endNode.childNodes.item(endOffset);
		endOffset = 0;
	if (endNode.nodeName == '#text') {
		range.setEnd(endNode, endOffset);
	else if (endNode.childNodes.length === 0) {
	else {

// wikEd.GetSavedSetting: get a wikEd setting, returns boolean

wikEd.GetSavedSetting = function (settingName, preset) {

	var setting = wikEd.GetPersistent(settingName);
	if (setting == '1') {
		setting = true;
	else {
		if ( (setting === null) || (setting === '') ) {
			setting = preset;
		if (typeof setting !== 'boolean') {
			setting = false;
	return setting;

// wikEd.GetPersistent: get a cookie or a Greasemonkey persistent value (code copied to wikEdDiff.js)

wikEd.GetPersistent = function ( name ) {

	var getStr;

	// check for web storage

	// get a value from web storage
	if ( wikEd.webStorage === true ) {
		try {
			getStr = window.localStorage.getItem( name );
		catch ( exception ) {
			wikEd.webStorage = false;
	if ( wikEd.webStorage === false ) {

		// else get a Greasemonkey persistent value
		if ( wikEd.greasemonkey === true ) {
			getStr = GM_getValue( name, '' );

		// else get a cookie value
		else {
			getStr = wikEd.GetCookie( name );

	// return string
	if ( typeof getStr != 'string' ) {
		getStr = '';
	return getStr;

// wikEd.SetPersistent: set a cookie or a Greasemonkey persistent value, deletes the value for expire = -1

wikEd.SetPersistent = function ( name, value, expires, path, domain, secure ) {

	// check for web storage

	// set a value in web storage
	if ( wikEd.webStorage === true ) {
		if ( expires == -1 ) {
			value = '';
		try {
			window.localStorage.setItem( name, value );
		catch ( exception ) {
			wikEd.webStorage = false;
	if ( wikEd.webStorage === false ) {

		// else set a Greasemonkey persistent value
		if ( wikEd.greasemonkey === true ) {
			if ( expires == -1 ) {
				value = '';

			// see
			window.setTimeout( function() {
				GM_setValue( name, value );
			}, 0 );

		// else set a cookie value
		else {
			wikEd.SetCookie( name, value, expires, path, domain, secure );

// wikEd.DetectWebStorage: detect if local storage is available (code copied to wikEdDiff.js)

wikEd.DetectWebStorage = function () {

	if (wikEd.webStorage === null) {
		wikEd.webStorage = false;

		try {
			if (typeof window.localStorage == 'object') {

				// web storage does not persist between local html page loads in firefox
				if (/^file:\/\//.test(wikEd.pageOrigin) === false) {
					wikEd.webStorage = true;
		catch (exception) {

// wikEd.GetCookie: get a cookie (code copied to wikEdDiff.js)

wikEd.GetCookie = function (cookieName) {

	var cookie = ' ' + document.cookie;
	var search = ' ' + cookieName + '=';
	var cookieValue = '';
	var offset = 0;
	var end = 0;
	offset = cookie.indexOf(search);
	if (offset != -1) {
		offset += search.length;
		end = cookie.indexOf(';', offset);
		if (end == -1) {
			end = cookie.length;
		cookieValue = cookie.substring(offset, end);
		cookieValue = cookieValue.replace(/\\+/g, ' ');
		cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookieValue);
	return cookieValue;

// wikEd.SetCookie: set a cookie, deletes a cookie for expire = -1 (code copied to wikEdDiff.js)

wikEd.SetCookie = function (name, value, expires, path, domain, secure) {

	var cookie = name + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value);

	if ( (expires !== undefined) && (expires !== null) ) {

		// generate a date 1 hour ago to delete the cookie
		if (expires == -1) {
			var cookieExpire = new Date();
			expires = cookieExpire.setTime(cookieExpire.getTime() - 60 * 60 * 1000);
			expires = cookieExpire.toUTCString();

		// get date from expiration preset
		else if (expires === 0) {
			var cookieExpire = new Date();
			expires = cookieExpire.setTime(cookieExpire.getTime() + wikEd.config.cookieExpireSec * 1000);
			expires = cookieExpire.toUTCString();
		cookie += '; expires=' + expires;
	if (typeof path == 'string') {
		cookie += '; path=' + path;
	if (typeof domain == 'string')  {
		cookie += '; domain=' + domain;
	if (secure === true) {
		cookie += '; secure';
	document.cookie = cookie;

// wikEd.GetOffsetTop: get element offset relative to window top (code copied to wikEdDiff.js)

wikEd.GetOffsetTop = function (element) {

	var offset = 0;
	do {
		offset += element.offsetTop;
	} while ( (element = element.offsetParent) !== null );
	return offset;

// wikEd.GetOffsetLeft: get element offset relative to left window border

wikEd.GetOffsetLeft = function (element) {

	var offset = 0;
	do {
		offset += element.offsetLeft;
	} while ( (element = element.offsetParent) !== null );
	return offset;

// wikEd.AppendScript: append script to head

wikEd.AppendScript = function (scriptUrl, onLoadFunction) {

	var script = document.createElement('script');
	script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
	script.setAttribute('src', scriptUrl);
	if (onLoadFunction !== undefined) {
		script.addEventListener('load', onLoadFunction, false);
	return script;

// wikEd.CleanNodes: remove DOM elements dynamically inserted by other scripts

wikEd.CleanNodes = function (node) {

	if (wikEd.cleanNodes === false) {

	// remove Web of Trust (WOT) tags
	var divs = node.getElementsByTagName('div');
	for (var i = 0; i < divs.length; i ++) {
		var div = divs;

		// test for WOT class names
		var divClass = div.className;
		if (/^wot-/.test(divClass) === true) {
			var divParent = div.parentNode;
			if (divParent !== null) {

		// test for WOT attributes
		var divAttrs = div.attributes;
		for (var j = 0; j < divAttrs.length; ++ j) {
			var attr = divAttrs.item(j);
			if ( (attr.nodeName == 'wottarget') || (/^link{30,}/.test(attr.nodeName) === true) ) {
				var divParent = div.parentNode;
				if (divParent !== null) {

// wikEd.ParseDOM: parses a DOM subtree into a linear array of plain text fragments

wikEd.ParseDOM = function (obj, topNode) {

	obj.plainLength = 0;
	obj.plainArray = ;
	obj.plainNode = ;
	obj.plainStart = ;
	obj.plainPos = ;

	var anchorNode = obj.sel.anchorNode;
	var focusNode = obj.sel.focusNode;
	var anchorOffset = obj.sel.anchorOffset;
	var focusOffset = obj.sel.focusOffset;

	wikEd.ParseDOMRecursive(obj, topNode, anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset);
	obj.plain = obj.plainArray.join('');
	obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\xa0/g, ' ');

// wikEd.ParseDOMRecursive: parses a DOM subtree into a linear array of plain text fragments

wikEd.ParseDOMRecursive = function (obj, currentNode, anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset) {

	// cycle through the child nodes of currentNode
	var childNodes = currentNode.childNodes;
	for (var i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i ++) {
		var childNode = childNodes.item(i);

		// check for selection, non-text nodes
		if ( (currentNode == anchorNode) && (i == anchorOffset) ) {
			obj.plainAnchor = obj.plainLength;
		if ( (currentNode == focusNode) && (i == focusOffset) ) {
			obj.plainFocus = obj.plainLength;

		// check for selection, text nodes
		if (childNode == obj.sel.anchorNode) {
			obj.plainAnchor = obj.plainLength + obj.sel.anchorOffset;
		if (childNode == obj.sel.focusNode) {
			obj.plainFocus = obj.plainLength + obj.sel.focusOffset;

		// get text of child node
		var value = null;
		switch (childNode.nodeType) {
			case childNode.ELEMENT_NODE:

				// skip hidden elements
				if (wikEd.GetStyle(childNode, 'display') == 'none') {
				if ( (childNode.childNodes.length === 0) && (wikEd.leafElements === true) ) {
					if (childNode.nodeName == 'BR') {
						value = '\n';
				else {
					wikEd.ParseDOMRecursive(obj, childNode, anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset);
			case childNode.TEXT_NODE:
				value = childNode.nodeValue;
				value = value.replace(/\n/g, ' ');
			case childNode.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE:
				value = '&' + childNode.nodeName + ';';

		// add text to text object
		if (value !== null) {

			// array of text fragments

			// array of text fragment node references

			// array of text fragment text positions

			// node references containing text positions
			obj.plainPos = obj.plainLength;

			// current text length
			obj.plainLength += value.length;

// wikEd.GetInnerHTML: get the innerHTML of a document fragment

wikEd.GetInnerHTML = function (obj, currentNode) {

	// initialize string
	if (obj.html === undefined) {
		obj.html = '';
	if (obj.plain === undefined) {
		obj.plain = '';
	if (obj.plainArray === undefined) {
		obj.plainArray = ;
		obj.plainNode = ;
		obj.plainStart = ;

	var childNodes = currentNode.childNodes;
	for (var i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i ++) {
		var childNode = childNodes.item(i);
		switch (childNode.nodeType) {
			case childNode.ELEMENT_NODE:
				obj.html += '<' + childNode.nodeName.toLowerCase();
				for (var j = 0; j < childNode.attributes.length; j ++) {
					if (childNode.attributes.item(j).value !== null) {
						obj.html += ' ' + childNode.attributes.item(j).nodeName + '="' + childNode.attributes.item(j).value.replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;') + '"';
				if ( (childNode.childNodes.length === 0) && (wikEd.leafElements === true) ) {
					obj.html += '>';
					if (childNode.nodeName == 'BR') {
						obj.plain += '\n';
				else {
					obj.html += '>';
					wikEd.GetInnerHTML(obj, childNode);
					obj.html += '</' + childNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() + '>';
			case childNode.TEXT_NODE:
				var value = childNode.nodeValue;

				// newline handling important for pasted page content
				if (currentNode.nodeName != 'PRE') {
					value = value.replace(/*\n*/g, ' ');

				// plain array contains & < > instead of &amp; &lt; &gt;
				value = wikEd.EscapeHtml(value);

				if (currentNode.nodeName == 'PRE') {
					obj.html += value.replace(/\n/g, '<br>');
				else {
					obj.html += value;
				obj.plain += value;
			case childNode.CDATA_SECTION_NODE:
				obj.html += '<!]>';
			case childNode.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE:
				var value = '&' + childNode.nodeName + ';';
				value = value.replace(/&/g, '&amp;');
				obj.html += value;
				obj.plain += value;
			case childNode.COMMENT_NODE:
				obj.html += '<!--' + childNode.nodeValue + '-->';

// wikEd.GetNextNode: recurse through DOM to next text-like node for anti-highlight bleeding

wikEd.GetNextTextNode = function (obj, currentNode, currentLevel) {

	// ascend until there is a sibling
	while (currentNode != wikEd.frameBody) {

	// check for sibling
		var nextNode = null;
		if ( (obj.backwards === true) && (currentNode.previousSibling !== null) ) {
			nextNode = currentNode.previousSibling;
		else if ( (obj.backwards !== true) && (currentNode.nextSibling !== null) ) {
			nextNode = currentNode.nextSibling;

		// found sibling
		if (nextNode !== null) {
			currentNode = nextNode;

			// skip hidden nodes
			if (
				( (wikEd.refHide === true) && (/^((wikEd(Ref|Templ|CharEntity|Table))|(wikEdTableBR))$/.test(currentNode.className) === true) ) ||
				(/^(wikEdScroll(Before|After))$/.test(currentNode.className) === true)
			) {

			// found text-like node
			if (
				(currentNode.nodeName == '#text') ||
				(currentNode.nodeType == currentNode.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) ||
				(wikEd.leafElements === true)
			) {
				obj.foundNode = currentNode;
				obj.foundLevel = currentLevel;

			// recurse into child nodes
			if (currentNode.nodeType == currentNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
				wikEd.GetNextTextNodeChilds(obj, currentNode, currentLevel - 1);
				if (obj.foundNode !== undefined) {

		// no sibling, ascend to parent
		else {
			currentNode = currentNode.parentNode;
			currentLevel ++;

// wikEd.GetNextTextNodeChilds: recurse through child nodes to next text-like node for anti-highlight bleeding

wikEd.GetNextTextNodeChilds = function (obj, currentNode, currentLevel) {

	// set direction
	var childNodes = currentNode.childNodes;
	if (childNodes.length === 0) {
	var start = 0;
	var add = 1;
	if (obj.backwards === true) {
		start = childNodes.length - 1;
		add = -1;

	// cycle through child nodes (left or right)
	for (var i = start; ( (obj.backwards === true) && (i >= 0) ) || ( (obj.backwards !== true) && (i < childNodes.length) ); i = i + add) {
		var currentNode = childNodes.item(i);

		// skip hidden nodes
		if (
			( (wikEd.refHide === true) && (/^((wikEd(Ref|Templ|CharEntity|Table))|(wikEdTableBR))$/.test(currentNode.className) === true) ) ||
			(/^(wikEdScroll(Before|After))$/.test(currentNode.className) === true)
		) {

		// found text-like node
		if (
			(currentNode.nodeName == '#text') ||
			(currentNode.nodeType == currentNode.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) ||
			(wikEd.leafElements === true)
		) {
			obj.foundNode = currentNode;
			obj.foundLevel = currentLevel;

		// recurse into child nodes
		if (currentNode.nodeType == currentNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
			wikEd.GetNextTextNodeChilds(obj, currentNode, currentLevel - 1);
			if (obj.foundNode !== undefined) {

// wikEd.ApplyCSS: Attach css rules to document

wikEd.ApplyCSS = function (cssDocument, cssRules) {

	var stylesheet = new wikEd.StyleSheet(cssDocument);
	var rules = '';
	for (var ruleName in cssRules) {
		if (, ruleName) === true) {
			var ruleStyle = cssRules;

			// replace {wikedImage:image} in css rules with image path
			ruleStyle = ruleStyle.replace(/\{wikEdImage:(\w+)\}/g,
				function(p, p1) {
					return wikEd.config.image;

			// replace {wikedText:text} in css rules with translation
			ruleStyle = ruleStyle.replace(/\{wikEdText:(\w+)\}/g,
				function(p, p1) {
					return wikEd.config.text;

			rules += ruleName + ' {' + ruleStyle + '}\n';

// wikEd.StyleSheet: create a new style sheet object

wikEd.StyleSheet = function (contextObj) {

	if (contextObj === undefined) {
		contextObj = document;
	this.styleElement = null;

	this.styleElement = contextObj.createElement('style');
	this.styleElement.from = 'text/css';
	var insert = contextObj.getElementsByTagName('head');
	if (insert !== undefined) {

// wikEd.StyleSheet.AddCSSRules: add or replace all rules at once

	this.AddCSSRules = function (rules) {


// wikEd.GetStyle: get computed style properties for non-inline css definitions

wikEd.GetStyle = function (element, styleProperty) {

	var styleDocument = element.ownerDocument;

	var style;
	if (element !== null) {
		style = styleDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element);
	return style;

// wikEd.AjaxPreview: get rendered page text using an Ajax non-API POST call

wikEd.AjaxPreview = function (textValue, ResponseHandler, livePreview) {

	// API request
	if ( ( livePreview === true ) ) {
		var postFields = {
			'format': 'xml',
			'action': 'parse',
			'pst':    '1',
			'title':  wikEd.pageName,
			'text':   textValue
		var requestUrl = wikEd.scriptURL + 'api.php';

		// AJAX API request
		wikEd.AjaxRequest( 'POST', requestUrl, postFields, 'text/plain', ResponseHandler );

	// legacy support: non-API request, use Live preview if possible
	else {

		// prepare the url
		var requestUrl;
		if ( wikEd.editForm !== null && wikEd.editUpload !== true && wikEd.editWatchlist !== true && wikEd.viewDeleted !== true ) {
			requestUrl = wikEd.editForm.action.replace( /\?.*()/, '' );
			if ( /:\/\/()/.test(requestUrl) === false ) {
				requestUrl = window.location.protocol + '//' + + requestUrl;
		else if ( wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgScriptPath !== undefined ) {
			requestUrl = wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgScriptPath + '/index.php';
		else {
			requestUrl = window.location.href;
			requestUrl = requestUrl.replace( /\?.*()/, '' );
			requestUrl = requestUrl.replace( /\/*$/, '/index.php' );

		// prepare the form fields
		var postFields = {};
		if ( wikEd.pageName !== null && wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgCanonicalNamespace != 'Special' ) {
			postFields = wikEd.pageName;
		else {
			postFields = 'wikEd_preview';
		postFields = 'submit';
		postFields = textValue;
		if ( wikEd.starttime !== null ) {
			postFields = wikEd.starttime;
		if ( wikEd.edittime !== null ) {
			postFields = wikEd.edittime;
		if ( wikEd.editToken !== null ) {
			postFields = wikEd.editToken;
		if ( wikEd.autoSummary !== null ) {
			postFields = wikEd.autoSummary;
		postFields = 'true';

		// keep for backward compatibility
		if ( livePreview !== false ) {
			postFields = 'true';

		// AJAX non-API request
		wikEd.AjaxRequest( 'POST', requestUrl, postFields, 'text/plain', ResponseHandler );

// wikEd.AjaxRequest: wrapper for Ajax requests

wikEd.AjaxRequest = function (requestMethod, requestUrl, postFields, overrideMimeType, ResponseHandler, origin) {

	var request;
	var headers = {};
	var formData;

	// prepare POST request
	if (requestMethod == 'POST') {

		// assemble string body
		if (typeof FormData != 'function') {

			// create boundary
			var boundary = wikEd.CreateRandomString(12);

			// POST header, charset: WebKit workaround
			headers = 'multipart/form-data; charset=UTF-8; boundary=' + boundary;

			// assemble body data
			formData = '';
			for (var fieldName in postFields) {
				if (, fieldName) === true) {
					formData += '--' + boundary + '\r\n';
					formData += 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="' + fieldName + '"\r\n\r\n' + postFields + '\r\n';
			formData += '--' + boundary + '--\r\n';

		// use FormData object
		else {
			formData = new window.FormData();
			for (var fieldName in postFields) {
				if (, fieldName) === true) {
					formData.append(fieldName, postFields);

	// send the request using Greasemonkey GM_xmlhttpRequest
	if (wikEd.greasemonkey === true) {
		headers = window.navigator.userAgent;
		if (origin === true) {
			headers = window.location.origin;

		// workaround for Error: Greasemonkey access violation: unsafeWindow cannot call GM_xmlhttpRequest.
		// see
		window.setTimeout(function() {
			new GM_xmlhttpRequest({
				'method':  requestMethod,
				'url':     requestUrl,
				'overrideMimeType': overrideMimeType,
				'headers': headers,
				'data':    formData,
					function(ajax) {
						if (ajax.readyState != 4) {
		}, 0);

	// use standard XMLHttpRequest
	else {

		// create new XMLHttpRequest object
		request = new window.XMLHttpRequest();

		// open the request, requestUrl, true);

		// set the headers
		for (var headerName in headers) {
			if (, headerName) === true) {
				request.setRequestHeader(headerName, headers);

		// set the mime type
		if ( (request.overrideMimeType !== undefined) && (typeof overrideMimeType == 'string') ) {

		// send the request, catch security violations Opera 0.9.51
		try {
		catch (exception) {

		// wait for the data
		request.onreadystatechange = function () {
			if (request.readyState != 4) {

// wikEd.GetGlobals: parse global context variables (code copied to wikEdDiff.js)
//   uses postMessage, head script, and JSON encoding for Greasemonkey global to GM context access

wikEd.GetGlobals = function ( names, gotGlobalsHook ) {

	if ( gotGlobalsHook !== undefined ) {
		wikEd.gotGlobalsHook.push( gotGlobalsHook );

	// code already running in global context
	if ( wikEd.greasemonkey !== true ) {
		var globalScopeCode = '';
		for ( var i = 0; i < names.length; i ++ ) {
			if ( ( !== undefined ) && ( !== undefined ) ) {
				globalScopeCode += 'wikEd.wikiGlobals.' + names + ' = mw.config.get("' + names + '"); ';
			else {
				globalScopeCode += 'if (typeof ' + names + ' != \'undefined\') { wikEd.wikiGlobals.' + names + ' = ' + names + '; }';
		if ( gotGlobalsHook !== undefined ) {
			globalScopeCode += 'wikEd.ExecuteHook(wikEd.gotGlobalsHook, true);';
		eval( globalScopeCode );

	// prepare code to be executed in global context for Greasemonkey
	if ( ( window.postMessage === undefined ) || ( typeof JSON != 'object' ) ) {
	var globalScopeCode = 'var globalObj = {};';
	if ( gotGlobalsHook !== undefined ) {
		wikEd.gotGlobalsHook.push( gotGlobalsHook );
		globalScopeCode += 'globalObj.hookNumber = ' + ( wikEd.gotGlobalsHook.length - 1 ) + ';';
	globalScopeCode += 'globalObj.scriptId = \'wikEdGetGlobalScript' + wikEd.getGlobalsCounter + '\';';
	globalScopeCode += 'globalObj.wikEdGetGlobals = {};';

	// add global scope variables
	for ( var i = 0; i < names.length; i ++ ) {
		globalScopeCode += '' +
			'if (typeof ' + names + ' != \'undefined\') {' +
			'  globalObj.wikEdGetGlobals + '\'] = ' + names + ';' +
	globalScopeCode += 'var globalObjStr = \'wikEd:\' + JSON.stringify(globalObj);';
	var origin = wikEd.pageOrigin;
	if ( origin == 'file://' ) {
		origin = '*';
	globalScopeCode += 'window.postMessage(globalObjStr, \'' + origin + '\');';

	// create head script to execute the code
	var script = document.createElement( 'script' ); = 'wikEdGetGlobalScript' + wikEd.getGlobalsCounter;
	wikEd.getGlobalsCounter ++;
	if ( script.innerText !== undefined ) {
		script.innerText = globalScopeCode;
	else {
		script.textContent = globalScopeCode;
	wikEd.head.appendChild( script );

// wikEd.GetGlobalsReceiver: event handler for wikEd.GetGlobals postMessage (code copied to wikEdDiff.js)

wikEd.GetGlobalsReceiver = function (event) {

	if (event.source != window) {
	if ( (event.origin != 'null') && (event.origin != wikEd.pageOrigin) ) {
	if ( !== '') {

		// test if sent by wikEd
		if (/^wikEd:/.test( === false) {
		var data =, '');
		var globalObj = JSON.parse(data);
		var globals = globalObj.wikEdGetGlobals;
		if (globals !== null) {
			for (var key in globals) {
				if (, key) === true) {
					wikEd.wikiGlobals = globals;

			// get MediaWiki file paths from wikiGlobals

			// run scheduled functions only once
			if ( (globalObj.hookNumber !== undefined) && (wikEd.gotGlobalsHook !== undefined) ) {
				wikEd.ExecuteHook(wikEd.gotGlobalsHook, true);

			// clean up head script
			var script = document.getElementById(globalObj.scriptId);
			if (script !== null) {

// wikEd.GetPreviousSiblingNode: getPreviousSibling, ignore non-element nodes such as comments

wikEd.GetPreviousSiblingNode = function (node) {

	while (node !== null) {
		node = node.previousSibling;
		if ( (node === null) || (node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE) ) {
	return node;

// wikEd.GetNextSiblingNode: getNextSibling, ignore non-element nodes such as comments

wikEd.GetNextSiblingNode = function (node) {

	while (node !== null) {
		node = node.nextSibling;
		if ( (node === null) || (node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE) ) {
	return node;

// wikEd.GetFirstChildNode: getFirstChild, ignore non-element nodes such as comments

wikEd.GetFirstChildNode = function (node) {

	if (node !== null) {
		node = node.firstChild;
		if ( (node !== null) && (node.nodeType != node.ELEMENT_NODE) ) {
			node = wikEd.GetNextSiblingNode(node);
	return node;

// wikEd.GetLastChildNode: getLastChild, ignore non-element nodes such as comments

wikEd.GetLastChildNode = function (node) {

	if (node !== null) {
		node = node.lastChild;
		if ( (node !== null) && (node.nodeType != node.ELEMENT_NODE) ) {
			node = wikEd.GetPreviousSiblingNode(node);
	return node;

// wikEd.CreateRandomString: create random string of specified length and character set (code copied to wikEdDiff.js)

wikEd.CreateRandomString = function (strLength, charSet) {

	if (charSet === undefined) {
		charSet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_0123456789';
	var str = '';
	for (var i = 0; i < strLength; i ++) {
		str += charSet.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charSet.length));
	return str;

// wikEd.TabifyHTML: indent html for debugging

wikEd.TabifyHTML = function (html) {

	var indent = '';
	var html = html.replace(/((<(\/)?(\w+)*>)(<!--(.|\n)*?-->)?)(*)/g,
		function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7) {
			var html = '';
			var code = p1;
			var slash = p3;
			var tag = p4;
			var text = p7;
			if ( (slash == '/') && (indent === '') ) {
				html += '\n### Missing opening tag ###';
			if ( (slash == '/') && (indent.length > 0) ) {
				indent = indent.substr(0, indent.length - 1);
			if ( (slash === '') && (tag.toLowerCase() == 'tr') ) {
				html += '\n';
			html += '\n' + indent + code;
			if ( (slash === '') && (tag.toLowerCase() != 'br') ) {
				indent += '\t';
			if (text !== '') {
				text = text.replace(/\n(?!($))/g, '\n' + indent);
				html += '\n' + indent + text;
			return html;
	return html;

// wikEd.Debug: print the value of variables
//   use either a single value or a description followed by a value
//   popup = true: use alert popup if debug textarea is not yet setup

wikEd.Debug = function ( objectName, object, usePopup ) {

	// string
	var value = '';
	if ( typeof object == 'string' ) {
		value = ': ' + '"' + object + '"';

	// objects
	else if ( typeof object == 'object' ) {

		// null
		if ( object === null ) {
			value = ': ';

		// whole highlighting parse tree array
		// { 'tag': , 'parent': , 'firstChild': , 'nextSibling': , 'start': , 'tagLength': , 'type': , 'paired': , 'pairedPos': , 'left': , 'right': , 'index': , 'attrib': , 'newline': }
		else if ( ( typeof object == 'object' ) && ( typeof object.type == 'string' ) ) {
			value = ': Parse tree full:\n';
			for ( var i = 0; i < object.length; i ++ ) {
				value += i + ': ';
				var node = object;
				if ( node === null ) {
					value += '(null)\n';
				else {
					if ( node.type == 'root' ) {
						value += '\n';
					else {
						value += '[type: "' + node.type + '", tag: "' + node.tag + '", start: ' + node.start + ', tagLength: ' + node.tagLength + ', parent: ' + node.parent;
						if ( typeof node.left == 'string' ) {
							value += ', left: "' + node.left + '", right: "' + node.right + '"';
						value += '],\n';

		// whole highlighting parse tree up
		else if ( (typeof object.tree == 'object') && (typeof object.lastOpenNode == 'number') ) {
			value = ': Parse tree upwards:\n';
			var parseTreeIndex = object.lastOpenNode;
			var node = object.tree;
			while (node !== undefined) {
				if (node.type == 'root') {
					value += parseTreeIndex + ': \n';
				else {
					value += parseTreeIndex + ': [type: "' + node.type + '", tag: "' + node.tag + '", start: ' + node.start + ', tagLength: ' + node.tagLength + ', parent: ' + node.parent;
					if (typeof node.left == 'string') {
						value += ', left: "' + node.left + '", right: "' + node.right + '"';
					value += '],\n';
				if (node.parent == parseTreeIndex) {
					value += '(circular reference, break)';
				parseTreeIndex = node.parent;
				node = object.tree;

		// highlighting parse tree node
		// { 'tag': , 'parent': , 'firstChild': , 'nextSibling': , 'start': , 'tagLength': , 'type': , 'paired': , 'pairedPos': , 'left': , 'right': , 'index': }
		else if (typeof object.tag == 'string') {
			var node = object;
			if (node.type == 'root') {
				value = ': ';
			else {
				value = ': ';

		// DOM nodes
		else if ( typeof object.nodeName == 'string' ) {
			value = ': [node; nodeName: ' + object.nodeName;
			if ( typeof == 'string' ) {
				if ( !== '' ) {
					value += ', id: "' + + '"';
			if ( typeof object.className == 'string' ) {
				if ( object.className !== '' ) {
					value += ', class: "' + object.className + '"';
			if ( typeof object.nodeValue == 'string' ) {
				value += ', nodeValue: "' + object.nodeValue + '"';
			if ( ( typeof object.innerHTML == 'string' ) && ( object.innerHTML !== '' ) ) {
				var html = object.innerHTML;
				if ( html.length > wikEd.config.debugInnerHtmlLength ) {
					html = html.substr(0, wikEd.config.debugInnerHtmlLength - 3) + '...';
				value += ', innerHTML: "' + html + '"';
			value += ']';

		// default
		else {
			value = ': ';

	// undefined
	else if ( object === undefined ) {
		value = '';

	// default
	else {
		value = ': ' + object;

	// use debug textarea
	var useDebug = false;
	if ( ( wikEd.debug !== undefined ) && ( wikEd.debug !== null ) ) {
		useDebug = true;
	if ( useDebug === true ) {
		if ( wikEd.debugOpen === false ) { = 'block';

			// resize fullscreen frame
			if ( wikEd.fullscreen === true ) {
			else {
				window.scroll( 0, wikEd.GetOffsetTop( wikEd.debug ) );
			wikEd.debugOpen = true;

		// cut text if having reached maximum length
		value = objectName + value + '\n';
		if ( wikEd.debug.value.length > wikEd.config.debugMaxLength ) {
			wikEd.debug.value = value + wikEd.debug.value.substr(0, wikEd.config.debugMaxLength * 2 / 3);
		else {
			wikEd.debug.value = value + wikEd.debug.value;

	// use popup alert
	else if ( usePopup === true ) {
		if ( object === null ) {
			window.alert( objectName );
		else {
			window.alert( objectName + ': ' + value );

	// use error console
	else {
		var msg;
		if ( object === null ) {
			msg = objectName;
		else {
			msg = objectName + ' ' + value;
		wikEd.ConsoleLog( msg );

// wikEd.ConsoleLog: log message to console
//  mw.log no longer works

wikEd.ConsoleLog = function (msg) {

	if ( (typeof console == 'object') && (typeof console.error == 'function') ) {
		console.error('', msg);
	else {
		msg = msg.replace(/\n/g, '\\n');
		msg = msg.replace(/()/g, '\\$1');
		window.setTimeout('throw new Error(\' ' + msg + '\')', 0);

// wikEd.DebugTimer: show all measured timepoints
//   add a new time measurement: wikEd.debugTimer.push();

wikEd.DebugTimer = function () {

	var times = '';
	var start = wikEd.debugTimer.getTime();
	var prev = 0;
	for (var i = 0; i < wikEd.debugTimer.length; i ++) {
		var curr = wikEd.debugTimer.getTime() - start;
		var diff = curr - prev;
		prev = curr;
		times += wikEd.debugTimer + ': ' + curr + ' ms (+ ' + diff + ' ms)\n';
	wikEd.debugTimer = ;

// wikEd.InsertTags: overrides the insertTags function in wikibits.js used by the standard button toolbar and the editpage special chars

wikEd.InsertTags = function (openTag, closeTag, sampleText) {

	if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {
		wikEd.EditButton(document.getElementById('wikEdInsertTags'), 'wikEdInsertTags', );
	else if (wikEd.InsertTagsOriginal !== null) {
		wikEd.InsertTagsOriginal(openTag, closeTag, sampleText);

// wikEd.InsertAtCursor: overrides the insertAtCursor function in MediaWiki:Functions.js

wikEd.InsertAtCursor = function (myField, myValue) {

	if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {
		if (myField == wikEd.textarea) {
			wikEd.EditButton(document.getElementById('wikEdInsertTags'), 'wikEdInsertTags', );
	else if (wikEd.InsertAtCursorOriginal !== null) {
		wikEd.InsertAtCursorOriginal(myField, myValue);

// wikEd.ExecuteHook: executes scheduled custom functions from functionsHook array (code copied to wikEdDiff.js)

wikEd.ExecuteHook = function (functionsHook, onlyOnce) {

	if (functionsHook === null) {
	for (var i = 0; i < functionsHook.length; i ++) {
		if (typeof functionsHook == 'function') {
	if (onlyOnce === true) {
		functionsHook = ;

// wikEd.InitUnicode: define character tables used in wikEd.FixUnicode()
//   see

wikEd.InitUnicode = function () {

	// define only once
	if (wikEd.supportedChars !== null) {

	// supported chars in Mozilla and IE
	wikEd.supportedChars = [
		,  // ¡
		,   // ¢
		,  // £
		, // ¤
		,    // ¥
		, // ¦
		,   // §
		,    // ¨
		,   // ©
		,   // ª
		,  // «
		,    // ¬
		,    // ®
		,   // ¯
		,    // °
		, // ±
		,   // ²
		,   // ³
		,  // ´
		,  // µ
		,   // ¶
		, // ·
		,  // ¸
		,   // ¹
		,   // º
		,  // »
		, // ¼
		, // ½
		, // ¾
		, // ¿
		, // À
		, // Á
		,  // Â
		, // Ã
		,   // Ä
		,  // Å
		,  // Æ
		, // Ç
		, // È
		, // É
		,  // Ê
		,   // Ë
		, // Ì
		, // Í
		,  // Î
		,   // Ï
		,    // Ð
		, // Ñ
		, // Ò
		, // Ó
		,  // Ô
		, // Õ
		,   // Ö
		,  // ×
		, // Ø
		, // Ù
		, // Ú
		,  // Û
		,   // Ü
		, // Ý
		,  // Þ
		,  // ß
		, // à
		, // á
		,  // â
		, // ã
		,   // ä
		,  // å
		,  // æ
		, // ç
		, // è
		, // é
		,  // ê
		,   // ë
		, // ì
		, // í
		,  // î
		,   // ï
		,    // ð
		, // ñ
		, // ò
		, // ó
		,  // ô
		, // õ
		,   // ö
		, // ÷
		, // ø
		, // ù
		, // ú
		,  // û
		,   // ü
		, // ý
		,  // þ
		,   // ÿ
		,   // '
		,   // "
		,  // Œ
		,  // œ
		, // Š
		, // š
		,   // Ÿ
		,   // ˆ
		,  // ˜
		,  // –
		,  // —
		,  // ‘
		,  // ’
		,  // ‚
		,  // “
		,  // ”
		,  // „
		, // †
		, // ‡
		, // ‰
		, // ‹
		, // ›
		,   // €
		,   // ƒ
		,  // Α
		,   // Β
		,  // Γ
		,  // Δ
		,// Ε
		,   // Ζ
		,    // Η
		,  // Θ
		,   // Ι
		,  // Κ
		, // Λ
		,     // Μ
		,     // Ν
		,     // Ξ
		,// Ο
		,     // Π
		,    // Ρ
		,  // Σ
		,    // Τ
		,// Υ
		,    // Φ
		,    // Χ
		,    // Ψ
		,  // Ω
		,  // α
		,   // β
		,  // γ
		,  // δ
		,// ε
		,   // ζ
		,    // η
		,  // θ
		,   // ι
		,  // κ
		, // λ
		,     // μ
		,     // ν
		,     // ξ
		,// ο
		,     // π
		,    // ρ
		, // ς
		,  // σ
		,    // τ
		,// υ
		,    // φ
		,    // χ
		,    // ψ
		,  // ω
		,   // •
		, // …
		,  // ′
		,  // ″
		,  // ‾
		,  // ⁄
		,  // ™
		,   // ←
		,   // ↑
		,   // →
		,   // ↓
		,   // ↔
		,   // ⇒
		,   // ⇔
		, // ∀
		,   // ∂
		,  // ∃
		,  // ∇
		,   // ∈
		,     // ∋
		,   // ∏
		,    // ∑
		,  // −
		,  // √
		,   // ∝
		,  // ∞
		,    // ∠
		,    // ∧
		,     // ∨
		,    // ∩
		,    // ∪
		,    // ∫
		, // ∴
		,    // ∼
		,  // ≈
		,     // ≠
		,  // ≡
		,     // ≤
		,     // ≥
		,    // ⊂
		,    // ⊃
		,   // ⊆
		,   // ⊇
		,  // ⊕
		,    // ◊
		, // ♠
		,  // ♣
		, // ♥
		   // ♦

	// reserved for internal wikEd use
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		,   //   em space
		, //   thin space
		,   // ‌ zero width non-joiner
		,    // ‍ zero width joiner
		,    // ‎ left-to-right mark
		     // ‏ right-to-left mark

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		,  // ℵ
		,    // ↵
		,     // ⇐
		,     // ⇑
		,     // ⇓
		,    // ∅
		,    // ∉
		,   // ∗
		,     // ≅
		,     // ⊄
		,     // ⊥
		,   // ⊗
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		,    // ⌈
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// call startup

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