
Heutzutage ist MediaWiki:Gadget-importUtility/table.js weltweit ein viel diskutiertes Thema. Von seinen Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft bis hin zu seinem Einfluss auf die Populärkultur hat MediaWiki:Gadget-importUtility/table.js die Aufmerksamkeit von Millionen von Menschen auf sich gezogen. Im Laufe der Geschichte war MediaWiki:Gadget-importUtility/table.js Gegenstand von Debatten, Forschungen und Analysen in verschiedenen Bereichen. Seine Relevanz hat Grenzen überschritten und ein wachsendes Interesse an seiner Untersuchung geweckt. In diesem Artikel werden wir die verschiedenen Aspekte von MediaWiki:Gadget-importUtility/table.js und seine Auswirkungen auf die moderne Welt untersuchen. Von seinem Ursprung bis zu seiner Entwicklung befasst sich dieser Artikel mit den verschiedenen Aspekten von MediaWiki:Gadget-importUtility/table.js und seinem Einfluss auf die heutige Gesellschaft.
/// Gadget-importUtility/table.js
//  Maintain maintenance table
/// 2018-08-24 [email protected]
//  ResourceLoader: compatible;
//    dependencies: mediawiki.user, mediawiki.util, mediawiki.api
//                  .batch. .cnf. .utl.
//  Namespaces:     4
//  Build:          .table
//  Documentation:  ]
/// Fingerprint:    #0#0#
/// @license GPL  (+GFDL, LGPL, CC-BY-SA)
// <nowiki>
/* global window: false                                                */
/* jshint forin: false,
          bitwise:true, curly:true, eqeqeq:true, latedef:true,
          nocomma:true, strict:true, undef:true, unused:true           */

( function ( mw, $ ) {
   "use strict";
   var Version    =  0.904,
       Self       =  "table",
       IUTIL      =  "importUtility",
       SIG        =  "ext.gadget." + IUTIL,
       SIGNATURE  =  SIG + "." + Self,
       TBL        =  { };
   if ( typeof mw.libs  !==  "object"   ||
        ! mw.libs ) {
      mw.libs  =  { };
   mw.libs.type  =  IUTIL;
   IUTIL                  =  mw.libs;
   if ( typeof IUTIL.vsn  ===  "string" ) {
      IUTIL.vsn  =  IUTIL.vsn + " ";
   } else {
      IUTIL.vsn  =  "";
   IUTIL.vsn  =  IUTIL.vsn + Self.substr( 0, 1 ) + "=" + Version;


   if ( typeof IUTIL.table  !==  "object" ) {
      // Utilities for HTML form fields
      // Dependencies: mediawiki.util JSON
      IUTIL.table  =  { };

      TBL.factory  =  function ( assign, ahead ) {
         // Create marker comment
         // Precondition:
         //    assign  -- keyword
         //    ahead   -- true: "begin"   else "end"
         // Postcondition:
         //    Return comment
         // 2013-01-19 [email protected]
         return  "<!--importUtility " + assign
                + ( ahead ? " begin" : " end" )
                + " -->";
      };   // TBL.factory()

      TBL.fault  =  function ( arrived ) {
         // Show API failure on maintenance page updating
         // Precondition:
         //    arrived  -- JSON info of ajax query, or false
         // Uses:
         //    >  TBL.$i
         //    >  TBL.$n
         //    .utl.fault()
         //    mw.log()
         // 2015-07-09 [email protected]
         IUTIL.utl.fault( false );
         mw.log( {loud:true},
                 "IUTIL.table fault() " + TBL.$i.text() + TBL.$n.text(),
                 arrived );
      };   // TBL.fault()

      TBL.feed  =  function ( arrived ) {
         // Retrieve one category member entry for this user
         // Precondition:
         //    arrived  -- JSON info of ajax query, or false, or null
         // Uses:
         //    >  TBL.$i
         //    >< TBL.item
         //    >< TBL.pages
         //    >< TBL.query
         //     < TBL.max
         //    jQuery().text()
         //    mw.Api()
         //    TBL.feed()
         //    TBL.fetch()
         //    (TBL.feed)
         //    (TBL.fault)
         // 2018-06-21 [email protected]
         var i, p, q, s;
         if ( arrived ) {
            if ( arrived.limits ) {
               TBL.max            =  arrived.limits.revisions;
               TBL.query.rvlimit  =  TBL.max;
            i  =  -1;
            p  =  TBL.pages;
            q  =  arrived.query;
            if ( q && p ) {
               if ( q.pageids ) {
                  i       =  q.pageids;
                  p  =  i;
               q  =  q.pages;
               if ( q  &&  i > 0 ) {
                  q  =  q;
                  if ( q ) {
                     q  =  q.revisions;
                     if ( q ) {
                        p  =  q.timestamp.substr( 0, 10 );
                        i       =  q.length - 1;
                        if ( i ) {
                           p  =  q.timestamp.substr( 0, 10 );
                        } else {
                           p  =  "(1)";
                     } else {
                        p  =  "-.-";
         } else if ( arrived === false ) {   // setup
            TBL.item   =  -1;
            TBL.max    =  "max";
            TBL.query  =  { action:       "query",
                            "continue":   "",
                            prop:         "revisions",
                            indexpageids: true,
                            rvlimit:      TBL.max,
                            rvprop:       "timestamp" };
         if ( TBL.item < TBL.pages.length ) {
            i  =  -9;
            TBL.$i.text( "#" + TBL.item );
            s  =  TBL.pages;
            if ( s ) {
               s  =  s.title;
               if ( s ) {
                  TBL.pages  =
                                          s,       //  user space path
                                          false,   //  log entry
                                          false,   //  title
                                          false,   //  first user edit
                                          false,   //  last user edit
                                          false ]; //  last edit
                  i                      =  s.indexOf( "/" );
            if ( i > 0 ) {
               TBL.query.titles            =  s;
               TBL.pages  =  s.substr( i + 1 );
               s                           =  s.substr( 0, i );
               i                           =  s.indexOf( ":" );
               if ( i > 0 ) {
                  TBL.query.rvuser  =  s.substr( i + 1 );
                  q                 =  new mw.Api();
                  q.get( TBL.query ).done( TBL.feed )
                                    .fail( TBL.fault );
            } else {
               TBL.feed( null );
         } else {
            TBL.fetch( false );
      };   // TBL.feed()

      TBL.fetch  =  function ( arrived ) {
         // Retrieve logbook entries one by one
         // Precondition:
         //    arrived  -- JSON info of ajax query, or false
         // Uses:
         //    >  TBL.$n
         //    >  TBL.$i
         //    >< TBL.item
         //    >< TBL.pages
         //    >< TBL.query
         //    jQuery().text()
         //    mw.Api()
         //    TBL.fetch()
         //    TBL.flow()
         //    (TBL.fetch)
         //    (TBL.fault)
         // 2015-06-11 [email protected]
         var q;
         if ( arrived ) {
            q  =  arrived.query;
            if ( q ) {
               q  =  q.logevents;
               if ( q ) {
                  if ( q.length ) {
                     TBL.pages  =
                               q.timestamp.substr( 0, 10 )  +  "/*";
         } else if ( arrived === false ) {   // setup
            TBL.item   =  -1;
            TBL.query  =  { action:     "query",
                            "continue": "",
                            list:       "logevents",
                            letype:     "import",
                            lelimit:    1,
                            leprop:     "timestamp" };
            TBL.$n.text( "/" + TBL.pages.length );
         if ( TBL.item < TBL.pages.length ) {
            TBL.$i.text( "log " + TBL.item );
            q  =  TBL.pages;
            if ( q ) {
               TBL.query.letitle  =  q;
               q                  =  new mw.Api();
               q.get( TBL.query ).done( TBL.fetch )
                                 .fail( TBL.fault );
            } else {
               TBL.fetch( null );
         } else {
            TBL.flow( false );
      };   // TBL.fetch()  =  function () {
         // Update table on maintenance page
         // Uses:
         //    >
         //    >< .$msg
         //     < TBL.$i
         //     < TBL.$n
         //    mw.Api()
         //    .batch.fired()
         //    jQuery().append()
         //    jQuery().find()
         //    (TBL.fill)
         //    (TBL.fault)
         // 2015-07-09 [email protected]
         var q  =  new mw.Api(),
             w  =  { action:       "query",
                     "continue":   "",
                     indexpageids: true,
                     prop:         "revisions",
                     rvlimit:      1,
                     rvprop:       "content",
                     titles:       "Project:"
                                   + };
         IUTIL.batch.fired( false );
         IUTIL.$msg.append( "<span>&nbsp; &nbsp;</span>"
                            + "<span id='IUTIL-table-i' />"
                            + "<span id='IUTIL-table-n' />" );
         TBL.$i  =  IUTIL.$msg.find( "#IUTIL-table-i" );
         TBL.$n  =  IUTIL.$msg.find( "#IUTIL-table-n" );
         q.get( w ).done( TBL.fill )
                   .fail( TBL.fault );
      };   //

      TBL.fill  =  function ( arrived ) {
         // Retrieve content of maintenance page
         // Precondition:
         //    arrived  -- JSON info of ajax query
         // Uses:
         //     < TBL.story
         //    TBL.fresh()
         //    TBL.fault()
         // 2013-01-08 [email protected]
         var i,
             q  =  arrived.query,
             w  =  q.pageids;
         TBL.story  =  false;
         if ( w ) {
            i  =  w;
         if ( i ) {
            w  =  q.pages;
            if ( w ) {
               w  =  w;
               if ( w ) {
                  w  =  w.revisions;
                  if ( w ) {
                     w  =  w;
                     if ( w ) {
                        TBL.story  =  w;
         if ( TBL.story ) {
         } else {
      };   // TBL.fill()

      TBL.fine  =  function () {
         // Show API success on table page updating
         // Precondition:
         //    arrived  -- JSON info of ajax query, or false
         // Uses:
         //    .batch.fine()
         // 2013-01-05 [email protected]
         IUTIL.batch.fine( "PageUpdated" );
      };   // TBL.fine()

      TBL.finish  =  function ( arrived ) {
         // Retrieve last edit one by one
         // Precondition:
         //    arrived  -- JSON info of ajax query, or false
         // Uses:
         //    >  TBL.$i
         //    >< TBL.item
         //    >< TBL.pages
         //    >< TBL.query
         //    TBL.format()
         //    jQuery().text()
         //    mw.Api()
         //    (TBL.finish)
         //    (TBL.fault)
         // 2015-06-11 [email protected]
         var q, s;
         if ( arrived ) {
            q  =  arrived.query;
            if ( q ) {
               q  =  q.pages;
               if ( q ) {
                  q  =  q ];
                  if ( q ) {
                     q  =  q.revisions;
                     if ( q ) {
                        s  =  q.timestamp.substr( 0, 10 );
                        if ( s === TBL.pages ) {
                           s  =  "===";
                        TBL.pages  =  s;
         } else if ( arrived === false ) {   // setup
            TBL.item   =  -1;
            TBL.query  =  { action:     "query",
                            "continue": "",
                            prop:       "revisions",
                            rvlimit:    1,
                            rvprop:     "timestamp" };
         if ( TBL.item < TBL.pages.length ) {
            TBL.$i.text( "... " + TBL.item );
            TBL.query.pageids  =  TBL.pages;
            q                  =  new mw.Api();
            q.get( TBL.query ).done( TBL.finish )
                              .fail( TBL.fault );
         } else {
      };   // TBL.finish()

      TBL.flow  =  function ( arrived ) {
         // Analyze revisions comments for missing log entry
         // Precondition:
         //    arrived  -- JSON info of ajax query, or false
         // Uses:
         //    >  TBL.max
         //    >  TBL.$i
         //    >< TBL.item
         //    >< TBL.reVsn
         //    >< TBL.pages
         //    >< TBL.query
         //    TBL.flow()
         //    jQuery().text()
         //    mw.Api()
         //    TBL.finish()
         //    (TBL.flow)
         //    (TBL.fault)
         // Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IUTIL.table
         // 2015-06-11 [email protected]
         var e, i, j, k, n, p, q;
         if ( arrived ) {
            q  =  arrived.query;
            if ( q ) {
               q  =  q.pages;
               if ( q ) {
                  q  =  q ];
                  if ( q ) {
                     q  =  q.revisions;
                     if ( q ) {
                        n  =  q.length;
                        if ( n ) {
                           e  =  q;
                           k  =  e.size;
                           for ( i = 1;  i < n;  i++ ) {
                              p  =  q;
                              j  =  p.size;
                              if ( k - j  ===  0 ) {
                                 if ( TBL.reVsn.test( e.comment ) ) {
                                    TBL.pages  =
                                              e.timestamp.substr( 0, 10 )
                                                                 +  "/-";
                                    break;   // for i
                              e  =  p;
                              k  =  j;
                           }   // for i
         } else if ( arrived === false ) {   // setup
            TBL.item       =  -1;
            TBL.query      =  { action:     "query",
                                "continue": "",
                                prop:       "revisions",
                                rvlimit:    TBL.max,
                                rvprop:     "size|comment|timestamp" };
            TBL.reVsn  =  new RegExp( "^+ Versionen\\b" );
         if ( TBL.item < TBL.pages.length ) {
            if ( TBL.pages ) {
               TBL.flow( null );
            } else {
               TBL.$i.text( "q " + TBL.item );
               TBL.query.titles  =  TBL.pages;
               q                 =  new mw.Api();
               q.get( TBL.query ).done( TBL.flow )
                                 .fail( TBL.fault );
         } else {
            TBL.finish( false );
      };   // TBL.flow()

      TBL.fold  =  function ( amount ) {
         // Integrate collected data into page
         // Precondition:
         //    amount  -- wikitable with all entries
         // Uses:
         //    this
         //    >  .type
         //    >  .vsn
         //    >
         //    >  TBL.$n
         //    >  TBL.story
         //    mw.Api()
         //    TBL.folder()
         //    jQuery().text()
         //    mw.user.tokens.get()
         //    (TBL.fine)
         //    (TBL.fault)
         // 2013-01-19 [email protected]
         var d  =  new Date(),
             i  =  0,
             q  =  new mw.Api(),
             w  =  { action:  "edit",
                     token:   mw.user.tokens.get( "csrfToken" ),
                     minor:   false,
                     summary: "Updated; " + IUTIL.type + " " + IUTIL.vsn,
                     title:   "Project:"
                              + };
         TBL.folder( "TABLE", amount );
         TBL.folder( "TIMESTAMP", d.toLocaleString() );
         d  =  0;
         do {
            i  =  amount.indexOf( "\n|-",  i + 2 );
         } while ( i > 0 );
         TBL.folder( "COUNT", d );
         TBL.$n.text( "UPDATING" );
         w.text  =  TBL.story; w ).done( TBL.fine )
                    .fail( TBL.fault );
      };   // TBL.fold()

      TBL.folder  =  function ( at, against ) {
         // Exchange
         // Precondition:
         //    at       --  wikitable with all entries
         //    against  --  wikitable with all entries
         // Uses:
         //    >< TBL.story
         //    TBL.factory()
         // 2013-01-19 [email protected]
         var i, j, s,
             start  =  TBL.factory( at, true );
         i  =  TBL.story.indexOf( start );
         if ( i > 0 ) {
            i  +=  start.length;
            s   =  TBL.factory( at, false );
            j   =  TBL.story.indexOf( s, i );
            if ( j > 0 ) {
               TBL.story  =  TBL.story.substr( 0, i )
                             +  against
                             +  TBL.story.substr( j );
      };   // TBL.folder()

      TBL.format  =  function () {
         // Format collected data as wikitable
         // Precondition:
         //    arrived  -- JSON info of ajax query, or false
         // Uses:
         //    >  TBL.max
         //    >  TBL.pages
         //    >  TBL.$i
         //    >  TBL.$n
         //    jQuery().text()
         //    TBL.fold()
         // 2013-01-19 [email protected]
         var d, e, i, j, u,
             p  =  TBL.pages,
             n  =  p.length,
             s  =  "";
         TBL.$i.text( "" );
         TBL.$n.text( "format" );
         for ( i = 0;  i < n;  i++ ) {
            e  =  p;
            s  =  s + "\n\n|-\n| <!--" + e + "-->";   //  curid
            d  =  e;
            if ( d ) {   //  user space path
               j  =  d.indexOf( ":" );
               if ( j > 1 ) {
                  u  =  d.substr( j + 1 );
                  j  =  u.indexOf( "/" );
                  if ( j > 1 ) {
                     u  =  "'''"  +  u.substr( 0 , j )  +  "''' "
                           +  u.substr( j );
                  d  =  "]";
            } else {
               d  =  "";
            s  =  s + "\n" + d;
            d  =  e;   //  log entry
            s  =  s   +   "\n|"   +   ( d  ?  " " + d  :  "" );
            d  =  e;   //  first user edit
            if ( d ) {
               j  =  e;
               if ( j  &&  d.length === 10 ) {
                  if ( d  <  j.substr( 0, 10 ) ) {
                     d  =  "<s>" + d + "</s>";
               d  =  " " + d;
            } else {
               d  =  "";
            s  =  s + "\n|" + d;
            d  =  e;   //  last user edit
            s  =  s   +   "\n|"   +   ( d  ?  " " + d  :  "" );
            d  =  e;   //  last edit
            s  =  s   +   "\n|"   +   ( d  ?  " " + d  :  "" );
            d  =  e;
            if ( d ) {  //  title
               s  =  s + "\n| ]";
         }   // for i
         s  =  s + "\n\n|}\n";
         TBL.$n.text( "completed" );
         TBL.fold( s );
      };   // TBL.format()

      TBL.fresh  =  function ( arrived ) {
         // Retrieve list of category members
         // Precondition:
         //    arrived  -- JSON info of ajax query, or false
         // Uses:
         //    >  .cnf.project.table.source
         //    >  TBL.$n
         //    >< TBL.pages
         //    >< TBL.query
         //    >< TBL.api
         //     < TBL.pages
         //    mw.Api()
         //    jQuery().text()
         //    TBL.feed()
         //    (TBL.fresh)   -- self
         //    (TBL.fault)
         // Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not TBL
         // 2015-07-09 [email protected]
         if ( arrived ) {
            if ( typeof arrived.query  ===  "object" ) {
               TBL.pages  =
                       TBL.pages.concat( arrived.query.categorymembers );
               if ( typeof arrived  ===  "object" ) {
                  $.extend( TBL.query,  arrived );
               } else {
                  TBL.query  =  false;
            } else {
               TBL.query  =  false;
         } else {   // setup
            TBL.api    =  new mw.Api();
            TBL.pages  =  ;
            TBL.query  =
                        { action:       "query",
                          "continue":   "",
                          list:         "categorymembers",
                          indexpageids: true,
                          cmlimit:      15,//      "max",
                          cmnamespace:  2,
                          cmprop:       "title|timestamp",
                          cmtitle:      "Category:"
                                         + IUTIL.cnf.project.table.source
         if ( TBL.query ) {
            TBL.$n.text( "/" + TBL.pages.length );
            TBL.api.get( TBL.query ).done( TBL.fresh )
                                    .fail( TBL.fault );
         } else {
            TBL.feed( false );
      };   // TBL.fresh()


      TBL.furnish  =  function () {
         // Equip maintenance page with update control
         // Precondition:
         //    id="IUTIL-button-update" expected in maintenance page
         // Uses:
         //    >  mw.util.$content
         //    >  .type
         //    .utl.furnish()
         //    jQuery().find()
         //    jQuery().empty()
         //    jQuery()
         //    jQuery().attr()
         //    jQuery().text()
         //    jQuery().click()
         //    .cnf.feature()
         //    jQuery().append()
         //    (
         // 2014-10-10 [email protected]
         var $btn, $d;
         $d  =  mw.util.$content.find( "#IUTIL-button-update" );
         if ( $d.length ) {
            $btn  =  $( "<button />" );
            $btn.attr( { id:   "IUTIL-button-update",
                         type: "button"
                       } );
            $btn.text( IUTIL.cnf.feature( "Update" ) );
            $ );
            $d.append( $btn );
      };   // TBL.furnish()  =  function () {
         // Update control has been triggered
         // Uses:
         //    mw.loader.using()
         //    (
         // 2015-07-09 [email protected]
         mw.loader.using( [ "mediawiki.api",
                            "user" ],
      };   //  =  function () {
         // Initialize maintenance page
         // Precondition:
         //    Current page is maintenance page
         // Uses:
         //    >< .start
         //    mw.hook()
         //    (TBL.furnish)
         // 2018-04-09 [email protected]
         if ( typeof IUTIL.start  ===  "string"
              &&     IUTIL.start  ===  Self ) {
            IUTIL.start  =  false;
            mw.hook( "wikipage.content" ).add( TBL.furnish );
      };   //
   }   // .table


   function fire() {
      // Script unit has been loaded
      // Uses:
      //    >  SIGNATURE
      //    >  .type
      //    >  Self
      //    >  Version
      //    mw.loader.getState()
      //    mw.loader.state()
      //    mw.hook()
      // 2018-08-24 [email protected]
      var rls, sign;
      if ( mw.loader.getState( SIGNATURE )  !==  "ready" ) {
         rls  =  { };
         rls  =  "ready";
         mw.loader.state( rls );
         sign  =  IUTIL.type + "." + Self;
         mw.hook( sign + ".ready" ).fire( { type: sign,
                                            vsn:  Version } );
         mw.hook( IUTIL.type + ".utl.ready" ).add( );
   }   // fire()

}( window.mediaWiki, window.jQuery ) );

// Emacs
// Local Variables:
// End:

/// EOF   importUtility/table.js    </nowiki>