
In der heutigen Welt ist Benutzer:Ireas/düp-helperfunctions-monobook.js zu einem relevanten Thema geworden, das in der Gesellschaft immer wichtiger wird. Seit seiner Entstehung hat es umfangreiche Debatten und Kontroversen ausgelöst und das Interesse und die Neugier vieler Menschen geweckt. Ob aufgrund seiner Auswirkungen auf das tägliche Leben, seiner historischen Relevanz oder seines Einflusses auf die Populärkultur, Benutzer:Ireas/düp-helperfunctions-monobook.js hat es geschafft, die Aufmerksamkeit verschiedener Bereiche der Gesellschaft auf sich zu ziehen. In diesem Artikel werden wir die verschiedenen Facetten von Benutzer:Ireas/düp-helperfunctions-monobook.js eingehend untersuchen und seine Bedeutung, seine Entwicklung im Laufe der Zeit und seine heutigen Auswirkungen analysieren. Darüber hinaus werden wir die verschiedenen Perspektiven untersuchen, die es rund um Benutzer:Ireas/düp-helperfunctions-monobook.js gibt, und so eine umfassende und objektive Sicht auf dieses spannende Thema bieten.
* utility functions 
* parameter:    Boolean duepTabsNachGanzLinks // optional parameter; can be omitted.  places tabs in front of all other tabs

// init parameters
 if (typeof (duepTabsNachGanzLinks) == "undefined" || !(duepTabsNachGanzLinks === true || duepTabsNachGanzLinks === false))
    duepTabsNachGanzLinks = false; //standardsetting to false

MiniUtil = {
    /** remove a Node form the DOM */
    removeNode: function(el) {

    imageView: function() {
        var urlParams   = this.urlParams();
        return wgCanonicalNamespace === "File"
                && urlParams !== "edit"
                && urlParams !== "submit";

    imageEdit: function() {
        var urlParams   = this.urlParams();
        return wgCanonicalNamespace === "File"
                && urlParams === "edit";

    /** decode url-parameters into a map */
    urlParams: function() {
        if ( === "")  return {};
        var out = {};"&")
        .forEach(function(param) {
            var parts   = param.split("=");
            if (parts.length !== 2)  return;
            var key     = decodeURIComponent(parts);
            var code    = parts.replace(/\+/g, "%20");
            out    = decodeURIComponent(code);
        return out;

    /** create a link executing a function when clicked */
    jsLink: function(label, clicked) {
        var span = document.createElement("span");
        span.textContent = label;
        var a   = document.createElement("a");
        a.onclick       = clicked;  = "default";
        return a;

    /** adds a tab executing a function when clicked */
    addJsTab: function(label, clicked) {
        var span = document.createElement("span");
        var a   = this.jsLink(label, clicked);
        var li  = document.createElement("li");
        li.className = "collapsible";

        if (duepTabsNachGanzLinks) {  // if duepTabsNachGanzLinks is set to "true" ...
         $("#p-cactions ul").prepend(li); // places tabs in front of all other tabs
        } else {
         $("#p-cactions ul").append(li);  // places tabs after all other tabs


    /** asks for a reason, and asks again if empty */
    promptReason: function(text) {
        for (;;) {
            var reason = prompt(text);
            if (reason !== "")   return reason;
            if (reason === null) return null;

    /** create a function reloading the current page */
    reloader: function() {
        return function() {
            window.location.href    = MiniWiki.pageURL(wgPageName);

/** minimal mediawiki api */
MiniWiki = {
    /** returns the url of a page in read-mode */
    pageURL: function(title) {
        return wgArticlePath.replace(/\$1/, this.encodeTitle(title));

    /** returns the url of an arbitrary page */
    scriptURL: function(params) {
        return wgScript + "?" + MiniAjax.urlEncode(params);

    /** encode a page title so it can be used in an URL */
    encodeTitle: function(title) {
        return encodeURIComponent(title.replace(/ /g, "_"))
                .replace(/%%/g,     "\u0000")
                .replace(/%3a/gi,   ":"     )
                .replace(/%2f/gi,   "/"     )
                .replace(/%23/gi,   "#"     )
                .replace(/\u0000/,  "%%"    );

    //## edit

    /** add text to a page at the end and calls the finishedFunc if sucessful */
    appendText: function(title, text, subject, finishedFunc) {
        function change(form) {
            form.wpSummary  = subject;
            form.wpTextbox1 += text;
            form.wpSave     = true;
            return true;
        this.editPage(title, null, change, finishedFunc);

    /** add text to a page at the start and calls the finishedFunc if sucessful */
    prependText: function(title, text, subject, finishedFunc) {
        function change(form) {
            form.wpSummary  = subject;
            form.wpTextbox1 = text + form.wpTextbox1;
            form.wpSave     = true;
            return true;
        this.editPage(title, null, change, finishedFunc);

    /** replace a regexp on a page and calls the finishedFunc if sucessful */
    replaceText: function(title, search, replace, subject, finishedFunc) {
        function change(form) {
            form.wpSummary  = subject;
            form.wpTextbox1 = form.wpTextbox1.replace(search, replace);
            form.wpSave     = true;
            return true;
        this.editPage(title, null, change, finishedFunc);

     * uses a function to replace a page's text and calls the finishedFunc if sucessful.
     * changeFunc is called with the page's text and returns the new text or null to abort
    changeText: function(title, changeFunc, subject, finishedFunc) {
        function change(form) {
            var newText = changeFunc(form.wpTextbox1);
            if (newText === null)    return false;
            form.wpTextbox1 = newText;
            form.wpSummary  = subject;
            form.wpSave     = true;
            return true;
        this.editPage(title, null, change, finishedFunc);

    /** append a new section to a page and calls the finishedFunc if sucessful */
    newSection: function(title, text, subject, finishedFunc) {
        function change(form) {
            form.wpSummary  = subject;
            form.wpTextbox1 = text;
            form.wpSave     = true;
            return true;
        this.editPage(title, "new", change, finishedFunc);

    /** arbitrary page editing, calls the finishedFunc if sucessful */
    editPage: function(title, section, formChangeFunc, finishedFunc) {
        var args    = {
            title:      title,
            action:     "edit",
            section:    section
        MiniAjax.get(wgScript, args, function(client) {
            if (client.status !== 200)   throw "expected status 200, got: " + client.status;

            // fetch form
// not needed anymore            var xml         = MiniAjax.parseXML(client.responseText);

            // does not work anymore with 1.19. Probably since the html is HTML5 now - replaced by next line
            //  "XML retrieved by invoking GET and POST methods on index.php is incompatible with HTML 5   You should update code to use api.php, JSON format and jQuery.ajax immediately." @https://www.mediawiki.org  See also:
            //  var editform    = xml.getElementById("editform");
            var editform    = $('#editform', client.responseText).get(0);

            if (!editform)  throw "form editform not found";

            // extract form
            var action      = editform.action;
            var formData    = {
                wpTextbox1:     editform.elements.value,
                wpSummary:      editform.elements.value,
// Die Checkbox wpMinoredit gibts bei newSection nicht mehr. Einfach ganz aus nun:               wpMinoredit:    editform.elements.checked,
                wpWatchthis:    editform.elements.checked,
                wpSection:      editform.elements.value,
                wpEdittime:     editform.elements.value,
                wpEditToken:    editform.elements.value,
                wpStarttime:    editform.elements.value,
                wpScrolltop:    editform.elements.value,
                wpAutoSummary:  editform.elements.value,
                wpSave:         false,
                wpPreview:      false,
                wpDiff:         false

            // change editform
            var save    = formChangeFunc(formData);
            if (!save)  return;

            // store editform
  , formData, function(client) {
                if (client.status !== 200)   throw "expected status 200, got: " + client.status;
                if (finishedFunc)   finishedFunc(client.responseText);

    //## email

    sendEmail: function(user, subject, body, ccSelf, doneFunc) {
        var args = {
            title:  "Special:EmailUser",
            target: user
        MiniAjax.get(wgScript, args, function(client) {
            if (client.status !== 200)   throw "expected status 200, got: " + client.status;

            // fetch form
// not needed anymore:            var xml     = MiniAjax.parseXML(client.responseText);

            // var form    = xml.getElementById("emailuser");   // see same error at same function above
            var form    =  $('form', client.responseText).get(0); //there is no id of this form anymore... try the first form on this page
            if (!form)  throw "form emailuser not found";
                        if ($('input',$('form', client.responseText)).length !== 1) { // checks that wpSubject is present in the form
                                    throw "wrong form emailuser found → not found";

            var formData    = {
                wpEditToken:    form.elements.value,
                wpSubject:      subject,
                wpTarget:       user,
                wpText:         body,
                wpCCMe:         ccSelf,

            // store editform
  , formData, function(client) {
                if (client.status !== 200)   throw "expected status 200, got: " + client.status;
                if (doneFunc)   doneFunc(client.responseText);

/** simple ajax helper */
MiniAjax = {
    /** GET from an URL, calls the okFunc if successful */
    get: function(url, params, okFunc) {
        var getURL  = url
                    + (url.indexOf("?") === -1 ? "?" : "&")
                    + this.urlEncode(params, false);
        var client  = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", getURL, true);
        client.onreadystatechange = function() {
            if (client.readyState !== 4) return;

    /** POST to an URL, calls the okFunc if successful */
    post: function(url, params, okFunc) {
        var postBody    = this.urlEncode(params, true);
        var client      = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", url, true);
        client.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
        client.onreadystatechange = function() {
            if (client.readyState !== 4) return;

    /** encodes a Map or Pair-Array into a query string, optionally for use with application/x-www-form-urlencoded  */
    urlEncode: function(params, form) {
             if (!params)                       params  = ;
        else if (params.constructor !== Array)   params  = this.mapToPairs(params);
        var encodeComponent = form ? this.encodeFormValue : encodeURIComponent;
        function encodePair(pair) { return"="); }

    /** encodes a single value for application/x-www-form-urlencoded */
    encodeFormValue: function(value) {
        return encodeURIComponent(value
                .replace(/\r\n|\n|\r/g, "\r\n"))
                .replace(/(^|)(%%)*%20/g, "$1$2+");

    /** convert a map into an Array for 2-element Arrays */
    mapToPairs: function(params) {
        var out = ;
        for (key in params) {
			if (!params.hasOwnProperty(key))	continue;
            var val = params;
            if (val === null)   continue;
            if (val === false)  continue;
            if (val === true)   val = "1";
            val = val.toString();
        return out;

    // probably a unused function (at least by "düp setzen")!  Works but is simply may be not used.
    /** parse XML and XHTML content */
    parseXML: function(text) {
//        alert("This should not really be a used function");
        var xml = new DOMParser().parseFromString(text, "text/xml");
        var doc = xml.documentElement;
        if (doc.tagName === "parserError")   throw "XML parser error: " + doc.textContent;
        return xml;